tiwwt!iiiiyyyw'll' THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1919. FRENCH BROAD HUSTLER, II END lERSONTILLE, N. C. - - I ' " ' LI Pi i : 1 r We have opened an up-town office in the former location of the Citizens Bank, near Justus Pharmacy. Coal and Ice orders left here will receive prompt attention and Laundry work left here will be returned to this office to be called for or will be delivered to your house by truck as you wish. This new office will handle all lines of our business, and is opened for your convenience. By making free use of it you will save your own time and enable us to give you better service TO HOUSEKEEPERS: At the present time, when domestic help is scarce and uncertain and expensive, many Hendersonville ladies have found our FAMILY WASH SERVICE tp be veritable Godsend. At small cost it in sures absolute cleanliness and does away with all the worst features or S$v ash-Day at home. This service is handled in: two ways. If you wish your work "'Roughened" every article is washed by our best method, starch pieces are properly starched, and every piece dried, leaving nothing tp be donut dampening 2nd ironing. The charge is ten cents a pound, weighed before washing. In our " Wet Wash " service the artiles receive the same careful washing, are then placed in the extractors to remove surplus water, and returned to you damp and ready for ironing, but witrfoo pieces starched. On this the charge is seven and a half cents a pound weighed before washing. X - You will find either of these a cheap and satisfactory solution of the Family Washing problem. Since you have read this far, read a line or two more, and accept our heartiest thanks for a steady and growing patronage. We are leaving nothing undone to maintain and improve every feature of our business. We want to serve you and we want you to like the service. IL IT WW I c riiel Coo UP-TOWN OFFICE PHONE 142 - -' Tnnr ill y --- - 22 E 3 I 1VESTERX SOUTH C1R0I.1Y WANTS FART OF JOl) XfLLIOX County and Road Commission -rs to Hold Conference. Tuo 3i:lIfo of Fe.Ioryl Aid Arailable for This Slate ii We (Jo After It. Fiirtlier Details. .if : In view of the present discussion of Henderson County roads and road questions in general the citizens of this county will be keenly interested in-. plr.rs w.'jich are outlined in the to tlo wiiij; lttter ?fiOve.--fcd to Dr. L. B. JMorse by the Division iHngineer of the State Highway Con-mission. It :3 hoped that TItn-.Ie:ton County will Tje vcll au;i fully rj ii-ented at this od ferei.cc The ietter fellows: My dear Doctor Morse : It has been suggested recently by members of the County Commissioners of several counties in this Western Di vision that a meeting be called at an early date and request all County Com missioners .and Road Commissioners in the Western Division to meet in a unit ed effort and endeavor for a real gen uine constructive program for a sub stantial development of our main highways in this section. Our National government has before it an act to appropriate one hundred million dollars annually for a period of ten years to aid the States in the improvement of its main highways. Of this', it is estimated that our State would receive over two million an nually, provided, we furnish an qual amount as the National Government re fuses to pay more than half of the cost of construction on any project. Now let's form a real system and sche dule, and work in unity and harmony to see that we get every dollar of Federal money that we are entitled to and that not a cent is forfeited to other counties and other States. The State has established a System pf State Highways on which Federal Aid is to be spent. This system as yon may see from the map traverses every County and reachesevery county sear in this Division, and thereby every County may receive its benefits. Now it is up to you to see that your County receives its shar'i if aid. It is further sug'sted that not only County and Roau Comissioners at tend this conference but that pr gressive, re'presej'.Ci'ive citizens ft . each County be u.vjted. Not a ques tion of numbers, Vvit real representa tion from each County. Please advi3e if convenient for yoi t attend suca conference in she irillo nn Sa;i'da. cb. 1. 1919. And acivise the naires of the represent tives we may ospect from your coua- With besc v. ."s!.':s of the season. v.uxrs v.'y truly, W; THE M. TE'iO-V Division E'jginet-r. rrs goixg to be a long TIME BETWEEN DRINKS Uncle Sam Headed for the Big Dry Spell This Trip. Commences Jan., . 1G, 1920 Thirty-Eight States Have Ratiiieil Constitutional Amendment. War Time Prohibition Effective June SOtJi. Washington. Jan. 16. Ratification today of the federal constitutional pro hibition amendment made the United States the first great power to take legislative action to permanently stop the liquor traffic. Nebraska s vote gave the necessary affirmative three-fourths majority or the states to make effective the amendment submitted by Congress in December, 1917. It was followed by similar action in 'the legislatures or Missouri and Wyoming, making 3S states in all which have approved a "dry" America. Affirmative action by some of the ten state legislatures yet to act is predicted by prohibition ad vocates. Under the terms of the amendment the manufacture, sale and importation of intoxicating liquors must cease one year after ratification but prohibition will be a fact in every ?tate much earlier because of the war measures forbidding the .manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages after June 3D until the demobilization of military forces. Under th3 war lime measure exportation of liquor is pernin. r but the great stocks now held in jcmo- ed warehouses will have to be dis posed of before the federal amend ment becomes effarHvo. Discussion as to whether the new amendment become.; a part of the constitution now that 30 states have ratified it or whether it becomes ft part of the basis law only when each state has certified its action to tne secretary of state Jed today to a searcn for precedent whicii showed that the only amendments ratified in the las half century providing for incoiue taxes and direct election of senator were considered effective immediat ely the 36th state had taken affirma tive action. Senator Sheppard, author of the prohibition amendment, held that na- tibnal prohibition becomes a perma nent fact January 16, 1920. Only 14 of the states have certified their action to the state department The vote of the Mississippi legislature the first to act, has not bean re reivec at the state department. The Missis sippi secretary of state said today at Jackson that the certificate had been mailed to Washington -'immediately after the legislature acted and that a duplicate would be sent if the origi nal had been lost. Proclamation of the ratification of a new amendment is made, but this was said to be a formal ity and not a requisite part of chang ing the constitution. New problems of government are raised by prospective stoppage of the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquor, as hundreds of millions of dol lars derived from ' internal revenue will have to be obtained from ovher sources. Laws of enforcement of tlie amendment also will have to be pas Hard to Manage. A man who has lately undertaken the management of a certain tempera mental star was asked, during the past week, about the young woman's well being. "How is Miss So-and-So?" ran the query. "I don't talk to her any more," was the answer. "She's under (I my management now.' HH5H5H5H52SHSZ5E5E5E52SHSH5HSB Are You in Need of - Cards Blanks Folders Dodgers Receipts Envelopes Statements Bill Heads Invitations Packet Heads Letter Heads Call at this office Good Work Is Our Specialty Reel Cedar Shingles Best Premium Brand A good Red Cedar Shingle, put on with a galvanized nail is t for I l l t sort? Years - At $7.00 a thousand Ithey figure about $5.60 a square. The shingle roof is . cheaper than metal, requires no paint, and will last just as long. Better place your order now. : Wo Lumber and Builders PHONE 97 Supplies QZ52SESHS25Z5ZSES2S2SESHS2SZSZ52Q, 3 C r -u I - ' :'v :v ; -1 ii ii mi '