ri Y t t VOL. XXVI.. NO 27 THREE SALES OF LAKD HERE THE There will be three different land auetion sales in Hendersonville next wee"k, all conducted by Penny Bros., the .men. responsible for the very, successful sale of the W. A. Smith property last week. The land to be offered is highly desirable in every way, and at the present low values for -real estate here offers a certain and safe investment. The famous Toms' hill will be sold on August 5, at 10:30 in the morn ing. S. Maxwell will sell his superb property on Fifth avenue certainly a. street where no chances are taken by investors, and where thousands of dollars is. now being spent for new homes. . This will be on August 7, at 3:30 in the afternoon. J. H. Ripley will sell fifty lots on Third and Fourth avenues. This sale of desirable city lots will be held on August 7, at 10:30 in the morning. .-.-y .... ..-.. 5"- ' -Is.'"- fx,. r- ; HORTESE MELSO.J To appear at Opera Hoase In Benefit Performance for Patton Memorial Hospital. ANOTHER MERCHANT COMING i - . Itis understood that one of tin i bestf known Asheville msrehauts in tends opening a store in Henderson viliet He Is a man known not only through Western North Carol in but through a wider extent of ih south Jas one who puts his sho-iWcr to U.e wheel of civic progress an.i pushes--HARD. - After a thorougn .j.;wt:sation of conditions here ha has. it i9 taer Stood, definitely decided to invest in the town's future. BUYS RAILROADS f t. RJ A- McTyer, a guest at the Ken- tucky Home, and who 4uys and sells railroads, says that :HendefsonvllIe JaaV about the finest future of any town of which he has any knowledge. I He excepts Orlando, Florida, but not raan other places. Mr. and Mrs. 'McTyer have been coming to Hen dersonville each sumWr ; for many ' yearyiad he notes the changes the changes which time brings. . m. McTyer, the other day, bought 4thraeivUlewand Western railroad, i wiich ends not far f roni- Henderson ville, paying, for it $75,000. On last Kbad3y:iie,:ld, the road for $84000. 5Ie U oa oijthe. best Known bankers ad railroad men in thetouth and a . aoensistent booster of Fhjrida. fed m Last 'Sunday the Ke.tt'tc! Home f2d peope. That means. &a?a a t?sfew;S;. man here, that cogle II A ! 1 i S i R LEAVES CITYlS GREAMITH PRHPFRTY CITV HUSTLE People die some of them, are forgotteu- and are forgotten Newspapers die and -some of them. The French . Broad Hustler is about to die, for it has been sold. These are its hist words, for even its name will be changed, but it will not be forgotten.. Thi3 paper was born in the moun tains and came to Hendersonville many, many years ago. It came to a Hendersonville quite different from the Hendersonville of today a quiet, a beautiful., village with a row of great trees down its always calm Main street, disturbed not by the dis cordant honking of many motor cars. A quaint and a very small street car, drawn by a pair of sedate brown mules, ran from its owner's home on Main street to the station. The fare was five cents, which you deposited in a box at the front end of the car, where it was under the driver's eye. "Jim" Rickman was a leading mer chant and "Old, Jim" Waldrop sold real estate. His office was in a little brown building where they are now excavating for a new bank and the sign over the door read "Smith and ;Wldrop.'" Captain Toms was the village capitalist and the old Virginia House ' stood where now the million dollar bank has its home. Colonel S. V. . Pickens was a familiar figure on streets less crowded than today, streets' less crowded than today and Dr. IPeSfr'.prapttced :his profession. A crushed stone, walk, .pot . the- ar iest to travel, ran the length of Main street and- when'the town,,eame''td int prove this with a twehty-fbot concrete pavement, long and serious was the discussion of the startiling innova tion. The school system well, the school system was somewhat different from what it Is today, and the board of trade, father of the present effi cient organization, was working hard for the good of the town. The meet ings were held in the commissioners room in the court house, and some times the lights would go out, and I sometimes there would be but a very small handful of the faithful present, but always were there present "Jim'-' Waldrop and one other W A. Smith. And it seems that while Time has worked many changes here, has sent some on a journey and is responsible for many queer things, it seemp that Time has touched "Bill" Smith ;nost lightly of all. In those days there was the same vehemence, the same optimism, the same determination in this builder of Hendersonville ihat there is today. Some cf those Voarft of trade meetings were mighty In teresting. ,.... It was at one of these gatherings that the decision was reached to. afi vertlse Henderson vil I o. The work on the first town booklet was all done n the Hustler office and all of the boys were proud of that "vcrk. On the cover of the little booklet were two gates open. This was printed in gold. It suggested, it is needless to. say, that the gates to Hendersonville, . the gates to opportunity, were wide open. Yes, that was sure some nif;y piece of Job printing, not at. all in she same class with the nw ; town booklets of many- colors and wonderful pictures. Well, it wotjld be possible to go on and talk forever about that HusUer ofSce of those days and thai most beautiful village of those days. But ever, since then, and before then tor that; matter,-the Htwtler. has al ways been telling everyone . Just- how fine a tdtrn it home town was . ajsd just how .proud it was fo liva in such a' town.'.;. Editorially .and locally f it has printed many mile's of words ct the good things tobefpand .here, .and of the otter things It- has printed but very few words, indeed.' In this re spect it "is like Judge Pacer-may his shadow never -grow less, and he I !S ? HI I I 1 ntT rUVimff- . MIA rSaaa ' . mi hill fit tuiuKt m mm over year bring REIE1ERE0 THE CITiZEi 144,000 THOUSANDS I continue prtId m$M , clrk of , tn HENDERSON VILLE, N. C. Under the caption "Hendersortville Does Things." The Asheville Citizen said, editorially, on July 25:, "Hendersonville people know that the way to prosperity and eenimunity accomplishment is by y;ork and doing things. Tha French Broau Hustler in a booster building edittou tells the story of a half-million dol lars to be spent by our , hustling f- neighbors on business establishments and residences. The building pro gram includes a new hotel to cos: $100,000; residences valued at $50,000; the Home Ice and Oil company$100,- 000 for developments whiQh '"will in- I elude a storage plant; new Garage for the Hendersonville jAutomobile company; $50,000; the Citizens' Na tional bank an dthe First Bank and Trust company will erect new office buildings at a cost. of, $100,000 each; there will be a new apartment build ing and a new. office structure as wel: as additions to hotels aud'other busi- . i ness houses. f ) While other communities are wait- ' i -s ing for cheap lumber, andj other build ing supplies Henderseitvflle is "doing it now." f f The ice. and oil company is a new concern whose principal stockholders are: J. O. Bell," presux ent of the Green River Manufacturing company, i . Brownlow Jackson, John T. Wilkins and E. J. Rhodes.- I i It is not exaggerafed praise Jo .say that the communityf spirit of enter prise and determinaiion to do things assures Hendersonvjjlle of a great fu ture." . ' J I f" APPRECIATES THE PUBLICITY : 1 "The Kentucky if ome, for one, fully appreciates the publicity Henderson ville has been receiving through the Asheville itizen," said Miss Brown, of that hotel, yesteway. just fine." ' : f 'We think it Henderson Coutty Superior ixurt un- t til that day. conjes when a new and much larger county court house will be required, wlijch will be some little time. As to Itat politics well, M. L. Shipman has always been editor or The Hustler, in the face of difG culties of whi(i the outside world has had no conception, The Hustler has always kept tie faith. The devil siys, and so many unwise suggestions iome from the devil, that before the old Hustler dies he would like to see itf tell the plain, unvarnish ed truth abrut some things. . He says he would lie to see a wedding written up as it ' siould be with the bride groom played up in the headlines and the bride Dismissed with an "also present.'j lBt the 'eI.; -an;. im petuous (ilsposition with a love for flowers, si all who enter, the Hustler office ma see. For those struggling plants in an interesting variety of tin cans arefthe devil's and even has he planted flowers alongside the building and facias an alley! But a devil is a devil, always. There was a devil in the, old Mustier office, on Main street in the puilding owned by Mrs. For rest. T$ie power there was a gasoline engine of uncertain temperment at best add the devil experimented with .i a i the engine and there was no paper for several days, w Bt this is about all the- Merg will be al?ie to stand.' This, therefore, is the Hit Issue of The Hustler with whicp lii' L. Shipman and. T. R.r Bar row will- be connected. Th ey were cogiected .with it 'years . ago,' went apjftl and came together for a few weeks p'endlig; this final change. - Mr. Shipman is the Commissioner of La bor -and v Printing Mr . "! Barrows wilt be Connected with' the paper in- a" dim soirt of a way tor awhile, when, some timeln;th falL probably, h will as salie. his duties as puWtclt7 man for ta Ajsierille ,lard..ot;truda THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1919 (From Asheville Citizen) Hendersonville. July 24. The W. o . i.i.cu property, oITerod by the owner a few weeks ago to the city for park purposes . for $34,000, was sold at auction today for $44,983,. the average price paid for the Main street frontage of the plot being about $260. The city of Hendersonville boughgt the lot immediately adjoining the city huh paying $6,000 for twenty feet fron tage. The lot immediately p.'ijoinin? the new building of the Citizens Na tional bank, now in course of can struction, was sold for $S.04). Ihe frontage is twenty-four feet. The purchasers, Ewbank and Ewbank, real estate dealers, will improve their new property with a modern office building. Other purchasers were: R. L. Edwards, who paid $7,530 fo. thir ty feet; R. E.'; Dennis, of Bishopville, S. C, who paid $3,285 for fourteen feet; George H. Valentine, R. C. Clarke and -J'. Mack Rhodes who paid $7,500 for thirty feet. J. O. Hell, president of the Green River Manufac turing company, bought the frouuige on Fourth avenue and King street, in cluding the dwellings there, for $12, 630. The property is in the heart of Hen dersonville, and its sale means the immediate enlargement and improve ment of the business district. In one of the buildings to be erected there it is, expect ed-to' ha v a 'Masonic hall that will compare favorably with any in North Carolina . The; law offices of Smith, Shipman, and Arledge, which have been on this property for more than a quarter of a century, will be in the new office building to be erected by Brownlow Jackson on Fourth avenue. Thi his toric old building now occupied by the firm will be moved to another site. Mr. Smith will proceed to still further develop Laurel park, cf which he is the owner, and which f ir so many years has been the City tark which has attracted so many thou snds of visitors here. The manv drives in this City park, which has cost the city taxpayers never a penny, will be widened and improved and improve ments will be made to Rhododendron lake in the park, whose fine beach is daily covered with bathers. M. Smith, the dean of the Hendersonville bar, has made always a hobby of thia fine park, admitted to be the greatest touYis't Extraction Hendersonville possesses. NOT BUFORD II V V DOC it By one of those nlshly regrettable mistakes quite impossible io explain, the name of Buford Kaydock was substituted for the name of Dixon Lyda in a news item in last week's Hustler. The item said that Buford Haydock was the tallest man and that his wife was one of the shortest wo men in Henderson count "and that they were inters? d spe';rtors at the Owens trial. Everything was perfectly correct except that it was Dixon L da and not Buford Haydoek who was at the tiial. Mr. Haydock was not there neither was uis wife. Hvwas. as al ways, too busy with hia duties at Bat Cave, where he is the competent over seer of a large tract of land, owned by the Sisters of Charity. Mr. HaydockU lives at Bat Cave and not at Edney ville and both he and .Mrs. Haydock are reckoned mong the most -estimable people in Henderson county. ; A MU3ICALE A musicale will be given: at the Presbyterian manse; opposite the Cedars, Friday t evening at 9 o'clock for the benefit of the Balfour orphan .age. A-sUVer offering will be receive4 'at'thi-iov? ... Mrs. Eugene Rmsh, of Miami, Tla., the saprano; Miss Frances Burgess, Clinton, 3. C, pianist, and Mra. John WoooSsardLbf . HetKiersonville. violin- tiviti acr.s' ,thcn,oa tfci rtrarai S GREATEST There's a spirit of joy in i.he air. The crcva is a summer crowd, wall dressed and out for a, good time. The girls are pretty, seem as care-free. s the wjnd.' and they are, oh, so daintilv sowned. while the men m ie the beStt?Portunity-'" show they know how, poor things But it's the women's dresses that add the picturesque touch to that slow moving throng on Main street would that it had some other name! The magnificently wide thorough fare is, as always, blocked with num berless motor cars, any number of them representing a comfortable for tune. One of them bears a neatly printed legend "Hurrah for the Girl in Pink." Why this distinction is not known, for the casual observer, even though long married, feels like hur rahing for the girl in pink and yellow and blue and all the other colors, too Here and there one sees dreadful looking spiders feathery things that would wobble and shimmle most shamefully. A closer examination reveals they are suspended from trees , bordering the walk, with one end of the thread held in the hands of some giggling youngster, who gigg les louder when the imitation spider is dropped close to your face and then jerked suddenly away. Beyond some boys have attached a cord to a fat pocketbook. A woman stoops, the pocket . bqok , s goiieand, sh,r ivalks onT somewhat pink of face. Medicine men with wonderful cure-alls and live rattlesnakes, benches filled with well dressed iders, beggars of alms, music drifting from, the' theatres, help complete the picture. The crowd is always moving, it is never still. Just how many thou sands of visitors are here now no one seems to know more is the pity. Some say 5,000 others place the fi gure at double that. The stores are ailed, the streets are jammed it is al ready the greatest season Hender sonville has ever Wown, and the flood has by no means reached its heighth. And it is a different crowd from that of previous vears. Certain ly there is more money being spent here than during any previous season and there is a different spirit in the air. Perhaps it is because the war is over, and that long dread is now a thing of the past. Perhaps it is be cause most everybody is prosperous for prosperity nearly always, but not always, brings happiness, too. But whatever the reasop, the visitors now here are the best dressed, the girls are the prettiest, and the men the most liberal, of any crowd here since Hendersonville has been a re sort. ASHEVILLE ROAD OPEN The Hendersonville-Asheville hign way is finairy open clear through and it is the devout prayer of aM motorists that it may remain open. Among those who are thankful that the road is finished are the drivers of the Interurban busses who have had their troubles and plenty of them in steering their big cars around the unspeakable detours. It is an indica tion of their skill, and of the care exercised by the management in the selection of 'their employees, that tlie trips . have btfen made on schedule time and with never a suggestion of any accident. With the concrete finished there Is no more pleasant ride in the ; moun tains? thanh between the. two rcities About the finest view of the moun tains may rba had on this trip, now made so very conveniently and so very safely that it is an out and out pleasure. For this calls .for no trip to the railway station, and then another trip from the station at the other end of the ride. Passengers are taken aboard and discharged in tae heart 'of the city, convenient to the' shops and all business places. The extreme popularity of the Interurban Is" Indicated by the constantly increas ing business it Is doing, it is a fea ture of Ufa. bere appreciated jr beta th visitor aa tin. fyoiaa .. feJV PRICE FIVE CENTS FARMERS ARE ' "There V morley in farming these days of high prices," said K. G. Mor ris, of Smith, Jackson and Morris, "and it's . going to continue that way for many years. It's the farmer's I J. he firm of which Mr. Morris is a member has an advertisement in this issue of The Hustler that must be of particular interest to all those con iamplating going back to the land, or to those interested in financing their propositions along safe and most remarkable liberal lines. Henderson .county is fast coming into its own so far as the farming industry is concerned. The farmers here were never more prosperous than they are today, and they were never more progressive. Tractors are by no means rare things on Hender son farms, and of all other imple ments there are far more now than there were but a few yaars ago. The firm of Smith, Jackson and Morris needs no introduction to the people of , Henderson county. , Their advertisement would seem to be of peculiar interest to many at this time. IV. A. SMITH Who Offered City Property which sold, few weeks later, at many thousand of dollars increase. J. 0. BELL INVESTS HERE J. O. Bell, president of the Green River Manufacturing company, is be coming more and more identified with the growth of Hendersonville. Mr. Bell has comparatively re cently bought many parcels of land here. At the auction sale of the W. A. Smith land last week, he purchas ed none of the Mainr street frontage but all of the remainder, including that fine residence of E. G. Stillwell. Mr. 'Bell is one of the principal stockholders in the new. , company about' to erect" k cbldStdf age plant here, is a heavy stockholder in the Hendersonville Automobile company, recent buyers of the Sample property,, and with Brownlow Jackson is owner of the lot on Fourth avenue opposite the postoffice upon' which is to be erected the city's first apartment house. It is quite needless to say that this successful man of affairs is a firm be liever in the future of Hendersonville. MILK HIGHER After August 1st milk in Asheville will sell' , for -eighteen cents a quart.' The producers WW get" from forty to forty-flve cents a gallon. There is -no -immediate prospect of any lwer . prices. Should 'the govern-; meht grant the demands of the Brotherhood for higher wages, which would mean higher freight rate's, the chances are the price of. milk will .go : still higher. "Miss Minnie "Arledge, of Colambos, Polk county, ;was a. visitor here Mon day enroute ta Ohio and Indiana,' where she will lis' friends... Fror Cher Miss Arledge' will go to Omaii where ah , will b the guet f htr bfC&fT .... .t PROSPEROUS, HE SAYS J . .. i .