V T A H. MOREY DENTIST Morey Building HIONE 60 Dr. W. H. Yander linden DENTIST Phone 351 Office over Duff's Holmes Building DR. H. L. KEITH .-eesor to Dr. W. K. Nickel.) DENTIST. )i Hutirr- Pharmacy e. a. McMillan Successor to Dr. W. T. Wallace.) ; DENTIST ;;r:e: Burckrayer Building, 4th Ave. I'llOJit- 442. ' i it-iwtHj b;: ille. N. C. I DR. E iiRiNGHAUS otUce over .. O WiliiaiiJiJi - Prefers Charibcrlain's. Ir ttic course o,' r. conversation i i Ciiamherlain Mouicine Cos rep- ;civ.uvc today, v. ;.c;:s.- in a general sgs c uaa, uci;u3.uu se.zea ana iiojscbsuu, sxii.aLt' hi ucj way the merits ot ' derson county, North Carolina, con- in-" mv estimation of Chamberlain's ( and fully descriDeci m tns pcuuon ui mcdy. 1 have a family of ,ed in said cause. Second, and for the " . - . i j. i i i -1 civ fVii ,ritvr ami have used this rem ofiT- in ?nv hnmfi for years. I cons'id er'it th only cough remedy on the! n a-ket as I have tried nearly : all kinds. Earl C. Ross. Publisher Ham- ilton County Republican-News, Syra- to X cuse, Kan. x-o-oiv. Take Warning. Don't brag. In a few years from now somebody else will be filling your place and maybe filling it just a little" better. Exchange. Why not join the correspondence co" ten and give some news from your sec-ion ' FOR SALE 1914 and 1JH6 Modpls. o. 1 condition. .nenacrwu' v!He Automobile Company. l-17-2tc AFTER THE COLD WALK HOME The glowing comfort dispensed by the Perfection Oil Heater is mighty welcome. It lights instantly, warms any ordinary room in no time, and is easily carried wherever it is needed. Invaluable for the between seasons of fall and spring and for providing extra comfort in very cold weather, . Now used in over 8,000,000 homes. For best results use AJaddin Security Oil. I IV STANDARD Washington. D. C. Norfolk. Va, Richmond. Va. OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Charlotte, N. C MD , Charleston, VV. Va. Charleston, S. a I1. lyAf, W,.V yjk illy ,yf lyPl t ; jWflf ' ' ,... . --in i H' - r- 1 ----- ir mm i - n -mf -thiimi m i nr- -------- - mmimummmk.m -, , i , n.f ,,, .I...I,B.. M B , ... . ... . , f jtil j NOTICE OF SALE. V - - ' State of North Carolina, : Henderson County. Superior Court Before the Clerk. , M. Stepp, Administrator of Zilpha i. liarnweil, Deceased, . , - vs. Jane Taylor and others. By virtue of a decree of the' Superior , . , , . , , , I court mace m the above entitled pro- ; tor and Commissioner will on the 16th day of February, 1918 at 11 o'clock a, m, at the" court house door of Hender son county in the City of Henderson ville, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash all the fol lowing described lands, viz:' Situate in the County of Henderosn, State of North Carolina, adjoining ,the lands of R. W. Allen, W. C. Case and others, and known and designated as follows: ' . - Tract No. 1. Beginning on a locust stump, R. W. Aliens corner; thence West with the Hendersonville road to near C. C. Clayton's house to Clayton's line; thence North with said Clayton's line to a black oak, Butter s corner; thence south. Gla?:eners branch to the begnning, containing 30 acres more ! or less. Tract No. 2, Beginning in R. W: Allen's line on a small white oak hush, and runs North 61 dg. West .50 noles ! to a ronk in the Woodfin old line; j thence South 42 voles to a stake :n Jtiugn Jonnsoiis en 'nnt' thcr.ee -" ith sa;d Johnson's line Qo'it 40 E. 50 noles to a to"1-: "theno North tn the harming, containing 14 acte c?rT o1 le?1?. To rnTn; of ?.id sals :s to ra're cfr-ftc! to -r;rv dobts H nfT ti tCTTl? Tbis T'tt av of .T3""v. j Stau Ox North Cr.ioiina, j , ti&ilov31oOa UO.xit. Superior CoiL- x.cio.o ilia Cxerk. s. 'itco i-ydu, ivi. C. i.yda, A. d. O. J-yda ' vs. Vx'aue Lyda an Doiiie Lyda. he deicntia.it, vVavie Lyda,' above liaaicd will iaKe notice that a specia i raceeumg tniided as above has been ' commenced in the Superior court d : Henderson couniy for the purpose Urst i of having the dower of the petitioner, A. S. C. Lyda, allotted in the lands of which her husband, James Lyda, died -anu otaers, further nurpose of having said land; sold for partition among the other parties to .said proceeding as tenants j in common, subject to the dower r-ght , i siU ; 1Jjr"-i &?u I aeienaant, wane i-yaa, win iana lurun- ter notice that he required to appear before the clerk of the superior court of Henderson county at his office in the court house in said county on the 5th day of February 1918 at 11 o'clock 'a. m. and answer or demur to the pe tition of the petitioners or the relief therein prayed for will be granted. This uth da- of January 1-U8 C. M. PAC3, C. S. C. l-10-4tc Henderson County. Good Recruiters. A coquette, , like n recruiting ser geant, is ever on the lookout for fresh ! victims. Douglas Jerrold. PLANNING FOR CAAIP CKIMROK. . v Reese Combs of Miami, Fla., advertis-, inb manager of the Miami Daily Me-! : tropolis, who was scoutmaster at Chimrok last summer. - . " The site was visited by Mr. Wright 1 Oll-t " ww. j ' and ComDS and plans for the com- ing season discussed. COUNTY COMMENCEMENT : Pi:tUuAJH IN MAKING , The county commencement commit- tee was m session nearly all day Sat- m day arranging for the county com- mencement next spring. The program committee is composed of JV O Bell, charman: G. W. Brad- -shaw, V. C. Bradley, jB. Robinson, Mrs. IJ L. Redden, Miss Frances F. bum- merrell. SAGE TEA DiB . HAIR 10 ANY SHADE Don't stay Gray! Here's aai. i nirl.-Hmo "R.inp. t.W. Anv. . body can Apply. The use of Sage and Sulphur for re storing faded, gray hair to its natural color dates back to jrrandmother's tirrie. She ust'd it to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful etlect. But brewing at home is mussy and Rev. George F. Wright of Kosman, ; ler 10 staie tnat wre win ds no meet who established. Camp Chimrok for ing of the teachers on next Saturday boys at Chimney Rock last year, was as was intended. in thp nitv last week conferring with i The . meec.ng will be. held on the out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at br'nr-i-ig: and being and contain any drug store for a 50 cent bottle of j -o- rn7 n'nty-evrn "nerps more or "VYyetli's.Sage and Sulphur Compound," Ios. and boirtp- t sae lqd cn-n- vou will cet tins famous old preparation, improved bv the addition of other in- greuiems, wmcn can oe uepenaea upon wj restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says ' it darkens the hair so naturally and i ev venly that nobody can tell it has been pplied; You simply dampen a sponge a or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at a time. Bv morning thegray hair dis- , appears, and after another application or two, it becomes beautifully dark p.nd glossy. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire a more youthful appearance, It is not intended for the cure, mitigation ur preuuu-oi oisuase. li) CfcWT "CASCAREYS" POR I !fPP ftMn RniVf Q rUM UVtli A!!L? Uvv'rLb cre E 'Ick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath Candy Cathartic. y No odds how bad your liver, stomach or bowels; no. mucn ycur nead acnes, how miserable you are from constipa- tion, indigestion, biliousness and slug- foreclose same, I will at 12 o'clock frish bowels you always get relief with' noon on tbe ISth day of February 1918 Cascarets. They immediately cleanse sell at 'Public Auction to the highest and regulate "the stomach, remove the bidder for cash at the Court house Rour, fermenting food and foul gases; door. Hendersonville. Henderson coun tike the eveess bile from the liver and N'orth- Cn'olina. 1 the following de c ;r;v off the constipated waste mattet , scribed real estate: . ana poison from the intestines and ov.eis. a iu-ccnt box from your drug- ::i$t will keep your liver and bowels o-onn: stomaiu ev-et and head clear lo." mouths. Tliey work while vou sleep. TEACHERS' MEETING POSTPONED t SupT VV. S, Sliitie requests the Hust- 1. a j j - - - i - second Saturday in February. : NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE . , JjA.au. By virtue of the power of sale con- " - - . tasned in that certain Mortgage Deed .executed and delivered ' in the . undsr- signed mortgagee, by A, L. Maxwell and f wife, M. J. Maxwell on the 12tb day of Mav 1917 sectoring certain notes therein described which said notes are past due and unpaid, after due and prdper demand made for the payment thereof, the undersigned will sell at the court house door, Hendersonville Henderson county, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon on the 18th day of Feb- ruary 1918, at public auction to the nignest Didder for cash m order to .satisfy said indebtedness interest, cost and expenses, the following described pice of land, conveyed to the under- sTr?ned mortgagee, located on Ball Ton Mountain. Henderson County. North Col'.r. and more fully de scribed as follows : , FeginrJng on Joseph Maxwell's up er lin corner and runs North 32 1-2 ! df ts. We?t 70 poles to a nine on ton cliff of Bali Top, thence N. 15 deg 10 Pies to a pine on the side oj of Ball Top, thence North 31 deg. East 10 poles to a pine below some-large rocks; thence same course 30 poles to three chestnuts; thence 'East 16 ooies to a chestnut oak; thence Sbut 5 1-2 deg. East 10 noles to a clurtiD of small chestnuts near a rock; thenc Fast 30 poles to a stake in Lewis Gar ron's line; thence vith Onrren's line 5o"h 50 po!p! to a stake at. Mar. fall's comer, thence wit Maxwell's ,l.ne North 54 de?. West 220 poles to -..i aa from "RnfTK? "Pitiov et ux to a t ti,. -i 1, -,oo4. prjrl boi recordp-r bv oo o01 Qf fbrt Recordg Qf r?fi?di for Henderson county, county. Th, the 17th day of January 1918. H. M. KING, Mortgagee, v. Marshall Bridges, . Attorney. l-24-4tc NOTICE OF Is JJLTS TEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue ox the power of sale contained in a certain Deed in Trust executed by John G P. Living- ston to W. Marshall Bridges, trustee on the 22nd of March 1S17 to secure a certain indebtedness described in said -Ueeam Trust, with interest, costs. and expenses, which said Deed in Trust is duly recorded in Book 47 at page 262 of the Records of Mortgages and Deeds for Henderson County and 'whereas default having been made in the payment of ' the" said indebtedness so secured, andafter due and proper demand for the payment of samp and . after all notices required to be given oy tne sa:d Deed in Trust have been j given to the maker of the same, and ;the power of sale therein having he come aosoiute, and being called upon by the power of said Deed in Trust to ( -. . . . ; situate, lying and being m Hender .sonville tow-nship, Henderson countv.- ! vorff r.-r0i--n?1 : Bginnipf on Oak- jana avi - tn tne City of Hnderson- .vlle. rv p.int No. 62 of the An derpor "on of property conveyed jb Jap v-!d---on to the Henderson jville Lzf & Improvement companv. jsnid lot beirg on the east s'de of said ' Oakland ir.,:e in the said City o .Hendersonville. ?nd fullv described i a deed from W. H: Rav to Agnes Ped Jdingfield recorded in deed book 77 3f j TorP i9fj 0f tlft Records of Deeds for i Henderson county pud bmp' the san" Npnrl rovivo to J. G. P. T.4ving?to- '.hi P. C Bfddinprfielfl a1 Attir Pfd i d'"rjrfleld. saM deed dated .Tnne ?A 1914. This th 1 tv rqv of .T"n"fv.-19l8. W 'MARSHALL BP jn.v.am 1-1 7-4 to - v Trustee. -f -l-t-,. mm mi watee W YOU - 'BOW T FISIElLi 1IHT Says glass of hot- water with phosphate, before breakfast washes out poisons. if you wake up with a bad tasto, bad breath and tongue is coated; if your head is dull or aching; if what you eat ! scurs and forms gas and acid in stom ach, or you , are bilious, constipated, nervous, sallow and can't get feeling just right, begin inside bathing. Drink before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a teaspoenful of limestone phosphate in it. This will flush the poisons and toxins from stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels and cleanse, sweeten and purify the entire alimen tary tract. Do your inside bathing Im mediately upon arising in the morning to wash out of the system all the pre vious day's poisonous waste, gases and sour bile before putting more food into the stomach. ' To feel like yoirng folks feel; like you felt before your blood, nerves and muscles became loaded with body im purities,, get from your pharmacist a quarter pound of limestone phosphate which is inexpensive and almost taste less, except for a sourish twinge which is not unpleasant. " Just as soap , and hot water act on the skin, cleansing, sweetening and freshening, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the ' stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Men and women who are usually constipated, bilious, headachy or have any .stomach dis order should begin this inside .bathing before breakfast. They are assured 'tbev -toIII hpftftm a' real: cranks CH t3 LADIES! LOOK Y do e DARKEN BRflY Hffl!! tTse the Old-time Sage Tea ; ancl Sulphur and Nobody will Know. Gray hair, however handsome, denote advancing age. We all know 'the advan tages of a youthful appearance. ' Youi hair is your charm. It makes or marf the face.- When it fades, turns gray and looks ' streaked, just a few application? of Sage Tea and Sulphur enhances its ap pearance a hundred-fold. . Don't stay gray ! Look young! Either prepare the recipe at home or get from any drug store a 50-cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," which is merely the old-time recipe im proved by the addition of other ingredi ents. Thousands of folks recommend this' ready-to-use preparation, because it darkens the hair beautifully, besides no one can possibly tell, as it darkens so naturally and evenly. You moisten a sponge or soft brush with it, drawing this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after another application or two, its natural color is restored and it becomes thick,-glossy and lustrous, and you appear years younger. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound is a delightful toilet requisite. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or pre vention of disease. FOR YOUF CHAPS THY A BOTTLE OF OUR WITCH HAZEL AND AL MOND CREAM FOR CHAPPED HANDS IT MAKE? A SMOOTH COM- PLEXION 25c HUNTER'S PHAR- 3IACY. 1.10-3tc , ASH EViLLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Use it to Plan Your Shopping Trip, listed will s r ADYERTISING. BOOKLETS Designed and written. 63 American Bank building. , Gill WEEKLY Newspapers. Western. North Carolina Territory. Rates1? Gill. AUTOMOBILES. CHEVRODET Distributors. Livery & Auto Service. Chambers & Weaver Co. CASH Talks. Used Cars. Every Make. Overland. Asheville Sales Co. 3IG Line Used Cars. Cash or Credit OK AUTO CO. CAFES. ' HOMEMADE JANDIES. Restaurant. Soda. Club Cafe &. Candy Kitchen. DEPARTMENT STORES. H. REDWOOD & CO.. Clothes; Shoes; Hats; Underwear, etc.. for Everybody Dry Goods; Rugs; -Butterick Patterns. FURNITURE. When you see a Furniture Ad think of GREEN BROTHERS. GENERAL MECHANICS. WRITE or See McRary & Son . for your Truck Body. : - HARDWARE. BUILDER'S Hardware a 4 Specialty, Northup-McDuffie Hardware Co. JEWELERS. THE House of Gifts. 52 Patton Ave. Chas. E.. Henderson. GLASSES. Fitted. 'Expert Watch Re pairing, 3 fi Church. H. M. Frost. J. E. CARPENTER. Jeweler. Watch Repairing Specialty, 16 N Pack Square KODAK FINISHING. EXPERT -Work. Eastman-Agency, Mail Orders Solicited. Brown Book Co. . KODAK SUPPLIES ; -: KODAK Deve-'oping, Printing. Mail e;s. Amatuer Supplies. 'Robinson Photo Store. LAUNDRIES. ' The NICHOLS Way for Laundry Satis faction. AshevilTe Steam Laundry. : LOAN OFFICES. FINKELSTEIN'S LOAN OFFICE. Jew elry, Trunks,. Leather Goods. 23 Bilt Tore Ave. t Better Ge While yoq can get one Promptly Why not enjoy using it while we have suchv beautiful weather? Prices are going up all the time Dr A. G. Tebeati, A gen t s Report, of the Condition of ' THE BANK OF FLETCHER, r r at Fletcher- - in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, Dec. 31, 1917. r - " ; . resources. ': V Loans and discounts . "1 i$14,56l.64 Overdrafts secured, S56.5S; ! unsecured $118.0-L U. S. Bonds on hand. .Liber ; "ty BondsJ Banking Houses, $3,OC0; Fur niture & Fixtures. $1393.43 Demand loans .1 Due from State Banks and Bankers : Gold Coin 1 Silver coin, including all min or coin currency. .175.48 2,150.00 4,393.43 . 1.855.u0 . 27.35 , ' 72.50 109.25 National bank notes and oth- ; . er U. S. Notes. 928.00 Expense accountL 441.75 , Total $24,714.40 LIABILITIES. ... Capitol stock paid in. $10,000.00 Deposits subject to check. 12,062.42 Time Certificates of Deposit. 2,651.98 Total. $24,714.40 - State of North Carolina. v , County of Henderson, ' f - v January. 16. , 1918. I, R. W. Fletcher, Cashier of the above named Eank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. R, W; FLETCHER, Asst.. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 16th day of January, 1918. - E. E. LANCE, J. P. Correct Attest: , C. R. SOrtRELL, . . V. W: E. POTEAT. ' " Directors. r for Mail Iiiouiries. TIi Flrm"f fe You Well MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. FALK MUSIC HOUSE. 76 Patton Av. ' PHONE 206. MEN'S & BOYS FURNISHINGS. J. W. NEELY & CO., for Stria Bloch Smath Clothes. OFFICE SUPPL Eg. OFFICE SUPPLY CO, Tyoewr ,r. Adding Machines. Safes. 91 lattcj Av OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN. CORREST Glasses. 52 Patton Ave. (Henderson's Jewelry store) DIL DENISON. PHOTOGRAPHERS. HIGGASON STUDiOS. 60 1-2 Pattoa Ave. Opp. Post office. Artistic Portraiture. PELTON STUDIOS', Pack Square. High-grade Portraiture and Comme. cial Photography. . . PRINTING. PRINTING. Bookbinding. Loose Leaf Binders. HACKNE Y & MOALE CO. PIANOS TUNED". REPAIRED, Expert Work, all Guaran teed. Eiks Building. Williams & Huffmaa. REAL ESTATE. ASHEVILLE Realty Investment. American Bank Building. Henry T. Sharp Co. mini ii mi mi ii i' in i -i W. T. Rowland & Co. Farms. "It Can ) Ee Done." IF interested in Asheville ReaL Estate Talk to . JOHN ACE1L REAL Estate, Insurance. 18 S Paclc Square. Phone 1346. LORICK CO. REAL Estate Broker. See JAMES W. BEHEN. 11 1-2 Church St. SEEDS. STRICK'ER SEED CO.; Wholesale and n Retail rSeed Merchants. Poultry Supplies. ' . SPORTING GOODS. TIRE REPAIRS. SEND Us your Tires and Tubes. Asheville Steam Vulcanizing Co. DRUG STORES. MEET Your Friends Here. 43 Patton Avenue. Paramount Drue Co. Yeor Chevrolet -Mr I

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