.FASSIFE!:NACTIVITIES' The Hustler would appreciate items of news .for this or any other de partment of the paper, when mailec!, brought In person or telephoned. 'Irs. ol"clt " f A'Ai-,ttUU iirs. it. i . Drake have re-: for several days. 'ylyed word that their son, Corpora: hospi ICKInley Drake' has arrived safely :o: T,ouis E. Hesterly is in the tal at Camp Green with .; influenza. Miss EJmniic Ferrell of Salters,' S. C, ' . . . Ik - a -w-v ' overseas, Mr, and Mrs. W, J. Davis have re- as been visiting Miss Lillie Brooks. -J ceived Information to the effect that :o: . : . . 'tneir son, Frank Davis, has arrived Mrs. Nathan Bj U.oY left ior Wr. re, saf ely v ia France. ra on Saturday to !mv with hr terUo. - :o:T j.., S. J. Justio and son Goorsra W Jns- p. Mallett has goae to eti ','Uc werA Wat',,tWii Dr. E York City on a business trip. . - , r-.o: - ' - . Miss Alice Latham has accepted; a position with the First Bank & Trust company. . . ' . :o: 4' Mrs. Watkins of Greenville, daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. W.: ' A; Smith, is visiting in the city . :o: W. F. Penny left for Chapel Hill on Sunday to be with his son, " William, while undergoing an operations :o:- Miss C. Torrence left. Saturday for lier home in . Savannah, Ga., after spending the summer in this city. -:o: - , V ' John Beck, who is in PennimanVa., has been quite ill with pneumonia, which developed from influenza. :o: ; Mrs. X. E. Gaines has returned from Kew York city, where she visited her :o: Miss Helen Grant, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luna Grant, has accepted it position with Miss M. E. Woodall. x - . Miss Elizabeth Belk .is spending two weeks at home until school is Opened again at Concord, N. C. . cd In engineering work this week. . :o: Willie Shipmair- and Frank Bland were In the city last week, -he ac companled the body cf Lewis Durham from the A. & E. College ia Weft Raleigh. '.' ' , ' .0. Mr. Donnahoe and family, of Ashe ville, have rented the home nf ffordnr F. Garlington for the winter. Mr; Donnahoe's 'family resided near KenT dersonvilie this summer. -:o: Mrs, Montgomery and Miss McCau ley, nurges at the Patton Memorial hospital, have, gone to Camp Jackson to nurse influenza. ' " :o: " - Mrs. C. T. Wiliams, of Fletdier, was seriously-burned in Asheville hUz Wednesday while nur.siig a child' cr. J. Garren JHer t:oicU;&h.-?as re ported not being critical. XitJ :. rr-:o: . . . Jasper Lamb, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.vLamb, has been quite ill with in- fluenzaVHe had reached the point of embarkation when it was learned thai he was not in physical shape for the trip. :o: Mis's Bertha Foster, who has held a clerical" position with the firm of E. j Lewis & Son during the summer, has resigned to accept school work in the ' Chimney Rock section. :o: Edgar Lance, jnho is seeing service in a New York hospital for the govern ment; has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Lance at Fanning's bridge, for the past few days. - :o: - ' -:o: Miss Lucile Belk came honie from Peace Institute,- Raleigh, N. C, and will remain until notified to return. Mr. and Mrs. S. Johnston and Mrs. R. H. Staton have gone to Hot Springs, Arkansas, for a month's stay. :o:-v , M. M. Shepherd, who. has been ill at the A. & E. College in Raleigh, X. C is reported as improving. -Trc wcrrv Kins, who has been very , Miss Lola Shipman has accepted a sick with influenza at the Patton Mem- desirable position in Greenviltc and orial Hospital, is better. . r is giving part of her time to a busi- :o: " "" ness course at Draughon's college In Mrs. Alice Dukes and daughter. Miss . that. city. . -Bertha, have gone to Alcolu, S. C to . . . --:o: . ; visit relatives and f rom therewill $s- ' Otis Byres, accompanied by his " it at Portsmouth; "Va;-:- axhtbiher, Mitchell Bycrs, left-last week :o: Mr. and Mrs. W Virginia, are with Mrs. Sample for a home for the Bantist orrhanaze at Tlionias- P, Bartlett, from ville, where the former will make .his brief stay enroute to Florida for the winter. :o: L. R. Geiger ynd family arc veil ing relatives :n VavC;-o?-, Ga . and ex pect to be o it .of - lb-? ci'y ior univ awhile. . . ' - :o: M. C. L.etson, v.t has Wet in the government services at Oklahoma .City, has been transferred to Little Rock, Ark. "o: - T. B. Connor, who is with the Cham pion Lumber company on Pigeon riv er, visited his family in Henderson ville this week. T H E tch-Locket " T AC ILL I tad. ho latarit and most popular The Iceket vill harbor the Picture of the cne you ure most, he he sen, r brother. trcas- sweehearc pecii! 30-Day -Offer To introduce this latest and most popular fad I will, ior the next 30 DAYS OTSLI", "exchange" your old bracelet at tached to your wrist watch, and allow you "credit" on.it towards the purchase of one" of these' new locket-bracelets to be" at tached to your wrist watch. Dont' miss this opportunity. I have the exclusive agency "for these Locket-Bracelets in this town. " ' W. H.Hawinks & ' Son Jewelers & Opticians : , :o: Mrs. M. A.. Brown, of Park Hill, has invited the Woman's Club, both active and associate members to meet with her Wednesday, October 23rd, if pub lic meetings are allowed at that time. . : :o: ' ' ; r Rev. and Mrs. Al V. Reese received news last Friday of the safe arrival overseas 'of their - son; Sgt. Zollaf L. Reese, who has been stationed at Ft. Caswell with the 6th Co., for the past year. ' . ' .' wi:o: -' C. F. Bland is on a business trip to Washington, Philadelphia and ' New York City, enroute home he expects to visit his son, Frank, at the A. & E. college in West Raleigh. , :o: 'Telegrams and letters from the Georgia Military Academy in Atlanta have been sent to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hodges stating that their son, Will who is a student there, is sick with influenza. .... :o: Mrs. Wiltshire Griffith, who has besn spending the summer with her mother and sisters, has returned to Fort Cas well, N. C, to Join her husband, who is stationed tharo. :o: Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Thorn, of Green ville, S. C, v:re r-cnt visitors :n Hendersonr: :ic. They were accompan ied fcy j i-cr's s:sterM:ss Myrtle Thorn, cZ St. Petersburg, Fla. She iiaR.siTirp returned to St. i-etcrsburg! Mr. and Mrs, Thorn's son, R. T. Jr is in school at Blue Ridge school for boys. ' roc Rev. wH. Davis and family expect to leave for Marietta, I, 'C, Rctcson rountv where Mr. Davis will be prin- ."cipal of a J three-teacner buioui, ginning Nov. 1. The school authorx ! ties will erect a coiage for the use, of Mr. Davis and family. The school term will last for about six months. OVER THE LAND OF THE LONG LEAF PINE SHORT NOTES OF INTEREST TO " CAROLINIANS Concord. Clarence Smith seven years of age, was Instantly killed while oh his way home from school, Whei?lie waa 8truc by a large truck. Gastonia. S. O. Yarborough, a well known cftizen of the Long Shoals sec tion of Lincoln county, and a brother of E. .E. Yarborough, of Gastonia, waa killed by a shifting engine on the Sea board Air Line railroad; Raleigh-.The State Food Admlni tration making public a number of violators of the food regulations who have been disciplined following inves tigation of charges against them, an nounced that the black list' order against J. L. Thompson Co., of Dunn, has been withdrawn. . - Kinston. Deserters, eight or ten of whom are banded together In the one locality, may have robbed the home of Edward Brown, cne mile from Beula ville. . , ' " ; Wake Forest. The Wake - Forest unit of the student army training corps was officially inducted into the government service in front of the college administration building in the presence of a large number of town people, v . . , Salisbury. Mrs. IL C. Daniel has received word from -a brother, Dick Russell, that he was injured some days; ago in action in Europe, receiving a bullet wound in his right, shoulder. Winston-Salem. Former Governor R. B. Glenn, who has been quite sick since his return from a business trip to New York, was reported to be rest ing more comfortably. A weak heart is the cause of his illness. Kinston; The army and navy have stripped . the local fire department of nearly all its volunteer "runners with the machines.? Thomas Moseley, the volunteer chief, says only 10 or 12 are left 'to answer alarms now. The ctiy council at its next meeting will be asked to "draft" men suggested by the Chief and foremen. Asheville. Black Mountain town ship, in the heart of the B4ua Ridge mountains reported to central head quarters that it had gone over the top in the fourth Liberty Loan campaign by subscribing five times the allot ment, making a total subscription of $250,000 for this .town In the town ship. , C!vtnsta1 ftMstTYt TTTa all In irf nn sentative Claude Kitchin is ill at his ! home and is believed to be a victim of Spanish influenza, while he had high temperature. .He was reported as improved. Representative Zebulon Weaver of the Asheville district has also been a sufferer from the new mal ady in a mild form fcr several days. He has a room at Providence hospital, but is hot dangerously ill. Lumbertbn. Alex Johnson, a young white man of ' the St Paul's section accidentally shot himself recently. Mr. Johnson was found In the woods near his home with a hole shot in his breast and he is not expected to re cover. Carthage. A cablegram has just been received here announcing the safe arrival -overseas-of Lieut. Henry L. Graves of the Air Service Casual, with the American Expeditionary Forces In France. Charlotte. A v contract for the con struction within the shortest possible time of a salad oil plant here for Swift & Co., was awarded to a Char lotte contractor. Lumberton. In order to dp all pos sible to prevent the spread of Span ish influenza in Lumberton, the mayor and board of aldermen have passed an ordinance quarantining against Charlotte, Wilmington, Fayettevillo and all points in Bladen and Cumber land counties. (By Evelyn Eyrd Graham) Wednesday afternoon. October 9th, the faculty and students had the pleas ure again of hearing almost interest ing talk on patriotism by Mrs'. Gaston Westfeldt. "The Call of the Flag." so widely known, was written more A ' man a year ago by Miss Westfeldt, It will be remembered that Mrs. West feldt honored .the students with a vis it last November. Fassifern students ardently sang her production.; Saturday night the Seniors gave a "Circus" for the benefit of the Fassi fern Auxiliary of the Red pross... The side shows and booths were a credit to the young ladles in' the performance., Misses Caroline Yancey, Virginia Ry der and Dell Bernhardt, as clowns, amused the audience - with, different stunts -during an Intermission. Jane McMillan, as snake charmer, drew a large crowd. Clara Mclver, Emma Troy King and Eloise Horner as "Blue Beard's wives", gave the audience v most uncanny feeling, so well dir they act their part. Leonora Blount was a peanut vc-T der. Claudia Kelly, Erskine Jarna ' i Carrie Burnett and Alma Seagle -weri-dancing midgets. i-ienora z.aaee was the rorti: - ? te ler. Emma Williamson, as clo- o stick candy. Polly Robinson graceful; walked "the ropes," carrying -an brella made of different co!o s. v.hk-' blended with her costume. Margaret Huske, Frarre Ftuar and Jane Knight were in charge o: several booths. v A sumof $22.40 war which i goes to prove that the ent4 taimvon was a great success financially as we" . as socially. Miss Mary Lybrook LV sater was chairman of the, entertain ( ment committee. Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the Rqy Dr. G W. Belk, a Presbyteriar evangelist, who is making his home ir Hendersonville for the winter, helc services at the school for the' Fassi fern 'students. Dr. Belk spoke from the -12th Chapter of Ecclesiastes, ex plaining. each verse vividly, and bring ing out the main thought so clearly. Dr. Belk'k earnest appeal held the .close . attention . of the audience. ' V mm en 1 equal to every patriotic call made on her during diis wa too proud of our record to let it suffer. Fourti Liberty bonds afe splendid investments, as all financiers will tell you. Buy them to the limit and lefs save our good name. After buying all the bonds caabuy War Savings Stamps. ail you have pledged and some more. By so doing you make good' investments aijd 4 Jlelp your country. you Buy RELIGIOUS SERVICE AT CEDARS pn last Sunday night, when services were not permitted at churches. Rev. L.5.r..Hindry, of St. Augustine, Fla:, conducted religious services at the Cedars following the supper hour. A collection of $20 was taken for the ReA Cross. - - s NOTICE All persons are hereby notified that I will apply at once,, the Governor for pardon. I was sentenced to 15 years in the State prison at October Term of Court, 1915, Henderson coun ty, NT C. All persons who desire - to' oppose my application for pardon, can make their objections to the Governor. This the 1st day of October, 1918. PINK WARD. i.!l0-3-5tp.,- Gnats of Many Varieties. The gnat is only one of - the many species of mosquito known to dipter Ists. Altogether there are no fewer than 35 as described as natives of Eu rope, while as many as 100 different varieties are scattered over the rest of the world. Of this large number some are known by the Spanish name of mosquito that is, "little fly" While others are content with the title of "gnaf'but from a scientific point of view . there Is no difference between the insect known under these, different popular, names, .-v j S'i'i 3 (COOPS A 1 RT3 Pllffl Kinston. FeTiticr?rs fcr an. injunc tion against the levying cf a sp,Hal tax for schools in the Kni3um district having appealed from Judge Frank Daniels' order dissolving Judge W. P. Stacy's temporary injunction, tke mat ter will ecme up for trial in tha Su preme Court at Raleigh. LIBRARY READ I Mi ROOM IS CLOSED BURIXG QITARATIM: -Although the public library is -open each day at the regular hours for the exchange of books, the reading room vm been closed against use during the . prevalence of Spanish inuenza in the community.' -Fight It Out Now. You cannot run away from a weak ness; you' must sometime fight It out or perish, land if that be so,v why not now and where you stand? R. L. Ste- Reidsville. William E. Price, of Madison, who attended the Plattsburg Training Camp with the U. N. C. unit, has been commissioned a second lieu tenant, and ordered 'to Moravian Col lege, Pa., as military instructor. Wallace. Since the opening of the. market here 2,250. 000 pounds of tobac co have been sold at the high prices which have prevailed throughout the State. Donations cf tobacco by the farmers and warehousemen now amount to $937. Fayetteville. The eighth name was added to - Cumberland county's honor roll when .Machinist Raymond Man chea Gallup, U. S. N., son of Mr. and Mrs. D. T, Gallup, of this city, died In a naval hospital at ; New London Conn., after a brief illness. Buy Liberty Bonds Our shelves are loaded witH many lines of goods at old prices. Sfinocs, SHcfes for . CMJCAOO . ftlbey wliiole Family er 'cen' at 25 to 50 p t Saving n either our Department Store or Shoe Store Work Shoes, Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats at 25 .to 50 per cent, saving.- Sample Hats for Men and .Boys' at one half the original price. Men's and Boys' sample suspen ders at half-price. Sample Gloves at one-half price. ' Ladies' Coats and Coat Suits at 25 to 50 per - . cent, less than market price. Bi line of Sweaters for X.adies, Men and Children We Challenge Comparison, Defy Competition, ; and Guarantee Satisfaction, . : Glazener Cuts the Price and Sells the Goods - veoa.

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