FnniTcU broad nuwTLmi. PAGXj pjvd i: ' : -- FTil .1 . ' -: ... ' Parties and Entertainments Personal Mention Irs. Alice Coley of Selma, N. CV, is visiting her sister, Mrs. 'J. O Mason. Sorn,to Mr. and Mrs.W. M". Bridges a daughter, February 2, May Mc- Kcnzie. x ;o: "Winfred Davis, business manager ot the Mountaineer, was a visitor in' the city this week." - . :o:-r John Glenn and Miss Cora Van Huss, are in the Eastern and New England markets this week buying the spring stock of millinery and dry ifry goods for Glenn's store. :o: Miss M. E. Wopdall who has been visiting relatives in Maryland and Del aware for the past month, is now in a wholesale millinery house "in Philadel phia, getting ready for her spring opening. . ' - . :o: k - Miss Eola . Williams of Pensacola, Fla., who 'has spent the last few months at "The Gables," left on Sun day for Jacksonvile where she will be joined 'by "her father and probably make a trip vto Cuba. Mrs. .J. A. Bryson left on Monday for i a few days visit at Spartanburg; S. C., from that point she will go to Bal timore to -visit ;her. jsister,vMrs. D. W; Norwood, and jom -there he will go to New Torts to be" with another sis ter, Mrs. W. C. Lincoln. ro: Miss Pearl Beason of Henderson ville left Friday for " Raleigh after spending a week With Mrs. J. li But ler Forest City Free Press. ro: Misses Cleo and Anne Connor gave a party on Wednesday evening in honor of their sister, Miss Jane, who leaves for Clinton S. t?., on Thursday. Rook and other games were enjoyed ty those present until a late hour. Fruits -and candles were served fol lowed by a chocolate course. The room was beautifully decorated with plants and hearts carrying out the colored scheme of red and 'green. Dr A, C. Tebeau was called out of the city Wednesday. -.' . . :o: .'", w- D Brvant of Taft, S. C, is in the city on business. :o: . Mrs. C. J. Valley. has returned from a visit with relatives in S. C. ' Greenville, Few -:o: has returned from Mrs, C, Florida. : :o: f Edwin Gill 4 of Ashe ville was a bus iness visitor in the city Monday. -o: Miss Dqlla Davis has been removed from .the Patton Memorial hospital to her home on Washington street. :o: A. S. Truex left .Wednesday for Ra leigh where Tie attends a meeting of all tne telephone managers , of the I shape of a handsome box of tinted State. ' x.iixg oiawiuuci, uub, VAtlUlU ,. . :o: Jones-Holbert. " ' . , ,r An' Interesting wedding ceremony was performed,, last Sunday at the Home of Rev. -R. P. Corn, when Miss Ruth Holbert became the wife of Rob ert Jones of Balfour.- The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Holbert and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred .Jones and is a mechanic for the Balfour-quarry-company. . Af ter the ceremony the bridal party re paired t o the home of the groom where a deicius dinner ;was erved. - Their many friends join in wishing them a long and prosperpus life. :o: Yalentine sParty. The Phaleatha class of the Baptist Church entertained at a valentine party at the Park Hill .hotel last Tuesday-night. About seventy .young peo ple enjoyed games until a late hour. Delicious refreshments were served. " i o ' rs. Stillwell Entertains. Covers were laid for sixteen at a beautiful bridge party given by Mrs. E. G. Stillwell last Saturday afternoon in honor of her guest Mrs. Wilson of Chattanooga: Mrs. F. A. Ewbank won the first prize, which was a dish of growing hycinths. Mrs. Wilson was presented with the guests prize in the 2H0YIE PEOPLE HERE. A Troupe of Mero Actors Tisit Hen dcirsonvile for Picture Guest of ' Kentucky Home and Bat Cave. -A troupe of Metro moving picture ac tors headed by the leading lady, Miss Mable Tallifour and director, John W. Noble, spent several days in the city this week on their way from Bat Cave where they traveled to make a few pictures. The Metro company have been sending companies here for sev eral years. ' Mrs. Evans of Badin, N. C, is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Burdette, . -'r.. : '. m; :o: Mr. Mont- Egerton is visiting his mother for a few days. - Mr. 'iJgerton Tecexitly passed the . "state, board of ex 4. i ' w K animation and . was ' admitted to tho bar'of North Carolina. Mr. Egerton will continue his studies at Trinity. ro: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Patterson, of Rock Hill, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pullin. Mr. Patterson formerly liv ed here. ' ' :o: Fire alarm was soundei Wednesday morning about ti a. m., and the de partment went to Edgemont sanitori um where a chimney was burning out. . -:o: Considerable sums of money are be ing paid out to Henderson county farmers for wood and cross ties. One buyer in the depot section, W. S. Ship man, states that he -has paid out for crossties in the last two or three weeks, the sum -of $1,750. TOT? JPT- l?M 7 r r i ca r X l 0) 11" Tip-Top Grocery FOR Nice Large Grapefruit, each . 5c Nice Juicy Oranges. Dozen . 20c Maxwell House Coffee, lb. .1 Sunbeam Coffee lb. Davis Baking Powder, 2 1-lb: cans.--,. Compound Lard. 10 lbs. C mpound Lard, 5 lbs.- - Flour. 2U lbs. .. ------ Sugar, 13 Ids. Good California Peaches . Crystal White Karo Syrup,: (5 thsize) Breakfast Bacon - ------ j - - - - - This is the last day we will be able to sell Harris at... Good Laundry Soap, 7 cakes for. Washing Pouders, 7 for ..... - Lighthouse Cleaner, 7 Jor. . , 30c 30c 35c ,.$1.50 80c. S1.20 1.00 20c 30c 2c 23c 25c 25c 25c Ve sell for Cash-A trial will convince you that this method Pays. .140- '. ;. Tip- Top Grocery n drop was given the consoaltlon which was a beautiful crepe de chine hand kerchief. Delicious refreshments were served. - ; :o: ' Dance at The-Club. Members of .the Club, their wives and friends enjoyed a delightful dance last Wednesday evening in the club building.. It was a card dance. The rooms were artistically decorated for the occasion. During the grand march each person was given u- souvenier and later during the evening a delici ous salad course was served. :o: Posey.BoT8ter Carriage. . Ira G. Royster and Miss Kathryn Posey, both of this city, were quietly married yesterday afternoon in Win ston-Salem, according to a telegram received from them late in the after noon by the bride's mother, Mrs. W. J, Benjamin, of 434 Church street. They left here on the 1:20 train yes terday afternoon for Winston-Salem. but the fact that they intended to get married there was lcept secret and the news of .the wedding comes as a big surprise to their friends here. They are expected to' return to Greensboro tomorrow. Mr. Royster is assistant superinten dent of the insurance department of the Knights of PythlaCs"' arid' Has been looking after the work in the office of his father, George H. Royster, durine the past several months while his father has been ill. The bride i3 an attractive- and lova ble young woman. She formerly lived at Hendersonville and since her peo ple moved here from Hendersonviiie last September she has " been a stu dent at Greensboro College for .We- men. From Greensboro Daily News. Silver Tea. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Meth. j odist church will entertain at a Tea at the home, of Mrs. J. Mack Rhodes, 422 Sixth avenue West, February 22nd. Three to six p. m. Everybody invited. :o: FASSIFERX XOTES. ' The stage at Fassifern school waa transformed Friday t night into' a real Irish kitchen, stone fireplace, latticed windows and primroses. The occasion was a presentation of. W. B. Yeat's on net play." The Land of Heart's De sire," exceedingly well acted by mem bers of the 'English Department, Misses Pulliam, Brown, King, Pendleton, Mc. Clammy and Lindsey. The supersti tious peasants, the imaginative little bride, the fairy andv the priest delin eated their! assumed characters with clearness and variety, giving a delight ful evening's entertainment. . - ' : ; . :o: ; : . The Elsa Fischer String Quartet gavea delightful, program of Chamber Music at- Fassifern Tuesday night. These artists play with fine ensemble, J well balanced tone and beautiful inter pretation and the solos for yiolin ahd cello were opportunities for Individual success to which the musicians showed themselves- fully equal. It s hoped this first class organization may mak? another visit to Hendersonville. WHY WE SHOULD SUPPORT OUR HOME NEWSPAPER. It is plain to see that without news papers, we would not be able 'to know the news, until late, and a great deal we would never hear at ah. It advertises our. home town; It boosts it more than any other one thing. It helps the trade of our town, through the merchants, farmers, mon ey lenders, etc. The newspapers is supported by the people (the subscribers . and adver tisers), and if we do not either sub scribe for it or do' our advertising thorugh ft,, it must stop. " Tohave the newspaper stop means to slacken business of the town. We would no longer.' be advertising our town.and would therefore have but few new settlers, if any, which wpuld in time ruin the place. The people would no longer know how other ' towhSi villages. or' cities are progressing and would nojenger have any way for receiving .new" ideas. The educational, advantages would not be as good, and these' wno do hot at tend any school would soon become Ignorant and also careless. ' , The place instead of beingliyely, pleasant, and progressive, would be run down, unattractive and dry. ' Why then would it not be better for us to do our part, which is very small, and have a progressive, attractive and wealthy looking place. - ELANOR PLANK. - 1 WANTED To make you . look ten years younger. . Retired - Beauty - Specialist will send you formula for ' this cream for 25 cents in stamps. Address ;Box 52 Waynes ville, N .C. 2-15-3tp . . I! 0 M f iv.T o i.i i-. .... x Ml 4 J S 1 3" ;w Cv:-X x si I i - a-J hi m A 4 Wh V: lulil j III " FRANCISX RUSHMAN AND BEVERLY BAYNE ASkOMEO AND JULIET"lN THE fcWSOQATE-MeraO PJCTUaiZATlON OF.THB GREAT SHAKESPEARIAN PLAY - r --j" " .,-. - - ' When Francis X. , Bushman'and Beverly Bayne, the greatest stellar combination in motion pictures, are seen in the big screen production of " "Romeo and Juliet," an ambition of many years standing will then be realized by these two stars. vIt has always been their dream to appear together in this production, and Metro is leaving nothing undone to make it one of the year's screen sensations. ; - . , - - i Nevr before, in "the history of the "silenl drama, has there been a inore elaborate or, artistic production. More than five hundred people were used in some ofthe bigrpest scenes, ' stles of millionaires near., New York City, were tise4 with their spacious grounds, and in staging f many of the outdoor scenes an entire Italian city, of the fourteenth cen tury type, was constructed for the street "scenes in Verona. A notable supporting cast includes scores ofactors and actresses who have been featured in many stage productions. ' O nig l in WANTED A good farm hand with family. Can supply him home, gar den, wood, etc. Apply . W. P. Bane. Little River Road, 4 miles from Hendersonville N. C. 2-15.3tc OB SALE Two Berkshire brood sows, fifteen pigs, two bulls, price $25, and two Jersey heifers, price $50; registered and transferrred for the above price. Will also sell ona or two registered Jersey cows. Ap. Djy .to J. P. Jones. East Flat Rock, N. C., P. Q. Box, 135. 2-15-3tp f ; I Thursday, February 22 Admission: Adults, 20c - - Children 10c Strictly One Price to All 1st Show Starts at 2:00 p. m. 2nd Show Starts at 4:00 p. m. . . . . -.-j-' 3rd Show Starts at 7:00 p. m. - ' . . Last Show Staits at 9:00 p. m . i C , i SOLD TO G, And will be closed out at the same old stand SAL M GLAZENK R GIS SATURDAY, F 17i Mr. Flynn decided to retire from the Dry Goods. Clothing and Shoe business to devote his entire time to the grocery business. He sacrificed this stock of merchandise to G. M. Glazener who is forced to close it out by March 1st as the stand is leased to O. Roy Keith Company March 1st. Men's Suits -a WATE MATERIAL is my business. Rubber and bones I shall always want. It maketh me lie j dawn in rags and burlaps, it feedeth my soul. It leadetli me in the paths of scrap iron, for it's name sake. Tea thousrh I walk through piles of waste paper. I fear no eril, thy .rods 6r brass and copper they comfort me. It anointctli my head in tallow, ray shop rnneth over. I pray for a high mar ket in the presence cf ray customers. Surely good prices Trill follow me .all the days cf my life and I shall dwell in the jank shop f orerer. i .TF. STEVENS. Main St, Ken(TersonTile X, C. I buy anything and sell everything. r 2-l.Stc Men's $lt).00 Suits, Sale price $5.95 Men's $15.00 Suits, S. P 10.00 Dry Goods Apron Ginghams only 5c per yd Calicos, only 5c per yd Broad Cloth, $2.00 value sale price.' -$1.00 '. y ' . . ...... Sheeting.. 5c yd Drill,-'' 15c quality, only 10e Percals, 15c values only -10c Taffeta Silk, $1.50 values $1 yd. Boys' Suits Boys $10.00 Suits, sale price $5.50 Bpys' $5.00 suits, S. P . 2.75 Boys' $3.00 Suits, S. P-300 Ladies' Ready-tp-Wear $15.00 Suits only -1$20 $6 to $8 -Coats, only- M $5.0' Skirts' . 1.00 LADIES, S1TEATERS. $5.00 Sweaters at --$1.50 - Men's Hats and Caps Men's $2.00 Hats, only $lt00 . Men's $1.00 Hats, only : 50c Man's 50c Hats, only. '! 25c Men's 50c cape only 25e ; Shoes tor the jFamity . $4.00 Men's Work Shoe. (2.75 $3.00 Mea's work shoes -(2X3 $3 JO Women's Shoes. $2&Q $$2.50 Women's Shoes -$L50 . $2.50 Boys' Scout - Shoes $2)0 Table Oil cloth only 15c, per yd. Overalls $1.25 values $1.00 Men's work pants! $1.00". .Men's Dress Shirts. 30c FOR SALE One good second hand buggy. In 'good condition, will soil cheap.. Apply Hendersonville Hard ware Co, 2-15.tfc .'". ti Remember the sale continues at my two ether stores the ' Big Department Store and Whitmire's Shoe Store, which I bought recently. ZENER. CUTS THE PRICE AND SELLS THE GOODS