H ----- J".. j - i :'j.:,:J c i sfk. ;-..: - - " VOLXXlK.r. ft HENDERSONVILLE, fl. C. XI lUHSD AY OCTOBER, 21 , 1915 1.00 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE r CO NT A 1 S T HREE TI ES v MORE.HEHDSuSON -COUNTY: . NEWS: THAN ANY -OTHER PAPER i ot inuEy s nicif DiiRr Di. uuiiiu uitii mm ininrmni Anennn nn Biiioo OFFICERS' HAKIJTG IN VESTIGATI HISTORY AOT JPHREATS V Fire of unknown cfrigla . dteoyed the St. John !iotl: Sunday .; morning from 2:30 to 4 Knd threatened the surrounding ?fl&bi2nsS'r . The fire i4l?4iS't bate keen of incendiary clai Ctatfii Depy j t .".i. jr-" -f iflflcr Frank 4 r ire mpuia"w -v : Jordan and losaQr'" 'been investigating th ; . -v f The hotel wasctoaed to guests dux- ing the past weefiL. lVntalned only j two occupants and they had to ica ' t safety m lis greatest volume and to tne best The St John contained tS9 rooms. :auatmvwam needed inmany.direc lne u .i.:.vm(i. tions at the same time. The heat was vas four stories high witn pe&weoasn intense but the firemen braved the sit finish, all of which was reduced to . tuation Ith the result: that som of ashes within a remarkably'short time, them are' suffering with -blisters cans Mr Jordan and Chief Powers re-" d' by the heat Na' criticism of the Mr. joraan . - . ( firemen was heard-whatever on the turned Tuesday from South Carolina ,fitrefets for the opinion -prevailed that v.iere they went to interview a egw the test to which they were put was osirf tn have been in the employ of the a crucial one. ' - f. hcteL but they gathered no - evidence sufficient to warrant an arrest.' In vestigations continue. " - .. . i Court Hoffse oa Flrfs. - ", The small portions of wooden sur-i face of the court house were not able to stand the test of the heat and after blistering for some -time caught fire and the firemen haii to play a, stream CI waier on ii lor euiue jaixic anc damage to the court house "wis plight. Across Main street from -itolhotel about the same distance from the fire as was the court house, buildings, be gan to smoke and water , was pieces" sary to keep them from- blazing?; The plate glass fronts were crashed ab3 the greatest damage on that aide of the street was to the front of Shepherd's. undertaking establishment. . f" Concrete "Wall a Barxiac. About the same time that tlie feaar house was standing the test and; the buildings across Main street were siTiOking, Mrs. C. E. Wlbson'sesliaence required a stream of water 4n it and despite all could be done fire started in one of the rooms. One ol the chim neys of the hotel fell and crashed Jin a portion of Jlra. ,Wilson ppxeai. The heat about this time was making, the; buildings between the hotel 'and the Blue Ridge Inn smoke considerably and there was great fear, that th Blue Ridge would also htezc. $ui Che concrete wall of the Citizens National bonk building helped wonderfully in checking the "flames. " j. Capt. M. C. Toms, owner X that portion of the bank building.-that ad joined the hotel, says that' his' part ct the building suffered damages that will probably total $500. He said that the nine-inch re-inforeed con crete wall stood the test perfectly ex- ccpt it vras so hot that the thin coat-; mg of plastering on tne insitte DUster ej and fell off.- The wooden portion of the .building in the rear was biirn- ed and .the glass fell out. The Quali- ty Sliop merchandise was some extent but Mrs. Parker said she felt fortunate indeed that the damages ' v. ere so slight under the circum- stances. . v,-; The fear .was general that the;fire; would reach -the Blue Ridge inn "and it was "felt that if it did then the buildings near it across the street would burn. ' r . . nn cnnav morninir tTi laree num- ber of people whp had gathered dur- that just previous ito - tttarhe-saw 1 ing the fire retted in company with l largeJlight in the btel. -Jl fire tell others until the wwd far exceeded in. rang abontO. andjy .2:45 th oen size any of the church and Sunday ;,traj portion ot the '"8- school -congregates. - - The ;" Crow enveloped -infiaaes., iSf hardly broke during the whole- day .expressed at the.raply :for the. people never tiied, of . the.suh.i the ..flames : spread ; in the earliest 11 c rorlAim rTfltnila ctn efia of th firC. . ' . They enjoyed, especially . the Older , .oues. telling the story of the establish-; ment of the first hotel a She site -by a Mr. Mills in 1837 when ce town" Was , incorporated or organized: The two chimneys nearest to Main street weCeyAEheviiie Ut originally in that old building tnat vas erected : nearly a centsry. agci. loiter ike building was bought by Col onel Ripley and he-owned it for thirty or more years. ;After: that , it repeat-1 edly changed : hands.' ; About fifteen ears ago J. .E. Wilson, huilt the late structure, which represents an outlay of what is estimated to be In the neighborhood of $50,000, but, the pro perty in recent years has not brought that muchj the consideration the last time being "it is understood, ' $34,0007 The site on which the hotel stood, it is believed, would bring $20,000.' ; Water FeU J8 Inches. When the blaze was at its worst and all sections were in danger of break ing out of fear was expressed as to the v ater capacity. - The reservoir keeper didn't know of the fire until considerable water had been used but after, his attention. was atlracted the water went down eiglj" - OS OF EIKE TOUCH -BROKE OCT Al 'EjDr;Xriax2J)lNGS ; ASHEYItXE .-te Vl3StL.ef ftt tW "reservoir. Some thought that at oae--tijne the pressure yras tveak, but - the'trouble was occa- siDoaia Vby JlvZg tlaree, hose" r on one water line, which could not accommo-' I date but twa lines cf hose with suS- clent pressure. . : ' FIreraea Hllly Praised. 3 : N6ttlng hut prsisa has tfeen heanf ith reference to tieefSetency. -'.at Ihe Hendersonville firemen in their f- forts. - They were at to the supreme test. -It was a trying time for water Rumors Float While Hotel Burns. While the firemen " were , bravely fighting, their, effort being supple-iarv as so great that the cityJJiuthoT- , On "Thursday Judge E wart, rep re -. ' . '. .. 1 . ' ; j. .. ." renting Israel, who was then on' the ii Same of the St. John hotel fire sho JSSt&g rts- of the build been iumeJ in at Asbevllle the blaze &t he Lanren hoteL This picture Photoeranher ,G- F, Donnahoo. xoented tor 3iUDbers of willing citizens, tne ftames were lighting the skies so that the re could be seen from DSJ v - -v AsheviUe, the .Rople were dlscussing th.e pjigin of .the fire. -The .belief was general that it was the work pf incen- diarism. ; .Various rumors .bej:aii to fleat through the large crowds during the day. The itory went that five jnen were seen tp leave the hotel from the front in an Jiutompbile that rolled up o9( hvwir in the morning Another man - is reported as , sayanu - - The rumors .were so WJJ- soifr:arter. - tne are wJ;j control; officers 1 mattonVand State IF(ar: ance Commissioner Frank rdan 01 V U. G. Staton, . owner, of the. Blue Ridge-Inn; Afrs. Wilson, and Captain Toms; who owned, property across the street" in addition, to a portion of the bank building and Mrs. Parkerewner of the Quality Shop, are understood to have carried no insurance and they naturally didn't 'feel in high, spirits when the blaze' was in its most threat ening stAge. . V ' "' - ' - $25,000 Insurance. ; -. The hotel was closed, to guests dur ing the past week. . The owner is said tc have recently made an effort to in crease the insurance from ten or. fif teen thousand dollars to $30' 000. - A local agent is understood to. haye re fused further insurance and,, to have given . notice that if ; an aggregate in surance of: $30,000 was" placed by oth eis his "company would cancel ;$o,ooa on4 the building. Tb.Js js said to haye been cancelled. ,' . . ;; ? . : mm TER 2 O'CLOCK;,5 EROEr T CASETO 1: There,re e-ol wind- c reiit and heavy jainlste Saturday a', .rnooh had considerably iCssrpened tlciwboden structures6ssto -somewhat cbecithe'"1; flames; The re-lnlorcsd cphcrcte: wallsf of the Citizens Natron?.! . bank ' building; though they'mdioin! the BUr Jpha'-buildihgtand 4ecatae: Jnteaselyln 'onhectiOttuWlth AC Arthur Carter? hot;tdQd the test and the bank 'build-ww!cW f :an : -. ing apparently was Jittle damagel ex--, ceptr,the rear bf e tetoA roo occupied by the Quality Shcpi,- a ,mulivrai -t xoat -jut. iraKe .eam ttcr'y establishment, the stock of Whicir;J!rahk:l8rael who shared" Carter's cel Vas slightly damaged, by wMer;whica':Bsythaf he would "get. that $500 from Poured through the rear of the buiM !iig. where the windowsTsndf 'fioors-:'Tturn;-to Hendersonyllle and dp as he yrere on firev " - -'-' " -i-JC .'damned. please ' t-y r;7. ; '", ; - , .IB1; iwfuV :t4at asserUon-tlirew fet in the Are C?ir'At&i: ' At . one time when so mafty.-streami - of water were needed in, buTdirec- tions Nvhere bulldihga were smoTkitfg-', : i A .ii i ' from the intense heat, It lookej as i the entire. block would, he burned and that the flames .would spread S across Main street," across. Second ay ?4uo ! and to Mrs. Wilson's residence, ahd the.' ! - A " 4 ' .ft.' - .1. :L. . . . - It -Tr 4 ? wing corner on Main street and 2nd ing had fallen. After the alarm had as observed from 'the ;natch tower and several others were produced by ities communicated with the Ashevillo fire department, which arranged to send a special train of fir fiehtur with thpir annarsmo Kf -Ziut " appeared on the ecene the Ate wa Poetically under control? Despice this fact Cleven men, mostly reprS- ing the Asheville V-fire deha?toent'-s:suchv!f camp nv.r o n Qu,rl l-.' " ui,suAVLf lirc n. 1111 u motorcycle and assisted the Hender sdnville firemen. . . The fire fs; believed to be the' biggest' in .the. history of Hendersonville. It Was mating a' brlgnt ; glare' oroi the city - when first disco verexl and the central part " of the bigl structure, Eeys may . do. They tried to . get nim which had a frontage of 150 feet.ou off by -changing the recordsretc. but both,' Main street and Second avenue, Judge Harding wouldn't- order any had Xallen Jn before the fire depart- changes: There was 'quite a noise in ment &rxi$d. The building was a ! court about it Saturday and Solicitor wooden , structure-except for the out- Schenck ; stubbornly opposed any side surface, :;whlch was pebble dash, changes that would release Israel from It did little gppd to, play.water. Jim the. road duty. The ofilcers have been main blaze and" the firemen were busy ;' chasing Israel for a long time in con trying to safe' xveaxby building3,Vthere-1 nection with liquor troubles and about fore within an hour's time the fire had a year ago he was convicted nd fined done its greatest work and i the huge 300 and required . to furnish a $1,000 chimneys were falling along with coi- oiid- to guarantee good behavior. . By larsing walls. One chimney Vcrashei entering pleas of guilty at the last term in on the porch of Mrs. Wilson's house'of court his bond was automatically :r :--v- C Prisoner Escapes. ' "c---vV-rj"torfeited'1rat.jitnce--Israel submitted ; About : the time the court house and- the . efid . sought had 'been gained, caught dri fire? the jail which' also was 'Solicitor Schenck agreed to relieve the opposite: the- hotel, appeared to be in bondsmen,' but he.declared Saturday if danger and in.urder. to avert a iianic . tne matteT had to be re-bpened4hen he' among the , prisoners Sheriff .-'Drake would re-open the bond matter and" re gathered them into the hallway which I luire: th-e payment of the $1,000. :The went dark when S the Henderspnyille : alk of paying $1,000 sounded none the Lightand Power company cut off tho ;bes and the fury of the storm subsid- HEHts - of . the CltV bV reason of thn ; many falling wires.. - When the lights went but, Pavid Cannth, who had been ccnyicted of larceny at the past week of court, also went out, and he kept on ' going.. The isheriff's force caught the prisoner Sunday afternoon near Sam -1 da. " The heat then became so intense at the jail that the sheriff marched; his prisoners to the rear of the jail , and ;; -(Continued on Jast Page.) -S. if iioMHi lifiiiiiFfiiono siiomv ' , ji . i i ii i i i ci . i i i i a i Attorneys Vainly Plead-Tor Change in TEecords as io' Afford Belief PenuM v. ing Appeal; rAsk for Thorough In vestiitlon of Carter's Escape From Cell llYhlch Israclrjlherlff. Driie SUcka to Original Statiaent; Also -Want Shactleg'lRembved. V7ho got that $500 Sheriff Drake said rank Israel wasr: heard to talk. about f w--w'ji, cm tu carter, buy his way off, the chain gang, th.fliy water. No eir.t he didn't say that the newspaper lied abqut it J He relies on ' ?-akf. W m and he stands firmly ihyr it despite Jthe sharp rfcpiieshe is saM to have received from v.riotrs 'sources, : including one from Israel's attorney : right . out in open court - ; V-4; " : x Vehement Denial From IsraeLl ' chaingang, having pleaded guilty to j illicit whiskey -operations as well as '-r tfcJng found guilty by a jury, asked the t court to make an- investigation of tho j natter, and a -very : searching and I thorough-going bhe he wanted. Judge J W: Pollarding told Judge Ewart that I he would hear him later in. regard to 1 the matter, : and on.V Saturday, Judge .Ewart;. was given a hearing. Judge Ewart 'was very r emphatic about the A mattery -He jerked tip his coat sleeves about; to his elbows, and . on behalf of i Fiank Israel - and - his -wife "positively, emphatically "and: vehemently 4enie 5-f8 partJ ei5nf r Tr -SiSrtaWtaentB froni SVanMarael :ntlbr pf.,ahasesand who sawed put -any uch Wmw!. .ptlhe-HeMe'rsdirconhtv iail. recentl v Cv Israel Doesnt Like Shac 1 -4 He credited ;C&rte'withliiaDieJ put; xae assistance or.; -israei,, fteciarwwf that the -former was:"plie tjf-:the-most notoriou s . - characters- that; had evi: lighted inVthese pattsJJe aaid ;;that his client habeen- peVsecuted. tortur ed and" chained to the earth and greaU ly handicapped in, hia road service Tor the county by; havihi ,wear chams,: which :he:wahtodtakenbff.The Judge wanted T a -'thordugh--1 Investigation of these matters. .'.'. Judge' Harding said that he was not hicliijed to bother with the chaingang afCairs;and; in reply ; to some - bf Judge' Ed wart's .remaiks stated :Hhathe vhad not ordered the chaingang overseer to place chains on Israel but toldhim that it was his duty w De rim ana p lt e Schenck in this, matter. . Judge Ewart having said that somebody had made himself or themselves mighty busy in having the chaingang overseer to come in and take a lecture as to keeping chains on. Israel, who, he said, had "rc".uc"t'rY 5 r"" . be en denied" a "cnain" - bond. Judge Harding didn't oraer any investigation Carter from tne, Jail b sZ ns 1 f bars-' J intimte? L Ft jlirl afb en ??' wouId naIe J b done at the next term of court. Sheriff Drake says he would welcome an in vestigation. v. r . Israel Wants Off Roads. The odds are against Frank Israei and it seems as though he Will have to build good roads, despite all his attor- cu tsuuicniiat. Did Lawyers Slip-Up -abnears that there .was a bsd It "clip-up" in Israel's case. He! was found guilty on Saturday, Oct. 10. ' Ho Bhared Carter's cell from Saturday un til Monday and on Sunday night Carter escaped. - On Monday Israel , was sen tenced tb the , roads for ; four, months. He entered pleas of guilty in two other cases and some witnesses were intro duced to sbowr something about Ieraels" REYfc E. AMSt MEMBER-PF W?1 TO'M riETiifGS WniCH.CWILL1 . LAST ' FOB- r?v:i TBREE:;TOEKSrIsEAsdx oe cSPiRrnrij pbefaba: - l: T1MJT JSOW ON IN is 1 - -' 7-"TX i aUeged'operationvand one, said that! he had -bought liquor; from him since the Wea fjgood V behavior 4 bond.wa i U?ade. j His attorneys appealed from a t i aanf amim . it ov"wu wi wur.iuuning m uie case in which he was tried. . They wanted the supreme coUrtiT io setflethmatter. Then Judge Harding suspended Judg- cent in one? ft the-other cases ana te;.hlut::rarrba8CTtencer6rht months in!thej)ther-me.hada)leadedlville with fKoVT .1 t" A8af guilty.'so .there;' was ' nothine- from Which the attorneys- could well anDeil Israel went to- the roads; ajid took the medicine - and; the .attorneys said -nothing- from Monday until Saturday when they wanted the court torcnange ihe records and give Israel the aggregate sentence of 12 months in ; the appeal case so - they could appeal and take Israel : off ;thes roadsr or allow him - to strike r out, the pleas of i guilty in the istrikeoutr the' pleas' xf guilty in the strenuously i f ought v any such move rnnts : thatrwpuld Xtake .Israel off the roads and - J,udgeHarding was with him o Frank - keeps on . working, but Road Supervisor P. F. Patton says" the chains ot.. shackles will be. removed If Frank will make a ?ljQ0Q, bond ganst escape., r' . , '. ' ' " '- -; , '' V . The seventy-two pints of liauor found in; Israel's -possession was cou- demand and donated to ' the hospital. Twenty-one gallons from other sources were also condemned for; the. sama purpose. TELEGRAM BEARESG : CARTER'S ' NAME RECEIVED FROM X. Y. C. Advises Attorney Wiir Pay Him Later . arid Regrets Speedy, Sudden and Unceremonious Bfirtm 'thur "Carter; the man' wanted, in Pt the 0Jytf h heldr ithout;king:t goppye;tias been ... neard'.'iromT . f:eIegp3rg"..to' be signed b: Carter aisn been: recetvedxh jt Carter's attorney re qustiriihimZtp look after his, inter ests," assuring' him that payvwill; be coming" later and; expressing bis; keen regrets for such -a, "sudden, unfriendly and unceremoniousideparturefrom J ' :DeputySheriffAllard Case covered toe .distance from .tienaersonviiie -to, coni;Ga.,;ln-arf automobile, eliev- ing that he was on . Carter's trail;- He Bible, readings had;nothing ip give t 4In connection j with the story of, ,Crvltist church -: - tor's escape in last week's Democrat It was stated that the -Philadelphia offir said that he; had. offered his services watch tne jail. Sheriff Drake requests the Democrat to state, this was true but that hisse.rvices were offered for. Fri day night, and not Sunday night," when Carter made his get-a-way. ' .;. EAST FLAT ROCK JfEWS. We: are. glad to see Lloyd .Goodman at school again after an absence of about two weeks.on account of illness , Mr. R. K. Harri3 of Forest City has been visiting his daughter,, Mrs. L. E. Fisher; . - r Mrs. J.". Goodman entertained very delightfully in honor ; )fi Misses Cald well ; and Miller, two -of bur teachers. Mrs, Goodman., also entertained the Philathe(a,-Baraca . clases of Hender sonville last .Friday night About 30 people making the trip in automobiles enjoyed Mrs Goodman's hospitality. . . Mr. and Mrs. ' W. A- Farr and son, Lloyd of Asheville are visiting friends herein their old home town. . .. " ' : Mr. J. F. Goodman spent : one day last .week -in Tryon ; and Columbus, making the trip in his Overland.' v; Miss Leila Ray jof Woodruff, S. C 1 spent: the week-end with Miss -Caldwell at Mrs.' J. F.-Goodman. : . Biss. Belle Cprriher of .Henderson ville spent Saturday and Sunday with . ' --'r?ff-- tt'Sj Vn i t- r' vT" : ; - - ". ' 1 7 fife d '01' L ' For a few seconds the court &bn:TVs': ablaze rdnrfn'sr' the hotel fire. f ' CJIAPJIAJf - AXEXAJfDER PARTY IN HENDEES0NYIL1E. ' Preparations are-" In the making for the' Chapman-AIexaifde to . Hendersontme, heginning . wober 24 The program has been' j - ' wu"vur as will be seen-belnW V ; ' Revc Xt Evarta v - ' Ch'man - ' a'??m.of the aan-Alexander 'revivaUsts, who Pened a meeting Sunday at a big tab ernaclfr bUili for the ' I,.' ttC aer were at the will conduct the meetings.' - - . In order that spiritual nrVnarofi ; raayhe made r the big 's5b i " 77 "voll"fi3 are oeing held-this : week at , the churches' of. Hpn - The first was'.held at the 'Presbyte-" - - iu,cn oi tne city Tuesday;night - " -another at he Methodist"' church on -. ' Wednesday night. It.wiir.be held at' " -the East Baptist Thursday night and at ' the. First-Baptist onriday night. ' ' : Thoser.who -have v arranged for . the U ; revival feel proudf.the opportunity;;;' T an able man to take 5 v charge and the, churches will make a uniedeffort tb make the meeting the : : n.ost successful ever held in Hender-sonville.-,;. It is ; understood that Dr. I Chapman and Mr.i Alexander will visit; i i Hendersonville d urine flio maafln " V . - -1 " enaersonville during the meeting ; ,The program follows: beginning Sunday October 24tn. ReV. C- LEVarffl Will r.rnn,1, ; and night at the First Baptist church -and! in the. afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Methodist church. - During this week " afternoon U oclock; services will alternate between the v Methodist - rA ,-,piiMWj- . Churches f ; On Fridav , 4 -ai.-r-iuetJBOdlst church. t 4 -M. .Presbyterian nhHrrh 1 :30 P, MlFIrst Baptist; cnurchy- .5undayj October 31st. - Rev. C. I. Evarts will preach at 11. a. m., in the Methodist church;; P. : M.-Meeting for men only First Baptist, church. - .; T:30 P. M-First Baptist church. . . Afternoon; (4 o'clock) services this week?;' v ; .xuesaajr-Metnodist . church Bible readings. ; v wednefidar--PrefihvtPria Fridav T1 A m : raan dren and -young people-First Ban5 ' church. p - ; - m "ap, ; 7 Sunday - November 7th,. Rev. a lu Evarts will preach 11 a. m. atvthe Presbyterian church. 4 t. M-First Baptist church, Sub- -ject: ? Worldly Amusements." - 7:30 P, M.First Baptist church. During this week afternoon rpi-vW. J will alternate between ' the rotTir 'and Presbyterian churches ah ni t night services will be held at thp Fir Baptist church. T ... . - . , An who will sing in the chorus choiii please notify Dr. A. H. Morey, chairman 'Music Committee, and be present 30 minutes before the 7:30 p 'T m services Sunday October-24Ui " .Officers Revival Committee " Rev. K. w,- Cawthon.- Chairman -F. E. Durfee, Sec'y and Treasurer. Chairman of Committees. : TJshersT-T. L. Durham. . ' Muslc-Dr. A. H. Morey. " Publicity VanceNorwood. -s Prayer Meetings Rev. W. F. Womi -"- Bie. . - ; - - Miss Miller at Mrs." J. F. Goodmr zMiss Katharine Goodman, who- ii attending the Normal in AshevIUcvis at home for a few days. r Miss Sarah Caldwell visited in Hen' dersonville last week-end. ' .

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