: ( 'i French Broad Hustler Published Every Thursday by .. MntuaT Printing Company. . - Entered at the ' Postoffiee at Henderson ville as Second class -' ' Diatter- ; ' ' - " Gordon F. Garlington. r Manager. ' Jioah M.HoUo well, Editor. Subscription Bates me YearJrr Six Months.. Three Months . .Zo All subscriptions payable in advance and discontinued upon expiration after notification. ' Come on across with those Board oi Trade dues and get your name on the hnnnr mil' and start Out with a good record in 1918. Every dollar of Board of Trade moneys is judiciously spent and every; man or woman w no earns a Jiving in Hendersonville is due the Board of Trade something because it is the friend of every resident off Henr dersonville and Henderson county. That was no small tribute paid by1 the Asheville Times to the weekly press of Western Carolina in its holi day greetings. The Times has shown tfcvery cordial attitude toward tne. weeklies of its territory and the feel MORE ABOUT THE CITY PIGS. BLOW T0 GREAT E.TTX. Eiguor has long been recognised as the-greatest enemy of society "and the While the Hustler expected the pigs to smell a little it didn't expect, the rrrr f r Ho Af a Inner rHctfinro' -natiirp but it was.- The writer, has been. ome, but it' is altogether likely thz.t shown letters from property owners. the traffic will be only memory in who spend their summers in Hender- ,the course of a ;ew years.. Vlt never sonville, advising real estate agents to ' should have had any rights in avi dispose of their property if possible, jlized community, state or nation, and Sentiment is divided on this ques- jthe United States House-of. Represent- tion with home people. While grow- 'auves covered itseii wxlii giory cm ing pigs in the city offends our. aes- cember 17th when, by a. vote o iuip thetici taste we anticipate no trouble x w.aeciaeu.io suuuni iu- .u during .the winter months. , We should 'an amendment to the Federal. Urasti all keep.cOol and thos who are doubt- jtution prohibiting the manufacture, ful as to the outcome should recall to w or impunauuu ui iuw.as ing is 'reciprocal, the -Times having memory the matter next March and "ors in any state or territory Df th p - - . . . . " m DT'in T-l 1 I I III 1 . I 1 K- - (I l I I I V 3- greatly strengthened itself for the past request the city, authorities to. let tne v American Union. The 'Senate, by a . - j ..- larErerrvote than was necessaryr, adoot- two years with the memoers. o me uiumauue oi giauuug gruwrng yw - - - - OW WA-AU to THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1917. w xt fi0,nn9 wookiv PrPSa mits until ADril. die a natural death ?ed ,tne resolution last August, a submission of the resolution to tfte I J ill:! I I association. The call comes frequently and es- without resurrection Let's be calm. Let the pig growers give in their ex- pecially in these war times, but give ' perience later and nrobably there will . .11. A.A..i ...11. a li.. and keep on giving, in time and means v oe anor request ior launty. until it hurts, until you have made a convert this beautiful summer and t . health resort into a pis: pasture. sacrince. men you wm apitiwic ius( necessity .of the calls being made for j help for the Y. M. C. A., the Y. W. C. I A., for the Red Cross, Ambulance tunu. calls for charity, etc. We are more apt to become impoverished by selfish fear than by lack of time and means. like Babies some times cry for, razors. THROUGH HENDERSON VILLE. We have before us a map of the pro- 'posed Dixie Highway from Mackinaw, jMich.. to Miami, Fla. It shows par rallel routes except for a, short dis tance from Chattanooga to. Atlanta. I The completion of the parallel scheme for the. entire route is what is desired by Western Carolina and por mmmimm$m 1 How do you like the good news from the country, where most of us have our friends and kindred"? The Hustler is what gives this desired nows It parries a laree volume of it. watPithp Hustler irrow and subscribe tions of Sout Carolina, thus afford and quit borrowing your neighbor's g one of the most scenic; highway nr.ria mnro routes.of America through the "Land Henderson county news than all other of the-Sfcy." j : 7 hHpatinn, combined. That'8 savine ;The Asheville Board-of; Trade is . . . makine itself very active about, the a great oeai Dut we nave yieuty oi - t r;-- . .. wind to toot our horn and the facts to PPcsed Wshway and South Caroi.na substantiate our tooting. towns hare alsa been worked up smce s 0 ! efforts are being-made to-have it pass On December 17, 1917. your Ameri- from Hendersonville through both can Red Cross launched a campaign-; Greenville and Spartanburg. .vine nenuersonvine oara oi uauu Typewriter if VJ5 its Christmas Membership Drive for ten million new members. By Janu ary" 1, 1918, the American Red Cross will have ten million new members. It will should endorse this route and put its shoulder to tlje wheel. The- Ashe ville organization wishes to know if WDndorcnnvill will ihin in Kfmdine? a. h.ve them because, lacking i . , ' 7. ..':: "... r a i a era r mn rn. t n tti buyitiv ri t i iim iii i k them, it cannot do all that the world, C1 fa " tT 7 X . . .... , .,. tors of the highway in Chattanooga in from out this agony of war against . . , llw . ... i . , - j April. The association is- something ;war 4s crying upon, it to do, and do . . ' ouicklv Now if never before all of of a ProPaeandist- a winding-working quickly. No, if never before, all of ta))risnmnt witti WOnderfUl public Remeber the pig pens some time in Red Cros3. xhere snoaId be not ten ty creative' powers I will dis ribu e million, but twenty million, forty mlU.,,- . tto Join the Red Cross March. The Christmas' savings club is the friend of the thrifty: lion ner members! j The Hustler announced that the Woman's club would .wage a ville could be shown on this map it recently would receive invaluable publicity, and In return we would De agreaiassei io Lots of us know more about a ques- "vigorous" camoaien for the sale of the association by reason of our tine tionnaire ihXn ever before". : Red Cross seals. Judging from its jniffhways.and matchl6ss -scne- V. ' effectiveness we would borrow a term f Hendersonville- should lbse HO- op- The next draft will be severe from the war and call it a "tank P"unuy w puworcn 6 ,uU l8 enough to give several of the bache- squad lors under thirty-one a nauseating b two and bee you' to cold. :-fTH stamps. . . " a ' . lir's worth with a letter, mail it to you with a stamped envelope for the return of stamps or a dollar. That's the Business firms might ertt a mail nrrtflr idea mit of Kimh nn The city dude could profitably draw - , , , . M , . , effective, thorough-going and vigorous from the former's wisdom. . , . . J camyaisu, wuicn iiu uuuui win pro duce the desired results. : We have had the kind of weather that prompts the countryman to heat wnoe thine a rocK ana iaKe u 10 town wun mm. They dont come around two , : T, T take a few n:snway . irougu luis bwuuu, ui. . , Vt Tfrisv Vioc haan n rt I Trr in till- Pnn Just simply enclose a dol-! , ....s ntjuiiuu, uuiiienniB aiiu wuuug let ters, and the Eoard' of Trade should throw itself behind the movement. We have all to gain and nothing o lose regardfess of the outworn e. The next draft will come nearer home to Henderson county than the first one did. The home ties will un dergo a harder strain than when the boys volunteered. HAS DONE HIS UEST. i About the sorriest sort of an Amer- lean citizen is the fellow who feigns patriotism in this crisis and then gives The Board of Trade will mean much utterance of blatant criticisms of the to the community. If you are a mem- administration because the country ber you should attend this meeting fin(js Itself handicapped for lack of and if you are not a member and live' adequate equipment to do effective In Hendersonville your love for com- service on the fleld Every well in tnunity is not fully matured. formed citizen knows that the pres ' vent administration Is in no wise re- Western North Carolina and South 5posibie fo rthe condition of the army Carolina towns should all se rabbit and wnen it agsumed charge gums, invitingly baited, and probably Df affairs at Washington, and it comes they could catch the route of the Dixie with poor for men like Theodore Highway. -' Roosevelt to ;rant about a condition . ; . ;. .. , which was not remedied- during the To read the Hustler Is a mark of years' of republicah' rule. No living distinction in that it shows the read- man could nave done more than Pres er's desire for local news since more ldent Wilson has accomplished, witb of It is given in the Hustler than all kiCkers, slackers and obstructionists other newspapers combined. TOWX A3TD COFXTY STATEMENTS snarling at his suggestions and recom mendations at every turn of the way before and after war against Germany was declared. For forty years the German gov ernment has been making preparation for this onslaught on civilization and f during practically all of this time the i party represented by Colonel Roose velt has been in absolute control of the American government. But in stead of preparing the country for de fense against the encroachment of for eign foes it was not even in a state of preparedness to justify an invasion of Mexico when President Wilson enter ed the White House a little less than five years ago. But the egotistic and vascillating Roosevelt, after commend ing the statement of 'President Wil son's war aims, a few weeks ago, now seeks to discredit the administration by groundless charges of official neg lect in providing equipment. The aN titude of the Colonel may be hearten ing to the Kaiser but his rantings are not likely. to create any serious divi- Who has habitually failed to rntiW luine Per.iec.uon ?r plans to pros- v-wn.i c'ici.1.'. v riv America The Hustler is keenly appreciative of the many compliments received as to the quality of the paper and the great amount of local news matter given. Such kind expressions make us strive harder to merit them from week to week. If you want to learn the length and breadth of human nature take a sub scription list representing a praise worthy cause and circulate for an hour or two. Not until you do this will you be able to properly measure mankind. , The writer has personal inquiries from members of the Western North Carolina Weekly Press association rel ative to another meeting, and we are. delighted that interest is alive. - Plan are in the making for a meeting, an nouncement for which may' be expect ed soon. . The married man under. 31xyears Henderson" county and the city of Hendersonville have a law calling for the quarterly publication of state ments of expenses and the following clippings from papers fn neighboritig counties relative to annual state ments remind us that the Henderson county law for some reason has . not been complied with. It would" seem the pari of wisdom for officers tcigive this matter attention rather than ytieg Icct ther duty as prescribed by Taw. The Polk County News says in;this subjpct: - 7; . "Now that the county commission ers have complied with7 the lw In publishing their annual financial : re port. v wish to call the attention to ponip nther officials. In . Polk county and the various towns who have fall--cd to complywlththe law4: In order to avoid all unpleasantness we advise you to get your reports ready, he county commissioners have done so with their own free will showing their desire to comply with the laws now the officials should do the same thing." The Canton Observer adds: "This statement is made each year according to the laws of the stateVand contains much valuable information; yet the report is anything but com plete, in that it does not show receipts and disbursements nor the present financial condition of the county. This information can be had by examining the records in the register of deeds' office,but since annual statements have to be published and as the citizens and taxpayers are entitled to gull in formation of the county's affairs, why not make the report in full and let the public know just hbw the county stands financially? If the county is in debt let it be known, or if out of debt, so riluch the better, but in either case let the facts be known," The Observer is right, the 'dear peepul" are entitled to the full facts. states-a-. reality:. , V ' ' , Inthe form passed'by the Senate the resolution provided" for ratifica tion- within six years- and" gave1 no pe- 4 riod of grace fOr its taking effect. It would have become law immediately upon proclamtion by- the Secretary of State that thirty-six of the forty eight states had" ratified'' it. As amended in ther house the time within which the resolution calls for ratifica tion is placed -at seven instead of six years, and one. years grace alter rat ification, is allowed the liquor inter ests before the measure becomes op erative: The Senate- concurred fa the House amendment by a practically unanimous vote and" the matter now jrests with the states for approval or kejectiOn. - Thirty-six states will have to , ratify jthe amendment before it can become k part of our organic law. Twenty seven of the forty-eight states are al ready- in the dry column and" the tem perance advocates . are reiymg upon bach of these to take favorabre action upon the resolution as soon as their respective legislatures convene. North Carolina is one of these- and" there Is little dOubt that her- senators and rep resentatives in the next General As sembly will' cheerfully- place their stamp- of approval" upon the proposi tion- . for a dry stater and' a boozeless nation., The states which now hare i constitutional or statutory prohibition t are: Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho; Indiana,. Iowa, Kan sas, Mississippi, Michigan. Montana. Maine, NOrth Dakota, North Carolina, Nebraska, New Mer'co, New Hamp shire, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Da kota, Arkansas,' South Carolina. Tenn., Utah, Virginia, Washington and West Virginia. Large areas ifr many of the remaining states are dry. Alaska and Porto Rico have voted tcr banish the '.raffic, the District of Columbia is dry. since the first of November, and with the tremendous majority g"vpn the na tional prohibition resoiution by both houses of Congress the temperance forces will go into the nation-wide campaign for- ratfffcation with zeal and energy and twenty-seven states as a starter. The prospects for ratification by many near-dry states like Ohio, Mis souri, Texas and1 Wyoming is ex tremely encouraging- to the dry cause, but h advocates of the a-ondment fully realize that a tremendous strug gle is ahead of them to secure the ne cessary thirty-sfx. The great victory in Congress has, of course, inspired zeal and courage, for the victory Is considered half won. The resolution won in the House by a majority of 154, receiving twentv-seven more' vot. than the necessary two-thirds requir ed under the constitution.. All off which shows the growing sentiment for a saloonless nation during the last few years. ' .We. are agents for the celebrated Oliver No, 9 Typewriter and can sell ypu r the regular standard machine right from the iactoryy at. sh saving, over th oldprices of $51 00. The newvmachine. fully equipped is now offered at the prices oft $49 (ML Let us. orde you -one now. Ewbank, Ewh V Real Estate Renting In surance Come, open your door! There's a jtUnd i waiting near . Whit ris . an&ioMi Some cFTew Year Customs pSB sole record, of the. obsemace JE- of the News-Year -by. the - pilgrims in the nssw world, named New England, was most! prosaic, ; most Briet "Wsef went to work, betimes,'.' sai4 ABce Morse Earle, the famous-investigator oi. om-ume 'Amerrcani customs.. Many - 11 1 ir. . ... ujl uie gooa JKarttan ministers thought the? celebration: or. even- notice' of the rfsrv In nnv toti-v bi rrn ! ltt .nnchrlstito, revarence- for the bell,, .and' he? reodp t6ekyut;. uTIteNtwr Tear yotki smiles May happiness dweniM&khwxu, all: af the vhUer Come, run to the doorS- TJierefSsazfrniS waiting there. Go If id him to en-- You're Next, Sir. Revolving brushes, operated by- a hand lever, clean a man's hat and: shoes at the same time In a machine designed for public places. ter and drat?,,; up his chair. Come, fill up his a wineglass an- pass him the , cake, For fewer an d x fewer are calls f that friend,; make. Come, shout in, reply to his. mes s ag $c o.f cheer.- "Long lifefatfput Jriindi.andi or. happy New. i year f! heathen gods Janus Xet they etme ffm a land where Nw. Year was see oad in Importance and in. domestic ob servance onlJ to GhristmaSi. Through oot every English: county New Tear's are was always celebratedi. ht many oidi ytarr i4 was oy taa- pretty nam of 0. sanging Ui-eoii, iromu the -custom; which Andnom- iiutul ned singing.-; the last of the v v?C vrosoer Christmas, carols afc that time. anditdmg7mayr ln &cotrand:the rfest day-of tfieyear was caueaiby theuglier name of Hog manay, ai name of unknowa and in explicable derivation,, and: in. Seotlanc it .was negarded; asthe- most papular bf-lall tbtedraffe days" as- the Christ mas holidays s were termed. Scotch children of.- the - poorer- class ia small towns still -ask.. on. thatr day from door to dooE-atithe house of 'wealthier fami lies for -a dole off oat bread,, casing out "Hogmanay? oc some of the loeal rimes i which. aregivjen in Ghambejss "Popu lar Eitaes of Scotland" suck as: hm i f. pv J Ilogrnanay,, Txollolay.-. Qivet) ua of. your whit! bread ; And;. oone oft: ?o.ur-grssFi Hhey. alsoasfcfQccheesej. whichtbefr ; caJll"nog money and: BrandTs "Popa; lorr Antiqnities!, gives; thisi beggjag,- rime-usedt by Scotch: chjtdrecc:. Va4. Jl f A A . .la - - w , - . . vt vwui una, uuttwe wuw success ye. are heM Foxk-the- time wiW, come when ye'll .b6,dea4 : HlCbyj Vime and Axi neither need! your cheeset nor bi;ea4.i prosperity nev- chilfltGni oa aiesef oray? m s er grow less s"wathdi IcLi gseat sheets feJ5u?ed into a, Stag; e ve h yeatf deeP DaKr OIK ponc to- cctrry thef o. tth(Lt follow- cakei tey f&nai q.lti & mumpgi 85 AaDOierr oCTcaiausoi. ' toox. war. class one. g material. 's part in the Nearly all Republicans of abili- are supporting the Hp i V",U"J continue ..wiVi aaaxs gUUU tar- tn dn SO r.rlca. attitude. his family will get it where Rosa wore He com.8H Wthe-neXt draft 13 mad ty and standing Hermes in the second division of p., of tha Psychology. Psychology is now recognized ns a science, and is said to have originated with Pythagoras. Aristotle greatly improved it and stated its mostv im portant principle, that of the assoela- I tinn nf Idonc ti- riai.nTui. p . . I r kj. uvuw imu uic pile- i ttooseyeitj nomena. states and modiflcationa of Hey-ih s - ret How about your letterbeat. billheads statements,, ejive lopes,, cards, etc Donfe wait: until they are all gooa and thea ask us to rush, fllenx out in a hurry for you. Good work requires time aiifi our motto that any-; thing thata worth do ing is worth doing welL Let ob have that order N-O- W while toe have the time to do your Printing as it should be done. Tinie and: &rim: Borrow deal g entity with you fce, run toyj the AoorL Titer &s . friend. toait, Invite, Ji&ni ester- emd draw, I tax"Payers with, their rejurm wJ chaifr. I cost ta tjwm" from Jan,.' 1. tib tod8 sivek and from Feb. 11 to 16, mciu- S RetiTrno nf innmo frt rthfl veaf 1" jmuts ,be made on forms pr.oyiid for ! tfee' purpose before March 1, 1918. Be- cause a good many people, doat nfler' IJTCQ3IE TAX OFFICERS HEBE JUSUABY 7m Collector Watts annojuie? that i federal income -tax oflicer. bQ) In. Reja.deraQiivUle.to assist income opem. imw heart i W.hoiSiafUBiojkts;tQ share? in, your S;Oit?v-0)W? ttttt fi'?: longs, far year ffrteiidsbipi and ttin tmmld ne win 3fS.e v?Q$ to your he-art Will you net Utihim in? Me aefc&ar the tfeor. Would y send him away stand the law andwon't know how to make, ntti therf "Vtiirns. the eoverJ' ; ment is sending this officer to do f " 1 ! ior them. Thiti antv is on the v'l payer, to make himself known to w i srovernmewt. T dnfisn't make re turn as required bef ore March l,he tf have to pay a. peQialty ranging tra&- 2?20 to $1,000, pay a fine or go to JM. , So if you don't want to take cWw. 'you should? call on the income. i ran. If you are nof sure about o ing subject to the tax, better asK '. J i -ri. n n cfiO lUS I ami iiiatcw-sire wnemer j"" Or sreatnlm, with love end imolora !income"tax ma-n or not, you must m. him, to stayt Detroit Free Press, j K Is All There. Proofs leave no room for doubt ot opposition. TPtlirn if arf4f in for Th,. collector suggests that body- start figuring up now his inCith and expenses so as to be ready the figures when officer arrives. Penses, however, don't mean farntIyr;. penses, money used to pay on: tae v eipal of a debt, new machinery, JI2SS!2!22i ings, -or anything like that. They -. mean w- ii i, yuu Sspciiu ir hired IX money-r-interest, taxes paid, n v5 1 I At M I S ti M i t -iMumamiiCTM,.,!,,, 1; c i i a ' i m Ac an in. 1V" , 1T1 i for vonr riwAllinsrk etc. Income - 1y eludes about every dollar you get- It tl .vc. : !. IS: V W'ATVT TO TKK All JJ FWTENDS ANT) firSTOERS FJ'ft THEIR LOTATj PATRONAGE W IJfG 1917. MAT 1918 BRIG TUU ALL SrtTCH HEALTH, BAPPMSS AlfD PBOSPERITT. CHAS. B0 ZJLLE, THJJ FWITTJBI! MAK. V.

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