- CHILDREN'S SPRING APPAREL WAS NEVER PRETTIER The models are partial reproductions of womenM styUt simplified and made suit able for children. W hare the cleverest of the new mod els, very modestly priced! $7.50 VALUES FOR ONLY . . . . - - -$6-75 $6.50 VALUE FOR ONLY ..... .$5.75 $5.00 VALUE FOR ONLY... ...... ?4.25 $4.00 VALUE FOR ONLY. . $3.25 $3.00 VALUE FOR ONLY...... ...$2.25 Yard-wide Bleaching, 25c value at only 16c yard. Best Yd-wide Sheeting. . . .19e yd. ' t Percale, 25c value, 10 yds to a cus tomer 10c yd. 35c Gingham 19c yd. Hickory Shirting and Cheviots, 22 l-2c. Creton and Draperies, 50c quality .only. 1.35c yd. Bed Spreads up to $3.00 value, only $1.75 each. Big TWek 10c each . , Bath Turd, 40c value,. 25c each Ladies' heavy-weight1 Underwear, 85c value only 39c Ladies Gauze Vests. 25c & 15c Ladies Union Suits, $1.50 value for only 50c "Window Shades, 75c quality . for only 4Sc Striped Voiles, 40c quality. . .19c Outing and Flannels, 35c value, only .18c yd. Oil Prints, Calicoes solid colors, 25c value for. ... .12 l-2c yard. Blue Chambry, 25c value . . 15c yd. Silk Taffeta, short lengths, up to O $2.50 value 95c yd. "White Goods, values up to 50e, only 19c yd. Feather Tick, 50c val 35c yd. Drilling, good for wagon covers, 50c value 35c yd Ladies Middies 95c up. Oil Cloth, 50c quality for. .25c y I. Cotton Batting 7c per I.y.1. ALL THE NECESSARY SPRING DRESS " ACESSORIES Hosiery, gloves, trimmings, Cor sets everything needed to . com plete your wardrobe will be found here in splendid array. Best styles and colors of course. Best of all prices are especially low! FINE VALUES IN DRES S MATERIALS FOR SPRING. We have secured an unusually large stock of dress goods and silks foV Spring, including just the materials you will want for youk new dresses, suits, waists and coats. . Splen did values are offered to introduce tnis assortment. $2.50 yard Silk $1.85 yd $2.00 Grade S1-45 $4.00 French Serge, 54 inch. . . .$2.75 yd ...$1.75 yd .. ....$1.45 yd. 95c up. 45c yd. . . . . . 22c yd. 23 J Corsets at all Prices 65c to $7.50 each. $1.00 Corsets for..... .. $1.50 Corsets for. .-. ..... .55 3 ,95c Ladies' Silk Teddies, $3.00 valie 'only , ..$1.91 Biggest assortment - of Ladies silk and crepe deehine Underwear in Western North Carolina at Re duction of 25 per cent! . , .Collar and 'Cuff sets, 50c value j'o for .25c "Fancy Yarns, 35c hanks for, , , . ,s ju 50c hanks for only. $3.00 French Serge, 54 inch $2.00 Serge All wool Storm Serge ' Nainsook best grades, 73c qualitj Hope and Fruit of the Loom Blekching. Poplin, 45c quality for .25c yd. Silk PoDlin. vard wide. ' 85c yd. - X 7 V d;,' ,ttViU nnrl pftlnrs FtOo rmalilr 25c Nainsook, 35c quality .....25c yd Voiles and Organdies at remarkably LOW prices- Dimity Checks, 35c quality. . . .Ibc ycl. Best Percales -WQ yd- TThnld Cloth. 79c srrade. .39c yd. 7 - - - O Mixed Plaids, 85c quality for .5c yd PILLOW CASES Salem and Pepereli 42 x 36...... .... 68c pr. 45 x 36... .......: 72c pr. Other Brands 48o pr. One lot Sheets 81 x 90. .95c each. Salem and Pepereli Shee;3 54x90... : 7-:x90 L.'i0 SI x 90 SU20. . Mohawk sid Pequot; Sheets 54x90...... ... .,.......$1.35 72 x 90... ......$1.65 81 x 90...... ...$1.75 otfc . REMNANTS peranantg of all kinds up to 45o tiuallty; : . :7:'":":7.7. . . -C yd. Curt&'in Goods, 35c value. .12 l-2c P3 DO NT FAIL TO ATTEND THIS BIG SPRING OPENING Free Valuable Souvenirs Carnations and Music 'During this Opening and Sale Extra Help Wanted, at Once - A Preliminary El beneficai to you on Thursday, m FREE CARNATIONS AND SOU Delightful indeed are. the surprises the Fashion Creators'J quite unknown they have designed garments and approved colors 1 to those whose preferences are for practical styles. Not one of the genuinely correct styles features of the new se sembled here for this Spring Showing ! You are not left to imagins your inspection, splendidly displayed to allow careful leisurely insps All of these new creations were b ught in New YorK by us them toyou for sums that will not make you hesitate about selecti ALTHOUGH PRINTED IN COLD TYPE OUR INVITATION TO THOUGH WE DELIVERED IT TO YOU IN PERSON! WELC0 THE NEW SPRING SUITS IN ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY AT LOW SEASON-OPENING PRICES. All of the best Spring uit styles are presented. Only the best Spring suit fabrics are involved. You will like them You'll like the prices still more. $65X0 Coat Salts . . 55.00 $55'00 Coat Suits ..,$47.50 $50.00 Coat Suits. . . . ... . .$42.50 $45.00 Coat Suits.... .... .$37.50. $37.50 oat Suits .$29.75 $30.00 Coat Suits $23.75 $25.00 Coat Suits $19.50 $20.00 Coat Suits $15.00 All Middy Suits 25 per cent. off. 10-4 Pepereli Sheeting. . .65c yd. 9-4 Pepereli Sheeting 56c yd. 45 in. Pepereli Tubing 40c yd. 42 in. Pepereli Pillow Tubing.5s - YOU'LL FIND SKIRTS AND DRESSES MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. And we are ready to meet the great and enthusiastic demand with a splendid showing. All styles are attractively low priced. $25.00 Skirts. .$19.50 $20.00 "Skirts., .i.i ... ...$15.95. $15.00 Skirts .......... ; $12.50 $10.00 Skirts $7.95 $8.00 Skirts ......... . . . . . . $6.75 $7,00 Skirts. . .... ... . . . . .$5.75 OnQ lot of all wool Skirts value up to $7.00... .$2.95 each. LADIES SILK HOSE ' ." : Ladies 50c quality Silk Hose only ' . .25c pair. $1.00 Silk Hose only. . . . . i ...... v .... ....... 75c $1.50 Silk Hose only. . ... , . .'. . . 95c $2.50 Silk Hose only. . . ... : . ; . . ...:.v ..$1.75; -AW - 1 in imu.i.iii.i im. i'Wh' - fiTtt l : - - - BEAtJiY RUNS RIOT AMONG THE NEW SPRING WAISTS. This isunquestionably an un ' usual showing. We believe these waists are prettier thanany Spring has yet brought iorth. Opening prices are ires'istibly low. The most fashionable are here and at these low prices. Georgette Crepe "Waists, $15.00 value for .$11.75 $ 12,0-V Georgette Waists $9.50 $10.00 Georgettes for $7.95 j Georgette & Crepe . DeChine "VTaists $7.50 Waists. . . ... . .$5.75 $6 00 Waists... .,....$4.95 $".00 Waists... $3.95 Crepe DeChine and Voile Waists $4.50 Waists ... ... . .... . . $3.75 $4.00 Waists ...... . .: $3.25 $i0 Waists. . . .$2.75 Samples of Ladies Waists, $2.00 values for 95c On,e lot Shirt Waists, value up to $1.50... ... 49c Each Muslin Underwear at Big Reduction. .1 i MLARGm-. iM), 'BEST i) 1 ' Mi ,,. i .Of i t