u M," . -1 V M. - . - - ' . I Weople and Events The Hustler would appreciate items' of news for this or any otherde . partment of the paper when maile d, brought in person or telephoned. 14 ELEMENTS OF WORLD PEACE OUTLIXi. BX PRESIDENT WILSON Tp COXGHEJ: i LAST WEEK FAR3IERS SEFFEfi Washington,' nr.i.tn4nn Tor 9.9. Hfpns'irpft to k iioaiiui&tuui v-u. .. , - check competition tor laDor Deiweeu the war industries and government agencies have been taken by the de nartment of labor. This was an- Jan. President v Wil-1 nounced today after a delegation of r 2 x w MI SI' R. H. 'Mastus of Virginia is vi Ills wiia ill Hendersonville. - Leon Trice of Spartanburg visited tis people in the city, last week. . -l : Miss Juno Israel is visiting in Ruth erf ordton. S. Creasman, manager of the Spar tanburg branch of the local laundry, was in the city Sunday. U v'Carl Jackson has returnea irom son, addressing congress, delivered a j Virginia- truck growers..headed by Re!t j ' & v roeontnf ro Hollar r? har! railed on i restatement of war aims m agreement A v. t with the recent declaration o; the Brit- ..cret ish. premier, David t-loyd-ueorge. isiting ;Tri-City Symphony Orchestra, the De troit fc'ymphony Orchestra, . tne mh f wauKee tjynipnony Orchestra. Book-- iicrs 101" tne current Jsecisuii maia uc return to several oi the foregoing. i progim for world "peace containing 1 inOv.r.t nr.l concerns were permitted to iry Post with 'a pro test that the' farmers would Jose 7 ""'million, bushels of totatoss this , yea The president presented a definite:. the enticexon- of farni laborers hy writer F he admission will be 50 cents. j 14' specific considerations .'continue. Fassifern students had an unusual j opportunity for musical enjoyment inj ed artist-pupil, Phillida Ashley :ner- Wliy We Entered tile War. f . "We entered this war because , vio lations of right had occurred which Washington Jan SOLDIERS LEAD fLEAN LIFE 22 There has ten to We are agents for the celebrated, Oliver No. 9 m.,.h0H "n tho niiick and made tne i." been a s'mllar tody of Tei The program, beginning with j - npnnii,nnnSSihlfl unU?rl as cte lives as-the Ameri ingham. The program, Degmmng wmt . r imoossibie un- lf as cles ilves asnn? nencn -. the Sonate -Appass:onata of neetnoven, ' . . :-' so-dis m .France. Gnpral FersMr? .'K; cablegram today o Seer5- ' Ej called for all the qualities of genu - - ' j - - . , . ... 1 1 1 . 1 . '1 z. 1 il I" : : I ployed by the local laundry plant svmnathv. understand- 3etui.u ouce xo un cgabt wiea it-strrv pa;f.r tn ranlv to ir?ir:fa 'to lirmnflPr-To : . . . 1 temneramenL, topananuurg, uc - mnsi-ianshiD. technic in its Droaa- tinr(, wh we oanaea m ui.5 tp est sense, and, with a idowment of these gifts. - ... I Waddcll will entertain tne u. : nist triumphed " . , . n. , ' IU JUUUfi lyv.,l.,-w.fii, truth of rovorts of tiieieiore, is notiintfe' peuiiai- cO jqr.nkmer tmov& tne men.. it i tuat tud Type writer - and , can sell you the regular standard 'machine rieht from- the factory at a saving over th old prices of $5 1 00 The new machine fully equipped is now offered at the price of $49.00. Let us orde D. C.on the rst Wednesaay m i?eD ruary at her apartments at the hesi dance of J.Irs. W. J. Davis. " f ? The Chopingrevp : Qe nt and saie to live in; and par a as iu ULB YulitiaaL J ! ucuiaiiy mat it De maae saie v.ji w en. Ferhajfe . the Maszhowki tuda l0vmg nauou wmca, 'iirie oa' ! .. hon, J?. i?.. tt-s fHo!f g was the most brilliant of the last group ;o w;snes to live s owu i.e, uowci-: :o hp.pitv.noi b"V-tn j nr mu e u vi la Ti-o r iiiaritMtinni rift asni H M "innn rpvp nr rni T"- ! C. E. Brocks, vice president of the ;r:ations in A by Padereweski was th lot justice and lair dealing jocher peoples of tne -world sui against ; -vnr-nt nMaV t0?pv o.-t 1 rorce and selfish aggression. . tke of t .-..r program or is our tne pro- - . i-w -rx-r -r -r n ! 'rrstiti aTlfl II1H . IJIUlcLxli. LiltJ whit uua- r ety in- ..freensboro. this wees and family were present, uv vv. r oe. .o- . rfte,rflm. ' " see it is this: ' - ? tusnnrcres stated that "Ur.e07a.. of Ashevilie pertormea tne ceremo.- -c . - t,0,nl nJi, constituted the membership and Mrs C. J. Valley played Mnedel- "l,",um ! , I "1 v.ttee m the committee appoint- i sotm s wedtimg marcn. 1 " . 1 : 1 ir.i t . T . , nts. -v The bride wore a going away gownsly arrived at, alter waicn mere baau ' r -r "ir... 1 ;, o 1 . 1 decorated in teen men in an examination sinc coming home at Canstmas fro - f II At in the aviation corps, wbJch Va where e was super-; upon the be no private international uuaer standings of any kind L-ut dipimacy shall proceed always frankly and the oublic view. "II Absolute freedom of navigation seas outside territorial wa- . New York, Jan. 13. Railroad ex ecutives represent'ng 177 roads and jninety per cent of the mileage in the United States, at a conferen-'o held here, today to consider plans for sae- department he will enter for trainin Mr. Shreve is in Michigan. it ia fed P.?anist fominff to Fassifrra, Frances Xash. the celebrated young American pianist who pays at Fassi fern school on January" at 4 olock, attained a mot pnviable ros'tion in tn artistic world in two brief se?son. Miss CLASSIFICATIONS MM)F TiFT 0 FTnriXlTTOVe . . j - ' - - ' Poston Rvmphony Orchestra, the M?n- : has finished making ciasif.catons t.b y. PnilharmoTifc Orcbpstra. the Min- i rPciPtrants have not been summone-l r.pohs SyrnTbov Orchestra, the : to anear for ihysicnl exarainat!o City Svn-ir)hony Or-bestra. the b" v will soonamderso the Dhv??- o. lohi bvmpbon-- Orchestra. the ; chI tests. 7jj ' fTf'.'S-'tfc" '3j5ASLjS3S??55?5:j ii . All Ladies' Coats and Ccat Suits and all Misses' and Children's Coats are " to be sold AT COST This Sale Begins Friday, January and Closes on February 10th 25th Citizens National bank, returned from ; most delightful. Raleigh on Wednesday after attending j S S i:' -T lIV.i'Ai.iif-trA -rv- -r-t l-4- r j T V . "IT 4 1 1 ? t- 4- the North Carolina Bankers associa- MiS3' Bernice Jackson was married hf rfvor r,'' tion. - ; J on Wednesday afternoon at .the home " - gee yery c'leariy tnac unless VoTO,wr i t.o fi-m w It, Tr:;,, ' nf Tnmbprtnn v f!. !35ce be done to otners .t will nut oe H. I'awl & Son. attended the meet- I The wedding was simple and impres- juon 10 us e mg or tT'e Aorta Carolina uptometnc -ire. Unly immeaiate irienas o- ' . ' - soci pres Al com n me nf taunp broadcloth Dr. L. B. Morse has been adrsprt that ! The home was tastily hi-, nephew, Morse Shreve. former res- i white and green for the occasion. ident of Hendsr?oviil won firt nir. i The bride has Deen witn ner iaaiei among hft "ut xu me avianua corns, wme 1 ' - - ' . . ..." : . . : v.a i-f v.-.r -,,..ocit interment of thp Hveiea nosnitai. :iers, aiiue in ueaut; auu ia wai, cALeyi ieuaiumg mC 1u1.cit.0L0 iuj v.u . . . . ,. 1 - . . , a. i Mr. McAllister is secretary-treasurer ' as the seas may be ciosea in wnoie wmie unaer ieaerai managemeui, ue of the National Cotton Mill company; or in part by international action forjeided to ask congress to limit govern- !nf T,nmberton. the enforcement of international coy- tment control to the period of tr.e war. Mr. and Mrs. McAllister left shortly enants. after ceremony, and will make their "111 the removal, fo far as poss . home in Lumberton. ble of all economic barriers and the establishment of an equality of trade conditions among all the nations con senting to the peace and associating themselves for its maintenance. "IV Adequate guarantees given and taken that national armaments will be rendered to the lowe-t point consistent with domestic safety. ' V A free, openrminded, 'and ab solutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims based upen a strict ob servance of the princ'pie that in de termining ail such quest ions of sover eignty the interests of the populations concerned must have equal weight with the equitable claims of the gov ernment whose title is to-be deter mined. " ' VI. The evacuation of all Russian lerritory and such a settlement .of . all questions affecting Kussia as will se cure the best and freest co-operation of the other nations of the world in obtaining for her an unhampered and unembarrassed opportunity for the independent determination of her own political development aud national policy and assures her of a sincere welcome into the society of her own choosing; and, more than a welcome, assistance also of every kind that she may need and may herself desire. The treatment accorded Russia by her sis er the acid test of their good will, of their comprehension of her needs as distinguished from - their own inter ests, and of their own intelligent and unselfish sympathy. "VII Belgium, the whole world will aree, must be evacuated and re stored, without any attempt to limit the sovereignty which she enjoys in common with all other free nations. Vo o'hor s-ngle act will erve as thi? "ill sive to restore foiidoP'n aT-"-he nations in the laws which thev '"ave themselves set and determined rif ' R I 'or vernment nf their relat'os JL iLf p rritn or,D another. Without t"s hal- ""? act ne whole otr"et"r and -a in Hv of international law is forever im na'red. . J "VTTT- AH French terHtorv should be freed and the invaded portions re sorei. and the wrong done to Prance vtt rrnps;a in 1871 In the matter of Alsace-Lorraine, which has unsettled the eace of the wold fo1 neaHv flftv vcars. Fhould be righted, in "order that eace mav ocemore be made secure in he interest of all. "IX A readjustment of the fron tiers of ltalv should be effected along clearly 'recognizable lines of nation ality. "X The peoples of Austr.Ta-Hun-?ary. whose place among the nations -"n TigK to see safeguarded and as--ured. should be enteredinto. "XII The Turkish portions of the present Ottoman empire should be as sured a secure sovereignty, but the other nationalities which are now un der Turkish rule should be assured an undoubted security of life and an ab solutely unmolested opportunity of autonomos development, and the Dar danelles shoulcLbe permanently open ed as a' fr- passage to the ships and commerce of all. nations under inter national guarantees. "XIII An independent Polish state should be erected include the territo ries inhabited by indisputably Polish populations, which should be assured - free and secure, access to the sea, M whose political and economical Jn denendence and territorial integrity rhould be guaranteed by international "XIV A general association of na fVns must be formed nndr aneHflc sonants for thB purpose of aTordfn mtl guarantees of political inde pendence and terr'torfai integrity to -reat anfi man states aitve. l 'MYa Stand Tno-eflier i j "In regard to these essentia! rectf- C '"'ton Of TTron cr on1 -s -f we fH ourselves to v.o t,? K tners of all the go-nrre nn1 B I np ttciatM" . to?hr aeain you cne now. -ST' 'B - 1 tit 1 mF iialt Real Estate Si KJU.-MJ1 MftKHl m-.V4 &Wl&BS3aBltM k&xJJ 17 Renting o, insurance h HA f V Cock breakfast and supper on one of our We are making this sale at attractive prices in order to make room for our spring stock PHONE 271 3 ts. Change War Ministry.! Washington, Jan. 17. Fraiiing of legislation contemplaung drastic changes in the governments -war min ir.try, including creation of an Ameri can war council similar to those of England and France, :-.ad -i Cire.'tor o! munitions, was begun today by the .Senate Military committee. Coal to War Transports First. Washington, Jan. 14 Ships trans porting suppl'es to Europe were add ed by Fiiel Administrator Garfield to rrfeht to the list of ecsentials that mv.st be supplied with coal. They were put chead even of war Industries, after re ports carre to the fuel administration that a mill'on tons of shipping M held at New York for lack of bunkers Speech Pleased Canada, Washington, Jan. 11. The war aims o Canada, as well as of the United States v were ' given to the world in President Wilsons jecent address to congress, the Duke of Devonshire, governor-general of the domin'on, de c'fred p a sperh tonight before the National Prers club. Enlarged Cabinet ot Wanted. Washington, Jan. 11. Congressional plans for creating a separate depart ment of munitions with a new cabinet officer at its head meet no favor at the white house. Xeulrals Exempted. Washington, Jan. 11. Citizens or subjects of European neutral coun tries, regardless of whether they have taken out first papers for American citizenship, will be freed from liabJlity to - military service in the United States if they appeal through their di plomatic representatives here. 171 Bin lecinc H 0S CcfS Other convenient anH economical electrial heatinp: devices bdeiscrilleLidit ii Power Co. 1 a i.V" 1 1 For the arrest and conviction of the man selling goods as cheap as tier G Glaze First quality brogar. shoes, men and boys $2.00 One big lot women and childrens shoes ; $1.00 and $1.50 Men's work shirts 50c Overalls $1.00. Good suspenders 15c Outing 10c Calico 5c Gin ghams 10c Boys Suit's, one big lot at $L50 up to $2.50 and $30. One big lot of high grade silk at a bar gain. Mohawk sheets $1.25. We are expecting Men's and Ladies' Rubbers this week. . We have plenty of childrens rubbers now,size $ up 2 i-2. Our high grade Boys 'and Young Men's clothing now ready. Give us a call and save money. We please others and can please you. t GLAZE NER CUT5 THE PRICE AND SELLS THE GOODS Carranza Busy. Washington, Jan. 11. Increased in ternational interest in Mexico's affairs has followed the receipt here of un official information that President Carranza again 5s considering a plan to drive Manuel Palaez from the con- I trol of the Tamplco oil fields. Frivate Fienty of Coal. Indianapolis, iad., Jan. 16. Leaders among the litteen hundred delegates attending the biennial convention 01 the United Mine Workers of America expressed sympathy today ior "people and-business interests suffering from fuel shortage. As-serious as the situ ation is the miners say that they feel cUey have done all that is possioie un der present conditions to relieve the situation. -The trouble is with" the railroads," said John P. White, former president of the Miners Unionwho is now asso ciated with National Fu.el Administra tor Garfield as labor adviser.' Mr. White, who is a delegate, said: It is not a question of production There is plenty of production, but the railroads cannot move the coal that is mined." CALENDAR AT THE EAST HEX DEFS0XVJLLE BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., In cludes Baraca, Philathea and Junior Philathea classes. - Preaching each Sunday at 11 a. m and 7:30 p. m. my the pastor, C. S. Blackburn. Mid-week prayer meeting Wednes dav 7:30 p. m. " ' B Y. P. U. meeting 7:30 p."m. each Thursdav night. 1. You are cordially invited to any or all of these services. - 7 -ir- -o -o- -o- -o- -o- -TV- CXASSIFIED ADS. - - . & WANTED To eommnnicate with middle-aged woman, without close fam ily ties,, who wants a good home with re3ned family, no children; to do housekeeping, etc. Give references and particulars in first letter. Ad ' dress Box 457, Gastonia, X. C. l-24-2tc Stomach Troubles. reports forecast an early resumption t-Yih9n.wiw,ip.K of miliary ere.' many nave Deen restored to also is Information indicattog that the Wlth hy he Use of theae teMets and Mexican government is attempting to u attte, '25 cents, that it deal with the situation through politi- ,g worth.wnile to give them a trial. cai cnangt-8. l-3-5tc WANTED Valentine and strinffless pot beans. Hunter's Pharmacy.l-17-.3tc WANTED Yalentine and stringless pot beans. Hunter's Pharmacy.l-17.3tc SOR SALE One large east iron coal stove with eleven joints of pipe in good condition. Dr. A. H. Morey. 1-17-tfc FOR SALE Type writer," No. 5 Oliver, almost new. Willsell cheap if tak en at once. Apply to Mrs. C. H. Os teen, Fletcher, NC l-3-3tp FOR SALE Good farm horse and wagon. Will sell cheap, for cash. Apply to lR. K. . Osteen, Zirconia. N. C. l-?-3tc Blank legal forms and trespass notices for sale at the Hustler .office. 1 r )) r Kv r x y -1 - 1 1ST.. . q V, ii . . . . - . "ri- 5 '"i mfrfst I : We stand Or H"M0 t t-it. together " until the Steam Heat, Water, Bath Tubs, Electric Lights PRICES REASONABLE-APPLY TO - : t . a. 0ft 1 rl TTPBCiniBP1 CTflOF WHOLESALE BANK- THE DIFFERENCE RETAIL i -I-

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