ttrSPAY, SETT t 1313 "irsscn broad nusTxr, Mil! oil in ELP HEEDEl N LIHtK 601 Dl Help of Ladle Comes In for High Ap. If People Dont Buy .station. Solicitors lVm Know Why; Thor ough Work Necessary. that the" people ot the'rcbWiitry, would hav6 to subscribe iliheraliy,: more i bo than In the previous bond campaigns: He said that they were able; were re ceiving good prices for their nrod- ucts. but must berrf! nr ooi0 T .""""uu W1U1 nef aiuw ana ne. imnrnn '" w. 1 . rmies Palestine almost- annihilat- hTreen, ?CaUSe eIr byS "elyoon will be forced to sue rIt SerViCe they had for cessation of hostlUtle against rendered their part in support-of the her. - y.y..;' government. .- v BULGARIA OUT-OF lYAE; BIG BETELOP2IEXTS EXPECTED Bulgaria Is definitely out of the war And Turkey, virtually cut off from communication with her allies ancL her man A feature" of the campaign and, soli citation will be the gathering of infor mation from every person approached with reference , to his investments in bonds and, War Savings Stamps and the recording of this information for further reference If necessary, a meth od that Is being used In other sections. "Plans for oreanizine the - work I througout the country were also. dis-. cussed. Others taking part In the dis the call of R. P. Freeze, chair- tcussions before the meeting were G. of the city ncuuBiBwuiuiy,. uiausuaw, w. a. veun, ju. u. still - A 1 1. .A. 7. to the ounu mueny campaign, a number of ladies 2 men met at the city hall Tues Z nignt and discussed the manner 7.ine the sale of bonds. J.: . Mack well; Mrs. M. A. Brown, Rhodes and P. A. Ewbank. On motion of Mr. Keith a census'of names wilpbe used In connection with l tne tax books in order to ascertain the . .. . . . m,0 outstanding features or tne acuity or persons to purchase bonds. meeting were in effect: Tbe aid of the Lies would be necessary; thorough ion woum uc uccucu, m.v country must sub- organizatK .nift in the scribe with more proportionate liber ality than in the purchase of bonds in the the three former campaigns., , Kev A. W. Farnum led in prayer. Responding to Mr. Freeze's call R. C. Clarke, chairman of the county com mittee,' stated that the campaign was for the sale of $360,000 worth of bonds in Henderson county, a per capita amount of about $20 and that this quota was much larger than previous ones and would call for hard work. -' jlr. Freeze called on E. W. Ewbank for remarks and he deplored the im pression that had gained ground to the effect that the war was about ov er, which he considered far from true. He saw the need of help from the ladies. . Mrs. R. P. Freeze was the spokes woman for the ladies and her remarks were greeted by applause, y Mrs. Freeze told of the good work the ,1a dies did in the previous campaign and of the organization perfected for the present campaign. It was the sense of the men that the work of the ladies should be hand in hand wiih that of the men. Mr. Clarke testified freely as to the ef fectiveness of the work in the pre vious campaign as conducted by the ladies. Mayor C. E. Brooks was of the opin ion that a thorough working orgauiza-: tkra would be necessary. He declared JiElTS NOTES FROM THE FIRST BAPTIST CIIURCIh Last Sunday was Rally: Day' in the Sunday school. . There, were 359 reg istered attendants, Including oaly a few counted visitors. Other visitors who came primarily for the morning service or to witness the program, numbered- at least a hundred more. The. program, which was a simple but interesting representation by the chil dren of the place and. Importance of State Missions, was carried out de lightfully under the direction of Mrs. R. N. Pratt, Mrs.-J. F. Brooks and oth er members of the committee. The collection, which was entirely for State Missions, was $310.70. All classes did well. The . Primary led in point of attendance with 75 pres ent.. The -Mother's Bible class with 69; Baraca with 49. The Baracas led, as was to be expected, - in the . collec tions." .y ;" ; ; : ' y. r .The : special .. evangelistic; .meetings opened with" a good attendance and & strongjBermon .by Pastor E. E.;Bomir, i on ""The Revival We Need; in ; Our Time." Monday night he preached on "The Great Repentance of a ' Great Sinner." . , : ; -" ' Tuesday morning day services be frrin with a study of the work of the Holy Spirit." There will be -worship and preach ing every morning at 10:30 and even ing at 8:15. The pastor and the con gregation invite everybody: to ;attend. Meanwhile" the entente allied " for ces from Belgium to Verdun onslx battle fronts are registering victory after victory over the Teutonic arms and the enemy front almost every where is crumbling, notwithstanding the desperate. resistance that Is being offered on various sectors." Seeing eventual defeat Btarlng her In the face through the swift progress of the Serbian, IUlian, British. Creek and: French troopsln the reclaiming of; Serbia and the . invasion of Bui garian territory, the 1 iulgars begged for an armistice, reserving to them selves no conditions. All the territory now held by King Ferdinand's men la to be evacuated ; the Bulgarian army is to be immediately Jen.ohl.izcd and all means of transport Inside the king dom , even along the Dautioeris to be given over Into; all'od hands. Thus. ln addition, to the iso.ation of Turkey, the backdoor to a diru't in vasion of Austria-Hangar v - is ilung wide open o'lue allies and doubtless the time Is not far distant when ad vantage to the. fall vill e taken to the new avemio through which -the en emy can be reached. With the debacle in Serbia and Bulgaria complete, the Austro-Hungarians in Albania soon will be put to the test and when their evacuation to their own borders Is completed, the allies will have welded an iron semi-circle . about the central" powers irom; tne BiacK sea to the North sea. 1 - su?ffiioicflMiii?P m SEssioij Fon inis Superior court convened last Mon day for a: session of two weeks, Judge M. H. Justice is presiding. The resignation of Michael Schenck as solicitor, 'whose successor had not been appointed by Governor Bickettv made the appointment of some one by Judge Justice for this tern of court necessary. ' This compliment, as well as responsibility, was bestowed- upon J. E. Shipmen, -whose appointment to this office by the governor is being urged by Mr. Shipman's friends. Only majtters of minor importance were before the court this week. A list of the cases disposed of will be given In The Hustler next week. PIE. AND IIES WARD HURT BY RUN-AWAY HORSES. you ivanf-Hardware c 1 Mr. and 'Mrs, Billy Ward of the Clear Creek section, suffered a sudden Ishockand painful injuries last Satur day when the wagon they were oc cupying was run Into by a runaway team. Both were badly bruised but it was thought that their injuries were not-, serious. The" wagon was demol ished. ' - The two horses were running with a wagon tongue and although had plenty of room did not turn out for the wagon "which they ran into from -the rear end.- The 'horses were both thrown and suffered in the fall and bollison. IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED tries Board the Hustler will write no Inore subscriptions at HALF price to soldiers. - Look, Mother! If tongue Is coated, cleanse little bowels with "Cali fornia Syrup of Figs." Mothers can rest easy after givint "California Syrup of. Figs," because in a few hours all the clogged-up waste, sour bile and fermenting food Gently moves out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. ; Sick children,' needn't be coaxed to "take" this harmless "fruit laxative. llillionr of mothers keep it handy be cause .thev know its action -on the stom Hver and bowels is prompt and sure, Ask vour druzris. for a bottle .of Aal5fornia. SvTUT of FiffS. which COB- ama directions for" babiei children of all "ages and for grown-ups. - yT" "if Cr. ore 9 That plunging squadron of Ger man Cavalry, expecting to carry all before it in. one mad rush, learned to the full, from a little body of American troops, the meaningof the President's words. CO Force, greater even than tho military rulers -of Germany caii imagine the overwhelming, . ir resistible force of a great, freo Nation aroused to fight for its Lib erty and the Libertyjpf the World i f i I 1 1 -L ' I 500 PER CENT SATING IN TIRES. 3 C. D0T80N & CO. RE-TREADS OR REPAIRS RDI CUT TIRES. , 111. " ... ' - - II ' f .J II i mmmmm - Ma;-: ' V ? m i mm- 1-: - l; y m - - - - i.- - ... 1 you have used one of our "razor-edced' asesyou know what we mean when we say our as'es are sharp and so are our hatchets an drools. - That's because they are made of fine steel and properly tempered to take and hold a sharp edge- Oh! we have everything you need in hard ware and it will pay you to deal r with us.- Our prices are low. Use our Hardware; ittands Hard Wear. mm m PBWAPF? CO). PHONE NO: 7 Use Our Want Column for y ; QUICK RESULTS : ; Where mercknise. good jreputaf ion is so loomy u7 ivt cTWen by the MilUon! Shot, shell, guns, airplanes, tanks, ships i any thing and every thing required to drive home the meng ofthe President's words to maie plainj to th6 authors of the war, the fact that with such force, of men and of spirit, we must inevitably win. Are YOU adding every, ounce you f can to the force behind, par must exert; to wtn the -xDgrf - fighting menthee iop Lend the WfyTT : This Space Contributed to Winning the War byf , rjF Al FR? IN WOOD. COAL, GASOLINE fi: OILS PHME 40 Phoe ordrf or Coal Gobd supply'jnttcivcd. " E. J. RHODES, lt- ry; business has, a future. That future will be bright or according to its present day management. - In the first place we are safeguarding the public by offering merchandise of known Quality . and secondly our retail prices are based entirely on early purchases a on cost of replacement, .This .store is io'cal head ; quarters for -4i s Styleplus Clothing are .dar made on plan. the bier volume t, Schafe&larx Styleplus ytlothes 1 "Each grade the same price the nation over s - This method reduces - costs to "the minimum and alway s produces style andywearing qualities' unique at the prices. . : y ; vi y y We are serving more people todav than we ever did and w - ' - we are aiming to improve bur business as we go a. BUY IWERJY BONDS v.i e-r' The Only Store in Town That Sells Styleplus Clothes