'r - 1 i. Tim : l 7 i : One Cent aWor d&f TJIE BRInDQN A first class board- Ing bouse three doors from the Tab- '' ernacle, will entertain visitors dur : ing the Chapman-Alexander meet ings. Mrs. W. P.' Croom Props., Asheville, N. C. r- H 10-21-ltc FOB SALE CHEAP Two horses, 1 cow, sow and shbat Owner leav- Ing. 3. H. Kimzey, Mills River.' '," '. 0 -V . 10-7-2tp FOB SALE A lot of bottles suitable . for molasses. Hunter's Pharmacy. ; " " - ; " l0-7-3tc IflCELY FUBKISHED BOOMS FOB " Rent for the winter. Apply to Mrs. ; Vance Norwood,; 10 South Washing? v ton street, 'rrv'r- "tWL6-tfa FOR SALETwenty head' of shioats. ; weigh, 40 to 60 pounds. $4.00 and $5.00 each. Address r E. j. Dalton.' Etowah, N. G. 10-21-3tp HKS. J. W; WILLIAMS offers to 'rent her house "Killarnejl," all or part, with grounds and ; out houses :or "without. ;. Furnished; or unfurnished to reliable person for term of six months. See -her at the DeShieids house N. Main street 10-21-ltc FOB - SALE Foot Choice bore pigs from litter of nine pure bred Hamp shire of finest breed, pedigree fur nished. Also six room" bungalow with modern convenience for sale or rent, one block from car line, two blocks from end of Fifth avenue T pavement. Address Burnett B. Car ter, City. 10-21-tfc FOB SALE Three calTes and a num ber of shoates. C. H. T. Bly, Hay wood road. 10-7-tfc Why Do you know that we can issue you a LIABILITY POLICY .that will pay all damages that yon may have in case of accident in run .ing your automobile? Sap pose you run, into .7. another car or other conveyance, or run ovr someone ami have a heavy . damage suit entered against 'you, -wo ojdnt . it be a great satisfactionto have some adequate protection against judgment:that"inay be xgotten 'and assessed .against jrou. It does not costmuch to get mil Jthis; burden" taken over by a good -tetrong reliable Indemnity Jtn pany -And WECAN DO .lf. ;p0R YOU RIGHT. V ' Inaufance Underwriters ;Mti51t VfcfoiSg Imptrfd'SHot -AkoMSftioa The Tour designs pi CorhTghl : Metal Shingles : as shown above are '" made in any oJ tHe' following ways? ' V --A'-): - 1 . Stamped from Hn-plateand pamted JRed. 2. Stamped from Tm-pUte and painted Green. ' 3. Stamped -from Tin-pkte and Galvanized by a hand-dipping process. , 4. Stamped from special dghweoated Galvanked Sheets. . ; Ela and every genuine Cortright Metal Shingle is embossed with this . Trade-mark, 1 Cprtright Reg. U. S. Pat! Off" . ; " : : ; a" . For Sale by . . ' Jrmers Hard ware & Supply Co. Hendersonville, N. C.- w I Hyacinths F N ! - arcissus . 5 .i. A 1 Axal Grow them in or rout iqiF dpqrsll arid select before all are sold. "-';:ivHiectricLtieXoras'-,''' dz:.:oc?A7 has t . . ; !!?'!' T7v-A-:N: T -M'YOne Cent a Word j uuiiJi. YAJTJSjU--iJy young wnite ;: man of -good moral habits. - Will -accept " work at . anything that is " honorable. Knows, all about auto - mobiles, the care and upkeep of the -' garner Address N.,- box 611' Hender r.soriville, N. C. -. . ' 10-7-2tc F0B SALE-r-Two new Twentieth Cen- tnry "furnaces. Will 7 sell ". at & baf ; gain. Apply "C. care Democrat. - ."'' . . ,10-7-3tp " FOB 'BENT Six room flat steam heat, hot and cold water, basement -room. Also two office rooms. See Dr. Morey in Morey building." 10-14-tfc FOE BEfTTwo ; Booms for : Light ' house --. keeping. :12 6 Buncombe :.- street" 9-30-3tc FOB SALE Elegant hall .storckj Origi nal priced $30. Present ;sprice $20. Call at , Statoxi Hardware Com pany. : -r i ; "9-3o-3tc f FOB SALE-Two typewriters; one for $20, other for-$10. rNoahM. Hollo- FOB GOOD DBT STOTE ;Tf odd. Phone 305. r - , ; 10-21-4tc- . FOB STOYE WOOIV BEST CONDI- mCELY FURNISHED BOOMS, HOT and cold water, bath, for ; rent ; at reasonable rates. Apply at No. 10 Washington St -9-9-trc FOB SALE Fifty acres of land In three fourths of a mile of L. L. John son's. For sale at a bargain. Come and see me. L. L. Johnson. - -16-6tc .-r i j ocus .ii is W1WS1S . cr . . . -. - - - - r Home demonetisation, work Cirls- Are- Canning" Their way to an - . ''r Education. - ' ' ''' Reports are comjng in of. the girla who have helped", to : keepJ themselves at school this ' year.' with the profits made from the summer's work in can- ning and preserving. ; ..v ; - v Miss Jessie Maske; of Anson county, Is at Meredith because of ber success hi canning. Miss; Leah Kendall hasbeeii given a ' scholarship V to Littleton for helping : with : the canning;' there this fall. Misses Ruth and . Virginia ; Jones and Annie Bell Smith are at Albemarle IndustrialSchool by the help ; of their canned products.: In Wake County, Miss Esther Shear on and Miss Rennle Caudle, through the . same means, are maintaining themselves at peace. Dr.; .Ramsey, " of Peace Institute has been so much in terested in these Canning Club girls that he -has offered' a pcholarsHip, giv- ine not only the regular" course but any . exira: wmcn- me - wmueray choose. Miss May .Shearon -and Miss Grace Baits are equally fortunate in arr rangmg to go to the State Normal Col lege at Greensboro :- - - v 4 7" : In Frankjin ' County MIssei :M6nnie and Mary Stallings filled 1,000; tin cans each and are using; the promts for tui tion at college.; " : ;:? Miss Annie Garris. ot Northampton, has taken, her pToducta. to.Murfrees boro in exchange for her tuition.: "vi' In many other, counties similar jc , counts of girls at scbpoF are sent and' we hope to be. able to report,, when all returns are in, . a large"; njamber v of North Carolina girls receiving an -edu cation, through.,, theirs ownIeffortsVat! canning and preserving' and their busi ness ability in marketing what they have produced.- - ; VJjV r MUST BE REPORTED. ; 1 i State Board of Health Employs. Prose - cuting -Agent. - ' -.: -. The Bureau ofcVital Statistics t)f the I State . Board of Health, closed a con tract today with Mr. J. A. Mclntyre, of Mount Olive, wherein the latter be comes - prosecuting agent for - the :Vitaf Statistics, Bureau in North Carolina: Mr; Mclntyre is x-depiity Sheriff of. Wayne County, a f ormer local rregls trar, and a young man fully equipped for this particular work. He starts on his first trip Monday October 4, to-visit those counties where incomplete regis tration is suspected. His itinerary will be arranged altogether by the Bu reau of Vital Statistics in accordance with those counties reporting low death rates, that is to say, those coun ties that rest under suspicion of in complete registration. Mr. - Mclntyre will travel by motor cycle, which will enable him not only td bold down trav eling expenses; but to reach the remote districts !of this State. - '-The State Board of Health is deter mined to enforce the Stale registration law, declared the Secretary of the State Board today. Mr. Mclntyre's continuance In office will be based tn his ability to find infringements of this law and to pecure convictions.. In ad dition to knowing where people are dying - and the relative importance - of the various causes, of their deaths, the Board proposes to secure good stand ing witirtheUnltea "States Bureau of the ' Census and to be aamiuea as a registration state. To this end the Bureau will employ county -and district, agents in addition to the State agent, to find and prosecute , violators of the Vital Statistics law. ETOWAH BOX SUPPER. A box supper will be given - at Eto wah school bfeuse- Saturday evening, October .23, JL915 from , 7 to 10. The public invited to attend. The pro ceeds will be used for the -benefit of the school. BEAR WAIiLOW. Mr J" and Mrs.; J, R. Oates and daugh ter, Miss Frances, of Asheville, passed through this section , the .past week.' Miss S. E.- Wells of Charleston is still here. . ' ..- -. - Mr. Berkley Pryor, and family of Cljffside are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wi F Pryor. - , Mr. B. F. Huntley 'of Fair View vis ited at Mr Writ, Connor's Sunday; , Mr.. Thomas Long, Mr. Ed. Shuford and Mr. Thomas" Shuford of Fair View drove over the new -road Sunday.- " Mrs. Barnhart of Concord was a re cent, visitor here - . . -; Mr.xDonald of Asheville passed through here, on his return from Ral. eigh, recently. Mr. .TheroiT Connor spent 4ast Sun day with his sister, Mrs. Bessie Bish op, in the. Fair View' section.' . Musical Note. . r - Hokus Old Gk)trox. Is - devoted to music. There Is 'a clause In his will, leaving $25,000 to establish:a' borne for, poor singers. Pokus -How inadequate. Twenty-flve millions wonldn't' begin' to house fill - hepooringerBw-r-Llf e. STRONG PLEA IX BEHALF OF:THE CARNEGIE LIBRARY. Editor, Democrat.- ; - : Dear Sir: : It was with .surprise, that I read in your current issue that the town commissioners were ' thinking o f closing, or curtailing the ifacilltlesTDf the" Carnegie library. 'They - can scarcely .realize, what a verjl valuable asset It Is .t -the town. ' if they did; they "would Te anxious .rather to ex tend, tha cairtail-It's scdpeT.' ci;-;-t :U Pronjl;edtttaUoaal.,atandnoint nL believe thata Jibrary..is indispensable to every town; f orthe ?llbrary "should supplementiJne: iork' .pf.'tke Schools. A student who can not have access to a -good library, is ".apt to become, a narrow-minded 'andtintolerantcitlzen; - The Carnegie library seems to have done excellent work- in f its.sbort x(sU ance both for the'suinmer visitors,' as weil . as for jts - regular : devotees. I can vouch for the yery great assist ance one can. obtain from ; both its reference department and' Its lending department. . - i I think it would be a sad reflection on the .towhofHendersonvllle to .let such- a. valrtfthlft instltntinn". loAco I - -Tours truly, '-V- Jl - J-' v.-; :rT , . M. COFFEY. ; " " ..ll-- it T fiHIPIIAN EETUBNS FE01I GBAKDVLODGE AT S. FBACLSCO. Eetarns : Via' TTastlnstoa oii Depart-i i-M menml Business ? Apprecuuoa - : (Raleigh News and " Observer.; - ; - - Mr. M.1L.. Shipman,: the cpmmissioii er M labor and printing-returjaedjyes-tefday J:af ternoon from the; Pacific, ccast where he ;went to: attend : the Sovereign Grand Lodge Independent Order ; of tOdd : Fellows i in - Sari - Fran cisco as one of the representatives for the North Carolina -rand lodge. : He also represented the State in, the Na tional Association of Industrial Acci dents and Boards in SeattlWashingr ton.I - - On is t return; r Mr Shipman spent a- couple of days in -Washington D. a, -studying the: methods employed Ly the Bureau of Foreign and; Domes tic Commerce i in '-. Ihe extension of trade relations with foreign countries. - particularly. LaUn America,, which of fers the .most " inviting field" while the European war ; continues c,:to .rage: Commissioner Shipman - plans to se cures the establishment of a; brauch of the '' National t bureau in the State La bor Department and feels encbur Aged with the prospects of being able to comply with the" requirements in cident to putting' cooperative branches in operation. ' ' ;: The Commissioned thinks the1 Pan-' Ametican Exposition in; San Francis co is ; immense, -. Wbile not - dissimilar In." many respects fromt other exhibi tions of like character it Is builded -on a aucn larger scaie ana nas oeen- tronlzed ,to a gratifying extent. 'The 4astobUgatioagainst 4he-nana2e- ment was -met weeks ago and the stockholders figure -on . a - handsome dividend when the gates close ' at the end of the twelfth , month Ince-Presi-deut f Wilson, pressed the button that started the ; wheels in motion. -" 'The San Diego Exposition is also:, a very creditable one, says Mr, Shipman, and thef people of Southern California have Exhibited r wonderful skill and enter prise in ' presenting the ' varied re sources of that favored section .in one of the prettiest exhibitionsr.the eoUn try .has witnessed in va great .many years. ; " v -: : .' .;. v. .- 1 was surprised to find so many people form the South in various sec tions of the west'and northwest," said Commissioner '-Shipman last night. "Many of them went out there years ago and have done well. ' Others have accumulated very little and would really like to get back home .While it is a great country in some respects and I greatly enjoyed the trip, it has doubly , increased my appreciation -of North Carolina. ; Of the eighteen States through which I passed not one of thetn is, to my mind, in a class with' ours. A man of means can find splendid openings out there; but the average farmer and business man in this State, or elsewhere in the South, had better: let well enough alone by contenting himself to remain-in good old Dixie land.- Our climate, our soil. our "scenery our resources, and, above all, our people appeal strongly to any patriotic Tar Heel who lias, wandered Ten for a -short time. It is -the 'Old North State forever' with, me." ' i . ' 'i '" - ---.i-, ' - ' : sg 5& V HORSE SHOE CURVES- ' & H r'rMr; and" Mrs.- Waddell of Asheville spent last week with Mrs. Corrie Johnson; i"; '. ' : - -. --y Miss , Lexine .Davenport of. Brevard institute spent the fweek end here with her parents. - ? Mr. F. C. Snyder and family are vis iting relatives in Jackson icounty. ' " Mr. Robert Lockaby. of Pisgah For est, is filling Mr. Snyder's place as de pot agent during bis absence. - f ; Mrs. Stone of Asheville made an in teresting talk at the Methodist church last ' Wednesday on ladies. . missionary work. A society was organized at this church with Mrs. J. O.- Johnson as president. . --Mr.'Thos. Duncan of Asheville spent last: week here. .. ..::Mrs.Betts j.of Asheville is the tguest pi : Mrs. D. N. Davenport.; 1 ' Miss ; Lexine'; "Davenport won the piano fn -the Asheville :Gazette-News j contest. v.' v ' ' " ; . - . Taking Stapt. Patience--Can,t Peggy dance? Patrice Well, she's taking 'steps -to learn. q .Yonkers Statesman. r FEEL WELL, THANK YOU. Ideas Concerning Health Rapidly v.r , .r Changing.. - ' I - don't believe in telling a lle not eveji a white lie, as a usual thing" said a good natured man the other day, 'ut when you can make a man take a new lease on life .by telling him he young when he's begin ning to feel old and diseased; and by telling a fellow he'lKyet make gool when lie's down and out., and hv toil. ing yourself that, you have not an ache 4ior a pain and that ybu are as "youthful ana,neaitnrui as you ever were then, if ever," said he "'a white lie seems justifiable. , . i : .. , "The principle, you see, is this." he continued.- "It - encourages;, it makes ii s think differently and act-iiff erentyl for after allt we are ,ohJy wJiat re think' we ae. 'Thank goodness we!ye gotten away from that old habit of saying, weTre poorly, thank: tne! Lord, and,, we!b -only : cjommori, .'on being asked - as:" to our good healthy I've known people to find reaf bleasure In I r ecounting iitfier per sonal" ailments or ,tnpsesoithefamllyf5asif. they-were a many amly,virtues; :j "Thanks" , to tho new ' s health mo v menithat.haa put a .newsdng into the mouth, and perhaps a hew feeling in the body. Now it is not only bad taste .to lalk of your pains Tand ailments but it reflects on your Integrit7; your say i nothing of ; personal. hygiene not knowledge of health and sanitation, tc to keep well and' fit and enjoy, good health. ,5 ' : 'i v. :"We are not far from the tlme,w said he,- "when disease will be considered a disgrace and the cause of illness - will have-! to be personally, accounted-for In other-words.- God is no longer going to be j)ianied for sickness when it, is slmpljr the result of our ignorance,, in difference: or wrong way of living."- Al- DISTRICT. .u.,,l.......p- Mw.isr,jMjif" ' -TWUAjlnXX JW NOTICE, i -:f: 1 State of Nqrth-Carolina-, ; ' ir.: ': County of-Henderson; - .' In v the Superior Court. -' .; -Nannie f J. Mytchell, . r ; ; ' ' v1-'-"f x-' '.. 1- John' W.-Mytchell. -- - -' To John W. Mytchellr defendant: V- ' ,Take: notice that:'on the 30th daj jof October 1915 at 3 o'clock p." m. ana thereofter in the ; law "offices - of Webb & .Mull In the . city of Shelby, county of Cleveland, and state of North! Cai-, olina before J. F. 'L(edford, Notary Public the depositions, of Mrs.-Mary Waitte Robinson and Miss Mary - ivi. Robinson -will be taken, to-be 'read as evidence for the plaintiff in the above entitled action, whichT, is now pending j in the Superior, court of Henderson j County,- State of . North Carolina; and you , will further : take notice, that if the taking of the- said depositions . Is not begun and. completed on the said day, same wijl be continue J from, day to - day until completed. - --;--Tlii8.;tlie'ixid--aay''of Oct. 1915. " ' z-&j: f. -justice, ; : ' and MICHAEL SCHENCK," l6-7-4tc ; Attorney for :the Plaintiff ." MORTGAGE SALE NOTICE. By virtue of the power of sale 'con tained' in a certain mortgage executed by B. S. Smith and wife, Alice Smith, on the 29th day of December,:i1913, and recorded in ; Book No.; 38. at pake 89 of the Records, for Mortgages; of Hender- ; ; t ;iau Aiiij. - r z c 1 y : v. vi -.- ' - - - - - . . . ' IB - ' . . . - pa-faiK indebtedness . therein : mentioned, bnd iiofAnlt tiT(Ti n- mAMn thA Vment t both fntftrfist nrinclnal when the same became duei and: in pursuafioe of said power of salue con tained in" said -mortgage, I willisell-to1 the ..highest . bidder, for "cash, at- the court ;bouseldoorj in- the city rot. Hen dersonville on": Saturday the '23rd . day of October, 1915, all the following fde scrlbd lands and .premises; to-wiU: Lying on -the -waters of Shawscreek adjoining the lands, of ; P. M. McCul lough and others and bounded as fol lows : - f Beginnings on . a . stone on -the South side of Shaws Creek road and on the vwest side of , the "read Pleading to ; the railroad and runs North 64 de grees vv. z i-z poles witn bnaws ureea road to a atake; - thence N. 55 degrees W, 13 poles to a stake; thence N. 50, degrees W. 5 1-2 poles to a. stone on the South side of the road; thence N 30 degrees' East with McCullbugh's lin. 31 3-4 poles -to a stone, his corner ; thence South 64 degrees East still with McCullongh's line 40 poles and 3 feet to a stone; thence South -26 degrees West with the South margin of a street 34 poles and 4 feet to a stone on the. South side of Shaws Creek road; thence with the South side of said road N. 65 degrees W. 2 poles and 6 feet to the beginning, being the land upon upon which Jos. .McCrary built a resi dence to ra home and which said land was purchased - by the parties of- th first part under a foreclosure sale on the 2nd day of December 1912. t This the 21st day of September, 1915V E. W. EWBANK, Mortgagee. I No, 10,734 : ' " v- , TREASURY DEPAETHEKT. 1 ; . '-. Office of Comptroller o the Currency;. - & WachingtonvD. (X May-4 1915 -Whereas byMttiitfactbry .-evidence: presented to the undersigned it has been made to appearitha't ' the' Citlzeni National bank of -Hendersonvlle : lp ilje' city of " Hendersonville in the county of " Henderson' and ;atate o North' Carolina1' has complled- with all the provisions of the statutes of thi United-States required to be'-complicd with before -an-association shall be authorized to commence the business of ? booking; now therefore, I, Johii Skelton Williams, Comptroller of the Currency," do' hereby certify that th Citizens National bank of .Henderson villeVin the city of Hendersonville, 'a the county of - Hendersontae of North Carolina Is authorized as pio yided In section fifty one hundred and sixty nine of the revised I statutes uf the United States. V ; ;: In . testimony -whereof witness my hand and -seal of J office, this the 4ih day of Siay, 1915. . i : " - r .v 'JOHN SKELTON WILLIAMS, - -Comptroller of the Currency. ; - Seal of v ' ' :-: Comptroller, of the Cuirehcyv . ; . , . NOTICE -OF SUMMONS. North Carolina Henderson County. In the Superior Court, ' ;sr- ' v October Term, 1915..; ' : ' Louise Whitaker Savage, Plaintiff. Jlf-'TB,: , -:;; . . JHarry -R Savage, Defendant. , The defendant : above njamed will take notice ; that an action : entitled as above has beencommenced in the Su perior Court of "Henderson County, m which the plaintiff asks an absolute, divorce - from the defendant on the ground of fornication a?id adultery committed since his marriage to the plaintiff; and the jsaid jifndant rvill take notice that he Is required to ap pear at thenext term of the Superior court of Henderson, county ,to be held on vthe JFourth Monday. After" the first Monday in " September (October . 4th)i 1915, at the Court house of eaid county in Hendersonyille North' - Carolinai and;anaw.erx jor, jdemur, to .tbe complaint irisaid:actionorthe plaintiff will ap-r pl lo the'eourt fox. Hef demanded in the' complalnC . This'Septnbv 7th, 1915. - : - - - C M. PACE, C. S. C. . : of Henderson' County,; N." C. After Octobetl, 1915, 1 will be locatedopaxwllv&st Gro-" eery iin: tie riwHolme building on Mainrstreet. :$s " .c W. m VANDBR UNPEN, ! dires Prompt and Positire.ReliefJn ErejEyn 1 .Case. Sold by Dru prists. Price IJXOu v.,. i , - j?.; -Trial Package1 by Mail 10e V ..The.. DeSHIELDS HOUSE Udsr Hew Ilxaagement .Solicits the patronage )l the traveling , public of !?Good - wholesome ' food ar..-i .prompt, service" will- be its slo gah.: Rates reasonable. ..Address Llrs J. W. Williams Box 445 Hendersonville, N c. TJSMl SPiLLf DIAMOND . BRAND ;. ZASISSt lAik yrar Dranfct for CIII-CHES-TER S Ooxx metalUc boxes, sealed with Bluc(0 Gibbon. ; TAM to othes.. -Bar fTtY Xnittfaft U Mk tor- emXHES.Tv i V DIAAIONXI BBAKD FILLS, for twenty-fi year regrarded aa Best, Safest, Always Reliable? MWBYUDRUCIGISTS ttmb; pvPRYltucpr: worth tflttfSlTON, Nm, HAN. SftEMflEI) TO HEALTH Mr. Wade Thankful He Read About . E. T. Wade of JVilliston, N. C, was the victim" of jstbmach disorders. He f tiled'manyrimedies" and took a great deal of medicine, and treatments. Re lief seemed a long time coming. & Theit "-he - f ound Mayrs Wonderful Remedy, took a dose and found relief at once. He told his opinion of the remedy in a letter in which he said: "Tour medicine - has worked won ders. I feel so much better. I am thankful' to yon, indeed, for advertis ing your wonderful remedy in the pa pers, as otherwise I might never have known of it,?Y Mayrs Wonderful Remedy gives per manent results for stomach, liver and intestinal ailments. Eat as much and whatever you like. No more distress after eating, pressure of gas in the stomach and "around the heart. Get one bottle of your druggist now and try it on an absolute guarantee if not satis factory money will be returned. Yields To Delicious Vinol : PbaadelphWa-"Last Fall I was troubled JWiUr "a eryisevere bronchial cold, eafliies, 'backache, and sick to rpy stomach. I was-so bad I became alarmed and tried several medicines, also a doctor, but did not get any relief. A friend askedvme to 5try Vinol and it brought the relief which I craved, so nowjl am .. enjoying, perfect .health. Jack C Singleton. We guarantee YmoIour delicious cod liver 'and iiron .tonic without oil, for chronic coughs, Jcolds and bronchitis. -JUSTUS' PHAB3IACT. NOTICE- OF-SERYICE OF SU3DI0VS PUBLICATION. State of North Carolina, : - - 'County" of Henderson. In the Superior -Court. - November Term, 1915. Bessie Gibbs (by. her next friend J. M. Dermid) vs. T. W. Gibbs. The defendant labove '-. .named will take notice that an" action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior court of - Henderson County, North Carolina, to dissolve the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff ;andjiefendant, and for a de gree lor 'an absolute divorce on the ground of fornication and adultery on the part of the defendant; and tbe said defendant will further take no tice that he is required to appear at the term 'of the Superior court of said county to be held on the 15th day of November; il915, at the court house of said county In the city of Henderson ville, N--C, " and answer or demur to the complaint ' in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the' court fo the relief demanded' in said complaint. ;. v.-C;M. PACE..C. S. C. Henderson County, North Carolina. J. F. Justice, - - V ; Att'y for the Plaintiff. 10-14-4tc SPLENDID "RECORD IS ,MADE IN HANDLING OF PASSENGERS Atlanta, Ga. -More than sixteen and ,a half million passengers a number greater thanS f combined population of Virginia, North Carolina, South Car Molina, jeotgiai Alabama, Tennessee 'and Kentucky-were transported by ?i Southern Jtail war tlurine- tht year end ed June 30-cwith only one fatal Injury 4-to-a Tasefia -while on. a train, and thatone wjas f taningoncar plat f brnv int'direct violation of the coxa- Upanrig. rules. I 3 hiscenttirdftsnown m ttha otficiaJfiraYeliont ,-indicat Sag": thojhiigSeol vvaatety that has ibeea attained &i ?tiieliandling oi iCnutlsrn lilailwayj passenger -trains. ; .Inr marked contrast are figures re cently given out by. President Fairfat Harrison'. of : Southern Railway, show ing that during the same period '.twelve -: p'ersons riding in automobiles .werekilledt in Accidenta at public - highway crossings, every one of whici) accidents could have been prevented -had the driver' of the car observed jthe familiar warning, "Stop, Look and an t.