ABjij-Frcaclr Broad: Hustler m Issued" EVerr Thursday by THE -MUTUAL' EBIIfTpfG CO. - All subscriptions payable in advance and discontinued - promptly, upon ex piration. 1 v' V---'-: " One Year, in advance. ........ . . .$1.00 Six Months, in advance. . 50 Three Months, in advance..... .25 Entered at the postoffice At Hendex eonville as second-class mail matter. All advance notices . of shows or en tertainments Vhere admission is to be charged or teas or sales where money is to be raised, will be charged for as other advertising. ; 7, All checks or money orders should be made payable to : - MUTUAL PRINTING COMPANY. Gordon F. Garlington Owner. Waynesvllle and Marshall fiowing into jUhjeriJle - " - 1 -. , 7 - Trading Atme';w.hen It can coc- J sif.tently be done, ; is;, what builds -a lown, 45nt we have to admit that there is a considerable business; ,whica4 Asheville is entitled to and which the home" towns cannot accommodate un der prevailing conditions; however there is toomuch out of town trading. flEXBERSONYILLE.-N. C. THE HOUSE LEADER'S TOSITION. Washington correspondents of some of the newspapers state that they are "told on good authority" that Presi dent Wilson "does not sympathize with any movement to oust Congressman' Claud Kitchin from the leadership ol the Jiouse branch of the congress. If there is any such "movement on foot Congressman Claud. Kitchin has ar rived immediately under the -limelight. Ditto the spot light; . ; ; - -; . : : -r' - "Asheville . and Hendersonville ;.aie at "present experiencing great religious revivals, and we trust that they will nrove ol lasting : good. . We know of no places which Vneed them' more." proclaims - The Waynesville Courier. ; , . . . ' . ;r -. ' " " Before proceeding; further Brother Wilson,- we would suggest that you prayerfully commit to memory Mat thew. 7.:5. ':';vS; - Not satisfied with having liarnessea him ' to the biggest and most influential chairmanshin ; In congress, the col leagues of Senator - Simmons are now trying to make.him leader of the Sen ate majority. If the fine old gentleman or m sigiit ii is buiici uuuB, ; now in charge! cannot ably - deliver th ii jur. rvitcum jmu , Democratic lawmakers evi . - ji 1 . vtTA a w 4 trtAOnr ft ' w program, in providing ys auu Don't forget to buy it at home. . . " . ' ,' Tuesday morning's frost would make one believe- that summer had crawled out of the lap of spring. ". ' - Evidently "T. R." is thinking up something to sayw as he has not been heard from publicly for some time. Do yon notice how carefully and persistently Mr. Bryan refrains from saying anything at all about the hyphen? -- Hendersonville is enjoying the bene fits of daily medical examination of school children. - It's a good thing even though we were forced to it. --- for the. national ' defense as recom mended by Bxesident Wilson, he can eliminate himself as party leader witn more grace than the party could "oust him. . And that is probably what the second district congressman would do if the contingency we have just sug -gested should become unavoidable." Rut it is smeeested by Senator Un- ... derwood that Mr. Kitchin's position not fully understood by the public yet, and that there may be no necessity of the elimination of the . Tarheel by any method as majority leader of the in -coming House. - The new rest room for ladies andj children is one of the greatest luxuries ever- offered the out-of-town shoppers by the merchants of Hendersonville. Use it freely. The Hendersonville Merchants asso ciation and the Greater Heidersonvillo club are getting ready to unite on a proposition that will make secretarial matters eclipse anything of the past. Keep it in mind. If the people keep on talking and writing about the needs of a park in Hendersonville they will be likely to " stir up a little favorable sentiment. A central park is one of our greatest needs. . The county school teachers will dis cuss the Important matter of a two session plan- Saturday, which show? that they have very progressive ideas -just what is needed to better our edu cational condition. " The county commencement was such a big success last year that the teach ers have decided to have a bigger event this year. A great deal of th preliminary work that was done last year will not have to be repeated. A county commencement is abig. thing and means much for the community, therefore "the teachers should be en couraged to the fullest extent in this worthy undertaking. ' W. J. Bryan is beginning to prove the correctness of-the forecasts of some of his critics. He. no longer -butters hus words in assaulting the Democratic president of the United States and tjhe prediction that he will hot support Mr. : Wilson for" re-election causes no .astonishment Even those who do "not think so, openly admit that they would liot be surprised at such a condition next year. i " V ' ; Chairman William F. McCombs, pt the Democratic National Committee has notified the members of a meeting to be held in Washington on December 7 for the purpose of deciding upon a time and place for holding the next national convention. Chicago, Dallas, Sr. Louis and other cities will ask fo the convention and a spirited rivalry is in progress. The question of a can ddate is happily settled it being gen erally conceded that the nomination "will go to President Wilson without a contest,, with the present vice-Dresi- dent as his running mate, The cam paign slogan will probably be "America-. First," which with the adoption of a conservative p!atfarm should render 115111, easy auu i.u3 reauii eunrcij pleasing to Democracy and. good gov ernment. ' " t -" . BUYING AT HOME. A SEASON OF PROSPERITY. The calamity howler is out of a job. From every quarter comes tut glad tidings that times are getting bet ter. Business men, professional men, traveling men, farmers, mechanics nearly everybody in fact, says so aud it must be the truth. Industrial, giants are running overtime and wage-earners, : who were idle a year ago when business was almost in a "state of pa ralysis on account of conditions brought about by the European wa are again "on the job" with hope writ ten in-their ' hearts. The newspapers say so, the traveling men tell it to their patrons, the manufacturers are crowd ed with orders for their wares the railroads admit lack of equipment to handle increased freight shipments, real estate is becoming more active, building operations have taken on new life, bank deposits are above normal, so there . must be something besides high-sounding platitudes- in the claim that the country is facing a season ol unusual prosperity. Even "big busi ness" joins in the glad acclaim. A better. day is coming. A case in point is a circular recently sent broad cast over the country by the -National Cash Register ' Company, of Dayton Ohio, which contains these significant suggestions: r "Merchants everywhere tell our 800 salesmen that business is booming. Farmers have had two record crops, at big prices, with big demands', at home and abroad. Stocks of manufactured materials ar. short, and labor is in great demand. Exports largely exceed imports. AS TO MR. BRYAN. . Don't fail - to read Rev. ; Mr. Ker shaw's contribution in this issue of the Democrat : This timely and thought ful. article contains ' some rich food which should be properly digested. It shows conclusively that he has-.-given the subject careful consideration , and that he has the ."better interests of thl community at heart: .That's th streak we - like to. see" making Itself conspicuous in every -citizen. Read the article carefuly, -for it's worth while. ' : oooooooooooooooooooooooooc AM ERICA'S THAN ix 9. .13 :. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o. o; o o o o O- o- o o o o o o o o o o o RECENT ELECTIONS. ' Elections held in a number of States last week indicate a; tendency on the part of Colonel RooseveH'-i progressives to desert their new lovo and return to the old. This is? es pecially significant in the returns from Massachusetts, which show the ejec tion . of the Republican candidate f oi' governor, displacing a democrat who won on a. plurality vote two and four years ago. -The Republican majority is very small, but sufficiently large to change the political complexion of .ths Bay Statef. Similar gainfe in other states would indicate a line up nexf year between the two old parties .with present prospects favorable to tho Democrats who are united on their standard bearer, while the Republi cans face a bitter pre-conventlon con test and probable division after their nominations are , made Mr. Wilson t is exceedingly popular with the masses and a general feeling prevails that Le will surely succeed himself. V W-e. thank" hte, who'bas' raa3 and, preserved us a nation, r.; : ? IS ! (WhO'hld thla continent from the eyes - of the world until the- time for Its revelation -had come..- ; ; Who summoned hither i- faithful men, believinS' in God ' and in : men ; as the children of God. , : r Who preserved - the brave colo nists . from famine, pestilence and sword; from internal dissensions and from: foreign foes. . . Who united "the hearts and minds . of the various peoples In their de mand for liberty and their, declara- tion of independence. - . - - Who made wise" the f counsels of -0 their , counselors and . strong ; the .. O arm of their - defenders rand gave: Victory to the weak battalions. VO " Who "pacified the strifes and van-" O rmishpr! thft Ipalnusips which seD- - V afated the; several states " and. Join- " ed them in- one indissoluble union' o '-Who suffered not the evils of Slav- '. O " ery,to end in the nation's death, but raised up prophets of" liberty to awaken the consciences of the peo- . q Pie. .. . -: : 0 r.Who . has "brought to our - sho'res ro the -oppaessed of other lands and--0 made it a refuge, .a school, a home for the needy and: the aspiring of q all nations. -; " ' T " -:- o ..Who has given-us wisdom In the -O" past to provideja free school' and ' o free churches, for a free people. -: ' Who inspires in our wnlday clear .' sighted, brave hearted men: to' bat-, q tie without truce or retreat,. against. O open violence and insidious cornmV O tion. -against the perils of popuTir ; Ignorance and the perils of concen- " S o trated wealth. , . " " - iv o O Who inspires- other clear sighted, o. O brave hearted men to toil In oeace- 'O " ful vocations without stint for pub- q .iiu tjuctiiion uiiu puuuv virtue. . ... vv no nas given to -us. an open Bible, a, living church 'and a com mon faith in a righteous and a" re deeming God. ' ; x Oh, that-. men would praise; the Lord-for his goodness and his won derful works to the children of men! Outlook. . POLICY that op ' .Do you know Jiat we can is sue you a LIABILITY will ra V all riarnacaa tVio f rn:i -moxr -Vintrn 4n . . . - ing your,, automobile? : Sup pose you run into another : other conveyance, or run 'o vir someone' arid have a hpaw suit entered-against you,' wouldn't it be a great satifar-Vi:ag9 have some adequate protection. against judgment that' - U to gotten, and , assessed against you.. It does "not cost much r' be " this, burden taken over by- a good - strong "reliable indemn ' r a!; Dany and WE CAN DO IT. FOR YOU RIGHT. CQm- E7Bank, Ewbank & Company Insurance Underwriterss -.5 .. m -.. r. " : - ' '"j2 ' O O Q o o o o o o o o -o O ;. o O M o o o o ti tr ail Oil F me ir wmture OOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO The Old Time Spirit iving lange1 Thanksg WHEELS AND COMMUNITIES. When a spoke in a wheel jts broken that wheel -is weakened ,ahd only oi partial or slight ..value to the rest of the Vehicle. The vehicle itself Is of no greater value than its weakest spot; the broken -wheel. Its usefulness will not be restored until the wheel is re paired and placed on a par with the other.. wheels. Then, it Is agaiii redyr I tc assume its proper functions in the scheme of life. ' ' . v And as it is worth the wheel and the The old thie spirit of Thanksgiving "Ah, those were good old days!" This with reminiscent sadaess. If there was not a lurking sentiment for, the- splen dor of good fellowship, for thecharm of simplicity .'and the peace that comes from the contented heart that marked the old time Thanksgiving, there would' be no regret for the good old. days that are gone. But why can't they be con jured back again that we might cher ish the generous spirit of that house hold festival? : : " It - is the character of the day that we would have back again the after math of the harvest, with its spirit of joyousness. the bounteous feast gath ering together the family, making sa cred.the beauty of. home ties. . In "ld New England a bustle of prep aration began long before the appoint ed day. The - turkey, strutting in haughty disregard of his fate, was watched with eager eyes and fed with liberal care. The pumpkins were gath ered and lay with faces' upturned to the sun. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, rai sins and citron were heaped- In plenty upon the liiCu-v shelf. - And within "wagon, so it is with , the citizen and Factories are busy, many working community. The latter Is1 only as overtime. - j strong; as tne loyalty of the- jorxner. The Black Mountain News is com plaining -of the railroad1 "schedule ' .h.; tween that town and; Asbeville since It is not' as convenient as "it "was ttur ihg the Slimmer.' -'The samel condition obtains in Hen -dersonyillet. the schedule for which is not" as convenient as that for :Blaek ovnta&r Our complaint would iiiot he based on the same reason given by the News, wtiich complains that the people do not have "plenty of time to to Asheville and do their shopping -' We would suggest that the News ad tise the' people of Black Mouptain .to do .their shopping at home. There is entirely too much business from Hen dersonville Black Mountain .Canton, More freight cars are needed, and steamers are taxed to capacity. People are living better and spend ing their money more freely. This country has the best money in the world, and more of it than ever before. ' Such a condition of favorable, cir; cumstances never has occurred Jbefore, and probably will never occur again. Billions of dollars are , passing over thft merchants' counters.", , It is perfectly eppe; eat that the peo ple of this fair !and are rounting ' wave of prosperity that will gather momentum at every,, turn of the way. Stockmarket activities denote return ing confidence in. financial centers. The claim is made that the public is participating in. the purchase of Amer ican securities more now than at any time in a number of years. This la significant. Cotton has been selling at twelve cents and this is, also indica tive of a general activity n in business and the return of favorable conditions ii rural communities of the Southern States. Until recently, a debtor nation the United States haa changed to the credit side of the ledger, imiso far as commercial exports ;"and imports' are concerned, and Uncle jam . Is rapidly, developing into the wprhl's greatest power financially and otherwise. -Thev cheerful nbte "sbuh4ed byT Dunn and Bradstreet a short while ago .r another "sign of better times ahead. And the indications ' are not confined to . any particular section. The era oi good feeling , extends frpm "ilain toj California and all classes and condi tions of the country's citizenship are imbibing freely of the new , spirit -o.?. optisism; "The industrious farmer is reaping the reward of busy bands as. bis pockets bulge " with glittering sheckles ecerjed from a hungry V.drlft ir." exchange for a rich harvest, of ag cultural nroducts. Crops were never more abundant; with farm " values gradually soaring, and this should in deed, become a time of refreshing froni- the presence of Him who things well. ' : ;-' The, community will .advance -only in Accordance with the loyalty and pro gressiveness of its people. The man who forgets "his home mer chants and sends his money to .out 3ide sources is -the broken wheel o his own community. He is the weak spot that retards the growth of aV. tbat produces "commercial stagnation, that creates local hard times and re duces the-'community that shelterfc him and the people -.who 'feed him"trf the level of a hand to mouth existence. We don't want any broken vwheeh in this community ; we don't want any useless vehicles, - commercial disin tegration, or hand to mouth existence; wt don't want any poverty or distress. But .we want prosperity, and pro- gressiveness, and happiness and con tentment, and full larders and dinner pails, and we can have them if each one of us will do our duty to the towr in which we live, and trade with hom- people, and keep our own money in our own community. " We want to '"keep prosperity in this city,", and we. can only do it . by . "trad ing where we live." ' ? ; .1: . v "Personally, we intend to practice what we prieach in this , respect, for tho good of the community, for your good and for our own good, and we ...would dearly love to see you trailing right aaong Dy our sia,e, ana we are quite ex pecting to ; see you doing : it r hecaus'? we don't think we are one whit xnorV :,ibyairfej "thi'fown than you are?- 1 Ajome aiong. . orpiner, wnen we ar pulI 4n the .Bame harness we make "a mighty strong team. "i K, ; Mil" I I II II 1 I I I M 1 Dr. Guerard having decided to ch his place of residence is going to sell fK following furniture to save expense of snipping same, consisting or double beds Brass, Qstermoor Mattresses, single beds mattresses, etc. Al vefine Grandfathers Clock, four Oil; Paintings Dining Room Sets, Library Sets, single and double bed springs, Tables, Chairs, one Grand Piano and one Angeius Piano Player, Music ttc, rJed room sets, combined book cases and one very fine Wicker Willow Work set SALE WILL TAKE PLACE AT QR; GUER ARBS RESIDENCE HEIDLEBERG GARDENS, FLAT ROCK, N. C. i .!rr, .?" - I'l u I I : ' : 1 cA . : V . y - J, li -I 5 . COMMENCING AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M. If weather is bad on that date sale will be held on first fine day thereafter. I will sell at private sale prior to the 27th o Iy. l915. Go and inspect the property at the said residence and come to see me at my office if inter ested in any, particular piece of furniture. . ejr HENR Y Evesiybpdy Come IiD, Atty. TWYFO was over ana - :r ; Cit'erarjr '.Finish.. " "And now. inaUm. wtat about pen cillng tlie brow$7". . Vf : -' ,i-tniuk.'' sitid the lanjnild lady, Td like to hiive hli uT these iiigh brow ef fects ih.a i re;:Vo ifiuch "about in the dai-- r? f,j;, nrv'.fourrisir- ' The world's most precious heritage U Ms who- most endures, most loves. doeth all .and most forgives. v f HSIiPINQ MOTHKB WITH THB THANKSOIY - . -V -tlNO DINPR.' ,"- I the chouse was aglow -In Joyful antici pation' 'of the" coming f guests a true hospitality, not so elaborate as It was bountiful-- and not'" so' - luxurious as healthful.' bur replete with rare kind-- Unessahd grdce.? 'And when the feast thtf to'ng afternoon pof aridTlame t was spehf told the shadows of Yenfnk1 close4 round' ;tc? ;jyv,y.cu owui xue urepmce. COW rwfeeira-!, sMteiyiw xiearut overuowing . witn : jouity.-. ana gritjQttdeOrsrfiitb png- i ; Ah'on ThahkSgiVlni'day.'When from east Frottr oortb ndfjrora v south, com the - v- pllsriro and guest;. . ?. . i 7 . vThea - the gray Haired -New Enfclander ' :' sees rouria his b6ard -i,'' : 5 - The old broken" links tf affection 'restored: Wheh" the earcf WtearTed tman seek hls rmother'once more r - , i And th e'J Worn patron smiles where the :r ? f.lr' sraHed before! -'I, .: ;r . t 5 - This? wasrrthe '-sbirit: of -old Mm a Thanksgiving.. 4 HHP OTIC ? This morning when you got up ; you felt as though S - & i y 9Uft hadnt rested c CouWh't Eat Breakfast Take Our Advice Get a Bottle of 9 NY All T0MIC It gives you Appetite and .Builds ' the" System up. J 1 u IT Irt! ere Electric Line r Coiner aFniacy a '8 -y i.tfy" -tf Sties' ?.?-".'? Menv-We fettoo3witlr their ; r fpwsdVhcSi eLid many touS? - sea HanHeS tut ; a real human tribtloimcs; f . fi t m i a h t f a rward. . He-Yon umelieve every W gar : who - comes to your door. Sbe "Sut this v;was ;"flo common begga Se was a s' ptain who had lost every- do nnVfrnimr hik''wdot S3hp He told 8 arrflfcrVtfrrrjiiHl atnrv about hoW sp.Wnt t pieces on the co; bis ast of i

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