pm . v.; r - One . Cent a Word Each: Insertion - mm WMM ;; fell iw.f' ifMWM vRfu 19? yrfvjx m I j ... , I mi urir i ' ' -'- -J- "" - i t i i in"-'--1 . - , :, ' : .,, ............ ; i ,";LV .... , ; I have ten fingers and ten toes. I can count that much, but I just can't count all my good friends down South here they are far too many. And I'm mighty proud of them. The men who make me, say you can tell real quality by the com pany one keeps. Blood will tell. A good name and gpod breeding count most of all. And that same, I reckon, applies to cigarettes, too. More arid more gentlemen of the South are smok ing me, SOVEREIGN, every day, because they know I come from good old Virginia and Carolina stock the finest, grandest stock in all the world. Quality is the thing, friend you can't deny it. And I stand for Quality. You Folks of the South KNOW good blood! . You Folks of the South KNOW, good tobacc&lj ' - -"".-" That's why l am so loved, among you all down here: So I am proud to say VZ r, - A4- a ft s - - . yf so IT I am guaranteed by Vw 9 ,ryyjt Buy me. If you , don't like me return me to your dealer and get your money back. I have said it; A Southern gentleman is known the wprld over for keeping his word, and I have given you mine. O Ul i 1 JiSlS BBJTIiSMAET C JUL'' OP TliEB , ' MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a mortgage executed by B. B. Carter and wife, K. L. Carter, on the 2lst day of December, . 1915, and re corded in Book 4i at page 57 of the Henderson County mortgage records,' to secure the indebtedness therein mentioned, default having been made & the payment of both principal and interest, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court houe Qoor in Hendersonville, N. C., on Fri day, the 2nd day of March, -1917, t 12 : 30 p. m., all the following de scribed piece, parcel or lot of land, Jying just west of the "town of Hen oersonville and "being a' part of "fhe Jand known as the B: W. Carter prop erty, described, as -.follows::".. ': . beginning at a stae on ; the south side of Huger street and the east side of Ivy Lane and -runs , with Huger street north 62 l-2-east246 feeCto a stake in the branch, thence'with the oranchand the same, to a . stake at Midv.ay avenue, thence south. 9 1-2 east with avenue 12 feet' to an' alley, ence south 80 1-2 west with the alley 311 1-2 feet to Ivy Lane, thence "fith ivy Lane north 5 '1-2 east 61 rcet to the beginning, being lots two and thwee of the B7 W. Carter subdi vision. ' Said sale being to satisfy said debt, Merest and costs. -: BETTEB CHURCH YENTILATIOJ". Churches ' Jfeed "Bloln Out After SevIces.,, Cracks in Windows Don't Yentilate. Xtc. E. W. EWBANK. Mortgagee. A- decidedly sandy soli Is the bst 2r starting early cabbage plants he ase it produce? a stronger root sys- Can't, we do something to have bet ter ventilation in our churches?" a man asked yesterday. Said he: "I went, to four different churhes last Sunday not to investigate the ventilating system of the churches, however, ut to attend services, and the atmospher in all .was uncomfortably stuffy. In two or more of the churches I visited, the air -was positively foul. During the night ser vices at one church, so perceptible and so offensive was the foulness of the air, that it was painful to endure. The minister's unusual short sermon helped some and I've wondered ever Since if he didn'tf make it, short for that reason. : "I' know there are yet just lots or tnnifl' wif n rp more afraid of fresh air than they are- of' pneumonia- or grippe and" who would, stay from church to avoid a draft, but I'd just like to know how many of Uie churches had all their doors and win a0ws thrown wide open after the morn ing services preparatory to the aftter- The Habit of Taking Cold. With many people taking cold is a habit, but fortunately one that s easily broken. Take a cold sponge bath every morning when you first get out of bed not ice cold, but a tempature of about 90 degrees F. Also sleep with your window up. Do this and you will seldom take cold. When you do take cold' take Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy and get rid of It as quickly as pes sible.' Obtalaabls everywhere, - , noon or night services. I believe in "blowing out" a church after , every service and it seems to be if this were done both before and after services that the ventilation of churches would be a great deal better than it is. "I,t is a mistaken idea," said he, "that a small crack, at the tpp of one or two windows will ventilate a whole church or will let in sufficient fresh air to last three or four hundred people for an ' libur; or 'more. Cracks may help some, but they only" let in 'small cur rents of air where whole floods are needed. , On about 2,000,000 acres of nation al forest lands grazing by domestic stdck is either entirely prohibited or is Restricted to : provide range for elk. IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Positivc!y Relieves Cb!ds,Croup.Pneumonia 25C, 50C, $l.QO AT DRUGGISTS NOTICE Pmdhcrne, French Coach 'Stallion now ready to serve mares at $10.00 cash in advance for one service. Colt not guaranteed. Colt :. guaranteed for $15.00 for service. Apply to Pink King at VinceDt Place. Flat Rock Drive. 11-30-tfc i , FOR SALE OR SERVICE Guernsey bull. See R. P. Freeman at the de POt ; v 12-21-tfo LOT One black shoat. Blaze face. Weight about 75 lbs. Call 2204. W. .W. Walker, Riga Road. 12-7-3tc THE JEFFBESS FAE3I Off inLLS River. one of the best farms in. all Western North" Carolina, containing 620 acres, 400 of this is bottom land. 'This farm is being sub-divided into small farms and will be sold at pub lic auction Monday, January 1, 1917 . at 10:30 a. m. Rain or shine. . 11-30-tfc FOB SALEFOUR BEAUTIFUL well shaded .building lots on Hen-dersonville-Asheville highway, each 78 ft. frontage at a bargain. Mrsi J ; W. Williams Hyman Heights, phone 356- iyJrmt 'v: ' '' THE BEST BLOOD PUBJFIER Hunter's Sarsoporilla Compound, 50c. Hunter's Pharmacy. "Electric "Line Corner. 2-l-3tc. FOB SALE A Farm of S9 acres 2 1-2 miles from court house. Will sell ,all or part two cottages, on place, 5 rooms each. Fine spring ideal location for stock, poultry, truck or hog ' ranch, , Farm, aeriated - by stream S feet wide. Will sell rea. ' sonable. Write A. B. C. care of the Hustler at once. , 2-l-4tp : SEED IRISH POTATOES-WE HATE ; the Northern grown, several varir ties. They will be profitable crop this year Hunter's Pharmacy, ft :--.V, " 2-l-3tc '. FREE ZONE. AJfD ' HFPTDO COBN Cure. Try our Hindoo Corn Cure, 15c. Carry all other kinds. Hun ter's Pharmacy. 2-l-3tc. FOB SALE PBETTY, GRADE JER-. sey heifer.' N. C. Dameron, .Fletch er, N.C . V ' 2:l-4tp it'Hfi 1111 Tf 7 IrH n r. TO i The Southern Railway System Premier Carrier of the South Will sell round trip tickets on account of . t ..: il f Inauguration of President, VUUUI WW. V vllSllPIi ; DATES OF SALE March 2nd. 3rd, and 4thl917. ? , ' . FINAL. LIMIT To reach original star ting point before midnight March 10th, 1917. ' . .. , .....' . r;...l.' ; TICKETS EXTENDED Original Durchasers of tickets may secure an ex tension untiL April 10th, 1917, by depositing tickets with Special Agent la Washington and payment of $1.00. (See loci 1 agent for particulars.) . . s ' STOP OVERS Will be granted goin g or returning at any stations where trains scheduled to stop within the limit of tickets, - The following rates will apply from Stations named &nd equally low rates from all other stations not named. ' ' Asheville to Hot Springs inclusive- -- $140 Henderson ville ' 15,95 Brevard - - - 16.60 - Tryon. - - : , 155 ! ' Lake Toxaway.,-- - - 17.15 Saluda -... -1 i 15X0 Waynes ville " J- ' 16.05 - Andrews.. i 19.00 ; Murphy . 19,00 Secure your Pullman accommodations in advance and get what you 'want Through sleeping cars leave Asheville for Washington daily at 3:45 P. M. For further information apply to your local ticket agent or write J. H. WOOD, Division Passenger Agent. Asheville, N. C. Woodbury, N. J. prohibits drinking by city employees when on duty. Look -Mother! If tongue Is- coated, cleanse little bowels with "Cali fornia Syrup of Figs." Mothers can rest easy after giving "California Syrup of Figs," because in a few hours all the clogged-up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gemtly moves out of the bowels, and you have a "well playful child again. . - Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative." Millions of mothers keep it handy be cause they know its action on the stomach, liver and bowels is prompt and sure. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains directions for babies, children cf all safl-for crcfTxi-tipzi -- , v mim i 'I A Three Months Trial Sub scription to THE ASHITVTTIiG TIMES North Carolina's iivest newspa per Is. ofTcrcd to the readers of this paper for Daily and tSunday. . Full Associated Pres3 Report. United Press Sunday Service. Fashion Features, Illustrated. Serial Stories and JBrimful of News. .. - - . v ' ': Enclosed find $1.00 for a" three months Trial Subscription to the Asheville Times Daily : and Sunday. ' ; - Name . '- P. O. . ; . . . . . Street. i . ... . R. F. D. . . w . . . .'. . .'. . I -rrJ: 4

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