Fill;? (TST XlTtA OT) TITT&TTEU TTF."VTT I 0 V ? UiV,. M. l DOTSON & CO BUl'S AND SELLS SERVICEABLE SECOND HAND SHOES. SOME BARGAINS HERE IN BOTILNEW AND SECOND HAND SHOES. TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING Save your Hair! Get a small bottle of Danderine right now Also stops itching scalp. Tkin, brittle, colorless and scraggy Lair is urate evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of Jts lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish ness and itohing of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine to night now any time will surely save your hair. Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderjne from any drug store. You surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a little Dan derine.. Save your hair! Try it! S OF DIZZINESS Ccme to Hundreds of Hendersonville i People. I There are days of dizziness; j Spells of headache, languor, back-' k Sometimes rheumatic pains; l Often urinary disorders. Doan's Kidney Pill? are especially for kidney lllslIf- gadorged in Hendersonville by traiefui f riends. and neighbors, j Mrs. Elmer Rhodes, Crab Creek St., Hendersonville, says: "Some time ago ikidney trouble got the upper hand or are and my back ached a good deal. SVhen I would sweep or bend over to lust, sharp pains shot through me up ;nto my shoulders. I had dizzy spells, flack specks came before my eyes and I was in pretty bad shape. Hear ing " of Doan's Kidney Pills I began taking therfl and they soon entirely' Pricg 60c, at all dealers. Don't llmhly ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that )Irs. Rhodes had. Foster-Milburn Co., Blfgrs. Buffalo, N. Y. LUTHERAN VERTICES, - PACKAGE' EEGULATI0X3 i TO SOLDIERS OVERSEAS. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 - r: . a. m.. preaching services at 11 a. mr Tnere l3 very little time between ui 6wi a. uic vummuau, vum,, November, 15-20. after which next to the Library Building. - oto0 - anit-a sailors,' are Insured delivery. , By arrangement between the post offlce department and the American Red Cross the latter has agreed to prepare the boxes in which all Christ mas presents must be . sent, and to supervise their distribution. The New York Times describes the plan in de tail:. , ,", ; It is expected, that approximately 2,000,000 of . these package's will be sent abroad and the amount cf snip ping space provided for their trans portation will not permit of any devia tion from the "one parcel a. man" rule. The men themselves will decide who is to send these parcel.. They are now receiving Christinas parcel labels .with instructions to mail thesa labels to the person in this country from whom they wish to receive toe holiday' m&, To avoid any chance of duplir,2:;on each soldier geis but one of Hicee latu'.s. Packages ihat do not iear hssy labels win not be accepted, lu tb-. eent of this laDol being lost, it cava t'be replaced. Ao LhriBtnus par cels will be accepted to.; shipment af ter Nov. 20. The cardboard. or cartons, to be provided lor theu iar cels are 3 by 4 by D inches in sixe. When packed, wrapped and ready for mailing, the box must not -weight is ore than three pounds. The Red Cross has agreed to provide the boxes and to superise their t-is-tribution to relatives of the soldiers who present the proper Christmas par cel label credential. The distribution of the cartons will be made by JJed Cross branches throughout the oun try. It will be incumbent ..upon the person receiving one of these boxes to return it when filled, but unwrap ped to the collection point designated by the Red Cross. Here it will be in spected by Red Cross inspectors auth orized to exclude any articles barred by the postal authorities," after which the box will be shipped. In short, the Red Cross is responsible for the dis tribution, receipt at designated points, the inspection, and mailing, of the boxes. The following is ah outline of the procedure to be followed by persons planning to send one of these parcels abroad: - On receiving one of these Christ mas parcel labels, it should be pre sented at the nearest chapter, branch or auxiliary headquarters of the Rea Cross, where the holder will . receive a carton. These labels are not ex pected to reach this country before Nov. 1, but by that time each Red Cross branch will have its allotmen Ot ijoxes based on the number of sol diers fii AgryjCQ overseas from that community. The articles prohibited, are intoxica ting liquors, inflammable material, in cluding friction matches and any com position likely to ignite or explode, (cigarette lighters come under this classification), liquids, and fragile ar ticles improperly packed. Under the postal regulations no note or message or written matter of any kind will be permitted to remain in the buses. In addition to the foregoing list of pro hibited articles, relatives and friends of the soldiers are urged to bear these factfjn min wlen jj repajrjng Christ mas parcels: . Do not put anything tS the pack- rS which will not keep fresh until thristmai. 'T-:iwVjO PacK uried fruits ana other roou products in small tin Of wooden boxes. Give preference to hard candy over chOctftlattBBv unless the latter are in dorsed Hi heavy wrappers. Soft choco lates are easily crushed and may spoil the Tther contents. Dq not put articles packed in glass in the package. , " Gifts should be wrapped in khakl colored handkerchiefs twenty-seven inches square. - When the packaga has been packed it should be taken unwrapped ana Unsealed, togtther with the label and sufficient ttatnps, to the nearest coi leetian tester designated by the Red' Crofe& After the package has pastf&d the inspection of the Red Cross rep resentatives, as to content anu weight, and been wrapped in stout paper, the Christmas labels, bearing the address or tne man ior wnom it i& intended, is placed on it. The per son sending the package, in the pres ence of the Red Cross worker ,is re quired to affix stamps , sufficient to carry it to Hoboken, N. J. The postal charges are to be at the rate of fourth class or parcel post zone rate. A label certifying that the inspection has been completed by the Red Cross is placed on the package, which is left in the custody of the Red Cros3 until deliv ered to the postal authorities. The navy department has issued the following instructions regarding the shiDDing of Christmas packages to sailors in home waters and abroad: Patkages forwarded by parcel post should conform to above regulations and the postal regulations, and should be inclosed in substantial boxes with hinged or screw top cover to facili tate opening and inspecting. All boxes shipped by express are limited to twenty pounds Mn weight, should measure not more than two cubic feet in volume, be of wood, well strapped and have- a hinged or screw top to facilitate opening and inspect-in"-. All mail matter shoud be addressed as now prescribed by the postal regu lations. All express packages should be forwarded in care of Supply Offi cer, Fleet Supply Base, Twenty-ninth street and Third avenue, South Brook lyn, N. Y. No perishable food product other than, those inclosed in cans or glass jars should be packed in parcel post or express shipments. . All packages must be plainly mark ed with the name and address of the sender .together with a notation indi cating the nature of the contents, such as "Christmas box" ; or "Christmas present." The supply officer at New York will cause each package to be opened and and carefully examined to see that no thing of an explosive . or dangerous character is forwarded. The shipment of Christmas packages for United, States naval vessels abroad should be "made so as to reach New York as early as possible, And not lat er than November., 15. APPLE , SYRUP r: : . : .- . ; :: : CONCENTRATED CIDER. Boiled down cider . gives a product with a decided acid uavoi ; to remove this, it is . necessary to add carbonate or milk of lime to the cider. Method of Making Apple Syrup. To make one gallon of syrup ,it Is necessary to have seven gallons of ap ple cider. Stir into this live ounces of powdered calcium carbonate (carbon ate of lime) obtainable at drug stores in the form of precipitated chalk or powdered marble dust. Heat the cider and allow It to boil for a few minutes. As the cider will foam slightly, it is necessary to use a vessel at least one third larger than the volume of cider. Pour the cider, after boiling into glass vessels, ' preferably half gallon fruit jars, which permit the conditions' of the liquid to be observed. Allow th liquid to set until perfectly clear. Thle will take several hours. , When the liquid is perfectly ctear and. shows a distinct sediment at the bottom, gently pour off the clear portion Into a pre serving kettle, filling" the kettle only. one-third full to allow for boiling. Add -iisTnEcor,a,iU;:iTV RAT-KILLING, CA2IPAIGN , , , j ; WORK FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. ' Much interest has Leen aroused over . the : State ? in the ; ?rat-kilHng" cam- War- Carrip ! Community Service Pro?- paign.r They are receivings the un- vide Numberless Intimate Com forts For , Soldiers Club rooms for soldiers; entertain ments for the boya in khaki, outings for convalescent' men back" froni France, small; but appreciated ser vices to soldiers and ' their relatives and t friends-nthese t are some of the manifold activities of the" War Camp Community Sryice7: The ' War Camp ' Community Sr- qualified, support of the , Food Admin- istration, j state Council, of . Defense and Federal Department of Agricul ture, and are proving, of much popu larity in schools as well as on indivi dual farms. t '.--.,' . The destruction of food by mice and rats In our State means a loss vof thousands of dollars each year. Food now is too scarce and : valuable to be destroyed. " . . a ' ma i uie ursi state-wide cam- NORTH CAROLINA 1 HENDERSON COUNTY In the Superior Court, November Term. uer John Perry, Jr., vs. Martha A v and Lucv-NWm, ort NoUce of Summons and Wnrmnf Attachment. "arran ol The defendants" In the above action will take notice that on ??tIei day of October 1918. a L3 lo mm ASLEEP r3 U fTAtMAi- Tla. Mri. Dallas Prlne. cf this place, says: "After the- birth cf my last child... I got rery much run-down and weakened,1 so much (hat I could hardly do anything at all. , I was so awfully nervous that I couid scarcely endure the least ' 'noise. $Iy, condition was getting - I knew I must h&Yg BomT relief or I would soon be in the bed and In a serious condition for I felt so badly and was so nervous and weak I could fcardly live. My husband asked Dr. about my taking CardnL He , eaid, 'It's a good medicine, and good for that trouble', bo he got me 6 bot tles... After about the second bottle I felt greatly improved. . .before taking It my limbs and hands and arms would go to sjeep. After taking It, However, this poor circulation disap peared. My. strength came back to me and I was soon on the road to health. Alter the use Of about 5 bot tles, I could do all my house-work and attend to my. six children be sides." Yon .can feel safe In giving Cardul a thorough trial for your troubles. It contains no harmful or habit-forming drugs, but is composed of mild, vege- laDie, medicinal ingredients with .no bad after-effects. Thousands of women have voluntarily written, telling of the good. Cardui has done them. It Bhonld help you, too. Try it. E 74 IUILDING MORALE OF JEWISH TROOPS DEMOCRATS URGED TO REGISTER FOR ELECTION. r . i E. W. Ewbank, chairman of the Hen derson County Democratic Executive committee, urgently calls on all demo crats in Henderson county to register at their respective places so as ,to be able to vote on November 5. The registration books are open. Work Of Jewish Welfare Board Pro ducing Splendid Results In . Camps and Trenches J " . 1 M J wi1 w lis to tho HMr Hnnfrl a 1vT tPftsnonnfn ItS Sym.001 IB 0S rw wvo -va of tne carbonate of lime, stirrinc activities are as unending as the cir- thoroughly. Allow the liquid, to boil , cumferenoe rapidly until it is reduced to one gal lon, or .one-seventh of the . original volume. '. Test the liquid by cooling a small portion rapidly, and cease cook ing when it has reached the consist ency of maple syrup. The aim is to have a thin syrup rather than one tha: will candy. Pour into sterilized bottles or jars, set the. vessels into buckets or tubs or hot water to allow the syrup to cool slowly; this is yery Important if a clear product is desired. A tireless cooker or wash boiler is good to do this cooling. When the syrup ; ha cooled to room temperature, a white sediment will be seen in the bottom of jars. This is a harmless compounc formed from the lime and the acid oZ the apples. Pour off the clear syrup into a ket tle and heat to nearly boiling, pour into sterilized jars or bottles, pour tight." - The above directions were copiec from "Successful Canning and Pre serving," by Miss Ola Powell, U. S. De partment of Agriculture, Assistant- in Home Demonstration Work. Thousands of bushels of apples arc going to waste in Western North Car olina. The housekeepers have drieu and canned all summer and the farm ers have sold all they have had time and labor to gather. The apple crop was a failure in the Central and East ern parts of the State and the house keepers are asking for names of West ern farmers who have apples to sell. The farmers are anxious to the surplus but say that barrels are scarce and expensive, being from 75c to $1 each. One farmer said that he would sell his apple3 for 25c per bush el if the purchaser would come and pick them up and carry them away. : Jn view of the shortage of sugar, the directions vabove should prove o: value in utilizing the surplus apples and furnishing a healthful sweat for the table. " , It is desired that every housewife in Western North Carolina make up at least one batch of this syrup for hej ; pantry and test out its merits e WesUrn District Agent2..Hfcme mo titration Work. Asheville, N. C. tn thA intimate life of the soldier and provides ror nis iais Kina. by furnishing' the' facilities ; which valuable.prizes are being given by the make it possible for him. to relax (people of Henderson county for the from the strain of military training jirls and boys of school age who will and Mr the preparation for overseas send In the largest number of mice and fighting. ; - . ' .' rat tails before the 9th of November. Begin now to kill the mice and rats before the new harvest of era in io of its insignia. Thou- stored for winter , sands of soldier boys take advantage The prizes to be awarded will be of its- facilities end other thousands ' published later. This contest is for of relatives and friends of the boys all the Henderson county children, in Uncle Sam's uniform are daily and you do not have to compete with benefited through its varioufl ar 'jWJ,? int m campaign. nf Afrnrt. r bend, the tails to the Home and nues of effort. jFarm Agents of this county. T" : 1 ANNA MARY BAKER: Henderson County Heme Agent, Bonds Bonds. Win Battles. Buy More said action was issued against T fendants by the clerk otXl uuri oi Jtienaerson Countv Carolina, plaintiff claiming th nh of ?2;800 00, due him on account otT breach of an express contract to e vey certain; property in North CarS" Una, .which summons is: returnable ?" the nexf term of the Superior rn for. Henderson. County, to be hf?JUrt Hendersonville on Monday the iifv day of November, 1918, and the i fendants will also take notice tw G" warrant of attachment was issuS t saia Clerk of the Superior Court the 10th day of October, 1918 iSin? the property of the said defenSff which warant is returnable to the next term. of the Superior Court for derson County, at the time and nla named for the return of the summon? when and where the defendants are , Iv quired to appear and answer or dem to the Complaint, or the relief demS ed will be granted. mana- This the 10th day of October iqis C. M. PACE Clerk of The Superior Court nf Henderson County. 10-l7-4tn . FOB IAFLITEJVZA We have the new External Remprtr for Influenza as a prentative. Tr It. Hunter's Pharmacy. 10-l5-3tp No more effective work toward maintaining the highest morale among the American' troops has been done by any war organization than by the Jewish Welfare Board, which is en- gagea in its lasK oi iteeyuig- up iuo lines of communication between tho Jewish men in the trenches and graining camps and the folks back home Believing that in the struggle of morale against "kultur" the American army has every advantage that will insure success, the Jewish organiza tion Is making its chief issue the stiffening of mental and moral fibre among the soldiers of the ?Tebrew faith. The call for workers is urgent and rabbis, professional men, journal ists social workers and. others are entering the service of; the Jewish Welfare Board to make up the 400 workers needed to fill tho ranks. MB IM WARE CO. PHONE 7 AMERICAN SOLDIERS ANXIOUS FOR BOOKS j American 'Library Association Pro viding Reading Matter for Boys On Battle Fronts 1 ; J I lEi till?'"""! s ' : UL 1vlSJ--V'.i--- V. IV Jv m p jZ3- J"-' ' """"""""" tt'"&?rJ ----- 11 f ' CARD OF THANKS; Mrtf, 5Tife ftvlkW and daughter ex tend thak& to their friends for sym pathy and the many kindnesses snown them during their recent grief. YES! LIFT A. CORN OFF WITHOUT PAIN! Cincinnati authority tells how to dry up a corn or callus so it lifts off with fingers. You corn-pestered men and women need suffer no .longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callus, stops sore " ness at once and soon the corn or hardened callus loosens so it can be lifted out, root and all, without pain. A small bottle of freezone cost very little at any drug store, but will posi tively, take off every, hard or soft com, or callus. This should be tried, as it is inexpensive and is said not to irritate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to get a small bottle' for you from his wholesale drug house. It is fine stuff and acts like a charm every lime. . ' . ... Buy To-day. Save and Pay. Despite the fact that the ocean transportation facilitle are being tax ed to the utmost, the task of provid ing reading matter for the boys in the trenches is being bandied with an efficiency and dispatch that is ur- J prising even to those who ae ckwely , In bwcwith tht situation, "The Amtflc&n JjitjfaAssociation, which hU shouldered" the responlb!l ftjTol collecting books, magazines and newspapers by the millioas in! every city ana iowu laruu&uvui country, is distributing this hale quantity of reading ' matter to the mea in Prance through the M. C. A., the Red Cross, the Knight of Columbus and the Salvation Army. I - FOR COLDS AND GRIPPE DOCTORS HD REMEDY Physicians and druggists are elated pver the fact that they have at last. found a genuine and dependable remedy for colds, sore throat, mnuenza and la grippe. For years they have depended chiefly upon the old style calomel, which is certainly fine, but unfortunately many people would not take it because of its nauseating and dangerous qualities. Now that the pharmaceutical che mists have perfected a nausealess calomel, called "Calotabs" whose medicinal virtues are vastly improved, the doctors and druggists are claim ing that Calotabs are tho ideal remedy to abort a cold over night and cu. short an attack of sore throat or la grippe. They are also finding it most effective as the first step in the treat ment of pneumonia. One Calotab on the tongue at beet time with a swallow of water, that's all. No salts, no "nausea nor . the slightest interference with your eat ing or your work and pleasure. -The $iext morning your cold has vanished. and your whole system is purified and refreshed. Calotabs are sold only vli original sealed packages; price thirty--five cents. Your druggist recommends and guarantees them by refunding, the price, if you are not delighted. Adv.; ' . .; AUTO TIRES COST TUO MUCH TO JUNK THEM. M. C. DOTSON & COi WILL RE-TREAD OR REPAIR RIM CUT TIRES AT A SAVING FROM 200 TO 500 PER CENT. SIX Y. V7. C. A. WOMEN ' ESCAPE FROM RUSSIA Atlanta, Ga. The six secretaries sent to Russia a year ao by the Young Women's Christian Associa tion to organize the work of the as sociation in Petrograd and other large cities, hare escaped from Rus sia, is the news just received. The whereabouts of these six wo men had. been unknown for months. Whether they were alive or dead, had been a mere mattter d guess work. Enlist as our Soldiers Bonds -and Keep -Them Do, Buyj HUT SERVICE PROVIDED FOR MEN-IN BRITAIN IT Knights of Columbus Establish Ha vens for Soldiers In England has been called to the remarkable fuel saving siireki Original Hot Blast Heaters. Coal prices are soaring why be a slave to an extravagant heating plant or stove that is a demon for fueL Join now in the great army of who have found -relief from high fuel bills with ffte great fuel saving LIE KM IB n GO a n mm star I i. Czto crrpest csd elzzn end hnt Uses any feel Everybody is searchingfor a way tosave fuel and food. Here's your opportunity to your coal oms square in nan ai in a nerfectlv heated ' home a Lte now. Our Store gain a perfectly neatea nome as g: m welL Investisra London. The Knights of Columbus In Great Britain ar making remark able . progress in their efforts to pro vide facilities that will enable men in the United Stateb forces overseas to enjoy such social - entertainment ;as will help to brighten the routine 'of military and naval life. Up to the present writing, they have . establish ed clubs at the following posts: 265) fidgware Road, London; Market Drayton, Littlehampton, and Inver ' ness. Temporary structures have been erected in many of the larger camps,' which are .to be replaced shortly by substantial huts. To date 2,000 secretaries, have been called for, and1 the response Is bring ing splendid men of high principles and ready sympathies. , Each man . is over thirty-five years of age and has placed himself unconditionally at the j service of the organization, to what j ever post of danger or hardship "hi may be called. j Is. Your Blood-Prior? K it is, You Need Vinol Anaemic, run-down, nervous, devitalized conditions result from poor or thin blood. A glance at the formula of Vinol,' printed on the label, will show that it contains the very ingredients necessary to make good blood. It soon creates a healthy appe tite, improves digestion, and helps you to get iu benefit from your daily food, and builds you up. Bradford, Pa. "I have used Vinol for impoJ ished blood. I was broken out a rash and run down so 11 -0rk-for. me to keep about my Other medidnesdid no good, but i j i-i i nH imnrovc".' nrtcnea my uxuuu n TjisKy jii . ui Rose i-8' DrewvilIe,N.H. "My daughter was anaemic; had Tpoor blood and suffered from indiges tion and bilious attacks. As Vinol helped my son, I gave it to my daughter she soon improved in : health, and it has built her up andre 'stored her health." Mra.N.Rnmpii For all rundown, nervous, anaemic conditions, weak -women, overwork lneB, xeooie oia people and delicate icbildren, there Is no remedy condition very rapidly. Buy. Liberty Bonds I :i5E JUSTUS PHARMACY Ane Druggists. Every where

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