it... .-, ; . -:o.--v ;. '- . . , , . k . . v- . ; '.. .a 5 " : PAGE. SEC. . ' ' - i rrfvrv ' t v t ..,. - , v. .- .-.-v - ' ... ( ' IIT - .... I A. H. MOREY DENTIST Morey Building. PHONE 60 pr. W. H. Yander DENTIST Phone 351 Office over Duff's Holmes Building DR. H. L. KEITH i (Successor to Dr. W. F. Nickel.) DENTIST. Offlce: Over Hunters Pharmacy. dr. e. a. McMillan : (Successor to Dr. W. T, WalUceJ DENTIST Offlce: Burckmyer Building, 4Ux At Phone 442. '' " Hendersonvllle. N. C. DR. EHRINGHAUS DenUst. W'T PHOJfE 57-J. r Offlce over J. O. Williama. HENDERSONVILLE. N. a A TALK TO THE TETEBAJS I - - BY MBS. J. a uuv " AV (Published by Request) After another year spent in tne peaceful routine of our daily lives, we have met again today to celebrate the eighth anniversary J, TQfF00nn na vis the only president x. nnr,fprto stats ever naa m North the name of Jefferson Davis C. v. n to ridicule and scorn as a traitor to his country and a fiend in his personal character, while in the n-..ii. has hpRn too ereat ten- dency 'to criticize him because he fail bined hosts of the world. But the quiet dignity with which he endured defeat and the indignities heaped upon himwhile in prison seemed to bring shame to his enemies and it certainly bound the hearts of his own people him as he suffered for iuvAc . .AJ CM. -i a without a stain aier .ana a scuaiui o ..vw-. t on nfQ ho was a regular, ami 111 '11XS UCXXXjr iiiv . constant reader .of the Holy Scriptures q ti onpn confessor of the Cnris- tian religion; he was a loyal patriot and risked his life in defense of his ni aa a war secretary he f thP erreatest the country ih. e or had. The youth of our land should be taught that Jefferson Davis was one of the greatest men of his day. who hP was a prisoner in Fortress Monroe, Dr. Craven was appointed to give him medical aid. He entered upon his duties wjth bitter prejudice against him but as he saw more and more of his distinguished patient he became impresed with the remarkable quality of his mental powers, wun simplicity of his character, and witn the purity of his daily Christian life. Because of the friendly interest mani fested by Dr. Craven in his patient he was removed from his position as tr-.ed-ical attendant.' He afterwards wrote a remarkable book entitled, i "The Prison Life of Jefferson Davis" in which tne mental acquirements of Mr. Davis as compared to Thomas Jeffer son. Wm. Gladstone and Lord Salis bury. It can be truthfully said that Jecerson Davis was a loyal defender of the Confederate cause anl a true Southern gentleman. What moro IlCLOraDie uue CUUiu uc a:iy true Southernei ? Billy Sunday wuS.'t; in his Boston campaign some months ago, paid a tribute to the South in his own unique way whicn is too good not to be repeated. He said: Sixtv-eieht ner cent of the men 01 me South are in the Church. Why? You may not like it but the bravest, the truest and the finest men and women in America are found South of -the Mason and Dixon line. That is why took thirty million people to li-R Even he Dogs go Mad about the Cash Prices I pay for all kinds of JUNK J. F. STEVENS Opp. Court House.Main Street HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. THE GBEAT HEJfDEESON- TILLE-CHABLOTTE HIUI1WA1 North Carolina's Leading Motor Boad to the Mountains of nestern , Xrth 'Carolina. (Contributed.) ' The great storm of July 16, 1916, damaging as it did , all sections of Western North Carolina, xeeked its especial vengenance on Hickory Nut nuD The damage ' amounted to tens of thousands of dollars in that vicinity alone: damage to roaas, images. houses, loss of crops, even to loss of human lives! 'Henderson county, was the first to open up her highway to Bat Cove and to construct a substan tial bridge across Broad river. This highway has therefore been in excel lent travel condition for many months. Rutherford county has now com pleted its work to the Henderson line (3-4 mile below Baf Cave) and cars-can easily make the trip. The road not only not yet complet ed, but not yet begun is what is known . . "WW 1 as the "Hickory isut uap mgnway, that sDlendid road thorugh Hickory Nut Gap, 8 miles being in the direction of Asheville. built by tne state con victs at great expense, the road thai was close to the heart of our recent governor, Locke Craig, that it has ap propriately been called by some the "Crair Highway." Efforts are yet be ing made to get this great thorough fare rebuilt, but the outlook is not en couraging. What the future may hold remains to be seen. Hendersonvllle The Gateway City. Owing to the damaged condition of the Hickorv Nut, Gap highway, it set ties at once the statewide, iar-reacning imDortance of the Charlotte-iiender- sonville Highway. Henaersonvme thus becomes literally the gateway citv to the Southern Appalachian mountains for all west bound motor travel from all North Carolina points It Is tha only auto road from Char lotte to the mountains ana citizens here should snread very wide the change that has been wrought by the great storm for the route is now in truth the Charlotte-Hendersonville highway. If anybody Is disposed to think that the government is slow in legislating and making war' preparations, it .will do him good to remember mat uiifa country has to do what other nations have (taken years and decades to do. It is impossible to propeny appreciate the endless1 number of details ana uie magnitude of the job before the au thorities. The building- up oi uig armies, the gathering of war material - A A S cnA diTvnifPs the- construction m tuu - thousands of ships of various kino. the raising of the biggest tax budget by far the world has ever seen, the com blex and perplexing foreign relations. the work 4n connection with -..the. spy system, there and various otner tnings are all to be considered at the same time and much of the work Is without precedent or experience or conse auence to go by. The administration is up to its ears in work and is going as raniaiy as circumsiuucea peimu Among the most pressing need, for making is relative to food speculators They need attention as quickly as the government can get to tnem. -Ji-r. Forethought. PeoDlp. are -learning, that a little forethought often saves them a big ex Dense. Here is an instance: E. W Archer. Caldwell, Ohio, writes: "I do not believe that our family has been without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since we com menced keeping house years ago. When we go on an extended visit we take it with us." Obtainable every where. Boston Woman Recommend ing it to Her Friends JUST RECEIVED A New Eot jbf arid Bonnets and Children 25c to-$2 ReHuction on Trimmed Hats MISS M. E. WOODALL Popular Boston Lady Says Tonoline! Has Proven as Godsend to Her. It is always interesting to listen to thestatements of our friends, and es pecially when you know they are sin cere and honest in what they say. a Vou;SIV""1,"V,;;po(,pntp( Added interest is created in a state Notwithstanding the wcedented meQt com Qne who hag devastation of Hickory t Gap, the Bogto where ghe people of that section have shown tne . ociallv greatest possible ! eou- T'on is Annie Stewart. View Innl a hotel of somel2a cap ly , resides,in Bogto and is possess. ?f-S.nnen 50mSS? 1 tafiSe t Si ' ed of the respect and confidence of her $lo,000 ehlmJucTl associates, and is willing for anyone to flood, burned to the ground, ami a .f tn f0n0Winr.sien. much finer three-story structure these hotels every room nas Datn con- nectoins. I he Chimney KOCa. cjj:iv rs.nv which suffered great da iaage in J - . 1 ,1 Till t'f loss or ullages auu iuau ever thing in perfect repairs and their new concrete pier doubletrack bridge is a model in bridge architecture. Boad Repairing ecessaxj. -There is only ona short stretch of road that is yet in bad condition, viz : that lying just below Bat Cave. There are several places that are very nar row and in bad shape, and if not re paired will keep hundreds of people from reaching our city. A very few work with the chain gang uum it eight million. There arc more pu'e- blooded Americans south oi the Mason and Dixon line than anywhciv. in rlie country and that is why so many of those men aie Christians. I say this even though my old daddy was one of the 'boys in blue and fought against them. They were hard to lick dovyn there because they are real Americans. So I say, south of the 'Mason and Dixon ine they have got the Aorth licked to i frazzle in religion and in morals." It is pleasant to have such troubles paid to our Southland but those of you who are native rsorth Carolinians should sing a little louder song of praise because you are born, "Tar Heels." The records of North Caroli na are written high on the banner of fame! It is said of North Carolina that she was "first in battle and last at Aunomattox " "first In battle" when wenry u. wyan was me uibt man nm- . 0 ctrnno. noint in its QOm UU1SI. lO n r- I hav suffered with stomach trouble for the past seven years. It took the form of indigestion and dys pepsia. I had dizzy spells and head aches, and after I ate a little food it would ferment and cause gas to form in my stomach. I had pains all over my body, and was chronically consti pated. My liver was torpid and I felt generally miserable. I had doctored and had been in the hospital, but r -ceived no permanent relief. I was so nervous and restless that at night I could scarcely sleep. The gas press ing under my heart caused palpitation, and when I arose in the morning I was iust as tired as when I retired. About iv had nlace in the Headers Can! two weeks ago I lgan to take tono- Jr;f. ho aponmnlished. and if so at : line, and I can truthfully state that it Lino uuv I -li-ms nrnnriarc i-n mir rCk oo I nm There is evidence that Cohenagen feeling like a new woman and can eat any kind of food. I sleep the night TTotii rnhba will become the lead-, '. through and have no more aches or Market caDDagc win TT:i.i ! : -0a oni t ing early variety grown in uie umi i Vw, h The fact ttot the heads sel EGGS POULTRY, BUTTER and HIDES All kinds Country Pro duce. We pay cash for all you ship. Prices on request. , Vestern Produce Co. .Asheville, N. C, The Beauty Secret. L-aaics aesue uiai uic ' ciViVl frharm - a pood complexion. Of course they do not wish others to know a ? beautifier, has been used so they buy a bottle of " ' Magnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER mni use according to simple diredion. Improve ment is noticed at once. Soothing, cooling and tefrcshing. Heals Sunburn, stops Tan. Pink, White, Rose-Red. 75c at 'Dmggkts or lv mail direct. Sample (either color) for 2c Stamp. Lyon Mfg. Co.. 40 South FiftH St.. Brooklyn. N.Y. I J I i .i Machinery and Mill Supplies Largest stock in Western Carjo lina. Saws. Pulleys, Belting. UvtWire Hope, Pipe, Fittings,, Ma r chinist's Tools. Foundry and Machine work a specialty. ; Asheville Supply and Foundry Co. - ABhevUle, N. a: - ed in the war between the states; i last at Appomattor". when the brigade of Gen. V. R. Cox of Grimes' division fired the last volley at. Appomattox on April 9. 1865. At Chancellorsvill. where Jackson fell, North Carolina furnished 24 of the 120 regiments on the Confederate side but her loss was more than one third of the Confederates killed and more than oue fourth of the wounded. . At Gettysburg, in that world famous charge, J. M. Brooks and Daniel Thomas of the 26th North Caro Una regiment planted the Confederate colors on the enemy's works. The heaviest loss in any regiment of that terrible battle was in the 26th North Carolina regiment which lost 90 per cent of its men. North Carolina fur nished a number of men as command ers of ships in the Confederate navy. I mention but one James Iredell Wad- dell of the Shenandoah which carried the Confederate flag entirely around the world and did not surrender till November 6, 1865. Gen. A. P.Hill said he preferred to command North Caro linians "not that they are braver I I where all are brave, but have as the I bravest they are more obedient to com mand." North Carolina furnished the great war governor Zebulon B. Vance Orrin 'Randolph Smith ; of Louisbtirgy was the designer of, the Confederate flag. " The last, meeting of the full Con federate cabinet was held in Charlotte on April" 6, 1865. One could spend hours telling the possessions of North -Carolina of her ambitions and her achievements but. I your time shall not be taken in this way today. But rignt nere i wani to tell jou how glad the Daughters of the Confederacy are to greet each one of you today. We feel honored that you leave your homes and your business and give us this day's pleasure in meet ing with us here. On these annual oc casions it always saddens our hearts that there are some familiar faces ab sent and some voices do not answer when the roll is called. Irwin S. Cobb, the celebrated war correspondent and lecturer, himself the son of a veteran tells the story of a man who at the. close of the war, went back to his home in a little country village and began the practice of medicine. His means would not permit his furnishing a nice office, so he fixed up a musty little cor ner on the second floor of a very dilap idated old building and tacked a board on the hitching post-reading "Dr. Jones upstairs.'" The poor and the needv loved him for they soon learned' that behind the gnarled hands that had fought faithfully for the four years of war there was a bility and beneath the toseled hair there was a skilled brain But one day his familiar figure was missed by his comrades. ; They search ed for him and upon going to his office they . found that the "busy hands were quiet and the tired -head was at rest I upon the pillow. Those who loved favor. him were not weatlhy but they buried him with honor. 'men ueguu search for funds with which to put a monument at his grave. No funds were found among them, however. them had an inspiration. t trt cet the old hitching post fronfhis front door and put it at his w.o0 Thi was done and there until wnds and rains and sun had faded the lettering, stood the monument reaaiK ,-r t ,,nctirQ " And that is t liir tn think of all the Confed U.J VY A"v - erate soldiers who have gone on be forethey are all upstairs. am recommending it to an oi my friends, as it has been a Godsend to me." Hunter's Pharmacy sell and guaran-1 tee tonoline. There are numerous symptoms of this trouble that tonoline can relieve. In fact, any of the following may de note affections of the stomach: Indi gestion, dyspepsia, belching of wind. bad breath, sick trobbing headache, por circulation, night sweats, that tired feeling, costiveness, coated ton gue or a poor complexion. Caution: As tonoline , Is recom mended as a flesh builder those not wishing to increase their weight 15 pounds or more should not take it continuously. a MBM .KiKMSMSHBBMBBBMSBMSMBBBMMSMSMBSMMSSBMSBSaBSMBtaMMSMSM ll.T .. .. .til One Cent a Word Each Iusertion EGGS FOR HATCHING From the cel ebrated E. B. Thompson strain of Barred Rocks,, also Vanderbilt, Young strain. 'See A. G. Thomp son. 3-15-tic S I i' ' I I II " LOTS FOB SALE One opposite J. O. Williams'. $650; two o& Fourth ave, nue, $790. S'ee any real estate agent. Noah M. Hollowell, owner. 5-10-tfc , SEND ME I0UB " HAIR BBAEDS, Switches, Puffs from your combings. Prices reasonable. Mrs. N. Brown ing, Hendersonvllle, N. C, Route 5. ! 3-22-16tp "BOARD WANTED IN HENDERSON ville, by many.reatlersjof the Green ville, S.- C, News. If you want to accommodate these boarders vou can get in touch with them through a want ad. It will cost you only one cent pe rword each insertion mini mum 25c. Address Greenville Daily News. Greenville, S. C. 5-24-4tc - - - 1 : : 1 : 1 ' 1 " '. ; 1 FOB SALE OB RENT House and large lot located - on Crab Creek . street. See A. G. Thompson. Will trade ,for real estate. 3-15-tfs ' SCISSORS AND KNIVES Sharpened at Harty bicycle shop. . 5-10-tfc $13.00 PER CORD FOR CHESTNUT Wood. Cash at siding.. Write for information. J. V. Erskine, buyer Weaverville, N. C. FOR RENT Fu.mished rooms r rooms foj house-keeping. Apply 9th Ave .West Buncombe St, 5-24-3tn BOBBY JONES, Locksmith, at nar- ty's bicycle shop.. 5-10-tfc. ; . 1 . ' FUBNITUBE FOB SALE Entire fur nishings for a five room house will be sold at a bargain.- There is an excelent range in the lot. . Used only two seasons and by people in perfect "health. Phone or call on W. M. Hill. D. Sam Cox. - 5-31-3tc SUMMER RESORT Hotels and board ing hduses can obtain good results by; placing their r announcements in . the hotel and sumer resort directory. , of The Spartanburg (. C.) Herald. Write today for rates. 6-14-3TP TO LOAN A small amount of money on gilt edge security. P. O. Box 640, Hendersonville, N. C. 3-22-tfc FRESH BUTIEBMILK Fresh butter milk can be had at the Blue Ridge : Creamery every day at 10c per gal lon. 5-31-3U FOR RENT Fonr rooms for light house keeping on second flour, Wa ter, bath, lights free. Apnly 224 Third avenue East. j67-5tc APABTMENT FOB BENT Furnished or unfurnished, j Apply to Hunter's Pharmacy. 6-7-3tc : 1 : SUNDAY DINNEBS. on notice. fDf MITE INN CAMP, Mill -Spring, N C. - - -. V. -14-ltP' ion iiPm 4fiM For Sale or Rent South Caro lina Club House Beautifully Located Modern Conveniences Apply W. D. Meehan, F. S. Wetmur, Henderson ville, N. C, or Howard Caldwell, Columbia, S. C. GOING FIRMS i Find it Most Profitable to Advertise in THE 'HUSTLE. Mm w Would you mix your cattle-feed i with - cotton? YOU know' that such a combination would be carried through the digestive tract without giving the milk producing and fat-producing, food a chance to be assimilated. The lint on old style hulls acts the same way. It forms a pad or cushion-like covering around the concentrates that prevents the digestive juices from extracting the full amount of protein. 'HADE MAM COTTONSEED contain no Hnt to clog or flux the digestive tract." They are digested and they allow the other forage to be di gested the same as hay or any other roughage. s When you mix your feed with Buckeye Hulls you knoW that you are using roughage that will help not hinder the meal, corn, oats, or whatever concentrate you prefer. , Other Advantages 2000 pounds of real roughage to No trash or dust. . the ton not 1500. ; Easy to handle because sacked. Cost much less per ton. . They mix well with other forage. Go much farther. . They take less space in the barn. Mr. C Km Henderson, Aiken, S. Ct ay:r that he would rather have Buckeye Hulls than any others. He uses Buckeye Hulls altogether says they are , cheaper and better. To secure the best results and to develop the ensilage odor, voet t he hati thoroughly twelve hours before feeding. It is easy to co this oy wetting them down night and morning for the next feeding. If at any tun this cannot-be done, wet down at least thirty minutes. If you preter w feed the hulls dry, use only half much by bulk as of old style bulls. ' Book of Mixed Feeds Free Gives the right formula for every combination of feeds used m tn South. Tells how much to feed for maintenance, for milk, for x tening, for work. Describes Buckeye Hulls and gives directions i using them properly. Send for your copy to the nearest mill. Dept. k 77ie Buckeye Cotton Oil Co.Dt. Amguta Utrmittskcm Charlotte Jaektem Little Rock Macon Seltna !ia':AovlriBii?E?ii,e Reliable