:( THTJESIAT, BTABCH th,! 1919. FRENCH BEOAD HUSTLEE, HEJCDEBSOimLLE, IT. C. JrcopiG una Jbvents r , , , . . : - 4 j W. W. Walker, who lives on the Vj) AuklfTl iffclTO I Afff I Vft - -. Jo A : W .lt.SflJ.I8 MMfflEi Uffi j l l ft : Mrs. J. D. Boyd's condition re- I .III! I 4 MISS MATTIE STANSEL, Reporter F. S. Wetmur is confined to room with an attack of quinzy. :o: ivirs. Ernest xna.cs. is recovering from a recent attack of influenza. 5 :o: Claude Burckmyer, from Cincinnati, spent the week-end with home folks. :o: Dr. E. P. Ma-Iette. from Asnaviile, spent the week-eid here. :o: Mrs. Herman Potts has returned from Asheville and Landrum, S. C :o: Born, in February, to Mr. and Mrs. Burgin A. Staton, a daughter. :o: Born, March 3, to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stackhouse, at Dunbar, S. C, a daughter. :o: Born, March 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Brunson, a daughter. Rev. and Mrs. S. E. Glandon came from Jacksonville, Fla., to welcome the ar rival of their grand-daughter. :o: Postmaster S, Y. Bryson is at home after spending some time in Washing ton and New York City. :o: . Frank Staton, who ' has Florida for several weeks, turned home. :o: ' - : "r. Mrs. Mullie Bess Harrill is visiting her mother-in-law at Rutherfordtoa this week. :o: John Burckmyer returned last week trom a visit to relatives at Beaufort, 5. C. : o: Mrs. J. S. Cox, who lives on ro.ite 6. is convalescing ''rom an attack oi been has in re- Dr. W. H. Justus left on Tuesday for Atlanta, Ga., to attend a meeting of the Rexall druggists. :o: G. M. Glazener, who recently re turned from New York City, visit: fi ,imains about the same. 'Mrs. Boyd has his mother at Rosman. - :o: It. M. Oates is able to be out agato after neing kept at home sevora weeks for treatment. :o: Father Poweri, who las beeu M"si ing Father Ma-ioi, returned to Chelsea, MaSi. :o: Misses Catharine and Matilda '."ar son have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ewbank recently. ir:i-nza. :o:- Clarence Flynn, who has been sick with influenza, is reported as getting along very well. Claude Burckmyer, of ' Cincinnati, spent a short time on business at East Flat Rock. :o: Mr. H. I. Hodges and family, from AlalKMiia have secured The Terrace on Fifth avenue and are occupying it. Mrs. W. H. Justus, wo has been visiting relatives at Rutherfordton has .returned home. :o: C. H.yT. Bly has been unable to attend to business on account of a sprained back. :o: Mrs. W. M. Bacon and children, who have had influenza, are all able to be out aain. :o: W. S. Prescott from Columbia, S. C. spent the week-end with his family on Fourth Avenue, West. Judge J. B. Fenley, who is holding court this week, is registered at the Kentucky Home. rr J "'n Mrs. R. ti. iioimes, w.--, iv. -nrnnomc rpt.iirned to Atlanta f 1CV 11 I Tuesday after a visit to relatives ne.e. Mrs. John Mason and John Jr., who have had mild cases of influenza are improving. :o: Miss Marjorie Vann, who attends the Brevard Industrial School, sp--r.it :he week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Vann. :o: Hon Albert Cannon returned to librae Shoe last Saturday night from Raleigh where he attended meetings of the State Agricultural Board. :o: Miss Alice Pace, who lives near Ka jr:ga Lake and teaches at Valley H-31, fepehtthe week-end with Miss Kate Dotson, si: j: ' :o: Mrs M. A. Gover, Mr. and Ilrs Thomas A Egerto;:, -vIig hi.vc in m M Denver, Colo.for the winter, re ur:'cl home this week. :o: Dr. and Mrs. Be.ijamin Cliff have secured Dr. Cr -in f era's bujjrahv on Third avenia, west and are jeer pying it. :o: Misses Alma Lee and Nona Edward, who have been visiting their sister, Mrs. G. F. Garlington, in Knoxville, Tenn., returned home last Sunday. :o: Mr. and Mrs. S. Joi-is;o'i hae Cicsed their residence o Sfrv.-nih avenue and will spend r. month ar Kentucky Home. :o: Dr. and Mrs. H. Rodman of Louis ville, Ky., who are frequent visitors here, are uests at Kentucky Home for some time. :o: Joseph E. Wood has. purchased the Rusher Stock Farm of 1000 acres for $12,000, the deal being made through John L. Orr and S. E. Sentell. :o: Among the recent arrivals at the Cedars are, Miss Mitchell, of Chicago, 111., and Mr. Mulvaney, of New Yorlc Cityl :o: East Flat Rock has installed elec tric lights which yery much improve the village. The power comes from the Hendersonville plant. :o: been sick for months and is abi3 to sit up only a part of the day. :o: John Fowler, vho lives on the French Broad river about Ave miles from town, was here on Saturday for a business trip. Mrs. T. C. Barrows, who has been with J er husband and sister, Josie, In Cleveland. Ohio, came home last Sat urday. Mr. Barrows expects to come before very long. :o: Mr. and Mrs. Herman Potts have ;had as their guests from Landrum, S. C, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Williams and Mr. G. B. Hampton, who is an uncle of Mrs. Potts. :o: The three week's old son of Mr . and Mrs. W. W. Westall, of East Flat Rock, was operated on for strangu lated hernia at the local hospital re cently. The baby is doing nicely. :o: Miss Elmira Dawson is expected to arrive from Baltimore about March 10, to be trimmer for Miss M. E Wocdall. Miss Dawson is now in the northern markets selecting the g-vles. :o: The Young People's Missionary So- l ciety of the Methodist Church will meet with their manager, Mrs. F. E. Durfee, at her home on Friday eve ning at 7:30 o'clock. :o: Leon Trice, who was transferred from Great Lakes, 111., to Charles ton, S. C, has been honorably dis charged from service and will soon be at home. :o: Ivlh s Annie Scruggs spent the week end with her parents at Rutherford ton. This visit was of unusual inter est because a brother who had beea in service overseas had returned home. :o: Miss Mabel Griffin arrived this week from Knoxville, Tenn., and will be the designer and trimmer for the Vogue Millinery store. Miss Griffin was as sociated with the Vogue last season. :o: Lumber and Builders We upplies are still iri business at the same old stand, and ready to serve our Friendkand Customers I We are still selling the sarrte lines of materials. We want to call attention to our nfew line of "Acme Cement Plaster" Contractors, Architects and users, all know the superior qualities of this branckofPlaster. Our "Trans fer Brand" 1 6" Extra Clear RedXfedar Shingles, need no argument for their superiority --tlhey are the very finest and best made. Our various styles of "VulcanitA Roofings'' have steadily gained in popularity; especialiv-our "Emerald Jiaie jAoonngs rxr nouses. Uinchfasld Portland Cement, is the "SouthV Acknow" ledged Standard" and is well known to our customers. B. P. S. Paints BEST PAINT SOLD needs no re commendation. It speaks for itself. We sell B. P. S. Paint by YEARS and SQUARE YARDS. We also sell ALABASTINE. the SANITARY WALL FINISH. Our Motto: "Quality Wins" Our Advertisement "A Satisfied Customer" PHONE 231-1 ill Ilalph C. Pulliam, who has just re American Red Cross will send their turned from France with his dis erartfo from the service in the avia tion corrs, is visiting his aunt, Mrs . X. W. Eailey at the Cedars. :o: Little Katharine Freeman, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Freeman, who was bitten by a dog recently, is getting along all right. The exam! nation of the dog's head showed no signs of hydrophobia. :o: Miss Elizabeth Daniel, of NewYorlc City, who has been a Red Cross nurse in France, will arrive Friday for a Mr. and Mrs. Fate Davenport, 01 two week's visit to her cousin, Mrs. Spartanburg, S. C, ana a.m nm, jtj. u. uray on ourtn avenue, west, from Pisgah Forest, have been visit- :o: Among tne sick cmidren wno are yiame to Mrs. W. of the books and Mrs. C. C. end with her Asheville. Jord.ii spent tne vreel? hiicer, Mrs. 1 lodges m 0 m Misses Gertrude Shipman and Wil lie Carmichael spent the week-end with friends in Asheville. ing relatives at East Flat Rock. :o: Miss La Vada Pace, who has been sick at Upward with influenza, has re covered sufficiently to resume .her school duties at East Flat Rock. j Jonathan Case and several children are very sick with influenza. So far Mrs. Case has escaped and is able to care for them. 2C mm Brown- dj ones n,iWc tiiPir wives ie were ucjw', friends ana. Aw11, children "chums." When Brlwn died, the Company car rying the Mortgage on his home fore closed an)ts. Brown had to moTe. When Jones&te&ihe' Company car rylng his mortgage promptly gave 3Irs. Jones a deed to the propeMy. Will the mortgage yon ah carrying EJECT or PROTECT your Widow! Company I AGENTS 1 having or have had influenza-pneumonia are, Helen and Dorothy Grimes, Catharine and Frank Byers. Little Dorothy and Frank are very sick yet. W. H. Von', ilo, from Penro:, Is planning to wove his family kre. ?.Irs. 'eiilellc. ho had in2u.r.a peumonia at the local hospital some time ego has recovered. At one time all the family were sip!: with influen za. :o: Dr. and Mrs. K E. Boma, wno v ere called to Converse College, Spartanburg, S C... on account of their daughter Miss Nancy who is sick have l earned hoine. Dr. Bov.v ? cent a tew days in Sumter, S. C foro 'o?ning.bick. :o: Mrs. M. C. Mclvern left on Satar 057 for Atlantic City, N. J., .to mee! ler husband who has just ar.n(i fioni overseas am is stationed Camp D x Mrs. Mclvern will return nr.'? proV.bly her husband wil! accott. iiatiy her. :o: Sergeant J. E. Varner, oi Co. B. 539 Engineers, France, writes his brother, E. l. Vann, to have his evening clothes pressed and ready as he will soon be home to wear thern Judging from this message Sergeant Vann is enroute home. - :o: Miss Margaret "Warner, who has been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Morey, has returned to Trypn. Miss "Warner is expecting to spend the summer here with her father if a sui table house can be secured. :o: ' Any person who desires to enter a 'Class of Home nursing which will be conducted by the local cnapter oi tne R. Kirk. The cost material will be $3.00. The deficit will be paid by the chapter. :o: The business meeting and social half-hour in the Mother's Bible Class of the First Baptist Church will be held Friday afternoon, March 14, with Mrs. R. P. .Freeman at 3:30 o'clock. The meeting was postponed on account of the Mayer services this week. Alonzo Twyford, who has been In Atlanta, Ga., for three weeks, has re turned home. Mrs. Twyford, who is in Asheville for treatment is convales cing. "Will Twyford writes from Brest, France, that he expects to sail for the States soon. :o: Miss M. W. Stevens, who has been on a visit to Miss E. L. 'Baldwin at the Summer1 Home ais returned to Asheville. Miss Stevens is a Red Cross nurse from Montreal, Caiada who nursed the wounded soldiers after 0 the battle at Chateau -Thierry. ' :o: - "Walker Smith is adding an exten sion to the rear of his bakery on Main street to accomodate a large oven oZ :the most modern type which will in crease the capacity of his bakery by about fifty per cent. :o: G. M. Glazener has returned from Nw York City where he has spent some time in the selection of new goods. Some Hendersonville History The telephone In the office of the llarht and Dower comnanv Tints strain. A feminine voice tliisSJme, that of ozs of the company's best patrons, one who nses a large amountVf lighting service each month. "Is this the dyna mo V In order to satctiike strict veracity fs thrown . overboard and the office replies "Yes,' this ialthe dynamo." "What's the matter with the lights 1 There is not a Hgltt on In my house, but everybody else in the neighborhood sems to have light." It is past seven o'clock ola dark winter evening, and an icy mixture of sleet and rain Is covering every fKBgLop outside. However, there Is no help for it, and the office catches Mr. Bangst his house, where he thought the day's work was over. He gets inio working clothes once more, cranks up the Henry, and makes a drive of nearly a mile through the ram and sleeti When he arrives at the scene of trouble tie discovers that someone a servant or a child, has pulled out the main switch and left it open. 3Tr. iiangs closes uie switch ana seexs me outer air wnerne may express himself without restraint, and beats it for home. One more troulWe "killed." V THE HOME ELECTRIC COMPANY s