HENDERSON COUNTY TOLL - " TEACHERS A1SD PREACHERS f : 1 SCPFL1ED WITH PORKERS . MEET HERE ON JAN. 12 STOP CATARRH! OPEM w NOSTRILS AND HEAD AD IMPORTED BREEiyERS. , FOR WAR SAVINGS STUDY I f 01N OUR "sTTl r oflinf1 iitilnmant P liAnrn rAm 'IVk a L n 1 n 1 A m 'r- . . '- Says Cream Applied in Nostrils BelieTes Head-Colds at Once. C-arKe and Brownlow Jackson was re- special session on the second Saturday P.eivfrt 1na;T""VPAV'anfl fminH ftrpadl in J a -n MO tit q 11 n'1rrV In-UantaHnn. jf y0Ur nostrils are clogged and your head is touting - j -iypplv because of a cold or catarrh, just !,et a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm It any drug store. Apply a. little ot this fragrant, antiseptic cream into vour nostrils and let it penetrate :hr0Ucrh every air passage of your bead, soothing and healing the inflamed, swol len mucous membrane and you get in stant relief Ah! how good it feels, Your nos trils are open, your head is clear, no more hawking, snuffling, blowing-, no more headache, dryness or struggling for breath. Ely's Cream Balm is just what sufferers from head colds and ca tarrh need. It's a delight. mvE "SYRUP OF FIGS" ; TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Delicious "Fruit Laxative'? can't harm tender mtie Jstomacn, uver and bowels. t .nnir at. the tongue, mother! If coated, your little one's stomach, liver on.-' bowels need cleansing at once. Vrien peevish, cross, listless, doesn't r'eep, eat or act naturally, or 13 iever isii stomach sour, breath bad : has sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teasnoonful of "California syrup 05 Fi"3 " and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food aid sour bile gently moves out of its littlo boe!3 without griping, and you t havo a well, playful cmia agrun. yo"- drusrgist for a 53-cent bcttle of "California Syrup of Figs," which cop tain:: Tull directions for: babies, chil dren cf all ages and for grown-ups. V s s - - ., ' s - 0 - - v r ,!: v;;" s - " - ? s" X 4 4 Tlio Vfo-iroat nnrnhaeav vroa.T O Pall . nrn V. ..nu. nr. CAn of Tuxedo, who took 53 of the 150 pigs, Certificates and Thrift Stamps In the having taken 23 from the first ship- hope of measuring up to the quota set "yv lur Luis wuuij mi cue ubjli, ineuc Many of the hoes were purchased months. th amount heine- S357.664. ty were purchased for killing after fat- with the decision of the meeting of the tening. ; . War Savings committee and will be a u& am AAwuowu w wvu UM0 MMw UiluVVCU Uj LUt7 vll gClUAXfXLlvll Ul LUC uuiug uwc0 H"vu uou BUUUUJ UlOLIlViLS Ul lUg JUUULjr iUi LUC u w s j owyuvuMff w UUlLOQ Ul CUUVaiiug LUV7 yUUllb mule about 75, and they found a ready fully as to thv Importance of entering martif i 3 ... 1 l xne nrm or layers urotners purcnas- the war, ed about 3U nogs and tnese nave also found a ready market It is believed that the local market Is fairly well stocked at the present CHRISTMAS EXERCISES. The Hustler's columns this week tell of manv Christmas exercises over the porkers will make an appreciable county. Those in Hendersonville were increase in the local meat supply. camea uut accurumg lu luc yiusjoiuo in we nusuer iasi wee. auu wwc iu- s teresting and well attended. WOODMEN CIRCLE: GROVE LODGE j ELECTS OFFICERS. Don't Stow for Peace Proposals. Washington. Dec. 24. Germany's Circle, Grove Lodge No. 66, the follow- newest peace propaganda, viewed as a ing officers were elected for the com- torerunner to an ouensive m luc wCDl ing year: - j unless a German-made peace is ac- Past Guardian, Sovereign Mae Gulce, ! cepted by the allies and the United guardian, Sovereign Lola Andrews; ' States "should. not for a moment in advisor, Sovereign Lillian Doling; jduce us to ' slacken our preparations clerk, Sovereign Virginia Justus; for war," says Secretary Baker today banker, Sovereign Blanch Grant; chap in his weekly review of the military lain, Sovereign Ella Stepp; attendant, situation. Sovereign Florence Shepherd; assist-1 "The Germans realize, continues ant attendant, Sovereign Lula Orr; in- the statement, "that within a short ner sentinels, Sovereigns Jerry Boling;time our armies will forin the princl and W. B. Reid; managers, Sovereigns J pal body of fresh strategic reserves Florence Albea, Eva Reed, Ophia Eng- : remaining available on the battlefields lish: Physician. Dr. J. S. Brown. The above officers wil lbe installed Jan. 4, 918. HANDS. AW, LIMBS ASLEEP And Was Ron-Down, Weak and Nervous, Says Florida Lady. Five Bottles of Cardul Made Her Well. Kathleen, Fla. Mrs. Dallas Prine, of this place, says: "After the. birth of my last child... I got very much run-down and weakened, bo much that I could hardly do anything at all. I was so awfully nervous that I could scarcely endure the least noise. My condition was getting worse all the time... ' I knew I must have some relief or I would soon be In the bed and in a 6erious condition for I felt so badly and was so nervous and weak I could hardly live. My husband asked Dr. about my taking CarduL He said, 'It's a good medicine, and good for that trouble', so he got me 5 bot tles... After about the second bottle I felt greatly improved... before taking It my limbs and hands . and arms would go to sleep. After taking It, however, this poor circulation disap peared. My strength came hack to me and I was soon on the road to health. After the use of about 5 bot tles, I could do all my house-work and attend to my. six children be sides." You can feel safe In giving Cardul a thorough trial for your troubles. It contains no harmful or habit-forming drugs, hut Is composed of mild, vege table, medicinal ingredients with no bad after-effects. Thousands of women have voluntarily written, telling of the good Cardul has done them. It should help yon, too. Try it. E 74 RUB OUT PAIN k with good oil liniment. That's the surec way to stop them. The best rubbing liniment is a an u My V3 nnnn tt ctt-i 1 n rn n nn A I Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc Good for your own A chts. Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, o Cuts, Burns, Etc 25c 50c $ I. At all Dealers. Machinery and Mil Supplies Largest stock In Western Caro lina. Saws. Pulleys, Belting. Wire Rope, Pipe, Fittings, Ma chinist's Tools. Foundry and Machine work a specialty. Asheville Supply and Foundry Co. Asheville, N. C. A Calendar Party Is Jolly at New Year's A CALENDAR party makes a novel and informal entertainment for the evening of New Year's daj or any night during holiday week. II is a very pretty idea to make the invi tations look us much like the first page oi one of the single leaf calendars as' possible. Paste on" a sheet of white note paper a leaflet from the calender bearing the date on which the party is to be held. Below this write : This is an invitation hearty To my little calendar party. Next Monday night at eight o'clock Bring all the wits you have in stock. Be sure to come whate'er the weather; We'll have a jolly time together. When the guests have arrived an nounce to the assembled company that they have been entered as contestants in a calendar race. To prepare for It take one of the single leaf calendars which you can buy anywhere for a few cents. This contains 365 leaves, or one for every day in the year. Tear the leaflets from the cover and hide tnem all over the house or apartment, in the living room, hall or spare bedroom or wherever you want your guests to go. At a given signal, the blowing of a whistle or the ringing of a bell, every body starts on a search for the leaflets. This can be continued for as long or as short a time as desired. The first prize should be given to the person who has collected the greatest number of days represented by the calender leaves. This can be an orna mental calendar of some sort. The sec ond prize should go to the person who has the most calendar, leaves for any one month, but it is forbidden for play- ers to swap leaves to accomplish this. A little diary makes a good second prize. There should be special prizes for the people who find the dates of the most holida.vs Christmas, New Year's, Washington's birthday, Lincoln's birth day, Memorial day, Fourth of July, Labor day (the first Monday in Sep tember) and Thanksgiving day (the last Thursday i November) . A differ ent prize should be given to the holder of each holiday date and should be something appropriate to the occasion. For Instance, the prize for finding De cember 25 should be a tiny figure of Santa Claus or a small stocking made of tarlatan or net and fljled with tiny candles. New; Year's day prize could have a small red blotter decorated with the figure of Father Time cut from a card.-'- ' V:-'' '. ' , .-. .: : '' . After the prizes have been awarded there Is usually time before supper for the date game. To play this it is nec essary for the hostess to prepare In advance a number of slips on which certain well-known historic dates have been written for example, 1492, 1066, 1776, 1914, etc. These, of course, stand for the discovery of America by Co lumbus, the battle of Hastings (Nor man conquest of England), the Dec laration of Independence of the Ameri can colonies and the beginning of the great world war. Each player draws a slip, reads it aloud, and whoever first names the event that makes It famous receives the slip New York World. !& HESDERSON COUNTY BOYS if AT RUTHERFORD COLLEGE. Henderson County Boys Wage Battle; Hugh Waldrop Recovers; Benny Starnes Travels for Colleger Wal drop Heads County Club; Boys Will Ccrac Ilame for Holidays. nf Fhirorje. "Our armies constitute the reserves of victory- Conscription Defeated. Sydney, Australia, Dec. 24. Furth er returns from the referendum have Increased the vote against compulsory military service and the "deft at of 'the plan is now beyond douot. Every State Feed Itself. Washington, Dec. 23. Reports on garden organization work that have bPTi gathered fron pvery state in the Union by the National Emergency Vnnd Garden commission in an en- I flonvnr in pet at a basis for the outlook CUIu-a ae next vearlhow that every state is out sr.cw is over the campus ana me btu- .... 1Q1o Thia will mean a dents are -enjoying it flntended for last week.) RUTyiHi ORD COLLEGE. A deep to feed itself m 1918. This will mean a saving of millions, not only in the val np of wnr Burden food produced but in transportation and handling. are enjoying it immensely, a very enjoyable affair recently was a snow ball battle between the Hender sonville boys and the Charlotte boys. Hendersonville won out in the final round. Thf Henderson county club went in a body to Lenoir college recently to ; attend the annual concert. I H. D. Waldrop has been in tne coi-.Both houseg adjourned untll Thurs in fo infirmarv but is now at nis usual j T locriclfltinl duties again. Denny Starnes has just Consrress Adjourns. Washington, Dec. 18. qongress closed down today for a holiday vaca tion, leaving behind a series of inves tiwat'on to prod during the recess. -dv. Vimisoo oflinnrTiPfi until inurs- JJULII .TflTinarv 3. when war legislation returned to take the forefront of the calen dar. STEADFAST COIIFIDEHCE Stomach Trouble and Constipation. Those who are afflicted with stom ach trouble and constipation should read the following: "I have never found anything so ,good for stomach trouble and constipation as Chamber lain's Tablets. I have used them off and on now for the past two year's. They not only regulate the action of ",v bowels but stimulate the liver and keep one's body In a healhy condi tion," says Mrs. Benjamin Hooper, Hooper, Aubup, N. Y.. . 12-6-4t? A Song for the New Year. A song for the New Year! Exultant Its hours. The dust of defeat hath not sullied Its flowers, ' But fancy hath dipped them in roseal dew, And brought them, all blooming in beau ty, to you! ' A song for the -New Year! A clarion 1 Achievement thrpugh service, jfreshnaent through song! No mountain too mighty for faith to re- . No labor too lowly, transfigured by love! ' A song for the New Year! A message of Joy May never a discord its music alloy! But, growing in sweetness and melody May lit ver inspirit and strengthen and cheer! - . Ernest Neal Lyon in Reader. from a trip including Marion, Morgan ton and Spartanburg, Duncan,' Greer, Woodruff, Enoree, Greenville and sev eral other South Carolina towns, in interest of the college. While on this trip he arranged several base ball games. One of the most enjoyable affairs of the college year was a reception given recently by the Henderson County club. Each member invited one girl friend, and in addition the faculty was invited.. Rnhprt Groce. a former Henderson- viMe boy, has just entered college. He has joined the club. At their regular meeting last Fri day night the club elected officers for ti a snr ng term as follows: H. D. Waldrop, president; Bill Hodges, vice president; Denny Starnes, secretary; Winborn Beason, chaplain; Gordon Elsom, treasurer; Jean Will'.ams, door keeper; Robert Groce, reporter; Frank Bland, Belton Beason, executive com mittee. ... All the Hendersonville boys will leave Wednesday night or .Thursday morning for their homes. They will rv Tiir tho wav of Asheville. They will all go together and a merry time along hov wav will be had. ,Look out Hen dersonville and especially the fair sex we are coming home. HENDERSON COUNTY CLUB. GERMANY'S PURPORTED PEACE. : Washington, Dec. 20 What purports to be an outline of the Kaiser's much advertised "Christmas peace terms" has reached here through the same neutral diplomatic channels which earlier in the week received Informa tion to support intimation from abroad that a hew peace offer was coming. , : . - : ' .. In the main," the terms a sdescribea, follow the lines of those said to have been written by Foreign Minister yon Kuehlmann last summer; Attnat time agUsaof Saltaif your Back hurts thev were denounced as having been TiL.- wV-lMnlt wrHton rmrPlv for UOUtlCal purposes. v v. w-j The so-called terms are saidto leave j the disposition of Alsace-Lorraine to a piemscate oi me uiubuhwiw. , - Agreeing to pay Germany for her If you must have your meat every day, lost African colonies and money to, be eat it, but flush your kidneys with salts used for the rehabilitation of Belgium, occasionally, says a noted authority who Slrhia Rumania and Northern France, tells us that meat forms uric acid which SeRussi?n Evinces bordering the jlmosi .paralyzes mtneirj ef- Baltis, the Black Sea and Pr us to fiL become independent, under a German Sdull misery inhe ki4: plan. inrionPTirfent region, sharp pains in the back or sick , Poland to be ."XrSnS9 S&iWd& 7 stomach sours, .state under Austrian s.; pag tongue is coated and when- the weather L Disarmament, freedom of tbe seas fa bad vou have rheumatic twinges. The 'and commerce to be leit to-tne pe urfne . cl5udV) full of sediment, Th Followina Statement Should - - - Form Conclusive Proof of Merit to Every Hendersonville Reader. Could stronger proof of the merit I of any product be desired than the statement of grateful endorsers who say their confidence has been undi minished by lapse of time? These are the kind of statements that are appearing in your local papers for Doan's Kidney Pills. They are twice trvM nnfl rrm.firm w'th new enthusi asm. Can any reader doubt the fol lowing? It's from a resident of Asheville. Mrs. M. P. Lee, 30 Ashland Ave., Asheville,. N. C, cays: "I suffered from pains through my back and sides. My kidneys acted irregularly and I had nervous and dizzy spells. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and they made me feel betted In- every- way." OVER TWO YEARS LATER Mrs. Lee said: "I haven't needed toiuse Doan's Kidney Pills lately. I know they are a good kidney medicine Price 60c, -at all dealers. Don't simply aslc for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Lee had. .FOster-MIlburn Co., Mfgrs Buffalo, N, Y. URIC ACID IN MEAT CLOGS THE KIDNEYS am. a s r m j UZ..-.itA IMm JmM. more water. the mference. iA.nTip.4 often t aora and irritated. ! Rumania, Serbia and Montenegrojo obU to Telief or tJireo retain their original boundaries, with tim ring tne ght. the right of access to tne sea uems To neutralize ese in-itating acids, to granted to Serbia. cleanse the kidneys and flush off the Serbia to remain intact. J body's urinous waste get four ounces of Whether such a proposal of terms is gajt3 from any pharmacy here; merely another step in the German a tablespoonful in a glass of propaganda to impress the public mind watej before breakfast for a few days that the Allies are responsible for a and your kidneys will then act fine. This continuance OI tne war, u i&mous biuw is uaue uwu mc a,ii really is a feeler for, peace, is a sub- grapes and lemon juice, combined with ject tor tne esumatc - - ments concernea. FOR QUICK RESULTS USE HUST LER WANT ADS. - Can you write? Join and send In a letter. lithia, and has been used for generations vo uubu cuiu 8umiuiu wuggiou uusju, .Inn ta neutralize " the acids in urine. so it no. longer irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. v JTaiI fU.lt iTunrrxnive cannot in the contest' . lure, ana xnajces a tteiigauui eaerre&xu each wcslu - vou will have Come Iri Bees have honey because they are wise and save. You can have money by joining our Christmas banking club. So can your chil- drTo cents, 5 cents, 2 cents, or 1 cent is all you need to start with. You increase youi deposit the same amount each week. In 50 weeks: ' ' 10 CEIST CLUB PAYS $127.50 5 CENT CLUB PAYS 63.75 2 CENT CLUB PAYS 25.50 1 CENT CLUB PAYS 12.75 or, you can make the largest payment first and decrease your pay ments each week. , Or you can pay in 50 cents, $1.00 or $5.00 or more each week and in 50 weeks have $25.00, $50.00 or $250.00. Come in and let us tell you about it. CITIZENS NAT. BANE The Greensboro Daily News Gives a Greater News Service Through the addition of several copyrighted news feature The Greensboro Daily News is able to offer to North Carolina readers, a most comprehensive newspaper, bristling with interest from the first to the very last page. In fact it is ; the, greatest news value ever offered by a state daily. At a great-expense we . have secured the simultan tous publication rights for the fol lowing: . LONDON TIMES-PHILADE LPHIA LEDGER . CABLE SERVICE,1 giving a dearer insight into the great world war from the European standpoint. ' y ' " -:SS;l5 DA YID LAWRENCE'S WASHINGTON ARTICLE.S, copyrighted by -The New York Evening Post, handling the war from the standpoint of the American government. COL. THEODORE ROOSEV ELT'S EDITORIALS for the Kansas City Star, discussing current topics in his usual clever, pierc- , ing style. SERGEANT EMPEY'S STORIES about trench life in France, written after 18 months actual fighting experience, N All of the above are Big features a SUPERB NEWS SER VICE which augments and supplements the splendid . service of ' the Associated Press, the excellent work of P. R. Anderson at our Washington Bureau, our in teresting Raleigh service by W. T. Bost and our splendid state news service. Write immediately for s ample copy. Subscription rates are still the same; Daily and Sunday, $7 per year; Daily only $5 per year. . - Greensboro Daily News GREENSBORO, N. C Only North Carolina Newspaper Having Two, Leased Telegraphed Wires. Pockit Books-Card Cases-ieatkr Goods I Get a Good Set of Harness Have you seen the wonderful New Lines we are showing this Fall M. C. LETSON & CO Wheat Conservation Regulation. New York, Dec. New regulation prescribing the amount of wheat to be used by millers of the United . States in manufacturing flour, detailing the manner in which the prices of mill feeds shall be determined and which are calculated to effect a saving of more than 16,000,000 bushels of wheat during the present crop year, were an nounced by the milling division of the Federal food administration. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This is not only one of the best and most efficient medicine for coughs, colds and croup, but is also pleasant and safe to take, which is Important when medicine must be given to chil dren. Many .mothers have given it their unqualified endorsement 12--4tc Did It Ever Occur to You That price is not the first thing to be considered in a job of printing ! Throwing type together in a hap hazard way does not require any knowledge of the printing art. That isn't the kind of work you want. But artistic typography in stationery and advertising reflects credit to any concern. Our knowl edge of printing gained by, long experience enables us to produce Attractive Printing for Every Purpose Don't order anYthinz in this ' line until you call on us. 1 ' j. Y

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