PAGE SLYLi; noStmsj f yarn- '! -ft Si' t ,u Si Mi PcE Set Jstms&t' 50c up. w P&y More? EYEGLASS SATISFACTION Means Relief, Comfort and Style.. Becoming Glasses Cost no More J. C. DENMSON, O Phd Optometrist and Optician 52 Patton Av. Asheville, N. C. (In Henderson Jewelry Store.) 8 vt r "ti i CLIP THIS AND PIN ON WIFE'S DRESSER Cincinnati man tells how to shrive! up corns or calluses so they; lift off with fingers. Ouch !?!?!! This kind of rough talk will be heanJ less here in town if people troubled with corns will follow the simple advice of this Cincinnati authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called freezone when applied to a tender, aching corn or hardened cal lus stops soreness at once, and soon the corn or callus dries up and lifts right off without pain. He says freezone dries immediately and never inflames or even irritates the surrounding skin. A small bottle of freezone will cost very little at any drug store, but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. Millions of American women will welcome this announcement since the inauguration of, the high heels. If your druggist doesn't have freezone tell him to order a small bottle for you. fOItll TO. Hotel and ers Poll nn vmiv naareat SnnfflAlTt T?Afl- tt oo.a ii hunv Yia will ' provite for listing your hotel or bpard' ing house in the Southern ; Railway System'a Summer Homes Fodder wfejcli is now being prepared. Give this prompt attention if 'your desire irepTe sentatioh wltho costte 1 yptt ia this handsome puSllcaticm. - - J. W. BAILEY, Agent GIVE "SYEUP OVZtQS" U : TO COirCTIPATIlD CHILD Deliciout" "Fruit Laxative can't harm tender little Stomach, liver . and bowels. Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at once. When peevish, cross,' listless doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or Is fever ish, stomach sour," breath ; bad; has sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup Pf Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of Its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which con tains full directions for babies, chil dren of all ages and for grown-ups, . Why Constipation Injwes. The bowels are the natural sewer age system of the body. When they become obstructed by constipation a Part of the poisonous matter which they should carry off is absorbed into tha system, making you fcehdull and stupid, and interfering' with the diges tion an dassimilation of food. This condition is quickly relieved by Cham. wenain's Tablets. Obtainable every-1 i Boarding House Keep ere. aav. NOTICE OF SCUOOi TAX E LECTIQJf - Pursuant to tho provisional chap ter - of the. Laws of North Carolina of 1917. entiUc4 "An'act to' provide for the levying pt-SnecialiSchot Taxes In 4115,' UpoIL.thV eti - of more t f than onthlrd v:.the:.Wlffllectors-bt'. the city of Hendersohvlllfl duiv fild .with the Boai' dOf ' Cbmmissibnera of said cltytt s ordeireaijy laid 'boafoT of. commissioner afc a. special meeting duly and regularly, called fo Vth pur pose pf considering 'said petition, that an election shall be held in said cityv on Tuesday after the .first' Monday Hi May 1917 to vote upon the proposition io levy an aaattional tax of twenty cents-- on everv hundred dollars nf taxable property in said citv for th support arid maintenance of the; Hen dersonville Public. Schools and at the same time it , was ordered that H. W. Alien be appointed .as'Refcidtraf of saia election ana j M. Stepp and w. P. Ifidwards, Sr, he appointed as judges of Bald election. The registration books will be kept open for the regis tration' of electors who are entitled to register and vote &t the times and places required by law for euch pur poses.' ''I''':'. ' ' V- 'I This the 2nd day of April, 1917. " 4-5-4tc ; C. E. BROOKS. Mayor. NOTICE OF SALE TJNDEB DEED llf TRUST. By virtue of the power of sale in a certain deed in trust executed to the undersigned on the 23rd day of July, 1915 by W. P. Corn and wife, Masouria Corn, default having been made in the payment of the Indebtedness secured thereby, the undersigned will, there fore, pursuant to the terms of said deed trust, on Monday the 7th day of May, 1917 at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door in the city of Hen sonville, Henderson county,' North Carolina offer for sale txt public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash all the following described real estate, to wit: Situate lying and being in Hen derson County. North Carolina and known and designated as follows: Be ginning on a rock in J. A. Holbert's line west of the old rock quarry and runs W. 23 deg. 13 poles to a rock; thence S. 79 deg. E. 25 poles to a rock; thence S. 1-3 W. 13 poles to a rock in George Creasman's line; thence with, his and J. P. Holbert's line N. 79 deg. W. 25 poles to the beginning, contain ing two acres, more or less and being the same land conVeyed by M. E. Corn December 10th. 1914 and the present Lome place of the said W. P. Corn. This the 4th day of April, 1917. R. J. ALDERMAN, Trustee. By J. P. Justice, Attorney. 4-5-4tc NOTICE OF DEED OF TBUST SALE. Whereas on November 21, .1904 Hart Knitting Mills Company executed to the undersigned Trustee that deed of trust which is of Record in Book 18, page 207 of the Records of Deeds of Trust for Henderson County to secure a note in the sum of 5600.00; anI whereas default has been made in the a. m payment or a large part oi saiu maeDt- edness, Now, therefore, by virtue of the power contained in said deed of trust, the undersigned will on Tuesday, May 15, 1917 at 11 o'clock a. m., at the court house door In Hendersonville, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following land? conveyed by said deed of trust and bounded as follows: That tract of land situate in the County of Henderson, State of North Carolina, in the town of Flat Rock on ;the State road, being lands described in deed of record in Book 24, page 496 nf tha "Rpertrrls nf TiPPrlo fnr Wonrlor- son County and bounded as follows; f- IO" m BOP5 no- A ac we imo. Beginning at a rock on the Elliott f of the records of deeds-for Hen old line. Harris & Jones old corner, jderson County bounded as follows: than,. fth wniott Xr wo.t rsi nl Beginning at a black gum and run- S. E. 42 poles to a rock; thence S. - - ww w ; !?Ie'J?!N;ili:LyiL?l!Si(East- poles to a pile of stones; his old line N. 4 W. 21 poles to a stake; thence N. 45 E. 12 poles to a stake; containfstg 4 2-10 acres. : " This Aprfl 14. 1917. W. C. RECTOR. 4-19-4to Trustee; jt6tice of summons and wae- j: BANT ; OF ATTACHMENT. ) ( State of North Carolina, ;Tl' 'J f -".' k Henderson County.! V v Superior CdurfMay;Termr First- Bank '- & Trust Company, a' Coi po ration vs. W. A.,Chenoweth.. -., i Thes defendant- above named will take notice that' an action entitled as above: has .b'e6n commenced la ,the Superior court ' of Henderson county by the above named plaintiff against the above named defendant to recover of said defendant tne-sum or 4.uu wllfi: Interest therebh at" 6 f rota the 5th day of November. 1916 due by note; in jwhich action a warrant of at tachment has been Issued against' the vroperty of said defendant, the sumr mons in said case and the said war rent of. attachment being returnable At the next term of the Superior court of said Henderson county, which con venes1 oh the 28thlday of May, '1917. at at the Court house in Hendersonville. North Carolina, when and where the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint of the said plaintiff or the relief demand ed' will be granted. This 14th day of April. 1917 C. M. PACE. . 4-26-4tc " Clerk Superior Court. ; jroTiCE of;mqrtgacse 3AKe. v North Carolina Henderson County. - By virtue of the power of sale contained- in a certain mortgage deed ex ecuted by D. N. Sharpe and.F. M, .La Bruce tovG. F. -Bdhey under date of December 10th. 1914. and ordered In Book ot Mortgages 40 At page 228. tr 4 nonnttr 1 records, -default Henderson I haas been made ta the paymeat of 8 both principal 'and interest of the debt secured .thereby, and demand for, pay ment having been, made and the same neglected or refused, ?the undersigned! will sell to the highest bidder for cash J at the colirt house door- in the City of Hendersonville, N, C:on the 5th day! nf Mftir fffAtiirrtavi t 12 o'clock M. all the following fdescrfted piece, parcel qA tract; pf-land,r tpwit; V t y -J' ' ' Beginniagnat :a cr black : gum near Reedy Patch creek, said black ? bum standing near a large white oak and pointers iind; runs thence north 15 di grees-west 33 poles .to a sassafras; thence South 47 degree west 35 poles to a .Spanish pak; thence .north 85 de-j grees west 24 poles to a blact gum ; thence South 55 degrees; west 36 poles to a Hickory: thence north 89 west 36 poles to aT stake in the old line; thence with the old line south 15 east 40 poles td a white oak; , thence east 70 poles to;' a.; Chestnut' stump and pointers; thence North 15 west 20 poles crossing Reedy Patch" creek toa bunch of dog wood; : thence down said Creek with its jmeanderings one xod f pom the waters edge along said line to the. beginning containing 30 acres. . .. J : S'aid sale being: made to satisfy the debt and interest above mentioned. N This the 3rd day of April1917. . :. .'; G. P. EDNEY. The Germania Savings Baik, Assignee. E. W. Ewbank, Att'y. . 4-5-4to. v NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WA1I- " BANT OF ATTACHMENT. State of North Carolina, Henderson County. 1 Superior Court--May Term, 1917. Hi M. Hester vs. C. E. Bonesteele. The above named defendant, C. E. Bonesteele, will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Hen derson County, in whirb, the plaintiff H. M. Hester, seeks to recover, of said defendant the sum of $749'.88, with in terest thereon from . December 6th. 1916, alleged to be due by contract and judgment, the summons in said cause beirtg returnable at the next term o the Buperor Court of Henderson Coun ty, which convenes- at the Court House in Hendersonville on May 28th, 1917. The said . defendant will also taka notice that a Warrant . of Attachment Las been issued against the property of said defendant, which Warrant of Attachment is returnable at the time and place above mentioned for the re turn of the summons when and where said defendant is required to .appear and answer or demur to the complaint, now filed in said action or the reilef therein demanded will be granted. This 6t hday .of April, 1917.' CM. PACE. Clerk ' Superior Court Henderson County. , 4-12-4tc. , NOTICE OF SALE OF BEAL ESTATE UNDEB DEED IN TBUST. 'By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed in trust ex-' ecuted on the 27th day of February.' 1914 by W. C. Yount and wife, July Yobnt, which deedlin trust Is of re cord in Book No. 38 at page No. 101 of the Records of Mortgages and Deeds in trust for Henderson countv. default having been made in paymentof the indebtedness secured thereby, the undersigned trustee will, on Monday, the 27th day of May. 1917 at 12 o'clock Aoon at the court house doer in the city or Hendersonville, Henderson County, North Carolina offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash all the following described tract of land, to- wit: ' ySX. "."r.". tviver wwnsmp, nenaerson county- North Carolina and being the Bame.ueX,,f aL, n lami rtparrjh in A frm Wm w Right now the advice to ot, TQ t - Arr IJa -tM '"f "'a ''.V' ei U1U hJVU(.U JL-td UCgi UaOV dt.t ;U1C9 on Prultt's line; m-vX rnrTarnrriAr'nf fnnllSd, the thing to do is to-fight against de West ,54 l-2 poles to a rpek oil 96 lines; 'thence i North 8 deg; West 60 poles to shoi creek; thence North t(K deg. East 35 poles to mouth ot Rniinrhmnnffvr.fhAnA?Nnrfim-ss.- Rnrino- hmnfth '".henfA2 Norths -53' dee. i South 84 deg. East 19'1-2-pples w a'Iie white oak; thence North SOdeg. Eist .f-;-172iJS 20 ;pofes to:the beglimmg, containing cif rtt5S?S 34 acres, more or less. . J: iftt6e;forS rW2f : SSSfi .rrr- A.- 4r.j.'wr;wNiMff!;' I osit in r.stable8D ult these randTOtner V R J. ALDERMAN Trustee.! 1 iBy .JwF. Justip,: ' ' ""Attorney;. ' NOTICE' OF SALE f.. e 'Pf 'ortli " Carolina CPnntyof :Henderosn; In the Snperior'v Court, v Before the Clerk. . EhrlnshausPtitipner, I Mrs. Laura M: Little, Mrs. Mary Little Burns l and Clarence Burns, her -husband " s U jy?virtue of a decree of the Sup - r'or Court of Henderson County in the above entitled proceeding made on the ZUtn Qay OI April ivn, tne unuersigu- ea uommissioneis wjii ou mouudj wc 28th day;of May'1917, at 12 o'clock at the Court house door in the city ot Hendersonville. Henderson i County, i lie auction to the highest bidder fo cash all ,pf the followin: fl0frlhoH real estate , to-wit: v - ' ' i K ' Situate lying and being in Hen derosnville township, Henderson coun ty. North Carolina, and known and 4nlinisai1 n a f nil rtTifa i ... .a t., iii. xt e i .. H irst AxjxjDemf? iut iu. u m iu Plesa uivlslon. beSinnliiK on a Btak N. K. comer of Lot-No. 6 In said Pless division - and runs with said street North 9 1-2 deg. west,136 feet to Fifth ave.. thence soutn i aeg. wesi wun Fifth avenue 80 feet to the Northwest corner ot the orlgtnaV Pless boundarr; thence with the old line 155 feet to the Northwest coiner ot Lot No. 6 in said by Blrdr Aetinsr as -inject Ddstroyi rs ; Organize Bird Study Clubs. - ' There is everywhere atendenWln minds or the boys 'and girls a love for the birds.g Chieiamo!a the$sett4tes whlch just novV are prompting; this beneficent ;;work" is :tt AuohJ Society- of North Carolina with headquar ters in. Raleigh. . Recently this socie ty haslissued ftbeaUtlu1llttl folder for oUstHbMtpniimoftg -tke Jsciplsilnd indlvidnalsdntexestedilnilhersnccess'; ful prosecution of the work. The object of th's society is tot protect the birds tbot!i sqng; arid insectivorous and to acquaint the people; and most especially the .farmers, withi tho, fact that birds aro the greatest insect de stroyers in ;theH;worIdf .and not? only fnsectdestrpyerslbuti.wee(t, .destroy. ers; as .well.. J ;, ,? v, ; :-r a f r s . e It Is said that the corn' crori of "the I United "States - Is Injured feSnuallyby aestrucuve insects to the amount of $100,000,000. It is aidi.also, that in sects destroy ahriually about one- tenth of all the agricultural ;nd for estry products of this country. It is estimated that potato bugs alone' cost anhually $17,000,000 to , the ; growers of , America. , IV vis claimed v further ' that tobacco growers of the United States lse annually around , the sum :or $10,000,000. It is s'aid by statisti cians that, the -fruit growers of the country annually . Z lose approxi mately $30,000,000 by destructive in sects. Practically all of these in sets furnish food' forthe birds - and wouia largely De exterminatea were it not for the ruthless war which, continually .waged upon our little feathered friends. ' It is claimed by those who have made a study of this matter, that fully 98 per cent of the, food of wrens is composed of destructive Insects which ' annually make war oh the farmers and truck growers of our country. Ninety 1 per cent of the food of bee martins, three-fourths of the food of woodpeckers, and more than three fourths of the food of bluebirds. I? composed of these same injurious In sects which arc found on the farms and in the orchards everywhere. 1 Would it not be well for the teach ers to organize the boys and girls into a "bird club" before the close of the term? The Libertv Bell Bird Club Is an ideal organization for the nrotec tion of our feathered friends, and f 1 the necessary literature and full in structions will be .gladly furnished free on application. Enlist the children'iri this humane work? Have them put up some birr houses this ' spring. Ask them to. furnish some food for. the birds when it is scarce. Encourage respect for game laws, and create a sentiment for further protective .legislat'on at the next meeting of the general assembly. And write the United States Depart mcnt of Agriculture for their" bulle tins about birds. C. C. W. in Progres sive Farmer. ! ; INDIVIDUALIZE AGAINST FLIES. It has been said and repeated so manv tmes that some people find in the expression "swat the fly" some thine at which to laugh, taking it as a species of humor that is being of fered. But this is not so, for the truth is that there is no saner piece of advice In the cause of freedom from disease and the holding of good health than this same "swat the fly" urging. It means more than merely knocking over a fly at 'a time, for the .advice has behind it the call to the colors to continued battle against flies. And battle is de. I of disease, the advance guards of j ' . .. "swat the may be taken literally, for it is snring-time f and with dexterous use the fly-swatter can do a lot of. fly-ex termination as the flies Pome out of their winter quarters ready to get to work. And. each r fly --that is - killed means so many flies less during: the summer when r there will be so many millions that the swatters will not be ! able to do the r necessary execuuon. f VTeYZaAa1 swatt ng. fPilth is the breeding place ,"-"J' SSL5 , Pia ?, "JTTJTZ Z well'sep in lit a plant -for fly propaga- tlon. ! Old tin -cans with water in ?flT uO is to gei rja oi iuem'iiu;jav.iw'' the coming oro many nies. iteir. That 'r ' disease f ana r aeam axe threatened by the. presence of files no longer needs argument to show; That beine recognized thp thlnsr to be done is to have a good house cleaning and vard cleaning so as to get, rid of all trash -and h filth' that f ;wjould ajd m briging more flies. The matter is one of so much Importance for gooa neana that we ,trust: thatithe editors of thfe State will enter at once Into a cam f press Jiome to the people tlie ' need to do al Ithat J" trgr urease the number , of iJJr imum. RaeUgh News and QDserfo. . . : : . division; -thence with theIIn or sam Lot No. 6 134 it to the gi Second Lot Beto Lpt No. . JaJ Pittan rUvtsinn. heeinnine at a stake in the North margin-of Fourth ave;, and and tho WART maiVT.n Or rirao onccu runs as follows: North 9l-z aw-wew Rrtiitih 81 deff. west 134 feet to the ' Streeper . line; ? thence with ot.Mn.. : Una BftntllWJTrt - 155 - feet tO Fourth avenue; thence North 79 aeg. 1 qk toot n tlie bejrlnnmR, . nxv . - jui being t , 'ara "riVrand ; wife Madge L her 3rd. 191 o T ii rAAnrdd i1 oak 60 at pake 107 of tn necorus ui for Henderson county. r . This the 23rd day:Of AnriM9l7.'. W. MARSHALL BRIDGES. ,' :!! r-r 4-26-4t5l Commis8ipners. !. man. uGeamitv l AIT lrwi u r It all startediwith trie i firet deposit. His. bank account grew un til he was comfortable. T hen the" convenience of paying his bills with Qhecks enabledlhi m to: keep his accounts1, straight and . saved hiin time and. worry.n . Happiness was tha result ;of seeing it pile up ' and grow. "Airof a" sudden he realized he was a man with . WEALTH. V ? YOU CAN GROW ' RICH tbb'if you will only put thesmoney v you have in your pocket. .RIGHT NOW into the bank and keep on ; . ADDING to it. r Doit.; ';, ' I- .' . .. ' r .i-'..'?' X UX xuua uiuuey rj m ' Private Water Plants. ? -7 Modern Coriveniencs for Rural Homes. ,( MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Electrical Contractor, Steam & Hot Water Heating , HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. Private Electric Plahts. ' . -. . , 'V.:., 5 : ' . ' . ..l t .r- f : .... . - - ' - - - .,1JJ; - . . . . . . . 1 ,-, ' . ' -.!..-.. ; .- ' '. ' ' 1 g - !' " ' '" n t iiii it-, .v.- 7 It has been rumored in U the markets have advanced prices on all meats v A , maybe some markets have we do not know it Jf 1 If issellirigTat tKe Fine Steak 18c to 25c per Pound ir ',:. PHONE 227 'r :-" ' ...... j. - i ; "' " ''' f '. New Sanitary Market on Fifth Avenue o 9:1. .si-.:Ti!-'I n7;fT :fctA ' H71 I ; WtttHMt 'dtt Pl t - ; : I: ' ' . : , ' ' - ', i- Ml ; . .. ,-- ( IV;.',. i, 'i Kn - . . m m. .JAVA. VilirSfs.- r"4T yv Vta." ID) i IV i I 1 CV' II II m. ivji. i3o yy uun uaun., .... i Phone 383-W. Hendersonville that all same old price i i.i Li J ,. . - . -.- . u .: ... .... : . ;trjjx.f $T$xL; .fuur- S3.-.r,Aap-:,rr - - - - - ----- t r - - v IV 1 f -f- V ' - v i - ill - . .i ' -To. r.'uit! i ' V 'j ? s .J ,ev A a r

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