i . i . - : . i " Cafu Pnof lar Don firf !; MIDI I -JillJy 111 IlIiIIIII I hi .VI LIFE OF HEXDEESON COUNGOT MIRRORED BY JTEWgY ARA GRAPHS FROM HAKY SECTIONS TELLOG OF MOVE MENTS OF THE PEOPLE. . - 0- 0- -O EDNEYVILLE -o 'General Lyda Dies in Greenville, but Buried Here;. Colonel Stork Makes Couple of Important Calls; ;Mrs. Laughter Very III. ' EDNEYVILLE, R. 1. General Lyda died Saturday February 23, at Greenville, S. C, and was brought to his sister's home, Mrs. Sallie Hudgins, Sunday. He was buried in the St. Paul cemetery Monday. Rev. Ira C. Swanman conducted the funeral ser-: vices. He leaves fou& brothers and five sisters. Laxton, Jeff and Vollie of Greenville 'and Ceburn of this place; Mrs. Sallie Hudgins, Mrs. Stella Rhodes of this place and Misses Dollie May and Mollie Lyda of Greenville, S. C. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Lyda, a daughter, on Monday, February 18. Born, to Mr .and Mrs. Whit White side, a son, on Tuesday Feb. 19. Several people from this section attended the baptizing afsMt. Moriah Sunday. Miss Myrtle Edney of Liberty was in this section Saturday. Miss.Josie Lyda, who has been go ing to' schopl in Cincinnati, Ohio, c?,me home last Friday. I 3. E. Justus went to Henderson ville on Monday. v. ' , Mrs Grayson Laughter is serious ly ill at present but her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. There will be a. sale of the personal property at the- Hampton Hillxplac? Monday, March 4. Mrs. May Gilliam is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Q. Nix. T. A. Whitaker and L. H. Ledbetter were-in Hendersonville last Saturday. T. Q. Ledbetter and W. P. Maxwell of Liberty exchanged mules last week. . - ; wss o- : O j HOOPERS CREEK O : O visitecl his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. H. M. Roberts, last week. : D. P. Baldwin of Asheville spent the week-end with Mrs. Baldwin an childjen here. . C. H. Lance" of Fletcher was a vis itor in this section Sunday. Cutting and hauling wood for the training camps is the principal indus try of this section at present . wss ' o -o I BAT CAVE 0 -0, Freeman Gaston Rhymer, Glenp Freeman, Harrv Peoples, Wythe Pey ton, Charles Ledbetter, Herbert Smyth, Cicero Wheeling, Gta4y Sum ner and Wyman Wilson. Several cars were out from Hen dersonville Sunday and every one seemed to be enjoying . the balmy spring weather. ": - Miss Carrie Freeman entertained ' a' small party of friends at supgen Sunday evening. . .; . Wythe M. Peyton had the misfor tune of having his right hand -badly bruised a few days ago. - LL An enjoyable "negro minstrel" was held at' Isnola, the nome tot bcrott Freeman, on-Saturday evening. . All those On the program acquitted, them selves nost creditably, and the guests1 thoroughly enjoyed their efforts. - With the idea of, "Safety -First' ! J uppermost in mind, Wythe Peyton is UdVlllg iUwblb lHUf,u .w v., the steeper Banks on the Asheviller Charlotte highway. This will lessen the danger of cars going over the bank and will render, automobiling far safer and ; more pleasant than heretofore. - ' Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Freeman en tertained at a birthday dinner on Sun day. Their guests were : Misses Ruth Duvall, Belle, Pauline and Carrie Freeman and L.A. Enloe." The latest movement in our village day Party. Highway Travelers Protected by Railing; Civic League Organizes. . f BAT CAVE. J. H. Slaughter, rep resentative of tUfe Newport Metal Cul vert company, was the guest of friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hudgins visited their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. "Joe Wil liams, and family, near Henderson ville on Sunday. Bat Cave was well represented at thelecture delivered at Fruitland on Sunday morning by John D. Beve ridge who is on -a lecture tour in the interest of the Red Cross and War Savings Stamps. Among those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hudgins, Messrs. Wythe Peyton, Harry Peoples, Wyman Wilson and B. F. Freeman, Jr. t : John Sumner, Jr., is suffering with a badly bruised arm. w W. J. Huntly is seriously' ill at his home at Bear Wallow. S Glenn Freeman was in Henderson ville Tuesday. - N Jim Sumner was in Asheville for a couple of days last week. Ned Finley has decided on a site for the studio he wil lbuild upon his return from New York. .It will be located on a most picturesque spot across the river from Esmeralda Inn, and will command a view of Ofiimney Rock, Little Pisgah, PIot Knob and Bald mountains, Mrs. B. F. Freeman, Sr., spent Sun day with her daughter, Mrs. Vollie section went to" Hendersonville Mon day. tuvo n n MoTCillon of this 3. a : I hdr Movie Studio; Washington BirthJ,is the, organization of a league for . FLETCHER, R. 3.-J. S. Bagwell,! "1 S EdneilTe who is stationed at Camp Sevier, Misses Lotha and Parilee Dalton Greenville, spent last Monday with spent the week-end with their brother, his aunt, Mrs. J. F. Livingston. v4 T. Dalton of Dome. ' Mrs. Lawrence Long of Rocky J Alf Terriel Williams, the-little son Mount, N. C, has arrived to spend 'of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Williams of some time with her parents. j Gerton, is spending a few days with - T. R. Youngblood of Asheville was his grandmother, Mrs. J. Terriel the guest of his family here during Freeman. . theweek eird. A most enjoyable affair of last Miss Cora Livingston is spending a week was the Washington birthday week with friends at Zirconia. party at which "Misses Ruth DuVall H. B. Russell was in Henderson-- and Carrie and Pauline Freeman vill on business Monday. 'were joint hostesses entertaining at Miss Althea Youngblood visited rel- the" latter's home. The living room atives in Fletcher several days last presented a most attractive appear- week. j ance with its colonial furnishiners and james jviurpny spent sunaay alter noon with friends at Fruitland. Ben Garren of Camp Sevier is spending a five days' furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Garren. J. F. Livingston and family mo tored to Hendersonville and Fruitland Sunday afternoon. Mrs. C. H. Osteen was in Asheville last Thursday having some dental work done. Quite a number of people from here attended the exercises at Fruit land Institute last Friday night. Chauncey Roberts of Camp Sevier draperies, the soft glow of candles adding a pleasing effect. Old fash ioned games were played and merri ment held sway until the wee sma' hours. The costumes worn by the girls were typically colonial, and had George Washington stepped out of his portrait on the wall he would have felt that surely he had gone back to the good old colonial days. Among those enjoying the evening besides the hostesses were: :Misses Blanche Hudgins,Martha Wilson, Lara Gillard, Gaunold, Lenal and Eva Dodson and Lee Gulley, Allbright Birch, Claude - 'wj mm ro Stops all Shaker Annoyance Opens only when inverted Closes automat ically. x Prevents clog ging.- Keeps contents clean, and dry. V $1 tHe.pair &ni-D r y-5 halt e SALT and FEffft - 1 does away with adulterated, tasteless high-priced salt. Avoids vexation . and waste. Insures sanitation. Beauti fies the table, .Handsome stone engraved Crystal glass celtar Top of new costly Areo Metal. Wont corrode. Requires no polishing. Always bright, clean, ready for use.' AUseful, Practical Table Necessity Don't serve another meal without 'the Sani-Dry-Shake twins-for-salt and pepper. . - We have the sale of this wonderful new sL fecr! jyhich we want you to see. A demonstration will convince "vou 1 of its meril. W. H. yAWKlNS & SON Jewelers iWr. .m'.j. ; civil improvement to be known as "The Civic League." - Tffe first work that the league will do will beto help in beautifying the highway. They will nlant vines and several varieties of flower seeds alortg-side the railings and bv- summer, we expect to see. a mass of bloom all along the way. The vines will not only be ornamental but useful as well inasmuch as they will keep the banks from washing away and thus keep the road m prime condition. There will be a called meeting of the Guild yi next Saturday, at the home of Mrs. B. F. Freeman, Jr. ". - w ss a , o I HORSE SHOE 0 0 Bobo Hollingsworth is at home from Jacksonville, Fla. Arnold Simpson returned to Camp Jackson on Friday after a week's visit to the home folks. Paul Leverette of Asheville spent Sunday with his parents. E.VV. Ewbank made a very interesting- and educational address on Sunday morning ' at the Methodist church explaining the causesand ob ject of the war alsothe work the Red Cross was doing. Arthur Holbert of Canton is a vis itor in our-community. Mrs. Luther Jones of Jacksonville, Fla. ,vas the guest of Mrs. Vernon Moffitt last week. -John Moffitt and sister of Canton spent the week end with their brother C. B. Moffitt. Theproceeds of the sales from the Horse "Shoe Red Cross window on Saturday amounted to nineteen dol lars. This chapter has a gift at rais ing money. Vernon Moffitt and wife spent the week end at Brevard visiting their brother Everette Moffitt. Mrs. Jean Holden returned from Rosman on Friday with the children of her daughter, Mrs. Gillespie, who died about a week ago. v "ELLEN." wss , ) ; 0 I NAPLES. ) 0 Farm School Attempts to Build Tele phone Line; Mr. Spann Will Soon Market Several Cattle. ctinn visited hdr sister, Mrs: J. -v - - ,. n j Hart, of the Ridge section aunaay.-,;.;-Mrs. Flave Rhodes of this section has been visiting her. mother, Mrs. Williams of ' Buncombe county lor Several days. . - .iv V T Q. Ledbetter of .Edneyville R. 1, and W., P. Maxwell of this section swapped mules last week. ' r Wm. Dalton of i this . section -has got tired of carrying - water f rom hi3 neighbor's springs "and' wells AnJKis digging-fOT-himself a new well. Aliss Eula Maxwell has recovered from a case of smallpox. ;r ; J. E. Cox of Fletcher R. 3, vas m this section Tuesday on business. - Robert Barnwell of "Reedy-patch was in this section Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Pink Lyda of Balltop visited in this section Sunday. , , BROWN EYES. -wss- 0- UEAR WALLOW O I o u BEAR WALLOW. Misses Emer arid Annie Searcy of Dome visited their sister, Mrs. AL. Hill, Saturday arfd Sunday. . t Thomas Oates spent-last week with his sister, Mrs. T. L. Mann, of Ashe ville. . . " . . - - Luther P. Oates has gone to Rich mond, Va., to wind up his business before leaving lor the navy. W. F .Huntley has been" very ill for the past few daysr -Roy Oates was in ;-Asheville last week. x - ( Mr. and Mr. J. G. Oates leave Tues day for Quantico", Va where they ex pect to stay for some time. .-- S. G. Freeman went to Bessimer City Saturday to see friends and rel atives. r- WSS O FRtlTLAND. 1 i O Red Cross Workers Organize at Fruit land With Strong Branch; Annua! Exercise of Literary Societies a Marked Success. , HENDERSONVILLE, R: 2. The anniversary program rendered by the Phi and the Chi literary societies of Fruitland Institute in the school audi torium7 Friday evening, February, 22, was a great success, it was one of the best performances ever given by students here. Everett L. Hinds was president and Chas.' W. Cohoon was secretary. Orations were delivered by J. E. Ridings and M. E; Lance. The following question was debated, Resolved: "That capital and labor should be compelled to settle their disputes in legally established courts of arbitration." The affirmative was upheldby Boyce Moore and Dare A. Wells while the negative was defended by A. G. Miller and H. -H. Lance. The decision of judges, Rev. Benjamin Sorgee, Rev. A. I. Justice and Prof. W. S. Shitle, was twojto one in favor of the affirmative. The twenty-secorrd of Februarv is always an occasion for the return of former students and manv were here this time. Among these were three who are now in the service of the na tion,)scar Biddy-and Curtis Robin- MM Sacked JiMs meci r convenience and economy ETJTTING Buckeye Hulls in sacks 'is ust one of the important littleTthings thathave been done to make , this roughage an improvement over the old style. This makes. ; , - . - .. " . ..- . -roAoe mark COTTONSEED U J LINTLESS easier to handle when putting them-an the barn and easier, to meas ure out when mixing feed. It keeps them clean' and makes your help think of them as forage not as bedding. Even though sacked, Buckeye Hulls- sell for much less than loose old style hulls. It costs us money to sack them but we believe that anything that will help you use this product to best advantage is worth the expense. N Other Advantages Buckeye Hulls are free . of lint . No trash or dust. which has no food value. They mix well with other food. - 2000 pounds "of real roughage to They take less space in the the ton-Vnot 1500. . barn. Buckeye Hulls allow better as- Every pound goes farther. similation of food. - . - - . Kimbraugh Bros., Indianola, Miss., ay: . " We are using Buckeye Hulls and are very much pleased . xvith them We think they are superior to old style (. huHs.". ' . To ecure the best results and to derelop the ensHageor, wet the hulls thoroughly twelve hours before feeding. It u easy to do this by wetting them down night and morning for the next feeding. If at any time this cannot be done, wet down at least thirty minutes. If you prefer to feed the hulls dry, use only halfz.smuch by bulk as of old style Jhulls. Rook of Mixed Feeds Free Gives the right formula for every combination of feeds used in the South. Tells how much to feed for maintenanceffor rniTk, for fat tening, for-work. Describes Buckeye Hulls and gives directions for . using them properly. Send for your copy to the nearest mill. Dept. k The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. Dept. k Memphis Selma Atlanta Augusta Birmingham Charlotte Greenwood Jackson Little Rock Macon son in training at Camp-Sevier and Argus Plemmons' who has recently en listed in the navv. 1 Two other if ormer pupils, Miss Al ma Freeman and Miss Delia Wade, who areengageti in teaching in this county, spent Saturday and Sunday visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Reynolds of Ashe ville were here Friday and Saturday visiting their son, Hoffman, who is a student of the Institute. Dr. A. E. Brown, and Rev. Benjamin SorgeV'of Asheville attended anni versary exercises. Rev. A. I. Justice- and Dr. A. E. Brown delivered inspiring patriotic f addresses on Friday evening at the close of. the debate. ' Field Day was observed by the Fruitland students on Saturday af ternoon. -Butler Bradley won the greatest number , of points, while Russell McCall and Russell Brandon (Continued on Page 6) NAPLES. Sidney Brittain, who has been away from this section for some time, is here visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Brittain. The farm school is trying to get up a telephone line frqm the school to Mountain Home to connect with the Hendersonville line there. , " C. E. Dameron is doing fine with his sjfte,, people going right in and buying every day. Amoajg those that killed a porker last Thursday was W. T. Smith and W. S. Burge. v Mrs. -Emily 'Jones from Spartan burg spent the week-end with her brother, H. L. Cagle. II. W. Cagle left Sunday morning for Spartanburg, to spend some time witn relatives there. B. B. Souther sold his team of mules to Pellam Corn last week and also bought a new team. J. J. Spahivhas about fifteen head of beef cattle he is going to put on the market soon. O O I LIBERTY ; I o- o HENDERSONVH.LE, R. 2.An unexpected wedding occurred in this section Sunday when Anderson Wil liams of Fletcher, and Miss Dramar Justice of this section, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merida Justice," were married at the home of the bride. E. E. Lawrence, officiated. W. P Maxwell, -and son, Forrest Maxwell, attended the war speaking at Fruitland Sunday morning. Bth joined the Red Cross. . : Miss Grace Maxwell after spending two weeks at home with her mother, has returned to Fruitland school. , Miss Myrtle- Edney and Miss Grace Maxwell went to the bantizinf at Fruitland Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W.m P. Maxwell we re at the baptizing.- Louis Jackson, Dare Wells, and Forrest .Maxwell were baptized. Rev. Puett adminis-' tered the' ordinance of baptism. Mrs. W. F, Brown of Henderson vHle visited in this section Sunday. , Misses Bonnie Wiliiams and Esteil Camby of Fletcher, R. 3, visited Miss Eula Ma"xwelLof this section Mondav. Mrs. Maude Hill of Reedv.J'atch isited her mother, Mrs. W-.fE. Mix- Vell of this section Monday. " -MisWillie. Brown and. Mr.'nd Mrs. W. J. Davis, all of Henderson ville, motored to. this section Sunday. C. D. Mcfellop andW. P. Maxwell madea business trip to Henderson ville last week. . . -. G. O. Nix and family of this section visited his sister, Mrs. Zeb Pittillo of Fruitland, Sunday. ' , V . -:Vv, Q.;-Ledhettaf and Grayson Laughter of Edneyville; R.ri were in this section Tuesday on business. ; 1 Mr. .and Mrs; W. P. Maxwell of .tliis b v This is deputy will low on the that all tax to give notice that I or my be at the places named be dates mentioned in order payers who have not yet paid their taxes can have an opportun ity to do so-without having to make a trip to Hendersonville for that purpose. 1 will thank all persons--who have hot yet paid their taxes to meet me at the following appointments and get their receipts. "7. Fruitland, Youngblood's Store , 8 to 1 1. O'clock, Tuesday, March 5. Roosevelt, Justice's Store", 1 to 4 O'clock, Tuesday, March, 5th Bat Gave, Postof f ice, Wednesday, March 7th. Blue Ridge, Dana Postoffice, Thursday March cTth. . - Mills River, Davenport & Whitaer's Store. Monday, March 1 1th. Etowah, McKihna's Store, Tuesday, March 12thV Bowman's Bluff, Polling Place, Wednesday, March 13th. - Green River, Tuxedo'Polling place, Thursday, Jarch 14th. Mountain Page, William Russell VHouse, Friday, March 15th. Hoop( r's-Creek, E E. Lance's Store, Saturday, March 16th, - - ; y . ' -. - , . - : . - ' .... .. the dates aVid places and ?try to meet the if .you possibly .can9 - - prepared ; to ' make settle- ment orypur ; taxes in run. w it EROWN, Coiihty Tax Collector y v..

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