' 1 v x' ym Tl I -X. Vol. xxvi no. 2 HENDERSON VILLE, N. C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, I9I9 PRICE FIVE CENT OFFICERS AND DOGS BAFFLED BY THIEVES. GEORGIA MILITARY ACADEjXY -..fl COriDIITTEE MAKES INSPECTION j f itS ? A J M W 7 r A m m -x i -mm i - r 1 1 - I I i 'It . Quick Action Taken by Board of Trade on Report That Efforts are Being Made to Block Enactment. Letters and Resolution Go Forward at Once. A called meeting of the Board of Trade last Thursday night developed the fact that monkey wrenches are still being injected into the Board's mechanism at intervals. It .appears from un-offlcial reports, that M. L. Shipman, Commissioner of Labor ana Printing, has received from Hender sonville parties requests to usy his influence in blocking the Henderson County road bill recently worked out and sent to Raleigh for enactment, this grapevine wireless also reporting that Mr. Shipman had assured his Hendersonville letter-writers that his stand on the road bill would be the same as that taken by the French Armies on the Marne, and that it (the bill) "shall not pass." It is not generally believed hero that Mr; Shipman said anything of the kind. However, enough importance was attached to this report by the Eoarc of Trade to make it seem advisable to clear up this feature of the situation "by placing Mr. Shipman in possesion of all the facts with regard to th:s bill, and asking him to put his shoulder to the wheel. To accomplish this, on motion of Y. A. Smith, a committee of three, con sists e- nf E. W. Ewbaulc. A. C. Te beau and E. G. Stillwell, v. as appoint ed to draft a letter to Mr. Shipman, stating that this road Ipw, as drafted, is what the parties want, both Demo cratic and Republican, that it is ab solutely non-political, and to urge hia o-operat'on in .its enactment by. the legislature. The following letter framed by the committee &nd bearing the signatures listed wis" accordingly mailed to Mr. 3hipm:i-i last Friday. Hendersonville, N. C, Jan. 31-19. Hon. M. L. Shipman, Raleigh, N. C. Dear Mr. Shipman: Some weeks ago, after much agita tion of the matter, a large gathering of citizens representing every shade of opinion appointed a committee to draft an amended road law for this County. The committee araitea bucu ... ml - 1 amendments as were Bu66- reoorted back to a full-house meet - ins of the Board of Trade, also con sisting of every shade of political and public opinion and after much de bate the recommendations of the drafting committee, with trifling mo difications were 'adopted by the meet ing and the bill as drafted -directed to be sent to Raleigh for passage by the legislature. . It has bean reported oacK neietxx upon the request of several persons who have written you but who tooK no Interest In all the active wor looking to the revision of the road law, that you have announced that you will (see to it that the amenueu - me auiCix not pass the TMaiatnre. We are ithe ot, in fact tn.nl v mean to say that you if vnur anproval unless It ap pears to you that it is wanted by the r r- Tlf r vd T n PI H 1 ,eople of this county - We are, there- t is our opinioi ore, writing you tnat . lU th road law ought to be a non ,v U.IU.. 1 '11 n -r olitical issue and that tne out ending or sent to Raleigh for pas age, is one . that will get the greates. general public support tnat the county a condition aosomt T' v,0 execution of a roau ESeili'lll LU rv . i 4n anriPri to De. a lalw. lis, or - -- ict' Von-political roaa w er- fF?i the actual administration 4Vit should happen that the reins fil into the hands oPt- pilblican faitn it is our -1 T . . x.- for it in that the thtere is 3uiir . nA--ntv as a -whole is ferity of that faith.and it is ma festly unfair: to deprive them nenintn con- nrpsentatlotf-on or-evtsu - - C ot a road. commision- etr.cUy trol ;3 however. O-t-toU, par JwiU have vtoJ&S dottet ;ou can to.tacilitate the pa.- sage of the law as sent down to Ral eigh and will appreciate your assis tance in this matter. ' Yours very truly, C. E. Brooks, M. M. Shepherd, C. N. Wrenshall, J. F. Justice, R. M. Oates, A. C. Tebeau, E. W. Ewbank, W. A. Smith, C. F. Bland, Clarence Latham, T. L. Durham, F. W V. Hunter, H. Bangs, J. D. Duff, A. H. Hawkins, J. A. Burckmyer, B. P. Burckmyer, Frank Ewbank, Dr. A. B. Drafts, Y. H. Justus, At the same meeting, vu motion or J. R. Willson, the foLurviii resolu tion was also framed and ordered forwarded to Mr. Shipman: "Re solved, that it is the unanimous opin ion that the Henderson County Road Law prepared and unanimously adopt ed by the Board of Tra.- and sent to th6 General Assembly for passage io a law that ought to be enacted ana that our townsman and mutual friend M. L. Shipman, now in Raleigh, be respectfully requested to aid our re presentatives to the extent of his abil ity to have said bill enacted into 'aw without amendments." Clarence Latham, President. Erie G. Stillwell, Acting .Sec. The road bill in question is admitted by all parties to be free of any politi cal flavoring whatever and anyone opposed to the bill had full opportun ity of stating his opposition at the meeting in which it was approved without a dissenting vote. It seems to be the general opinion that the bill is a much-needed piece of constructive legislation for Henderson County, and that it is a matter for regret that after its unanimous approval in open meet ing efforts should be made to block its enactment. It is probable that i: there is an Ethiopian concealed be- " ,wnnrt th friends o: j" - - "- r" 1 v. j the bill will make enough smoke to find out about it. Reports from Raleigh are to the ef fect that the bill will be dropped into the legislative hopper on the return of Representative Jackson this' weeK These reports also state that the ob jection was made to the provision Placing the management of the roads in Unhands of the county commislonera -- , ana .7 Henderson certain on his return to ville whether, the sponsors of the bill would be .willing to substitute for the county commissioners, a commission composed of two Democrats ana on A -, wmiiri select a full- oi.Kepuun", - . . reached Raleigh, and tne subs a tuc change will not be made;attn s u m The report also state, that no - - fttiUons oposing the bill had beea m Raleieh. and the prcsump- ICtCllvu Ucn there is that it mec. the approval of Henderson County people geuei. o.ould objection be raised a hearing may be had before the Senate Com mittee. AH communications relative to the matter should be addressed to Senator E. BACloud. ,n,ftvfi LOCATION FOB BUILDING. The little devil that is . anv feature connected wun pubTication of a country newspaper caused the last issue of TheHustler t0 state that . J . on made to t,uw gr . The item was in- vilie Auto uomy a r the Rhodes Auto erected a net Company, wnicu building, with a floor tj square feet to take care or alKtte company's machine and repair wor the former quarters being needed 1 their - entirety for storage space and office room. : Investigation of the robbery last Thursday night of Drake & Jones Store near the Brevard Railroad end ed in a lest trail by bloodhounds from Asheville. Aliie Drake, who has a store in town j nouncing any decision in the matte?, was cou;ng into town early Thursday!. The committee, which consisted-or morains, and on passing the Drake & Jones building noticed that one of the Varge front glass had been taken ou and set around by the side of the building, and telephoned Chief 0ti3 Powers. The Chief, with Sheriff Al lard Case, immediately went -out to in vestigate, placed a guard on the bur glarized premises, and called up Chief of Police Lyerly of Asheville. As a result, K. T. Dillingham, a plain clothes man of the Asheville iorce with the blood hounds owned by. Bun combe County, arrived on the scene by auto about 9:30. When placed in the store the dogs gave every indication of picVIng 'p somebody's warm trail at once, ana i followed it without aay hesitation three miles out the Crab Creek roac to the Connell road, along the Con nell road, to the back entrance of the Haynes' place, then leaving the road, trailed across a. field to the old Con nell barn, where all trace of a sr-ent vanished into thin air. All efforrs to find any further trail were fruitless, and Dillingham had to give it up. ana brought his dogs back for the reMtn to Asheville by train. Neither the sar'e or the cash drawer of the store was tampers 1 with, the only goods known to be missing con sisting of canned goods, candy anJ chewing gum. The thieves had effect ed an entrance by removing from one of the front windows the strip or Moulding which held the large pane Oi. glass in the sash. So far as known the officers have no clu. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 3IEE' The Board of County Commissioners held their regular monthly meeting th nil members nresent. A? i;.unviij m. petition was presented from Tracey Grove School District to call an elec tion for special tax of 20 cents on the hundred dollars and 60 cents on poll for the erection of a new school build- .... .1 ,-- n?rn ing. Petition ayyiuveu auu set for March 8th. Petition was re ceived for new road from Green River Bridge to Transylvania County line, signers pledging $600 In money and .labor towards construction. Petition approved and Supervisor Patton or dered to make survey. Settlement with the county treasurer was made, oi Tnt inries drawn for March c""4 " t . Term of Superior uoun, me juu being printed in full in another col umn. FERTILIZER MEETING CALLED The farmers who are interested in . A!H nrP asked tO meetit the Court House next Satur day, Feb., 8th, at 11 o'clock, ing car load lots we can get reduced prices. It is urged that orders be placed as soon "as possible. FRANK FLEMING, County Agent. pATTERSON LEATES ON BUSINESS TRIP. Mr. H. Patterson left yesterday for and east- a Dusiness ern points which will include Balti more, Philadelphia, New York, Bos ton, Pittsburg and Cincinnati. The mimosa of the trip is not only to pur- -hut also to keep , cu - . . -er8 in in toucn fn forecast the east, wno mc coming styles and in otner ways to enable a department store buyer to serve his customers to the best ad vantage. OLD BURGLARLY p COMING TO LIGItf Sheriff Allard .Case is in a fair way . 3.1.-11- o crime to root out tne aeuiw w. - Which has been puzzling city j, police omc since last u,me ...-w . iewelry glarlzed ana a stolen . rear ot tne I old prock house on King street . .ohnard box containing 'OUIIU V-31 " about $45 worth of gold rings seven etches and other items Having re covered most of the plunder it is prob able that the guilty parties will axso A criven an op i ronea in suunvi .-- ortunity to try tne r a t-hn installed as memters . . A Tl C9 llimil n good standing Good Roads Club. oi en duuui from the Georgia yarrived Saturday lii-ji-iung, made a close inspection o: i both the Osceola Lake , and Highland Lake properties and left in Lhe after noon for Washington without an- Col. and Mrs. J. C. Woodward ana Capt. Rosser, were met at the statioa and escorted over the properties by a party of local business men including K. G. Morris, C. F. Bland, C. 3. Brooks, F. A. Ewbank and a. C. Te beau. While the attraction of thesv The committee Military Academ properties and of HendersonviJle is! Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 3, 1919. The very manifest in the bearing of the lull in legislative activities took a committee from the school, they o: lively turn last week when the De course realize that it Is o big pr;po- ' partment of Labor and Printing pro- (sition involving a very large sum of : money, and are extremely cautious as to giving any inkling of what their final decision in the matter will be. It Jooks as if the school is coming. ' ! assumed their usual attitude towards SUICIDES IX AN legislation of this character. The ATLANTA CEIJETERY News and Observer carried this story of the incident on Wednesday: Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 3. The body of. Lik8 a thunderbolt from a clear Mrs. Lois Gilbert, bearing a mortal sky yesterday came a bill in the House pistol wound, which was found lying across the grave of Johnny Abbot: yesterday was taken to Dublin, Ga.," today for burial. ! Although declared a suicide by the coroner's jury and with all indica- tions pointing to a love affair with Ab- bott, who was killed by his wife re- on me neels or tne PUDucauon. vx and Supreme Court judges, and Su cently because of another woman. Commissioner Shipman's proposes preme court reporter and the Assls- Gilbert husband of the dead declared that he doesn't be - Harold worn ci n lieve she knew Abbott. Worry over ill health,' he believes, is responsible fn. w HdP.-nnhlin m, tlnnri v ' Herald. This item will be of interest to Hen dersonville people because the father of Mrs. Gilbert is Dr. Frank Bright, i, 'a t . wiwcu -ji 1UfaC Mrs. Gilbert spent a good part cf lasttion WOuld put the duties now devolv- summer here. FASSIFERtf NEWS? (By Evelyn Byrd Graham) "ThP Amaziftsr Interlude" a rlelicht- ful moving picture given by home tal - ent from members of the Senior and Junior classes Saturday night was a credit to the young ladies who took a part in the scenes. Miss "Dell Bernhardt cleverly origl nated the different scenes and the - reel: of fine .cts held the audience in suspense all the way through. Those taking part were: Misses Mary Lybrook Lasater, principal v"' character a nretty litlle mountain telle; Erskine Jarnagm, uiauaia s.ei - ly, Marion Knight, Jean Vanlahding ham, Caroline Yancey. Dell Bern hardt and Virginia Ryder. The students of Fassifern sent sum of $56.00 to Tuesaay to neip Dear uic ."Vi ' v x. f tnfliiPna I - . . .' . 1 . T. 1 play is Deing piannea ior iue ueueut of Balfour. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. F. A. Ewbank entertained with a Birthday Party on Tuesday after noon, Feb., 4th, from 4 to 6 o'clock In honor of her daughter, Winona Hill. .The invited guests were: Minnie auu m-9 J I! Barnes Bland, Mlcnaei acnencx, oarau , . r Erckman, Ellen and Wadsworth Far num. Helen Grimes, Louis Tebeau, Martha Wrenshall, Jane Truex, .Ha"' Mr. Saunders thinks. vzel L. Harry H. Ewbank, Jr., Mary, Norta Carolinians will resent so bole Virginia and Ernest W. Ewbank, JrJan ef0rt to' behead an honest man just t?ov After nlavins 1 va nttar.ka an evil which has , . . nr, frnmAs awniie. lue uiiiiB j. uum " were onened. Each little guest had .been given a paper cap which they . - ..-j TV Ck ntnr wore into tne amms - scheme was eective,y carried out in yenow. in Piu.Uu m a 1 -t SIT rftf u.m.Lua.1 : crackers stuck on Nabisco wafers ana.P- llna the birthday cake, which was lighted! with six candles, formed the decora tions for the, table. These decorations afforded the children lots of fun. k-m. nt pach nlate. were yellow bas f Refreshments blrihday lcake and fruit were served. Mrs. Ew- bank proved a charming hostess and the little folks were loathe to say ,'ood-bye. -' :o: NIYA KEISLER auttp th little daughter of Mrs - ttm. troicior who lives at FlatRocX u.auxj . I . X -mm A . r 1 l- lit II ! I M I III aiea at raiuu lwcmunai rm. Jan 30. She had infli She had influen za and other complications, xue um; ial was at Reluge Church, Bill by Lincoln County Spinner to Do Away with Department of Labor and Printing. Retaliation for Shipman Child Labor Eill, posed a new child labor law and ma- chinery for its enforcement in lieu or the make-shift now on the statute book. The cotton manufacturers were holding a meeting here at the time and Cf Representatives from Representa- tive Love, of Lincoln, president of tiic Saxony Spinning Company, to abolish the office of Commissioner of Labor and Printing, and to place the duties of that department under the direc tion of tne state Auditor. Following cnild labor bil1' and' in the mitist of a eeting of the North Carolina Cottoa cturer s Association, tne oT' famt apniause on ts n ;troduction was quicKiy snenceu iw jfear that it would be taken as appro- val rather than of ridicule. "The bill is very short, providing only that "the office of Commissioner of L01 and PrintinS be and the same . herebv abolished." A second sec- ;ing upon the commissioner within tne form. The Senate is now debating the 'jurisdiction of the State Auditor witn- question of additional compensation out any additional help. Reference by for state officers, clerks and other em :the speaker was to the committee 011 ployees : Manufacturing of which Love is-chair- Uian 1 "I am more mteresiea in uie yiv .tection of the kiddies than m holding any State omce,. sam : Shipman yesterday afternoon com-. mentine on the measure aimeu him. If the General Assemuiy vm . V. "I enact alaw protecting innocent child hood, I am perfectly willing to be con signed to political oblivion. Sanders Critizes Sharply. ReDresentative Saunders, of the committee, declared last night that the wn Wn one calculated "to make rec j"" "7 7- '.blooded North Carolinians hot in the collar." 1 "I have had a rising temperature ever since I saw the blamed thing this ""'JZir T "Tti ara maV HP ROmG 3.rKU- memuBi. i iit-i .j . . na,iT,r chinman A.meilt m iavor VL avw knd his office, but it comes with a bad face from a coton mill representative on the heels of Commisioner Shipman's recommendation of a bill to put an end to the employment of child labor in North Carolina. Everybody knows that cotton mills violate every child 'labor law on the statute books and 'maintain a lobby in every Legislature fto block child labor legislation. Their uioueh. is the rawesi 'lavob w ' thing I have ever seen. Should Act as Boomerang. "Mr. Love's bill should act as a . r.a f profit to the more . ueeii a. duuvu - I powerful manufacturing interests in the State," he said. "ThP menace of Bolshevism added . , j Mr. Saunders abroad .n tte and l frrvrta-o- 11 1ST )ua,uac - ' ' ' 1. uoi Tf I thoueht the i wj sovereign ut were to De run uvei uj interests in any such way as indicated bv the Love bill, I think I would bolt the Democratic party myself and en list under the red flag." Attitude of Superintendents. . "Both Superintendent Brooks ana former Superintendent of Public In struction Joyner favor the adminis tration of the child labor law by the (Commissioner of Labor, The present I' . . TT;o;-v-n statute makes the . truancy piuv" of the law a part. of their duty but. more properly they insist, it Belongs to tne department of the Commissioner of Labor and Printing. The proposed ibill of Mr. Shipman would strengtn- onjen he law ana proviue micwo '.AM - W 1 "J - enforce it. p eculation in .the lobbies las. night was largely orf whether ot no: the Love bill would get to the floor of the House. Although he is chairman of, the committee to which it was re ferred, the number of manufacturers on it are less than six and that doesn't imply that this number will support the Love Bill." Nothing further has been heard of the Love bill at this writing. The 'purpose of it was so apparent that no body appears to have taken it serious ly. The child labor bill was introduced in the House by Representative Saun ders and in the Senate by Senator Con nor. No hearing has yet been had on it. If it does not pass in original form some of its provisions will be incorpo rated in the compulsory school law. By a vote of 27 to 8 the Senate on Friday passed the bill providing for '.increases of the salaries of Superior tant Attorney General. Under this bill udges of the Superior Court will re- ceire a straight salary of $4,000 and a 6X066(11118 $1'5 trEVel" expenses. Judges of the Supreme Court, will "duII down" S5.000. insteart of $4,000 as at present. The salary Cf the Supreme Court Reporter is ad- vamjed rom ?1500 to $2,250 and that of the Assistant Attorney General from $1 50a t $2,500. It is believed that the bill will meet with formidable opposition in the House, in its present Representative Brownlow Jackson, of Henderson County succeeds Repre- sentative Everett, of Richmond, as chairman of the House Committee on Internal Improvements, the latter having resigned to accept the Chair manship of the Suffrage Committee, re cently created. Mr. Jackson , is the first Republican to be thus honored by a democratic speaker in many a day,, due largely to his good behavior as a minority member. ' .Accompanied by Mrs. Jackson and their litle son, the Henderson Representative left here Thursday to spend the week-end in Hendersonville. Ex-Senator W. E. Breese, of Bre vard, has been here recently in the in terest of local legislation for Transyl- He is espedany desfrou, of . - . . . . . . . some plan being devised by the drain age of the farming lands in the upper French Broad Valley. Mr. Breese was returning from Washington where he conferred with Senators Simmons and Overman in the hope of securing gov ernment aid, but was informed that Hittle if anything could be expected from the present session of Congress for purposes of this character. PETIT JURY March Term Superior Court First Week, Commencing March 3rd. Ji W. Ward. J. W. Smathers, T. K. Kuykendall. H. C. Lance, J. S. Jack son, Mark King, G. M. Gilbert, M. F. Anderson, M. D. Stepp, W. S. Young, I w. D. McCarson, T. D. Burgin, J. A. Stepp, S. M. McCair, m. Livings ton, Fred Allen, Miller Stepp,- Sr.,: J. H. Capps, D; F. Lanning, K. M. Osteen, W. T. Smith, W. W. Ward, L. J. Youngblood, J. R. Hood, M. A. Redmon, T. B. McCall, W. P. Black well, W. J. Drake, James A. Ward, 3. Y. Souther, B. M. Lanning, JG. Walker, A. P. Elliott; J. M. King, H. K. Laughter, S. M. King. SeconI Week, Commencing March 10. J. D. Williams, G. C. Connell, J. B. Middleton, R. J. Taylor, W. H. Lance, E. A. Barnwell, L. G. New mon, J. H. Merrell, C. C. Huggins, J. G. King, E. L. Clark, J. J. Slat tery, P. T Carson, J. A. Warlick, J. R. Liveritt,.T. W. Clark, C. G. Ma6e. L. M. nders. APPEECIATION We wish to express our heart-felt thanks for -the loving sympathy and many deeds of service rendered us in. the recent loss of our wife and mother. John T. Wllkins. and FarnU-. i A'