JD Be - u.aiMiBM."JllLg!l'H"rT' 1 p ' ' . , Jessie L Lskjy Presents n. Sim In the Picturization of the Successful Play Iffl iili Im Five Parts At The v 1W If ill )J A V g .LW hm3 Friday, 1 14 Alt ernoon and Evening The first show in th afternoon starting promptly " at 1 :3 0 and lasting one and a half hours Remember the Schedule The first performance at night will start promptly at 1 5 minutes of 8 o'clock Hal This Theatre is heated by steam and you will be com fortable while seeing a Para mount picture and hearing good music. Tell us how you like the picture we want your criticism. - (lite AT THE YISTA. The Vista theatre off era a real mov ing picture treat on Friday afternoon and evening of this 'week. - MiS3 Blanch : Sweet will appear Jtl 3Wu,;:',r- -The Captive- ytivo, -w, play, ponraymg "" of a Montenegrin peasam b ... . ;": j Turkish nobleman. I THe main events -ui wopww w" i" - it ntMm nnrt man fr-TT fhft manner In which Sanya. (played by, Miss -Sweet), and the Turk another, and the V JmUV W " w manner in which the . Turk saves her from a marauding party of his own countrymen. . ' The jdrama Is . of intense romantic snirit- and most thrilling." - Saturday the vista oners l-raus ' . . M TT 1 ' Ford and Grace uunara in me um chapter of The Broken Coin. ATondaM Nov. 22nd. it oners anoui- ei Paramount picture, featuring Hazel Dawn in Niobe. . Nov. 23rd the Diamond from tne bjcr Cbc ord has done great things, whereof vpc are glad psaini tjzjzvU 3. Yea, the Ivord shall give that which is good, and our land shall- yield her In crease psalm 12. Where the Turkeys Come From T HE great bulk of the turkey, crop of 'gen eral consumption ou the A 1 1 a n t 1 c seaboard is pro duced in the states of Ohio, Indiana. Illinois. Kentucky, Michigan and Iowa. The adja cent states of Missouri. Kansas, Ten- npsso( Arkan as and Minnesota also contribute shares'." but to a smaller ex tent. This supply is termed "westernT a portion of which is "dry picked." while the remainder is scalded to en able the ready removal of the feathers. The latter presents the better appear ance before cooking, but the former la plumped up and becomes attractively smooth and of unbroken skin surface under the Influence of the heat needed In its DreDaration for the table. All choice or fancy turkeys and other poui try are dressed "dry picked." There are several sources of produc tion of ultra superior turkeys, for each of which it is claimed that it hokla the palm of excellence. As the reputation for luxurious living in this country be-. gan In the south, it will be well to com mence, with a description of the rice fattened birds of Maryland. They are distinguished for delicacy of flesh and flavor which are imparted by their ex clusively rice diet, and their, skin Is remarkably white, as compared with that of other, poultry, which is also at tributed to the character of feeding. There are certain epicures who will partake of no other turkeys while "Maryland rice feds" are,' procurable. The next in order is what is designat ed as "Philadelphia," and this em braces turkeys, chickens, fowls, geese and ducks. Pennsylvania has been oc cupied by a thrifty class of German immigrants, who early provided good poultry, especially in Bucks county of that state, which furnished the supply of the citizens of Philadelphia. Visitors to that city. Attracted by the excellent poultry with which they were served, substituted for "Bucks county" "Philadelphia," and so it-has become the term for all varieties of Pennsylva nia poultry sent out of the state. . Northward progression of the descrip tiop of famous poultry nest baits at Rhode Island There the poulterers have selected the largest of the culti vated strains, which attain the weight of twenty tlve to thirty pounds the first year and -fifty pounds and up ward the sevond year. Massachusetts has its claim to the production of high class poultry also on file, and to tur keys it adds' geese, of which ih New York, where all qualities and standards are passed upon and determined, the excellence is conceded. Large size,, tenderness of flesh, pal atableness of flavor, are ail included, and, though Rhode Island, Philadel phia and Maryland each and all Insist that their geese cannot be excelled, the city epicures decide for Boston's claim by their insistence for that supply to the limit of its. extent. ' King Edward Liked Turkey. The late King Edward VII. of Eng land, traveling In America in 1860, con ceived a liking for roasted turkey with oyster-and chestnut dressing and with cranberry sauce and for Albemarle pip pins and Baldwin apples. In after years, when he came Into possession of Sandringham. he caused arrangements to be made by his steward wheremider those delicacies were forwarded from America a! regular times. "v.". 00000000000000000009000000 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o "Think o' your mercies, "chil luns," is a very good quotation to bear in mind whenever troubles threaten to overwhelm us, and really if you do think of your mercies you will surely find that the troubles and the mercies are about evenly balanced in most lifetimes, .even though during .their visitations we do not ( al ways think so. - f v TEITS wis am 00000000000000000000000000 mmv ir.TTinVA AS JEANNE LEFAEGE IN "THE VASIP1UE. Thft Storr. Jeanne is accidentally injured while r.irino-fn an automobile. Inlier con-, ZZ",a TnPPta a married man ; Zer win ner by flH7Pa he-can only X.;;;.niM. An illegal marriage ceremony is performed and later tne 6 , ohandrmA Jeanne, wno uewmco - ojhtPr at the Strand,. Monday, Nov. 22., gthtio- refiiee in Europe, Jeanne meets on the steamer two men outcasts and they all conspire against tne worm. Jeanne becomes notorious as a schem ing and heartless woman, ana me thet "Vampire," is applied w ner. enmeshes a young attache of the Amer ican legation and after securing valua ble documents from him,, she finds she is in love with him. One of her co conspirators, whom she met onthe . steamer comes into posession cf these secret papers, and when trying to get the papers back to return them to the, attache, Jeanne discovers that the . young attache is the son. of the man responsible for her ruin.' Her old hate is awakened again. ' , Events bring all back to Njiw York. Complications involve J eanne with j both the" fatherland son and the young ; man's fiance. The young man breaks his engagement, declares his love or , Jeanne and his father is forced to- g"ve j his consent to theft marriage. A dra-; v":! CO r.tiA. opptia is introduced wueu uie t itiiv v 7 . . . -w- . fathpr discovers mat j eanne is nout-. other than the woman he marrid ille?- aiTir.nnrt deserted. The father accuses Jeanne of being an adventuress, tone , wrings from him a -confession before , h's son" that he had deceived her. 1 no son throws jconvention' to the winus I . and decides to marry Jeanne, but he is prevented by the woman nerseiiL who j is threatened with exposure or tne pari sho played in securing the State docu ments. Jeanne brings, about a recon ciliation between the young attache and his fiance, realizing that a happy marriage could never have resulted if slip, had married him herself while ue had full knowledge of the history of her past. . ' ' Their Crily PS&asure. Ah Interesting light on the mental ; condition of natives of New Guinea is afforded by the story of a commission- j er- recounted in the report of the Lon- ; don Missionary society? The commis- sioner tried two men from the moun- , tains for throwing spears at the police, j They pleaded guilty, and it was ex- ; plained to them that they must never do it again. To the commissioner's surprise they both asked to be hanged. When asked the reason of 'the request they replied that the only Pleasure they had was throwing spears at the police, and as they wre forbidden to do it any more they did not want to liveLondon . Mail. j What He Missd. J In an address on his eighty-first birthday Chauncey M-jDepew said: ' "In 1877 I had an option on a sixth of the Bell telephone for seme days for $10,000. I consulted the most fa- , mous telegraphic expert ; in the coun-" try and be advised me to drop it. 'It , Is a toy and commercially a fake,' he said. Had I followed my strong faith in the enterprise I would today (If " alive, which is doubtful), oe a hundred millionaire. I have always lost money when following the advice of experts. They are governed by their data and lack Imagination, and without Pagina tion all things not demonstrated are to them worthless.". - . - Slightly Previous. ; A.4.'olored man who had contracted a debt some years, ago with one of our merchants came to town the other day and called ou his old creditor. "Didn't you 'splain to me- dat If I settled up dat account you would give me a MowanceV" sairf the darky to the merchant. "Yes; I did say so. Bam, replied the merchant. "If you ure ready to settle your bill now I will make a good allow ance." and the merchant waited for the' colored individual to pull out his pock etbook. .-- Well, sir, I hasn't got de money jus now, but 1 thought I'd come in and get de 'lowance. My wife wants to get hersel' a shawl." National Monthly. Cutting an Acquaintance. The mulatto girl was quarreling with her erstwhile lover, who had become angered at her toleration of another's suit. ' " T heard that you sez as yo is goln' to cut my acquaintance," pursued the girl. - - "Yassum, I sez that," defied the jilt ed one, "and believe me, mum, I'm go In' to cut im deep." Columbia Jester. A Little Sarcastic. Maid (to lady at door) Mrs. Spencer is not at home. Caller (who knows differently) Oh, I'm so sorry I But never mind. Tell Mrs. Spencer when she comes in that I called to say that I'm awfully glad she goes out more than she did. I've always wondered why she kept-herself cooped up in the house all the time. Boston Transcript. CO Where "Brer Turk" Comes From. , In proportion to land occupied for raising high grade turkeys Rhode Is land ranks first, with Massachusetts in second place and Connecticut going higher every year, in the raising of fine birds and eggs for sale to poultry fan ciers.. ' We Thank Thee. v For flowers that bloom about our feet, For tender grass, so fresh, so sweet, For song of bird and hum of bee. For. all things fair we hear or see, Father in neaven, we thank thee! For blue of stream and blue of sky, For pleasant shade of branches high, For fragrant air and cooling hreeze, :, For beauty of the blooming trees, Father In heaven, we thank thee! . Ralph Waldo Kmerson. Will 'The Strand is . thoroughly disin fected daily with Formaldehyde Fumigators thereby eliminating all cihanees of catching any disease ; The Strand has secured , the New Showing absolutely New Pictures from 6 15 days old. . Pathe News will be . Shown every Tuesday. SATURDAY Chapter 5 of the highly successful Serial The One Serial You Must See Sr M 0 Metro Picture " Corpora tion Presents The Magnificent -Emotional Star t m nn .IN. he mwiw' An intense, powerful and realistic Photo-Play in which the regene ration df . a" woman, more sinned gainstthan sinning is -- beautifully depicted 2a I Co te l Go I CO