T. . - i IF 3.. '. :ir-.i '-i ? 3-Zv. ', ..';. iff-. i U . ., v i. IS w - s 1'i fr. lit Hi v it --Vs '. V? i 1iJ i . i : 1 1 1 .t V. f rf 14 i " I ? t ; - . d "... J - ; ; I -14 V 1 I, aiid it ptoVed tier be train w stand Aif th r PT act est day the" Western North Carfellnit confer See. After a f ull and frank disctiSr sidn of the world's 'present heeds at the close of the ?reat war and the nRr paralleled opportunity for much need ed service In world redemption com bined with the ability of tho ch'ircb to give the conference by unanimous vote amid much handclapping ileU;ed itself to the task of raising $1,750,000 for this great centenary enterprise. More Than Quoin. This is $70,000 more than ti.o ap portioned part to the Wesiera '"oth Carolina conference of the $35,010,000 that constitutes the total centenary fund for the whole church. Tr ac tion was taken not by a little coterie tlan Advocate Tdth the. addition of fci? 500 -niaw. 'subscribers o; the . list.?" Rer. H-- M. Blair was . re-elected edirar. El even young, men were'-, admitted ;on trail with others to be received latjer in the session. . In accepting the le port of the board of managers of the summer school for undergraduates the conference voted to make the p:mmer school at Trinity college perpetual. Conference met at 9 o'clock, Bishop Darlington in the chair, Rev. M. T. Plyer of Wilmington, led the devotion The bishop announced that the consti tutional questions will be presented to the conference tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. These questions con- Icern the laity rights of women &Dd Thanks 0 ' 0 iviiini Every time you go to the Bank and make "another" deposit it Is Thanksgiving, or should be; because your future is being made secure against want; your old age is being made comfortable and happy, and those you love are being protected against pov erty or humiliation. Com r start a bank account with a little money and make Vr " Y '.sgiying. w Iper cent interest. Come to our Bank. The Citizens National Bank Advocate was read by D. B. Coltrane. TfcerXieppEt ehoW-tat last v.fif via vocate, .uvnegnoacinfTB been added to-the list of 8Ub8crlbc. lendgwmenfunfl cjf?&ouoi rp-mmenddjauSQOrhw waamad-theTgAalfor the nextiye.a.r;, wst5Jlec4r1va.,ne. aivami . ?pr this year 'for -'fhe'-. upe'ranhuiit3.-'-IJ' B. Coltrane and .S. B. Tureatini were elected membirs if the board of. pub lication to succeed; thfcmselvei aiid the bishop was req-iamd t6"api:iiat Ppv. H. M. Blair editor'an'i V. Sfcerrill, assistant. INFLUENZA QUABANTINE . , (From The NEWS) The influenza situation locally assumed more serious proportions lass week. The order of the health board prohibits public gatherings until after December 7. The local school opened on Monday of last week with an attendance of 342. There was quite a number of absen tees on account of fear. Tnfluenza cases increased and the .attendance dropped to 220 on Friday. Conditions were growing worse und in the face of numerous complaints the health board saw nothing oetter to do than replace the ban on oublic ga therings, under which regulations Hendersonville came near stamping nut thp trnnhlo rlurine the six weeks of quarantine. J It appears to The NEWS that there should be a more riid quarantine. People are too careless. As soon as their physical condition permits tley mix with the public. If it is possible for them to carry the disease alter recovering, or convey it from a home in which there is influenza, they should be rigidly quarantined. We understand that there have been such quarantines elsewhere. The local board ruled that it could not make such a quarantine. We trust to their interpretation of the law, but some thing, it seems, should be done to avoid the spread of influenza, by those recovering from it or having it in their homes, through public contact if the disease is communicable in such manner. . Life is worth too much and health is too precious to run any risk. We must be careful and also patient. Mrs. Horace Morris has accepted. a position in McClellan's 5, 10 and 25c store for the holiday season. Judge and Mrs. O. V. F. Blythe left last Thursday for Boston, Mass., to see their daughter, Miss Eva, who is in a hospital on account of a broken arm. Judge A. C. Jones, of Gastonia, N. TBrorougmyvJiJMtea Behdesaa. well a in th Lfcked till their hellishnesnessPi II Witt ination Dears as vile, as liideous, as damnable! to them as, iiLdes to aciirillaed vorlcfJ ous exefcehfce. . . , , Tn'en and., riot , nntJl ten-iu the yQXld of business take nfZ. iM. knakl and return to the peaceful proaecutidji , But even then, (make ni r;fi?fali , It will not be the same old world we used to know. It will be a world par. 'tied b fire, cleansed by prlvat:oh3, made better by the sacrifices that our Iroya are making our boys and those of our Allies; by the women who are back? r.? up the men and by the loyal stay-at -homes! From Whittaker Par-tr Co's. Paragrafs. - ROY KUYtfUmLL DKAD. Roy Kuykendall died last I no ay at Camp Wads worth. He U:u teen ill with influen-sa, -which develoi c-d iLto pneumonia. The bod.' was briught to East Flat Rock and interment as at Mud Creek chir--.ii on SviV:City after noon. Xmas Gifts for Everybody Come in and see them early Fine .Parisian Ivory Cases and Manicure Sets Per- ifume Candies, Perfamizers Foun tain Pens and Pipes at Hunter s ruar. macy. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HENDERSON. TRUSTEE SALE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a Deed of Trust made by D. N. Osteen to the undersigned Trus tee, dated the 16th day of March, 191S, and duly recorded in volume 45 at page 366, in 'record of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust of Henderson County, N. C, to which reference is hereby made, and default having been made in the payment of the note ana the interest secured by said Deed of Trust, whereby the power of sale has become operative, and upon applica tion and demand of the holder of said indebtedness, the undersigned Trustee will on Wednesday, the 18th day of December, 1918, at 12 o'clock, noon, sell for cash at public sale to the highest bidder, at the Court House Doors in Hendersonville, Henderson County, N. C, the following describea land and premises, to-wit: Being all that tract of land in Crab Creek township, containing fifty acres, more or less, and fully described in a deed of conveyance from S. B. Mace to Nettie Jones, which deed is recorded in the ofllce of the Register of Deeds for Henderson county in deed book No. 81, at page 114, to which deed ref -: !. - v ; Office ttWdtHTOdcm;ir0.aera. a.ov., ui "ne: position rrieZlrcpn apd,vaca02Lr? may later occur on r'if-?r-ie8 that VWh tJ03toQces in this- WnlR Durinethe-GnntjniiQ cordance withrthe, request of Vt, ac" Office Department, admit worn. Iost rural carrier examinatir.-.i ed same conditions as zai. Q e DR. H.L. KEITH (Successor to Dr. W. F.' Nickel) : DENTIST. OflBce: Over Hunter's Pharmacy. dr. e. a. McMillan (Successor to Dr. W. T. Wallace) DENTIST Ulflce: Burckmyer Building, 4th Ave. Phone 442. Hndersonvilie. N. C. M X. 1 A. .1- ' I u., was nere ior couri last ween. r nt.OT,00.ifi wPw mrlo fnr n fuller and DR. EHRINGHAUS Dentist PHONE 57-J. OGce over J. O. Williams. HENDERSONVILLE. N. C. DR. GEORGE WRIGHT OSTEOPATH Successor to Dr. Tebeau Patterson Building Phone 105 1R. last will and testam Cushing, deceased, all persons hat claims against his estate av0 notified to present them to Fletcher, N. C, by the 11th davn ber, 1919, or this notice will L l?01" in bar of their recovery, and anv sons indebted to his estate will ni at once, settle with me. p ease' Ihis the 11th day of October iqio JOSEPHINE F. CUSHivp 18' 10-ir-Gtc. Eiecai IFY0UR CHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Look. Mother! fornin Syrup of Fig If tonqie cleanse little bowels with "c7 ' Mothers can rest easy aftr rrjvnc. "California Syrup of Figs," became k a few hours all the clogged-up waste sour bile and fermenting food gently move3 out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed to take thi3 harmless "fruit laxative." Millions of mothers keep it handy be cause -they know its action 'on the stom ach, liver and bowels is prompt and sure. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which con. tains directions for babies, children ol all ages and for grown-ups. DAYS OF DIZZINESS ed to D. N. Osteen by A. O. Jones and wife. Nettie Jones, by deed dated the j -hnWooten is among the recent in-' complete description by metes 4th day of March,' 1918. which deed is fluenza patients and bounds, and further described In 21' " i ; mi ! ' deed from S. A. Mace to P. B. Mace led by Mr. Crane's s ster, Miss Minnie. and recorded in book 56 on page 82, iK LlA!, e?n7i!ie SS? ithe aforesaid office of the Register of (oreeuvmu xu a unci uuo.- Deedg for Henderson County, and also ue&3 iny. being the Same tract of land convey- i HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH CREED. THERE NEVER WAS A DAY So easy to market your ability. The demand for men and women with ener gy and ability, with business training, always will exceed tne supoly. The employer looks first ior th-3 ma.i with a BUSINESS EDUCATION. ,. A diploma from this School will put you in line for the most desirable positions. - . . . . . . - ADDRESS DEPT. E. ' ' r. 1HE EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE No. 15 Haywood St. Ashevile, N. C. Charlotte, Nov. 22. By a vote of 180 to 9 the Western North Carolina Meth odist conference this morning adopt ed the constitutional amendment granting to women full laity rights In the church. The vote was taken with out discussion. v The conference also adopted ..by a vote of 138 to 63 the constitutional amendment, amending the creed to read, "the church of god," instead of Holy Catholic church" as it now xl was decided to increase the su perannuate ministers' fund from $100, 000, where it now stands, to $250,000, as soon as possible. recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Henderson . County, in book No. 98, page 128 This the 13th day of November. E. D. MACE. ll-21-4tc. Trustee. faj?- HEALTH IS WEALTH E Health;0 STATE BOARD OF 0k . amo wnvwiow or aCMCMAi. iKtmr to oo maocm mi m aumtma m mnt cocufit cm m uu. w aoossm to rum omi om to rue tt soako or mcm.tm at baihom amo Accawmwira T A tIMtm. ABMIMIO CWVCkOS. MO OU8MMM M WBATMCMT OT IMMVtOUAb IMMAWI WHO. M IHllWIH II FERFECTSOKS OIL HEATERS A Emergency Heating In freezing weather the portable Perfection Oil Heater radiates comfort and cheerbrings re lief to scantily heated offices. Inexpensive to buy and use easy to clean and fill smokeless, odorless. Aladdin Security Oil gives best results. Buy your Perfection Heater now; ALADDIN for 1 ,1 i:::::- CrnmiTVnn I: ::::-::::::;:-:;:;! ...... f:. Illlllli II STANDARD OIL COMPANY C 1 . Washington. D.C. Baltimore, Md. Charlotte. N. C. JrA l -r'ii 1 Norfolk. Va. Charleston, W.V.. If JTV tJfjL Jr j Ar'$mmim&m'r 1 WiPl II i Mil m fen, :: mMM iff Ji u ii in fJ L sm ruJith w?f J -Mh ms SEOJRlTYOa STANDARD A Humidor For Your Sleeping Cave Have you stuffiness of the nostrils? Do you "take cold" every time any one sneezes at you? Is your throat sensi tive? Have you a dry, irritating cough at times? Do you snore? Are you a mouth breather when asleep? Do you -wake with a dry mouth? Have you twenty dollars tout this isnt a mailorder diagnosis blank, come to think of it. Keep the twenty or buy a bond with it. What you need is a - humidor to humidify your bedroom, and you can make one yourself which will do the business a whole lot bet ter than any apparatus you can buy. Qrouble is, you're a mollycoddle and you don't know it. At least you didnt until you read this. You have the great delusion which all molly coddles have all the time. You imag ine that the way to keep warm is to If II nte STOP BEING A to make you chilly, at least does aot warm you up like a cool shower does. Oh, you. can't get away from my friend HiDDokrates! He and I have i Mrs stitute air for water, and the resuls are qualitatively the same, not quan titatively. It takes much cooler air and much warmer air to produce sim ilar reactions. But the air will do it just as water does. Now, I feei sure that the moll i est mollycoddle that reads this column realizes that "colds" and so-called "catarrhal troubles" are strictly and characteristically indoor ailments and not ailments of people who live much in the open. Why? Because it is too warm Indoors most of the winter. Huh. It often gets up to 80 or 85 de grees F. hereabouts in the summer time outdoors! True, but look at the humidity. Old General Humidity is famous for his mid-summer drives. You can't leave the General out of this question. But in the winter time the General digs in. At any rate he is conspicuous by his inactivity In doors. Heat - the nice fresh winter air up to, 65 degrees -indoors in the winter and you make it dryer than the driest Sahara Desert climate, by ac tual test. , An excessively dry climate is no place for a person with chronic nose, throat or chest trouble to sleep nights. Open up all three bedroom win dows, as high as the lower sash will go, and put in screens made of un bleached Piquot or Black Rock mus lin. That puts Gen. Humidity right back on the job. It keeps out rain. snow, wind, Come to Hundreds of Hendersorwilli People. There are days of dizziness; Spells of headache, languor, tack fccbe; i Sometimes rheumatic pains; 1 Often urinary disorders. .Dean's Kidney Pills are especially Dor kidney ills. Endorsed in Hendersonville Dy grateful friends and neighbors, j Mrs. Elmer Rhodes, Crab Creek St., 1 Hendersonville, says: "Some time ago me and my back ached a good deal. Vhen I would sweep or bend over to lust, sharp pains shot through me up into my shoulders. I had dizzy spells, black specks came before my eyes and I was in pretty bad shape. Hear ing of Doan's Kidney Pills I began taking them and they soon entirely cured me." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get; Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Rhodes had. Foster-MilburnU., Mfgrs. Buffalo, N. Y. STATEMENT LUMBER 3IFGBS. K-TER-OSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK 390807.85 389158.95 144000.02 59875.02 (Condition December 81, 191", As Shown by Statement Filed.) Increase of paid-up capital..$291065.84 Income: From Policyhold ers $zy7,57u.6z; misciti laneous $93,237.23; Disbursements: To policy holders $307,340. 80; mis cellaneous $81,818.15 .... ASSETS Value of stocks and bonds.. Deposited in Trust Compan ies and Banks on interest Agents' balances, represent ing business written sub sequent to October 1 Interest and rents due and ciccriiQcl. All other Assets, as detail ed in statement Total .T7 oo5002 Less Assets not admitted Total admitted assets ...J?-30 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid lsses aOono0 4814.28 2295.82 84025.42 MOLLYCODDLE. Sleeping in a Sealed-Up Room is Just One Way of Shortening Your Life and Making Your Lessened Years Considerably More Miserable. keep warm. Well, you're wrong. The way to keep rarm is to keep. cool. Hippokrates ' says so. I' say so. Hip- Fokraes ;ind I most subject.? 2200 yeirrs a so: agree pretty veil on and claims Unearned Premiums All other Liabilities ,as de tailed in statement 133239.40 3200.00 Total amount of all Liabil-., .. ties except Capital . ?-i",J Surplus as regards policy- ..-,m i4 . i -i " - " noiaers I - ' ' uuot, uui it : !- 1- r . . . . luo iresn, moist night air. ' Total Liabilities uigm m. mat is nne tor sick- I Bnrisess la Xerth lrciii u ijuyie. in omen times they uwed j 1917 to say just dam night air. They were :Fire risks written ?4SG.5 mim cocaies, tne old folks. With these Todd screens in the bedroom windows your indoor air will have about the same humidity as te outdoor air, and it doesn't cost a cent to keep the humidor working all night. A . oa0.54 FACT WORTH . Scientific observation that carbohydrate food KNOWING. ha3 Premiums receivs Losses incurred: nm Paid President, Yiicc::; Atiovneyti n txi- 9.2-5 Attorney Insurance N. C. Mines 2r Commisi''-: gluccse, fitc Hrpprokatcs . said .. fruits, vegeiab'Ics, : 'Col water warnis, rather Eiore sustci': o V s starches, A " a3 it f in bread, syrups is and wvm water cools.' ' People win.. ;.tha:i is .proteiivjod.- take rucrnip.3 spore,; plunge cr shoy; er bchs kuciw tba.t Hipjokrates and I sirt righ; about that. The cool bcth warms you up, stimulates your circu lation, increases your metabolism, maker, you burn fuel faster. The warm fcath,' on t.e - other hand;"re-Ip-xcs, slow dewn metabolism, tends NOT IT i Raleigh, ?3u: tor. nai-d .work. t .Tsnps -t. vouuk, Thora,;i3 no jnissioner, do hereby in useless-hfi.it nrri i abovfe-' is ' a" true srA co. ducticn frcm carbohydrates Tiiiq of the statement oi Lur.:: fact is worth kenning tn -. Iter Insurance Lairn.. n-iuu LilCV313 tiays when conservation "of meat wa-,te. .of eno: .s a ' City, filed with this c; a I in ft the condition of saul Co-1 . - :&e ,,v on r, - fl I.. n t r. n Ji t . - 4- i . ? .... maaer uuu tne utilization cf t,a 5it f nccemi) garden truck, corn products and tha i- Witness my hand a j various other substitutes- WwheatJa .the day, .and date above a patriotic dutv. i JAS. R. YOl - 1 St' '.oner- i. I Insurance tow- .- s