t4 '.- VS-r FBE3TCH BROAD HUSTLER, HEND ERSON TILLE, K. C. , THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1919. .... ... -v -. - . - ' - " ' 1 ' m n . law 7 IKJ Ution of the New Spring Fashions rnade doubly Th anrp will be ooen at 9 o clock :h 27th ready to receive Fh st Day Visitors.! Welcome tNIRS DURING SALE. MUSI0 iared for you in this Spring! With consideration heretofore yill at once appeal to inose 01 nigniy artisuu wavca o li oeen oniitiea irom ine spieuuiu buioiiio - the most favored models appear they are here awaiting Qt concessions in price. And as a result we are able to present fie ones which appeal to your most, on sight. f TO ATTEND THIS EVENT IS HEARTY IN INTENT AS OPENING DAY. tj.; J Z IV- LADIES SKIRTS One lot of all wool Sample 1 Skirts, val. up to $7.00. $1.95 ea. Wool Skirts, $3.00 val.... $1.95 ea. $45.00 Dresses $37.50 $40.00 Dresses .$33.75 $35.00 Dresses . $29.00 $25.00 Dresses. . . .$19.75 $30.00 Dresses " $25.45 $20.00 Dresses $15.95 $18.00 Dresses . . . . $12.95 $15.00 Dresses. - -$9.95. Ladies Wash Dresses 98c up RAIL ROAD FARE REFUNPED WITHIN RADIUS OF 40 MILES v WITH LIBERAL PURCHASE " SPLENDID VALUES IN THE NEW SPRING COATS AND CAPES. We feel that these new Spring coats will win your immediate approval. Unusually natty, well made and of "handsome materials. Low prices throughout the stock. $65.00 Coats $55.50 $55.00 Coats $47.50 $ 5.00 Coats .$37.f,C $c7 5C Coats..'. .'...$29.75 . 00 Coats...... $1375 $'-5.00 Coats $19.50 $20.00 Coats. .$15.00 J 5.00 Coats $11.95 Will do our best to have every thing marked, and what v we haven't got amrked down, ask for the redaction. Sale will continue until Easter. Be sure you ar at, PATTIvftSON'S. Ladies' Spring Millinery TEE SPRING MILLINERY TAKES ONE'S BREATH AWAY. It's that beautiful! Such Hats! Such Shapes! Such Trim mings! "Perfect Dreams" you'll all say. Perfect values at these prices. Ladies and Children's Trim med and untrimmed Hats from 50e to $15.0 You can save 25 per cent, during this Sale. $25.00 Sweaters... $20.00 Sweaters.... $18.50 Sweaters... $5.00 Sweaters.. $4.50 Sweaters.. $4.00 Sweaters.. $3.00 Sweaters. . $2.50 Sweaters.., ...$19.50 $15.00 Sweaters $10.95 $ 8.50 Sweaters $6.95 ...$15.00 . $ 7.00 Sweaters... $5.95 ...$12.50 $10.00 Sweaters ..$7.95 $ 60o Sweaters.... .......$4.95 . . .$3.95 ... $3.2o ...$2.75 . . .$2.50 ... $1.7o Reduction on all Children's and Misses Sweaters. MEN'S SWEATERS AT BIG REDUCTION. $15.00 Sweaters. $10.00 Sweaters. .. .$10.95 ... $7.95 $ 8.50 Sweaters... $6.95 $ 5.00 Sweaters... $3.95 All Boys Sweaters also Re-'duced. Men's Ribbed Underwear, $1.25 quality for 65c Flannel Shirts, $3.50 values for only $1.95 Mdn's Work Shirts. 75c aualitv for only 50c Hats'UD to $4.00 qualitv. . - Si C5 Man's Army Belts, "50c quality, only 25c Men's Khaki Coats, valuo $3.50, for only $1.25 ech. Without a doubt we will save you 50 per cent, on your Springl pur chases. MENS FURNISHINGS Shirts, ties, collars, cuffs, under wear, hosiery, etc., for Spring are now on exhibition. They come in the brands you know tftat look and wear best. And quote such low prices as those. Men's Hose, 25c value 15c 20c value 10c One lot soft Collars at 2 l-2c Men's Shirts, $1.25 value 65c 16 Dozen $2.00 Shirts at .95c SHOES ! One lot Men's and Ladies Low cut Shoes up to $7.00 val. . , . $3.95 Up to $6.00 value $2.95 $4.00 value $1.95 A few odds and ends in Men's .and Ladies' Shoes $1.45 Pair. Tennis Shoes, $1.00 value 65c Children's Shoes, 25c pair and up. Men's and Ladies' Rubbers, $1.25 value 75c 3,000 YARDS OF DRESS GOODS DIFFERENT MATERIALS MILL ENDS 7c A YARD DURING THIS SALE. MEN'S NEW SPRING SUITS These suits will appeal to every man who likes igarments with plenty of sensible . styling in their make up. For thats what these new styles parade I prominently, from collar, to trousr cuff. Sizes for all men. Mediums, longs, slims and stouts. Hart Schaffner & Marx and Sch- loss Bros. Clothing, $55.00 Suits only .,... $42.50- Young Men's Flannel Suits, Bhie, Green, Brown, $30.00 values for only .$22.50 BOYS SMART SUITS We have them in most every ma terial mothers are familar with and made up in a wide variety smart styles in plain, pinched back and belted effects. At these prices! Boys' Corduroy Knee pants.. 98c Boys' Suits, $1.96, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $5.95, $6.95. Values up to $12.50. Boys' Scout Suits, value, $12.00f only... .$5.95' Hats and Leggins to match. 182 Suits, values up to $40.00 for only $19.50 Your choice of 84 Suits, valued up to $30.00 for . . .$16.50 each Your choice of 193 Suits, includ ing Palm Beaches and Cool Cloths, values up to $15.00 for , only .. .. ... $7.50 each. One lot of Worcester Suits, value $12.50 for... ... $8.85 One lot of Suits up to $22.50 val. for $12.50 Men's Coats, values up to $15.00 for only $3,00 Men's Pants, Val. $2.50. $1.65 pr. Mn's Bants, $2.00 values. .$l-2&- Fine Pants, values up - to $7.00, for only. $4.25 Men's and Boys' Caps up to 75c values 25c Good quality cashmere Knee Pants-. . 50c $1.50 quality Knee Pants. . . . .95e Boys' Shirts and Blouses 75e value ... ... 50c We pay Railroad Fare within Radius of 40 Miles with Liberal Purchase J .: