HENDERSfliiLLE TO FURNISH LOGUST PINS LNMENT SHIPS FORGOVER '"'"'"''""M"M"'"'MMr'M "' e in iiiii i i mm i imaim- mi iinin i n i , i h i 1 11 U 111 I I II LU I U L IV i I i i y U U U U L II i U II lilSfiNG FEAST FOR Generous Doatins for Thanksgiving Box to be Sent to Soldiers From Henderson at Fort Caswell; Butter is-4anted. Local Company Organized for Purpose of Supplying the GoTernment With j Large Quantity H Locust Pins lor Wooden Ships - " : The . committee of ladies appointed " ' , - , to solicit articles to provide a big The Hendersonville Treenail com- Thanksgiving dinner-for the Hender pany has been incorporated and is en-1 son county soldiers at Fort Caswell gaged in the business of manufacturing met Monday and reported most favor locust pins for wooden, ships being ably. Their Teports showed that the constructed by. the national . govern-1 people were generous in their gifts. ment.: "r j Butter is Wanted. v . The incorporators and officers are H. The committee requests the Hustler Bennett, president; J. W. L. Arthur, 'to state that gutter is wanted to make vice president; W. A. Bennett, super- complete the box consisting of turkey, intendent; J. H. Todd, secretary and cake, biscuit, cranberry sauce, .etc. treasurer. All are local men'and are! Those promising to make gifts of owners ot-the Hendersonville Lumber various articles are requested to' leave company except Mr. Arthur, who is in'th-m at the Morey Grocery company AshevUle -and who owns v similar onToext Monday afternoon or on Tues plants elsewhere in Western-Carolina day morning not later than 10 o'clock. Some of the machinery lias arrived .Those .giving biscuits are requested to and other parts. are en route and locust 'bake: them on, Tuesday morning. logs are being converted into pins j ; - 1 3-8 inches with a' length ranging iHXIOX THANK SGIYIXG SERVICE from 14 to 38 inches. The by-product . AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, three inches long will also be convert- . ed intO pinS. - ' Tonlinn Af o Dnr Ira PomActcnl FrAm Q 1(11 The Freeze-Bacon"Hosiery Mill dur-.the capacity will beMncreasedimir ISSUED BY GOVERNOR BICKETT ing thevpast weekmderwent a partial diately from . 450 dozen pairs' of he 'T'. 'J?: -s : .-V ' v ,. . . , change, in ownership Whereby J- -' daily to 600 dozen which will . Raleigh, : Nov; : 20.oem THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION - THAMES GIVING PROCLAMATION ISSUED B r PRESIDENT " WILSON" Washington Nov. 7. President7 Wil- f snn ksnpH tonight hie 1917 Thahksehr- " vtt -Jhai icoiiori ' tho fraiwo- toIo. ine comnanvOf Tuxedo "purchased the i crease to an appreciable -degree t w A VM H. v v w W ' - ' . 'WM W.. -N AhJM WVU - vUv WW A WWXUf O " Jt- ; . ing proclamation caiiing upon the na- matioh setting aside . Thursday, Nov- Interest of W. M.;Bacon in theh6siery tion. even in the midst of the sorrow-member;; 29, as, Thanksgiving: . " f mill. A ;:. : and great peril of a world shaken by ,! ' "Sal vatioW comes througi sacrifice, j; The transfer, which was negotiated war, to thank ;God for blessings that "Ile: who would.truly . save' his life through the- real estate firm of Smith, are better than mere" peace mind ana must :be ever, ready to ipse it. - j Jackson & Morris. becomes : effective prosperity of enterprise. - v -The ;paan or the nation that prizes ( December. 1. Tne proclamation fixing Thursday,; " breath above honor,, and "riches above I :R. P.. Freeze. the secretary and November 2a, as Thanksgiving Day, righteousness . is dust already, and treasurer ot the company, will remain follows: ' - hanksgiving-r uBy the President of the United States of America . . - " A Proclamation - 'It has long been the honored, cus- can -never hope ,'to put on immortal ity. - : - ;.: "In":-the providences -of God the wprld is today . engaged in blood-red debate , to determine ..whether govern ments shall henceforth be guided . by Each Person to ,llelpj he Parentless Orphans1 In North CaroUna. JThe.new plant fornisan addition to that of the Hendersonville Lumber company. , uiui.uums J Union Thanksgiving services of the 6uvemmut ' "J protestant churches of Hendersonville met mna o -n H if la tna lnfoTitiftn .rr tna . r - .... " (-will be held at the First Baptist church new firm vo turn out a large-number Thanivine. " of them, the machinery havms: a ca- ...r pacity for manufacturing 15,000 Tdaily, "Mr. Arthur, is understood to, have permission' - from .the - government to cut locusts on the- . Pisgah" National park reserve. Locust plus from Henderson county came into demand 38 years ago when Mr. Arthur sold the first car load of tT 'ori 'Droduct.' He. sold the busi ness to Ernest L. Ewbank and went to Tryon and since that time has been onerating In different sections of Wes tern Carolina, where the locust with its lasting qualities grows in large quan tities. . . m-L '. .'ii ' - phanages.- of .North; Caronnai urgently requests that ach. peri oniiye a -day 's eanffng-a some 'orphanage'. ' V" rZ The different churches are request ed to usve their own envelopes JnTnak ing a contribution at the union ser vice so there will be no trouble in sep arating the donations and applying ithem to the denominational orphan- lages. The loose collection will be divided. An interesting scrvic will be ar ranged. V torn of our people to turn, in -the fruit- the love-of -justice or. by, lust for self ful autumn of the year in praise and and 'power.-; , : V 'v. ;: thanksgiving to Almighty. God for His ' ." :Not in rashness nor'.in-anger, but many blessings and mercies J.o us as a ' thoughtfully Jnthe fear of ;God, and nation. That custom we can follow oat;of respect for its own. conscience evenv now in the midst off the tragedy this nation, has consecrated its unlim of a world shaken by war and im- ited resources and its unconquerable measurable disaster, in the midst of spirit to the-maintenance ogovern- sorrow and great peril, because even ;ments, that will, guarantee 'fair treat- amidst the darkness. that has gatner- 5 ment to every man-and every? nation, ed about, us we can see the great j .4It is "cause for universal Thanks blessings God has bestowed upon us, giving that, in' the most awful and blessing that are better than mere most august hour of human history peace of mind and prosperity of . en- the. conscience of our people :triumph terprise. " - . ed over. the counsel of selfishness and , "Ve nave been given the opportun- fearV;: . , .: ' ' , "i. ' " y. ity to serve mankind as we dnce sejv- , "This is the blessing-'the year. -J:. ed ourselves in the great day of i&Wr ! 'Now,v therefore. -I,1 Thomas Walter Declaration' of Independence bytak- Bickett . governor of the state. ofVNorth ing, up armW: against- a tyranny , that' .Qav tb:Jhe;sa:red threatened to master and debase men custom-of our fathers, and in -accord everywhere and joining with other with the proclamation of the president free peoples in demanding for all the Cf the United States, do hereby set nations of the world what we then apart-Thursday, the 29th day of Nov- demanded and obtained for ourselves, ember. ; one : thousand "njne hundred . Autorhobile Breads H. M. King's Ankle t RUFUS TRESTON FREEZE. number. of employes, which ig z: about ,60; and thereby give, an ezliz ed pay roll to the community, ' Mr.: Freeze came: to Hendersonvi! about: six: years . ago and without l: I blare of trumpets or subscription I tor.neip, purchased the plant; site c. erected the plant, which has enjoy : ajjood .business, with a ready marl at .'xaH times for its product. TI condition of affairs resulted in dsv opments at various times,, resulting ! a ; considerably increase in the out; of the plaht. This same condition affairs , exists at present and : will r suit in the-enlargement nlow contc plated t'-,:-; ;.: : ; " '; y. J ' - MrBell has been the power: belli the throne of the Green River Man facturing conipany, manufacturer fine-combed yarns, :of which he is se retary-treasurer, vHe has been tl general manager and guiding .gen: of the. company at Tuxedo about sev miles ft rom ; Hendersonville, and 1 1 Freeze has occupied a similar po tion: with the plant which he est: lished. and, naturally the public loc forward, to a : development of the he iery; plant ta -proportions yet t1111 hounced. , ; , ' . -.y ' - Mr.-; Bacon; came to Hendersonvil shortly after'' the establishment of t hosiery. mill and of late has, been f ing-his fultiinto tEe, plantT- He 1 anhoiuice helans: : for; the fut ile "will, v f or-aZwtiiTe" at"leas; con lir with he plant. - He built a nice ho: in Henderson villep is howia niemt board of commissionc London. Nov. 21. The Hindenburg lino has heen 'broken to a denth of four Henry M. King is at the Patton Me- tn fiv mnes. the warioffice announces. morial hospital suffering with a Diok- British troops stormed thefirst sys- en anKie as me result oi uareiesa pm Df the Hindenburg line aetenses FAMOUS HINDENBURG LINE BROKEN BY BRITISH. Wp imve been brought to one mind ' and purDOse.. A new vigor of com-- Several , Thousand Germans Iade mon counsel and common action has Prisoners by the British; Many Big Deen revealed in us. We should es Towns Captured. pecially thank God that in such cir cumstances, in the midst of the great- Tn this day of the revelation of our and seventeen, as a day for universay iri ohararp of thfi-tiTant.. Ha atr! Mr. dntv not. only to defend our own Thanksgiving"' '"..Roil 'wii r e,rnn: kintrMATa .Of.the.rcity. ) rights as, a nation but to defend also: "And let us remember in helpful, contemnlate extensive development -..'of ahd the town-wod regret the thoug thA'riffhts of free men throughout the ways the widow and the orphan that h rnnot-tir within scWmnntha hut 'of losing him as ft resident. v : world, there has been vouchsafed us day in-- their places of worship, and ' , . in full and inspiring measure tne res Aintinn nriM snifit of united action. with humble and contrite hearts give thanks to the Lord of Hosts and the Harvest for His omniscient care. "And let us remember in helpful ways the widow and the orphan and ail who walk in the shadow of adver And let us-pray unceasingly that as the driving by a colored boy. Mr. King was working on an auto mobile iit hfs garage on Monday whui a negro was drivi" a car from the shop. The negro y.as caieless. una ble to. drive a car, or was excited ami on the whole front between St. Quen- tin and the Scarpe river. -.' . "Z -The Eritish infantry and tanks pressed- on and captured the second system qi defense over a mile beyond. 'The attack was begun yesterday by as a result, ran into Mr. Kfng, who had tue third cr-i, There was no artil his attention turned to the : machine ' inrv nrenaration . and the Germans on which he was working. Mr. King's left" ankle wa,s bioken. He sustained no other injuria.. Ho was taken to the " hospital and it is were taken completely. by surprise. . The second system of German de fenses captured . by the British is known as the HlndenDurg support est enterprise the spirit of men have . Who Rides the whirlwind and di entered upon, we have, if we out od- rects the storm may crown our perve a reasonable and practicable f orCes on sea and land with everlast economy. abundance with which to ing -victory, and that war may come supply the needs of those associated no more upon the earth. . with us as weU as our own. A new, ron in our city of Fnleis:h; on this light -shines about us. The great the eighteenth d?.v of Novemberrin the duties of a new day awaken a new and y?ar of our Lord one thousand nine greater national snirit in us. YVe Vinndred and seventeen and -in the shall never again be divided or won-; hundred ' and ortv-second year imam mm Qtim&Q WiTH BROKEN feared that his ankle was so badly iine. The British captureoT Benavis, injured that he will "not be abie to Lameau wood, La Vacquenie. the de walk for a "long whiles - ' j lferx-.es- known as Welsh ridge and -' : : - - iRibecourt village. Their operations ntinuing. ; - - s A large number of tanks moved for- n advance of the infantry when irn the attack was opened and broke 1 Hi through successive " belts of German LLU defcnses which were of ..great depth x ' land strength." Grant Kramer" suffering at the 1 The towns of Havrincourt Marco hospital with a ' broken leg tfnd Will ing,. Graincourt and , Anneux ana Corn is painfully but - not seriously Neuf wood have been captured by the. bruised as a result of a motorcycle ac--British. - "v1?T,Q -macf nf thP1 cident on Fifth avenue Sunday, after- The hole German noon. Baxter- Frisby, wha - occupied Canal Du Nord to t-Bapaume Cam th. machine.- wither. Corn, was a lit- brai roa .fs -been captured ; tie bruised. It was feared for a while , TheBntish also fought their way that Mr.. Corn was seriously hurt as . tnrousa .m-vu hi head bore some Daa Druises. The machines .of Mr. Kramer and Mr. Corn collided at what is under stood to be a good rate of speed. of. n"r Ampr?CPnvIndero-ndenQ. . "(Great Seal! T; W. BICKETT. "Pv t.h Governor: "SANTF0n MARTTN. de- what stuff we are made of.. "And while we render thanks for those things let us pray Almighty God that in all humbleness of spirit we may look always to Him for guid- . ance; that we may be kent constant iu the' spirit and purpose ol service; mat ; - " by His grace our minds may be direct- j C1 r 1r&Tr fr&xrfx ?C$() ed and our hands strengthened, and I OUIUy gVe 1 UU that in His good time liberty and se curity and -peace and the comradeship , of a commmon justice may be voch- l safed all the nations of the earth. "Wherefore, I Woodrow -.Wilson, .N President of the United States of ' America do hereby designate Thurs- , day, the twenty ninth day of Novem- ; 1 x " I I if - - - :Si; ONE OF BUILDINGS OF FREEZE 51 4FO V trnnr IERY 3IILL. ersonville : Gpe MI r re 'A i yi Li L. : To-Y.M.G.A. Fiindl $3G,CC0 Fire in Asheyille. - : - Asheville, . Nov 20. rFlire believ tto have been of Jncendlary orign; t' ; morning destroyed the building occ i pied, by Creasmau?s 'stables and Dr btep..-3ns and iieiis veterinary, n- . ' ' yv--." I 000 jTi-iviiege oz jaeexixUg iiogs m Li.;y with a total loss of about tl Until April cs IVar Measure, ' . - -- '.- :. - , Hogshia is asain in the ascendency. For a time the Iwhole of BI moreavenue," and with it the busiu section of Asheville, ;was i'threater wiJ destruction, arjd only the hare kir of work on the part of the f COUNTY TEA CIIEES 3IEET The Henderson County : Teachers' association "will hold its regular month ly meetinsr Kov ember 24th in the grad ed school building. The program will oners, consist of an address on the Person ality of the -Teacher" by Rev. K. W. Cawthon followed , by a talk-on 'At tendance" by Supt. G, W. Bradshaw and a paper on "Punctuality" byMrs. J. L. Redden. ", " The program' will be interspersed-taken. with music by the Tuxedo quartet. J. O. FELL, President, -' GUSSTE DOTS'ON: Secretary. Lieu tenant-General Sir Julian Byng is in command of the attacking army. Several thousand t prisoners have been taken. ; ' From St. Quentin to., the Scarpe is 32 miles: . " Tate 8,000 Prisoners. London. Nov. . 21. Andrew Bonar pr,nounced this evening in the house of commons that eight thousand, pris oners, including one nunarea an-i eigfv officers have been taken by the British i Ar present operations. At one point V -""Brmsh penetrated five miles behind the German lines Pnd several villages, in addition to those already announced. have- been Althougk It Failed to Give Its appor. . tionment of $1,700 the Gifts Were Considered Liberal; Local Manager j ! Grateful. " " I ber, next.- as a day Of tnanKsgivmg . Aiinougn nenaerson coumy am no; Mr and Mf6 . IIog have" really come mei iaveu lue v ? , and prayer and invite the' people" come up -to its apportionment in the xhpi : Thev.-ha va ''taken mtJ : 1 'ty-five head of horses,: all i throughout the land to cease upon war Y. M. C. A. fund, a lilarl contri- ; ?ato tnetr;-own l hey, nave taken ap bugg. , , ; carriages, saddles, bar that day from their ordinary occupa- bution was made, it being in the residence for the vmter m Henderson-jand !La!, and grain necessary to c ..ons and In their several homes and neighborhood of $1,200. The appor-s vil.le. J A a war m-asure the. city 'duct a "rst-class 1.7ery .business, t es of worship to render thanks to tionment called. for $1,700. 1 coinmisioners yielded to" the request jautomos and all of Stephens' r Go"1 the great ruler of nations.' j At this writing $1;135 was in hand- t endersonvilie" resfdents be' ut;r-' Bclls' ir i.ruin-ents vere destroyed "In witness whereof, I. have hereun- and enougn was m sight to swell tne mittA to kppT1 hn a71(1 thrhv lower , the fianies to set my hand and caused the seal of su to nearly $1,200. " ; ; ' the cost of living during the winter, the United States to be affixed. Owing to the brief time allotted toi. There was little argument before "Done in the-District of Columbia the work . it impossible to organ-i h9 boar(i I. wag ready fo giVe the this 7th day of November, in the year Ize all the rural districts,, hence the gjog business a trial and everv of our Lord, one thousand nine.hun- bulk of the money was raised in and ; persn who keeps one-or more. must r. I I- . (J . 1 receive a written permit ft 3 a Chiet -ffhe. contribution is considered . lib-. nf v, v i dred and seventeen, and of the;inde pendence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty second. - x' 1 ' c-- -: "WOODROW WILSON. "By the President: Robert Lansing. . ' ; ' "Secretary of State." EXEltPTlOxV BOARD BUSY WITH 1NEW DRAFT REGULATIONS. r-r-r-. - . y . . . AT FIRST BAPTIST SUNDAY. v Rev. A. I. Justice will . occupy., tho pulpit of the First Baptist church Sunday "in the. absence of Pastor Caw r,,n' Knv 21 10 a ra. Cy the As- sofiiated Prs. Inyfrnctions Received as to Classifica tion of Reqistrants and Arranging in Order of Liability for Army Scr- - vice.. .- -, ' v :- ..-- The Henderson county - exemption About 5 000 German board has been busy, during the past prisoners -were in the .British t'is riown-J ac; . rAiilt of yeerday attack in thn Cmbrai sector and nearly a score of gups were ctured. Hustler Want Ads Iustle. week with the new lassifijcation or registrants : between the ages of- 21 anrl 31 years of age. J Details concerning this classifica tion are given elsewhere in the Hust ler. ' v - - eral.for this county-since other sec- j obn tions to give him. the.weight tions did not measure up to the apj I of tbg pJg wnen penned and hen kill tionment. : ' . , ed in order that- the city maf.lccn W. A. Keith who managed-the local SOmethin g of the advisability of' fetti campaign fpls encouraged oyer - H,e- dothe gap next year. Pigs mu:t amount raised. . I .certainly feel . h 25Q feet from Main street or An grateful for the co-operation of v the dergon avenue:. . ; ; r workers and all who helped and I wish f j fa nnderstood that severafpermits to thank ;town andnear-by p gran cd. . rhev "wilLnoi be f hfirll6ral cntu1?ns e leffecUve after April 1. 191i. - : ; added in the way of gratefulness foi' '. - v - - the support' given him in the cam-j yitiOTJ for French.- ' :'" I ' New-Tork Nov? 20:-The National! . Paris. Nov. 21.--.The French troops War Work Council of the Young Men's today attacked in .. the . region to the Christian " Association announced here north of Craonne and Berry-An-Bac, tonight that tfie grand total of the na- on a front of about two-thirds .of a tion-wide war fund is $49,209,411. This mile and , penetrated ' the German po-. exceeds by nearly $15,000000 the $35.- . sitions, to an average depth of about 000.000 soal pet at. the beginning of 400 yards; capturing' strong defenses the camnaism on November 12. and,taking 175 Germans prisoner.: ac- - , " ;"" : ; cording to the French official commar- Try .Hustler Want Ad. ication issued this evening. ' Araerica7f s Have Xarro w Escsr ; ; With tho American Army in Frar Nov. 20 -A German shelL yesterc fell through the roof of the chateau which ah American regimental he i Quarters is established near the.frc The shell exploded, but , no one hurt. Several oflicer3 including t American colonel -in command of-1 r-jimcnt, were in the building at time. . -. . " . American Destroyer Snnt. " Washington- Nov. ; 20-Sinkin th 'American destroyer Chauncey collision in the war' zone early ye day morning, with- a probable lc: 21 lives., was announced todays by navy department. - : : " No . further details were given brief report to the department Vice-Admiral Sims. : : The : ;CH?ur was a small, old type boat of only tons, ''"'r- .;)., x.t Something' to sell means sczn' that should be advertised in the I lerr 'r

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