THURSDAY NOVEMBER 27, THE HENDERSONVILLE NEWS, HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. -o DR. A. H. MOREY Dentist Office: aiorcy Building PHONE 60 HendersonTille, JT. C. -0 Hendersonville Plumbing Co. A. A. McCALL, Manager Sanitary Plumbing STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING PHONES 109 & 452-W Main Street, opposite Justus Pharmacy. Bu ford's Book Store keeps all kinds of legal blanks and trespass notices. dr. e. a. McMillan (Successor to Dr. W. T. Wallace) DENTIST Office: Burckmyer Bldg., 4th Ave. Phone 442. Hendersonville, N. C. DR. E. EHRINGHAUS DENTIST Phone 57 Ficker Building Hendersonville, N. C. DR. W. H. VANDER LINDEN DENTIST Phone 351. Office Over Duff's HOLMES BUILDING Hendersonville, N. C. mi ilk A complete food, Lowest in cost Most nourishing. Rich, pure milk QUART T. FARM DAIRY R. BARROWS PHONE 66 MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage deed exe cuted to the undersigned by Wesley Logan and wife, Angeline Logan, on the 6th day of September, 1916, and re corded in Book 46 at page 132 of the Henderson County mortgage records, to secure the indebtedness therein mentioned, default having been made in the payment of both principal and interest I will sell at the court house door in the City of Hendersonville, at 12 o'clock M., on Saturday the 15th day of December, at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, all the following described pieces or parcels of land lying and being in Henderson ville township and designated as fol lows: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at a stake in a branch known as the school house branch and in the middle of the public road,. the beginning corner being 48 poles with the road in a Southerly direction from Nelson's and Liveretts corner; thence with the branch North 57 west 25 3-4 poles to a stake on the south bank of said branch; thence South 33 degrees west 22 poles to a stake; thence south 57 east 17 3-4 poles to a stake on the bank of the public road; thence with the public road to the BEGINNING containing 14 acres and being a part of the lands described in the petition filed in the Special proceedings J. D. Nelson et al vs. Sam J. Finley on file in the Clerk's office Superior Court of Henderson County. SECOND TRACT: Being all the land described in the deed of J. R. Liverette and wife, M. A. Liverette, ! to W. C. Logan and dated October 7th, 1913, recorded in Book 85 at page 1 86 of the records of deeds of Hender- i son County to which reference is here by made for a complete description by metes and bounds and which said tract contains nine acres . The first tract herein described being the home place of said W. C. Logan and Ange line Logan, containing their residence, outbuildings, etc. This sale being made to satisfy said debt, interest and costs. This the 7th day of November, 1919. E. W. EWBANK, Attorney ll-13-4tc. MIDSIDDIER NIGHT'S DREAM AT FRUITLAND INSTITUTE RESOLUTION MR. SHIPMAN Resolutions adopted by Pine Grove 66, Woodmen Circle of Hendersonville, N. C, November 14, 1919. Whereas, God in His goodness saw fit to take from our midst, His servant Mr. J. - F. Shipman, beloved brother of Sov. Virginia Justus. Therefore be it resolved: 1 That we bow submissively to the will of our Heavenly Father. 2 That while we mourn "with her in the loss of her beloved brother, we thank God for his noble example 7 3 That we extend to the bereaved relatives our sincere sympathy 4 That these resolutions be spread upon our minutes and copies be sent to our local papers and Sov. Justus. Mrw .?rr' Mrs Blan Jack son, W. B. Reid. ltp THE DAY OBSERVED Thanksgiving Day will be observed by the .different churches of the city but there will be no union service LEAVES FOR WINTER Glover T. Jones, who has been working with the Hehdersonville Asheville Interurban Company, for the last six months, has accepted a posi tion with the White Star Auto Com pany of Miami, Fla., which operates cars here during the summer. Mr. Jones left for Miami last Saturday and will be at work there for the winter. JUNIORS HAVE MEETING Hendersonville Council No. 528 of the Junior Order of American Mechan ics entertained a number of visiting brethren from Brevard on Wednesday night, at which time some new mem bers were initiated and a bountiful supper was enjoyed. Do not allow the poisons of undigested food to accumulate in your bowels, where they are absorbed into your system. Indigestion, con stipation, headache, bad blood, and numerous ether troubles are bound to follow. Keep your system clean, as thous ands of others do, by wn-Mijj an occasional uose f , uniiui- iiiji iiiMiiiniN, j ti noi m i, , ' W V" imuvumv I n i i r- ii ... i I I - ' " ' A I v ' .5-Ia 4r- V !:q Soft Light !. j f the old, reliable, veg- fC Q gbie, family liver medi- Thedford's ft On Thursday evening at 8 o'clock the young ladies' literary societies of Fruitland Institute will present Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream." For some time the young ladies, un der the able direction of Miss Anne Thompson, head of the Expression De partment, have been putting every free moment into making it a success. For those who love to peep into fairyland and romance, a pleasant evening is promised. Admission will be 25 cents. Mrs. W. F. Pickle, of Rising Fawn, Ga., writes: "We have used Thed ford's Black-Draught as a family medicine. My motherin-!aw could not take calomel as it seemed too strong for her, so she used Black-Draught as a mild laxative .and liver regulator . . . we use it in the family and believe it is the best medicine for the liver made." Trv it. Insist on the genuine k Thedford's. 25c a rack- P age. E-75 .0 ft : : , - - n ----- - - .. ft Soft Rayo lamp light is the cheap est light to burn now and in the end: Good kerosei oil is the most economical light-fuel. It is easier on the eyes and nerves is steady and generous. Rayo lamps are scientific light generators give no trouble last a lifetime are easily filled and cleaned can be lighted without removing shade or chimney. Aladdin Security Oil gives best results i STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D. C. Norfolk. Va Richmond. Va. (New Jersey) BALTIMORE. MD. Charlotte. N. G. Charleston. W. Va. Charleston, S. C. ! i ; i iHow ABOUT SiX 8 EIGHT LOTS OR for a PUCe For y CR To i, SRY ! You Hve f Wcno- ERFub CtiMRTE OP NO U5E TaiXNG.l You Ghnt Kteipi f GOOD TOWN! O0WM.( OOME on: X- . f WNT TO BUY Thrt (. jsz.t nu ri in (- "T. . f House t, RENT R STORE. ROOIv, PoRCHRSE FIVE. l,OTS. DON T CORE. HOW vwch THtV CobT.i L it 1 I j We're always busy because we're always able to satisfy your property needs. Farm, city property, improved or unim proved. Most of the choicest offerings in this city and county is in our hands. H endersonville or Henderson county land values will never be lower than they are today. The city is growing and the county is developing agriculturaly. Land bought now is certain' to yield a handsome profit x'. t. coiildell you of some remarkable instances of this. We can aid you in financing your purchase. Gome in and talk it over 3 II ll i . 4 ... Main Street, Over Burckmyer Bros Hendersonville, North Carolina 3 n ' "" ' " " 1 1 "' " ""'"'I. , m IIIJItl -. : - f 1 y ;

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