: One,:: . Cent-a Word Each ' Insertion 0 I .1 . 1 "TO 111 NOTICE Prndhttrne, , French Coach I THE JEFFRESS FAE3I ON 2HLL3 Stallion now ready to serve mares River. one of the best farms in all at $10.00 cash "in advance for one ''J'-N'1il!:&f ,x , 620 acres, 40Q or this is bottom jana. service. Colt not guaranteed. Cojt - ThIa farm ,is Demg sQb-divided into . x guaranteed for $15.00 for service, small farms and will be sold.at pub Apply, to Pink King at Vincent lie auction Monday, January 1, 1917 Place. Flat Rock Drive. 110-tfc at 10:30 a. m. Rain or s"ltc WANTED To make you look ten SALE FOUR BEAUTIFUL - years younger. Retired Beauty , shaded luilding lot3.on Hen. - . Specialist will send you formula for dersonville.Asneville, highway, each, this cream for 25 cents in stamps. 78 ft frontage4at a bargain. llrsJ Address Box 52 Waynesville. N .a miiams, Hyman Heights, phone ' 2-15"3tP Z5. : FOR SALE A Farm of 80 acres i 2 .1-2 RANTED A good farm hand with ' miles from court house. Will sell family. Can supply him home, gar all or part two cottages on place, deh, wood, etc. Apply W. P.' Bane. C5 rooms each. Fine spring-ideal Little ' River Road 4 miles from , . . , , Hendersonville N. C. 2-15-Jtc location for stock, poultry, truck or ; "hog ranch. Farm: aeriated by FOB SALE Two Berkshire brood stream 8 feet wide. Will sell rea- : SOws, fifteen pigs, two bulls, price; sonabJe. Write A. B. C. care-f the $25, and two Jersey heifers.-price Hustler at once. . 2-l-4tp S50; registered and. transferred for. - the above price. Will also sell one FOB SALE PBETTT, GRADE JER- or two registered Jersey cows. Ap. sey heifer. N. C. Dameron, Fletch- vply io J. P. Jones. East Flat Rock, er, N. C . 2-l-4tp N. C, P. O. Box 135. 2-15-3tp My folks dbWn South keep telling me: "Be' clean and sweet and pure And I'll bet you I am just about the purest cigarette ever made! . - Why, the SOVEREIGN factory is dusted every morning, just like a lady's parlor. That's the sort of home T have. And I've got to make good all the time in the look of me, and the smoke of me. : The finest, whitest, cleanest home you ever saw. Only the purest, sweetest, rich est Virginia and Carolina tobacco enters there. And when I come out, wrapped in the daintiest of white imported paper don't you know I am proud to be a SOVEREIGN? ' You Folk's of the South KNOW good Mood! . You Folks of the South KNO W good tobccta! Next to good breeding is good dress and gqod taste-and I have the- all That's n:y claim to your friendship. I can t say more, escspi 'J . OS If yer m mo rotary rc to yoar ceakr " and get vovZ ,;r back. I' hae ca!d it &'8sumern gentleman is known L we'll over -for keeping Ms' word, and I' have given you mine. V t I I AM y . J v -sir : A I ! i 1 (I R-np SJEIS S3J3BJTIE3IVAK OP TKB SOUTH . ... ' 1 I TO gton B.;Q The Southern Railway System Premier Carrier of the South Will sell round trip tickets on account of nauguration of President ocdrow Wilson W 5EW INTENTIONS. BEADY FOR WAR WITH GERMANY. Nation's Inventive Genius to Reveal Master Submarine Foe Many Ideas Have Been Developed. American inventive genius will have some tremendous surprises in war ma chinery for Germany in case of war. Povi Nc.-rvhr from London say Rritons are predicting, for instance. that a master anti-submarine weapon will be revealed by Thomas A. Edi son's inventive board." I talked today with Henry A. Wise Wood, an original member cf the Uni ted States naval consulting board, .on how war would- stimulate Yankee in ventors. Wood yis chairman of the ormfprence committee on National pre- parednes, president of the American Society of Aeronautical jngineeia. vice president oi the Aero Club of America, and member of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine En. 9 gineers: "Fortunately, in view of the present, circumstances, this copartnership be tween the Government and inventov has been working long enough to havs la a substantial foundation for the vrery great surprises I am certain the Cable dispatches from Lonaon i . v- v & ' . v - ' - ' ' A Three Months Trial Sub ecript'fra to THE ASHEVUSE TT3IES XorthCarolina's livest newspa per is offered to the readers of this paper for Daily and Sunday. Full Ascot-toted 'Tress Report. Un'tod Press Sunday Service. Fashion Features. Illustrated. tJci-'al Stories and Brimful of Enclosed find $1.00 for & three months Trial Subscription to the Asheville Times Dally and Sunday. Nam P. O.. , t Street. It. F. D. . . . ' i ii ii 1 world will be given ifthis country finds itself in a protracted war. I have information concerning these inven tions. "With few exceptions American in- vontors have heretofore devoted them selves exclusively to matters which do not concern warfare. 'Usually when an American inventor touched fighting machinery he found the government so Backward in adopting improvements he has been forcedto go abroad where peace was less ' certain in order to find an opportunity to develop n ideas. v "Thus Sir Hiram Maxim was driven out of this country, as wjis Lewis"; of the Lewis Run, and as have nearly all other American 1 modern inventors of T7ar material. It became the fashion of American .inventors to let war ma. chinery alone. ; . ' -The Navy Department, however has been far more progressive than any. other department, and within the last ten vears has shown commendable enterprise in adoption of new ideas. VnS has been due to he farsighted ness of men like Admiral Taylor, Ad miral Fiske and others.: ."Thus, with the help of the Navy Department,' Elmer ASperry has been enabled to. develop his marvelous gyroscopic compass and that remark able series of nautical inventions that make him the 'Edison of the Seas.' "Sperry is so modest few. know of his historic achievements. DATES OF SALE March 2nd. 3rd, and 4th, 1917. ' FINAL LIMIT To reach original starting point before midnight March-: 10th, 1917. ' ' i . TICKETS EXTENDED Original Durchasers of tickets may secure an ejx- tension until April 10th, 1917, by depositing tickets with Special Agent 'ia Washington and payment of $1.00. .(See locfl agent for particulars.) STOP OVEtlS Will be granted going or returning ,at any. stations where trains scheduled to stop within the limit of tickets. ' The following rates will apply from Stations named and equally low rate& from all other . stations not named, j . , - . ' Asheville to Hot.Springs inclusive . : $14.90 Hendersonville - ' -y ' . Brevard- -- '- HM0 s. . Tryon 'ji- - - 15.35 y 1 Lake Toxaway 17.15 Saluda.- - 15'60 ' Waynesville- -- 16.05 Andrews.. " 19.00 Murphy 19,00 Secure your Pullman accommcdatio ns in ad ranee and get what you want Through sleeping cars leave Asheville for Washington daily at 3:45 P. M.' For further information apply to your local tickgt agent or' write , , V J. H. WOOD, Division Passenger Agent. Asheville,. N.fC. . - ' " ""' mmmf m.l iiimi iiihjiuiii. .iiiili j C- . mil 1 1 .Mm ii i -: -ir'i. m Stun m n. ini.ini mhh mi i riiiriniMMMM"M'M'M"MII"l","'l - - "Among Sperry's inventions 'afVthe gyroscopic compass; the automatic stabilizer - or 'auto pilot' for aviators : the auto; anti-rolling revice for battle ships ; theaerial drift indicator, v his enormously powerful searchlight and innumerable other, important devices which are to be'fo'und on American battleships." ! END STOMACH TROUBLE, "Pape's Dfapepsln" makes sick, sour, gassy stomachs surely feel fine in five minutes. COW TONIC. Try a package of Pratt's Cow Tonic If your cow is a little off and fails to give enough milk. A fine builder and tonic, 50c- and $1.00. Hunter's Pbar maey. , 2-lte . , Windows may be kept clear and pol ished if they; are frequently wP.ed with, a piece of chamois. This pre vents the dust from caking. V If what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, ; or . you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness,, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and stomach-head' ache, yon can get relief in five minutes by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to such stomach distress now by getting a large fifty-cent case of Pane's Diapepsia from any drug store. You realize ia five minutes how needless it is to etuTer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stom ach disorder caused by food" fermentation due to excessive acid in stomach. '