.A i3 . i .g'H The HuatlervvocJd appredaU4tas of news tor-Ohl or -any other department of thfe pa$r whfe bailed, brought in pejSon or tele- . ' ;: ' ;' " -" ' '.' niA- : : - ir 4 i (Item of InUrert . c- . jjgg Dorot Waldrop left last 1 From The NEWS) &i day. for Jacksonville, Fla., 10 visit e I ."' . 1 brother;- Lieut; J: , Herbert WnMi Mr and Mrs. H. J. Barboiir. of Philfc sonville are guests 01 -j&jxt.-aua , rs. umries French Toms in AyheviUe." j f. Goodman, of East Flat Rock, has" gone to Miami, Fla., for the win- . ILr." and Tr. "TLSJDwbaniT and children will Rtnnf io&eadersoYill this week, after apcndinj nevera! months at '-their country -ttome 00 the Hora a fiho tculA: r -it :. - i t "a-.: .-. N. C, where he ha accepted,4 ;postif Qmrar fii H'e'ndersonTlilei .-'-i-' ; ' - :0iV:Ml " .?v n-: -'Hi ilral--Cfiafl "NiAinl ,;WMif ter. W. L. Ray, well known in this sec tion, has mdved from Mt. Rainier, Md., to'Vivattsville, Md. :o: . ' , Miss Marion Fay, who has been " a pv,t at Marlboro Villa several uionilis. left on Friday for Knoxvilie, Tpiiii. Miss Fay will make several cnroute 10 ner noma in iew reaching there about Christ- Cor tin av aye'- --. t ; N. O: :o: M. P. C. Youmans and Mrs. Joe a last week for Johnston, S. C, r..e of Mrs. Cox. Mrs. Youmans ;.c:ul December with her dauglx- . .inlla Ashley, who is Miss RlHh rs at the Kentacky Heme. .aie;--i.'iiig from inlluc-nza. :o: ; will be at home at the . : J 6 Louse. He has charge of ..vcn Theatre. o . - Mrs. Robert Patton a::-1 la Casile, lJa., have mo fed to : cuviile and arc occapyiiisa ihe tl.e Misses Carson on Fourth Pation .-will - assist- Mr. : 'on hi form. -. .--.. ' :o:' $ Glauvo . Gleiiu from ; Brevard .00:1 a guest 01 .Miss Ger-"ili-oii !Soucli Main street: :o: v'. j"cv. Jr., has received infor tUat her husband haK. lanled lately. . ' " ; c -;.;iar monthly meeting of .the . vci;-;r Missionary Society i'-.-.v-iioilis: church meets this a f-a;-b:-oO o'ciCv'k with Mrs. F. V. r Fri ll T brother; Lieut; J. Herbef t Wn!ii Cp, TTuw 10 m service at Lamn jonn'ioii lL yllEQn' a sister Miss Waldiop, i brother also. Mri. J. Q. Waldrop and little grand-daughter, Lillian . Brown ; accompanied . Miss Dorothy Waldrop to Spartanburg. They . have xeturned hotne.t . :. ' .-v .' :o: Sam -T. Hodges spent the week-end with his family. :o: .Mrs. M. C. West will return from Asheville this week. :o: Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunter and children, of Mobile, Ala., are with Mrs. Russ for the winter. :o: Austin Blackwell, a druggist from Clay, Kentucky, came here to recupe rate from an attack of typhoid fever. Mr. Blackwell is with Mrs. Russ. :o: C. F Bland and F. E Darfee have returned from Charlotte, "where taey went ay delegates to the annual con ference of the M. E. church. HfsT John" KerCiair: ' sir wifo" atfit thi eocuner fa HeadcrcanTllle, xpccte isiMiuertont.,.sk:q:" ? Mr; JixC.VFltafferaId haA rHmA to'OrenrlUe,'. Ci, after- pendlnff-the :o: TI:? icilDwiii'; motore.t to Greenevillo Tenn . la w;ei: tc spen-:! several di'.ys v.-;-"; rch.v:ve: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ev-co i- and son Edward. Jr.;- and jli,.. j. l iirooks.and children. . Er"1 - Hallraan has returned to rorts rao irh. a., after a v.'ek's visit 10 l;is i.:o '. . r. :o: ira.i:' C'.iminings. a niece or Me-:-.j. Han and M. C. Toms,. is on, :o: Forest Hunter has come home from Rutherford college until the quaran tine is. over. There were 26 cases. 01 influenza in the college. :o: :o: Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Hoot?, from Fin gerville, 3. Cv arrived last week for a visit to his parents near Tracey's Grove. Mr. and Ms. Hoois came tto recuperate from their recent illneas caused by iniluensa. : ( - Mi sse-3. Connie, Vi21ie-and Charliey- sorrow are very sicji wi:n an attSica of influensa. . . 1 :o: ( ! Miss Sarah - TiHir Christ ?rcnt the reek-o?id with her 'ia sn-.ate. MIf-a E i-ahcth Garland.: Viss T.-l'mjhis-J will v:st other trien'iS' 5!irov J.etorc r 'turning to her .kiom-3 01 Con.evs-e College- campus in ::'5arc-5sn!L;t- :o. Dr. H L. Koith-'-V.A.':veith. Mr. ai d Mi s. O. Roy Keith anu ('..' Roy Keith, Jr.. motored" t'rt Atkinson, N. C., last VivOk for a visit to their parents. "O" Mrs. G. H. Vaiea,-...i. has ;,;i e to New York Ciiy for a stay of several vt.eh3: - Mrs. T. EUysoa Simpson has return ed home after a visit to Mrs. W. A. Carriganr :o: Dr. W. A. Carrigan, from . Society Mr. E.'. J. Walker, 'whOc haB'beei w'th Mrs. J. Mack' Rhocle .for, . several moiilhs, has gone to her home tit Lakeland,. Fla. 'Mrs.' Walker has been ccrrhg to ' Henderson Ville for many I y 4 r. .i'vytpw """" ""?fc4 1--- jrr -i " . ' Vrs. W. ti. Head, from Omaha, Ne braska, is visiting Mrs. A G. Cornish, at French ' Broad farm near Etowah. Miss Addle Sides has returned from a visit, to her parents at Hickory T-r Mrs. Alph Glazener's father, from Anderson, S. C., came by motor Satur day for a short stay. Mr. Glazener is a patient at Patton ?Utacrial hospi tal. ' ' - :o: Miss Bell Byers and Irene Y'oung left last week for Gastonia, where they will have charge of a school nearby. Miss Nell Garren accompanied them and will also teach in a different school near Gastonia. :o: , E. Y. Ewbank has returned from a business trip to Bryson City. :o: C. P. Erwin has returned from Hope- vell, Va., and is with his people on the Shaw"s Creek road. :o:- A. C. Morris is at Patton Memorial Hospital suffering from an attack of ot- lAshe yiUe aro spending fednie t hhel HenryTwyiord thiB-clty.i f ; j wlthiier sisterJ Mrsaosenhfne PdMfl ' v1? ' 1 at Rugby; J!hn .'rcaperatrcg after; a siege or me mauenza. - t -. "'Mrs. EL W. Ewbank and' children are in Spartanhttrff, -8.'C, for. a visit. ; '' ' :o: Mrs. John Scott has been ca.'led to Greensboro N.-'.C. 6vl accxwmt of the illness. of her daughter-in-law. M. and Mrs. W. A. Carriganvand Miss Elizabeth Carrigan will go to Society Hill, S. C., to stay until after Christ mas. They expect to go within a few days. :o: Mrs. John Grant returned Monday from Waynesville, where she had been visiting her daughter. . :o: Miss Kate Smith has returned to Weaverville College after spending the week-end at home. :o: Mr. and Mrs. Will Rogers, from Thcra fir fiWm exnlbltloja CTIEe window of . Zhainermux's 1 bock , torff j sonr rery interesting ouvenir 1 ot the war. . iTfter ar ei. ' German 8hrp ehaoter'a helmet, Prussian---Beard's tmottldetistras and oaeer's' fnsiaia. They were sent by Corp. W. H.Ti? ford,.,, -Charleston Light r Dragoons, Hdqra.vTrpopi Rv 30tlfci .DiTi, "Somoi Where in . , France,-1 s to hi? n father, , Mlsa 'CFertrdde Shlnniandttas Tbeen" ill for the last few days with influenza. .W. N. Fisher was, recently called home on account of : the sickness or his fainiiyV There were six-mentbers,: all' but himself, ill at the same time With influenza. ;' r " ' ! ' ! :o:-T j".- ;. -: ' "" jW. P. Whitmire, Jr., is ill witii : in fluenza .. . -' -:o:- . . r1sUalSh fiaiT mnrriea"nKr "thi3 -corrcnpefcll, vtf." Clacaf tho artiistice : .wa? slsrhedr 'operations at Hopewell were- cut down on a Yery larsCTcale and as a result several Henersoji pnty boys were-hfiected. ;- Among th. recent influenza vicUnis ret Mrs. . Hicks . Justus, and daughter, ; Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Andrews have r0urned3.1roxit:JUchmta k-i JRLBORd TBLLA DAKCE. :Miss. Julia Crosland entertained at a reception and dance at Marlboro Villa on Wednesday evenlnk Novem- Lber. 25, in honor , of her . guest,' Miss Marion Fay of New Orleans. The Viua, which, had been closed for, the winter,"' was appropriately decorated in. .keep ing with -the peace and ThanksgMng, season. The . reception room , .was. 1 adornedwith the national colors and W. E. Griffis, - who for the past few I the ball room. . represented an outdoor months has been the linotypist for the 1 fall . scene. c The waU3 were entirely Times and Hustler, has accepted work with-the Asheville Times, which, he assumes , this week. Mr. Griffis' fam ily will remain in the city for some time., . . L:o: Mrs. L. T. Williams has gone to At lanta on a visit to her daughters Mrs. Holmes and Miss Ruth Williams Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Griffis last week a son "-- -" eovered with greens - supplemented with corn stalks, pumpkins and Indian equipment. Japanese lanterns dimly lighted the room aal Uic, soft glow from covered overhead Tights blended beautifully. Pine ne Res "covered the floor and the room vas literally turn ed, into .a hook of the v.'oods. As : ; first social event of me season fo!L -. ing the long quarantine it was -pecially. enjoyed by evervoae pre'-.. ;... mflusnza. :o:- Mrs. Belle T. Dick has closed Dixie Inn for awhile and will go to Miami, Fla., this week for a month's stay. :o: Mrs. J. E." Shipman and children are visiting her people in Columbus while her brother, Yates Arledge, is home cn a furlough from the camp. '7. Society Hill, S. C, are spending their heney-moon with their fricn-ls, W A. Carrigan's family. :o: Mr. and Mrs. il. J Barbour pi'b Hendersonville visilr", last. week. Mrs. Charles F. Toms motored over with them fre.iaentlj. :o: Mr. and Mrs Jam-.-s f.'erp si.o son, Stephen, have S een :im jm; Ha- re cent infiuenza victi ns. :o: S. S. Rozler and family lnvt? n.ced to East Flat ivoek so t!.:it Mr. J. over will be more e:m-"m.--i-t o Lis woik .. .lyith the Skylan i Hosiery mill- :o: 97 1 Tfe ' ihi.KnirninfF es The Best Medium Price Engine on the market Equipped with Magneto and Throttling Valve Governor dence. on Fifth avenue west and have I eels; meeu.ig;. : .ftOU .4.U UU1 .ViU.U. UUUW rtV -v..- -r, f M. on-q 1Trc A T ,tV7i"S mi ! ..Saturday, a son. Mrs. G.. Wi Corrihcr liar, sorio again to Merriwethev hospital, Li A?hey!lie; :or treatment. . ' - T":o:: 7 .Lieut Comdr Hmiiek . jaotored to Kv.oxville, Tenn., giving holidays. Born, to Mr. and Mrs, R." S. English, X'ov. 17, a son, Raymond Preston.' ' :o: ' 1 ' : A. II. Davis and family, who Rev. to spoivl .Thaaks-M Jil!e"0p "account of his health, have 1 .. . ..klcv??.ted.a"c Barbourviiie, ivy., wnere .ivir -:o: - ! gravis' has ' accepted -pastorate". J . fiis' Mr. and Mrs. S. Hoke.ll-iilgiua ts'ii'd sneaILL greatly improved while in Hen- their daughter, Mary Eiia aTe Icaring oil Wettne3dr,y for Tampa, Fla. hey anticliyate-'" visiting other places H-c-iore returning home. ' ' :o. ' Mi?.? .Katie Price goes fo her .iion'O at IT 'ce. X. C, to speud" th holuh'i s, "'. - : 6: ' Miss Virga Plank 'will go to Bel- Kill, is . on a visit to his family on mont on .Saturday, she has a position TV,-, otrA-;ia ..a r - 7 . : itnfppp.b rr a scntoi tnere.' - I .(111 tX t,!.!. t 4.C I tJrzspivjillc. ' . ' i I.- -il; .' -u - - - - :i i;v J. E. Connell, of Spencer, visited ihis mother, Mrs. Wm. C. Connell, . near Henderscnville, last week." Mr." Con nell was accompanied, by Stahle Lnn, an attorney of Salisbury. , . ; . :o: . ' ?. Mary Elizabeth and son, Grady 'Jus-1 7 tus Misses Alice, Lena and Anna losa Latham. ..- The saving 'in c'osi ove'r an engine' ' burning gasoline,1 will pay for itself in two' hundred 'days .work. - ' " " " , . ' ' I'SXi t a We have these in stock for the shop or farm,:from iy2 to x4-H.F.,-ana on wheels. and and 12 horse-pover. , .. -. . v . ,00: Our most nonular engine for farm work, 5-H:P. (on skms) with Aiag- neto, oil burner, price $160.00. cash,. 170.00 on time. ' ' - Information cheer fullv ftiruiglieft on-complete-Corn aMill and Hour Mill Outfit, Wood Saw, Feed Grinders Feed Cutters, Corn Sliellers etc. : ' TVrite "for Circlilars ana'p-riees;" Seld on easy terms. ' ' ! . 1 It - J , r -.- . , 1 mnn Iww i n im ' i mil ii i .-in ii - iii luiiiiiiiiiiiiiM i - yrr. .r:::;: i.::: , : .. .. 1 Tl , , --- - . -- ----- - " ' . ........ -...--.r 5 -'-;'---' . - . ' - ' I f- T- - W '' 1 - " " - . jB- - r. 4 . ..- . I .-7. - " - ' . . - i 1 i That's what you want- and naturally expect when you pick up y;our homefpapri. ; , ; i f That's what you find, fresh, condensed and breecid pure from. te oi news and miscellaneous matter from here and yonder over ings of read I The TT T7 L in Name Cimnged from HENDERSON VILLE VISITOR November 19. 1918 r, - .vr, uuL5-Lcj only IIcauci.i.oii county liev.r lo XLot;o w'.o retck- fco-Ii Iieert,oii couuiy ucus iii 'tl'j Irani 11 o-cr wi-o .oii, ILo KEWS offers ibe following attractive clefcbing rates: For $115 For only $1.15 you get The NEWS and either of the following papers for a full year: Tri-Weekly Atlanta Constitution : Tri-Weekly New York World Progressive Farmer Weekly These Papers are among the best in the United States For $1.00 The NEWS for a full year and the Semi-Weekly Atlanta Journal fr oily $1.00. One new and One renewal yearly NEWS subscription for only 75 c nts. Many of our subscribers are taking advantage of these exceptional offers. Why not yon? Iilail ns your subscription cr bring it in at once. w NOAH HOLLOWELL, Publisher New Home: Second Floor John Forrest Building . : ' i : "I