Asheville Made for Carolina Trade! ram r FT -LI ay 2H If you use "Big Chief" for Horses and Mules and " Champion Dairy" for Cows, you know you are getting 100 per cent feeding results by the improved condition of your stock. Cows and working stock thrive on American feeds because the ingredients are superior quality food elements, mixed in just the right proportion. . . " - ' ' Jf you have not tried them YOU MAY TRY THESE GUARANTEED FEEDS WITHOUT RISK Trial Plan : Purchase a sack of either or both brands of American Feeds from your dealer. Feed the entire contents of the sack. If this test fails to absolutely satisfy you re turn the empty sack and the dealer has our authority to refund ALL your money. Nearly all of the feed and general merchants in Western North Carolina keep American Feeds. If your dealer doesn't carry them ask him to get them. If he fails to supply you, write us. Dealers write Manufactured by American Feed Milling Co-, Asheville, N. C. SOLD IN HENDERSON VILLE BY SOU rHERN SUPPLY CO BELIEVES BEBNSTOBFF CONVINCED MIDDLE WEST That German Cause Was Just Vast Press Agent ActiTitles Poisoned I Public Opinion for Months. ! (By Charles Edward Russell.) Washington, D. C, March 17. The evil men do lives after them, and the evil done to this country by Count Johannes von Bernstorff threatens long to outlive the memory of his name. The reason the President has hesi tated to act in the crisis the Zimmer man note broight is bccau?3 he did not have a united country behind him, and the reason he didn't have that is chiefly because of the. cunning work of the German press agency, conduct ed' by that boss schemer, von Bern storff. When the 12 Benedict Arnolds of the Senate managed to beat 'him about armed . neutrality the natural hope was that they talked no disloyalty out their own. The Legislatures of the Middle West Stages have knocked that : hope galley, west. The ugly fact to give us all a jolt is that the 12 must have spoken a feeling common in "the regions they come from. How does it happen that at this supreme crisis in our history so many Americans of the Middle West are at odds with the rest about such a mat-" ter? I am a Middle Westerner myself. Nobody can put Itover on me that my part of the country is any less Amer ican than any other, or any readier to Save the flag in the mud. Even after all these Legislatures have testified 4o the contrary, I'm not jared out of that faith. ' We owe all this trouble tc the won derful von Bernstorff press agency. The adroit mind that steered that concern picked out the Middle West as its best hold because the Middle West had so many cities with large German populations, and it made each of those cities a center from which to tell lies and spread dope. Every day and every night there went, out a flood, of press' matter in geniously" designed by a mind that knew the American mental processes as well as it know its own. It was put up in a way to be cer tain of getting into the American press "good stories" from the news point of view, that scarcely an editor ever would suspect If it was the masascres in Belgium this amazing genius knew how to cover them with such a web of doubt that today four in every five Ameri cans have no certainty there evei were any such things. If It was the iolation of Belgium's treaty rights, he scattered alleged doc uments to show that England wa3 about to do the same thing. For this reason and this alone, many Americans have the whole war upside down. Very ften they do not know or they will not cons! ler the simplest facts about it. They do not know, or will not think that Germany planned it years in advance; that the row with Serbia was only a pretense; that Ger many was so bent upon It she twice rejected the .arbitration that would have avoided it; that she really de clared it in April, 1913, and not n August, 1914; that she alone is re sponsible for blood drenched and ruin ed Europe, They will not ccnsideT that from the beginning Germany has steadily treated this country with . intolerable contempt and deliberate attacks: that she never had the slightest right tc sink one American ship; that every shot she has fired at sucn a ship has been a separate act of wir; that when her agents blew up American facto ries and killed American workingmen they were waging vtr just as nuch as if German troop.3 had formally in vaded us. 4 . They will not even consider the sobering fact that if Germany should win in this war her plans call for a new triple alliance to divide the world; that her share is to include the rich field of South America and that means we shall fight her then if we don't fight her now. They have been hypnotized by the von Bernstorff stuff about Germany fighting for the Fatherland, the fairy tales about Russia and the carefully manufactured stuff about British in terference with the "freedom of the seas." That is why the President fails of the support he. ought to have, and we stand fiddling and fooling when we ought to be at the great task of freeing the world and setting forward the march of progress and democracy. Von Bernstorff that's all. .... ETOWAH, B-r. - The Crab Creek Sunday-school met last Sunday and ' re-organized the Sunday school by electingthe follow- officers: jTc. WilkieT superintendent r J. B. Hamilton, secretary;. G. J. Pat terson, music director; ;Miss Hazel Patterson, organist. Miss Rena Kilpatrick of Crab Creek attended the closing exercises at Wil low school last Friday night, and re ports a very enjoyable time. Miss Flora Hamilton who has been staying on Green river for some time, has returned home. Miss Bird Fletcher of Pleasant Grove, spent Friday night with Mrs. P. P. Patterson. 'Neal Hamilton of this section made a business trip to Greenville, S. C, last week. us show vou thro' our Ladies' Suit and Coat Department. Beautiful New Presses in Crepe de Chine and Taffeta. Handsome Spring Skirts and Waists reasonable priced fjl Milli - Millinery How About That Easter Bonnet ? nery Ladies' and Children's trimmed and untrim med Hats. Shapes and flowers at undersell ing Prices. New Spring Footwear A big assortment of "White Shoes and Low Quarters to fit every foot. Come in and get a pair for Easter. New Spring Dress Goods An unusual large assortment of Dress Ging hams, Chambraysy Percales, Voiles, Gaiateas, Gabardines, and air kinds of Silk Materials. '' ' - ' . r . - - Warner's Rust Proof Corsets . , . New Idea Patterns r"W 32 3 SOME FACTS AND THEIR APPLICATION Advertising Builds Great r. Gity mm I F5 In the face of superior natural advantages possessed by competing towns, Advertising produced in California one of the finest and most beautiful cities in the 'whole world- It It is Los Angeles Every state in the union and every country on earth her. o sent men and women to live there. Wealth was brought in. Manufactures were attracted. Population increased my amazing strides. The results were wonderful and so unmis takable was the cause of them all that a famous writer was moved tocaU Los Angeles The City that Advertising built- There was neither magic nor miracle in Los An geles' growth it was brought to pass by vi- The Facts Point The Way to Action sion; by a truthful conception of the power of publicity ; by the correct application of the laws of cause and effect. What Los Angeles accomplished any other town may do and towns in Western North Carolina may do it more easily. Any Wes tern Carolina town that has ambition enough to raise a fund equal to the per capita expen diture of Los Angeles may achieve even bet ter results than were possible where new citizens had to be induced to cross a conti nent and the arid wastes of the -West. That WESTERN CAROLINA possesses many remarkable ad vantages is so strikingly evident as to admit of no argumeut. Will Your Town Grasp Its Opportunity ? Successful advertsing is more a matter of method than of money more' a knowledge of "How" than a richness of means. This Agency offers it sservices to Commercial, In dustrial and Tourist Organizations and Com- 4. - Edwin L. Gill Advertising Agency mittees. Display Advertising Campaigns, Booklets and descriptive matter, and corre spondence forms, for Hotels, Schools, Assem blies, Sanitariums, Residence Parks and Real Estate Subdivisions, given speical attention. HOUSE SHOE ITEMS. Vernon Moffitt, John Fletcher,. Zeke Corn, Parmer McCrary and Brady Iun- can attended the intertalnment at Wil low on Friday night and report a good time. f . Sam Johnson and wife of Hender sanville, were visitors in our commune itjr on Sunday. George McCrary and wife of Hen dersonville spent Sunday with J. Ol Johnson. Mrs. Brannon Moffitt is on the siek list. Kev. T. G. King preached an excel lent sermon at the Baptist church on Sunday. Tom and Jeff King are visiting their J parents at this place. Mrs, W. A. Osborne and daughter Sadie; have gone to Jonesboro. Tenn., on an extended visit. Mrs. Corrie Johnson is visiting in Ashevflle. The subject for the debate at the Horse Shoe school last Friday was: Resolved that Woodrow Wilson was a greater man than George Washington. Both sides carried their points well, but the judges decided in favor of Mr. Wilson. . Milt Allen conducted the class study on Wednesday night instead of W. A. Osborne. Miss Annie Johnson is spending a few days with Miss Sue Duncan. Miss Mary Duncan spent the week end with her mother. Quite a numbe rof our young peo ple, Misses Ola Johnson, Annie Laurie Johnson, Sue Duncan. Marv Duncan. j Gilette Johnson, Joe Capps Jay John son and Hazzie Case spent a very en joyable evening on Saturday at Rev T. C. King. " ASHEVILLE, ' North Carolina- WAMTEP Dressed Hogs, Live Turkeys, Chick ens, Butter and Eggs, Corn; Cab bage and Potatoes for which , highest market prices paid. We can save you money on your purchases on General Merchandise as we sell quickly for cash and are satisfied with smallprofits. Call over Phone No. 2400. Green River Nlfg. Co. TUXEDO, N. C. B. Y. P. IT. INAUGURAL SERVICE. Young People's Union of East Hender. sonville Church Installed Newly Elected Officers iffarh 15th. . Under the supervision of Mrs. J. A. Laughter, the church a-vditorium was attractively decorated with ferns and evergreen, also the B. Y. P. U colors of purple and gold were used. The inaugural committee was composed of Messrs. Lawrence J. Pace and Thomas J. Hyder, Mr. Pace acting as installing officer. The Union and congregation stood while the retiring and incoming officers were ushered to their places, then all joined in singing "Crown Him King of Kings." Mr. Lawrence Pace read the scripture lesson, after which responsive reading, the twenty third Psalm, was led by Mr. Hyder. Fol lowing a solo by .Miss 'Emily Davis, the secretary read the names of the new ly elected minor officers and as their names were read they formed a semi circle near the platform. After being duly installed they were presented with a certificate of election, and a badge was placed upon them by the secretary. At this point, Miss Ger trude Shlpman, president-elect, was escorted to the platform by Mr. Finley Pace, . retiring . president, and M,r,; Thomas Hyder of the4 installation com Mnittee. After Miss Shlpman had been 9 duly installed, the retiring president made a short and interesting address and presented the. Bible to the new president, the Bible being the insigna of office. At this point the secretary placed upon the pres;dent a beautiful badge made of purple and gold ribbon. Miss Shipman thn stepped forward and made a strong and well prepared address in which she reviewed the past history of the union and"" dealt with the problems that must be faced in the future. . All preesnt were fav orably impressed with the clearness and sincerity of the address. " A special offering was taken for one of the former members Miss Zura B. Martin who is at present attending the Moody Bible school of Chicago. ' The service was closed with a solo by Mrs. J. Ar Laughter. A list of the new officers are as fol lows: Miss Gertrude Shipman. presi dent; Miss Lula Sherman 1st vice president; Mr. Gaither Briggs. 2nd vice president; Mrs. Lawrence J. Pace, secretary; Miss Anne Connor, assist ant secretary; Miss Eunce Bowling, treasurer; Mr. Lawrence J. Pace, manager; Miss LAz'.ia Coston, or ganist; Mr. Thomas Hyder, Musical director and Mr. Walter Orr, reporter. Mis Clara Hyder and Mr. Joe Ward are the group leaders. mncE .T O. ANDERSON DIES OF SMALLPOX. Hub Anderson, son of Mrs. Roxle Anderson, of Etowah, and a former resident of thfc county, died last week from smallpox in Victoria, British -Co : lumbla. A telegram was received hj j Ms relatives telling of the sad news Hotel and Boarding House Keepers Call on your nearest Southern Rail way agent and fill out a blank he wlU provite for listing your hotel or board ing house in the Southern RaiW System's Summer Homes Folder is now being prepared. Give 0$ prompt attention if you desire repre sentation without cost to you to w" handsome publication. J. U. BAILEY, Aged