l mi Hi j'iJ Subscribe .Kow Before The Advance Jan. 1 Price A6Tsces T T $l0 a Tear January 1 H? HENDERSONVILLE, -N. C, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 18, 1919 .J' VOL. XXVI NO 46 V' - PRICE FIVE CENTS 77 0 (J- nil 9 (if -TU L Jin J -1 . . U viz 1 Thousands of Dollars -Subscribed by People Hotel Men Make Definite Proposition to Hendersonville; Modern Fire-Proof Hotel Assured A $175,000 reinforced concrete fire proof hotel for Hendersonville, which has been the dream of its people for a long time, seems practically assured. Coupled with this fact is the gratify ing news that plans call for . its completion for the 1920 summer sea son. The proposition that has been under consideration for the past few months and undergoing slight revisals from time to time is beginning to assume definite shape. Mr. Tallevast and his associates, all experienced hotel men, propose to conduct the hotel under lease, placing $50,000 to the building fund with Hen dersonville people subscribing an equal amount and bonding the total for $75,000. The question of a market for the bonds appeared to be the obstruction before further procedure and Mayor J. Mack Rhodes, who in company with ialize and Mr. Tallevast proposes to -3am T. Hodges visited Charlotte Sat- have a large force of men laying eou urday in this connection, reports crete by the middle of January and to satisfactory progress and the cam paign will doubtless continue for sub scriptions. Last Friday when the proposition of the Floridians was considered and committees appointed it was an nounced that Hendersonville men had signed for stock to the extent of $25,- ALL CHURCHES OF THE , CITY WILL CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS NEXT WEEK. Appropriate Exercises Will Be Car ried Out Mostly By Sunday School Children Mainlv on Christmas Eve. WILL REMEMBER THE NEEDY, Christmas will be celebrated at all the churches of the city next week. At the First Baptist church there will be exercises on Christmas Eve night, beginning at 7:30 o'clock and lasting one hour. The different class es of the Sunday school -will make up substantial gifts for people in need. The classes are now trying to ascer tain such cases. At the East Hendersonville Baptist church there will be a small Christ mas tree on Friday night after Christ mas. There will be some informal exercises, beginning at 7:30, the oc casion being mainly for the pleasure of the children. The Presbyterian Sunday school will give an entertainment on Christ mas Eve, consisting of a program carried out by the children. There will be no distribution of presents, but the children are expected to make a contribution to the pooi connected with the congregation. A collection will be taken .for Christian education and ministerial relief and a Christmas box of good things will be made up for the Mountain Orphanage at Bal four. On Christmas Eve at 7:30 o'clock the Methodiet Sunday school will have a program by the children. and a decorative Christmas tree. The Catholics will celebrate the day with service, comunion and sermon at 8 o'clock on Christmas morning. There will be three celebrations of the Holy Eucharist on Christmas Day in St. James Episcopal' church. At midnight beginning at 11 : 45 Christ mas Eve, at 7:30 and at 10 -o'clock The three Eucharists at Christmas commemorate the visit of the ahgeis, the visit of the shepherds and the fact of the Incarnation.' At the conclusion of the 10 o'clock service a Christmas - Dinner will be served at the rectory for the conven- WATCH YOUR LABEL The name label on your paper gives the date to which your subscription has been paid. If it expiree before January 1, 1920, you can save 50 cents a year for five years by subscribing before that date. Need not wait for tune to run out. Sub scribe today. As Evidence of 000 and that about $7,000 additional had been subscribed. The greater part of this was in $1,000 subscrip tions. The committee named by Chairman C. E. Brooks at the meeting Friday night to solicit additional subscrip tions is composed of F. A. Ewbank, chairman ; J. Mack Rhodes, Brown low Jackson, CF. Bland and Michael Schenck. Little difficulty was experienced by the committee that previously work ed in behalf of the hotel in securing several one thousand dollar subscrip tions. The proposition calls for the erec tion of a five story structure on the Bell-Jackson lot opposite the post office and fronting the residence of S. T. Hodges. Those who have interested them selves in the undertaking feel confi dent that the movement will mater- have the hotel completed by the mid die of July. This movement has taken very de finite shape -and it is coalidently be lieved that the necessary stuck will be subscribed and the prtiiruimiry mat ters all disposed ot before Christ mas. D03JESTIC SCIENCE CLASJS... ENTERTAINS WITH DLVNEli Th.e first year domestic science class of the city high school enter tained with a six o'clock dinner in their new building on North lain street Friday evening, December 3-. The reception room and dining room were tastefully decorated with red and green Christmas -coloi's. The dinner was served in four courses' by Misses Roberta Brooks, Helen lily, and Gertrude Smith.' Miss Hazal Knight acted as host and Miss Mary Eliza beth Walker as hostess. The guests were: Misses Rosa and, Lois. Ed wards. Alma Freeman, Gussie Ddtson, Lucile Morris, Ethel Sudlow, JessinaBrooks, Mattie Staifsel; Claire Lathrop, Mar garet Wilkins, Anna Crowder, Mes dames C. Few, Jr., and Ethel" Patter son. J MR. JEFFKESS SUCCESSFUL The C. J. Jeffress Realty Co., ot Fletcher, N. C, sold $ 64,000 worth of real estate last weeit in Buncombe county and at Gate City, Va. From Canton Observer. ience of those who come in to churcii from the country. The children's Christmas Festival. which consists this year of va brief miracle play, is on Saturday, Decem ber 27 at 5 o'clock. W11CKIE SAYS 'ONE .guy -that r4ECK. AND NECK Nf H HtS K.VSE5i FER POPULAR lfN AROUND HS OFFCE IS ViWO LETS HIS PW lAS&fe BEHIND t ( REPOSES VT ATC fV IOFPVCS f AJOt V M4HMT W OV4ES MICKI. VOU-5AID SOMETHING! COUNTY WELFARE WORK IS NOT RENEWED AFTER ; TRIAL OP TWO MONTHS G. J. Lambeth Retires From Office at - Expiration of Time For Which He Was Appointed Super , Jntendent. REPORTS SCHOOL CONDITIONS The office of superintendent of wel fare work in Henderson county was virtually discontinued at the close qt the last month, no appointment being made for another term by . the board of county commissioners at the De cember meeting. "In accordance with this omission, G. J. Lambeth, after two months of service, retires from officfe. Mr. Lambeth received his appoint ment at the October meeting of the county commissioners; ; being recom mended to this position by the . county board of education. The appointment was made for two onths only, and this time having expired and no fur ther recommendation ' having been made, the office automatically came fco an end. - Since beginning- the work of super intendent Of county, welfare Mr. Lam beth has submitted two reports to the county commissioners. - -During- the first month he travelled 240 miles, and Visited 27 schools. , On these visits he talked to teachers, pupils and patrons, explaining the law and urging co operatiqn and thenecessity. of better school "attendance".' "He found only '"7?? per cent of children of school age en rolled and only 60 per cent of those enrolled attending school. ' The report of the second month shows that the superintendent visited the remaining 20 schools and revisit ed six; that he visited IS patrons and indicted one for violation of the school law; and that hefound three schools so badly demoralized that some legal action will probably be required to et them in the proper working condi tion. From teachers he had receivedj reports of 745 unexcused absentees and 137 excused. The law nrovides that in counties of less than 25,000 population the coun ty superintendent of schools may act as weltare omcer. Sunt. Shitle re cently received credentials to act m this capacity. RAMSETJR FARM MAY BE i USED FOR CAMP SCHOOL FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS Harvard Student Secures Option Property; Training For High College Students. on PROSPECTS TEK1 BRIGHT An option has been granted on the Ramseur pony farm to a student of Harvard university who purposes to have associated with him his uncle, instructor of athletics at Yale univer sity, in the establishment of a summer camp here for the benefit of students wishing to make hp deficiences in their studies at high universities. This young man, a friend of C. F. Bland, came to Hendersonville recent ly and closed the contract and it is be lieved that as a result of this the camp will be located here unless. the fact that he has won the Rhodes scholarship to Oxford causes a mis carriage in his plans. ; Mr. .Bland is quite enthused over the prospects of getting such a camp and , the. importance of such to this community. BUYS 20 SHORTIIOENS C. J. Jeffress passed through here Tuesday ..with twenty head-of Grade Shorthorns for his' farm on Mills Riv er' formfeed. From . Canton Observer. WATCH YOUR LABEL Don't feel offended after January 1 if you do not re ceive a copy of The News for this, journal will discon tinue its, weekly visits to those who are not paid in ad vance. - Subscribe today for $1.00 for after December 31 it will be $1.50 a year. P Verses, to Send With : Christmas Presents M With Embroidery or Any Needlework. ;Ma.y ah your years be glad and bright, : leep filled with pleasant days, 'And all your hours know sweet delight . ! Of love that lives and stays!-., j With some such wiahe3, true and kind, Each Christmas should begin. jTWhile some of these must auTely bind , Because they've been sewed in! With a Gift to a Smoker. j When clouds of smoke around you float Think sometimes. of this loving1 (friend i 17) (cordial) note. When pictures in the smoke you see . JWaft now and then a thought to ca, (But though you newer joys evoke, Don't let our friendship "end In smoke." t i With a Box of Candy "Sweets to the sweet," the wise old saw, i I quote because tis.fitting. ? iAnd tribute pay unto' the" law f With gladness unremittlngr. 'Tike unto like" is also true, Therefore : these candies haste to you.. f With Music or Musical Instrument. Because the very thought of you, , , t Makes mu3ic in my mind, ;Pray let me share the music true. I The sweetest (gayest) (brightest) I could , ftnd. r t I ' With a Laundry List or Bag. forhis gift is clean, as you may see, So, every time you'd cleaner be iJuat send a pleasant thought to me. ome if Electric T o Enlarge Plant ' . ' s TO RAISE DAM 50 FEET HIGH, COVERING 50 ACRES AND INCREASING STORAGE BASIN BY AT .LEAST 100 TIMES; WILL INCREASE, POWER CAPAC i ITy AT LEAST 50 PER X CENT; - POWER EQUIPMENT TO BE ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. The Home Electric Company, which supplies Hendersonville and com munity with electric power and lights, has begun big developments at power site No. 1 on Big Hungry and the plans call for completion in time to take care ot the increased power de mand next summer. The present . rock dam, which was erected 15 years ago, will be incorpo rated into the, new dam of concrete and raised to a height of 50 feet, im pounding the water so as to cover an area of 40 or 50 acres and make the storage basin fully 160 times greater than at present. This vastly increased storage cans for improvement at the power house where new and larger equipment will be installed so as to increase the nower fully 50 per cent. In addition to increasing the capacity of the plant it will greatly improve it in quality of service. This development will not affect power site No. 2, where the dam was built five years ago sufficiently high to back the water to site No. 1 ana utilize all the water passing from the latter. . . v Knowing that - the Home ' Electric Company experienced less aimcuity i,. ,,,mmI,r tVmr. at anv similar tie- riod in its history, The News inquired to know if a phenomenal growth in j power demands was anticipated. ;.The answer was in the negative, but the management - assured The 'Sews that iti wasthe. purpose of the ;Home Elec tric Company to adequately prepare itself for present and future needs for many years to come and thereby keep in advance of the requirements of the community and at all times be in readiness for any phenomenal de mand that might be made. The Home Electric Company has by SAVE $2.50 ON THE NEWS Subscribers are permitted to subscribe t for as many as five , years in' advance at $1.00 a year until January 1,1920. After that date The News will be strictly $1.50 a year and payable in advance. Save $2.50 by sub scribing today. To "Her," With a Pair of Cloves. O tittle thumbs, and fingers, too. 4. can, out wish that I. were you. Since you. unchid. mar clasn her hand Tell her but no! She'll understand. With a Book. I cannot make new worlds for you Tet these closed covers truly frame A wondrous world of rapture true Be pleased to enter in my name! To a Lady, With Slippers. O pretty slippers, small and slight. - -Be sure to - lead her steps aright; And when her dainty feet you hold. Guard them alike from hurt and cold With Shaving Materials. Should you cut yourself tn shaving, . Don't blame me ! Small effect has bitter raving - J When' the 'wound one" may not'see. But should your razor smoothly glide. Include rae in. your smile so wide. With Picture of Some Rural Scene. If your thoughts of town are weary," Rest your eyes and dream. f : Gazing on this picture cheery r - Of woodland (rural) (springtime) (ver T nal) vale and stream; Remember that had I my way. Such joys'would greet you every day. With Any Christmas Gift. Here's a thought of joyous cheer For Christmas and for all the year! no means had smooth sailing at all times, but of late has been, in better shape than ever before and its faith in the future of Hendersonville and surrounding territory and its expecta tion of a growth that will necessanry make .heavier demands, moves the comnanv to make this big improve ment in order to keep its facilities tar in advance of any reasonable demands that may be made by the territory it serves. LUTHERAN SEKVICfcS SUJUAl Go. There will be Lutheran services onjSOnville quintet: Sam T. Hodges, A cj,,jov mnrninp t li o'clock, conduct- i ed by Rev- Paul Miller of Columbia, S. C. M1GKIE SAYS (R.ENE, Glf ME GLASS OF vME. JtSf TMM" OLD HD-eQUED EGG vmO'S BCK SIX VEARS ON VAS UBSCR.PfOM, VE COME M v.FTeR. NME -THeA-fEtN' "T SUE HIM. V . 4 I M HS WftWtOlHt B05S "To -rvtttova off soME-rmrv The Ba becj2 vT,vjuz SO LARGE.'.! KVN VOU VOtJ FRIGHTBHEO) ME.MICKIE! I THOUGHT VOl W2E REALLY OKI t ; JS. 1 DR. BROOKS WILL SPEAK AT THE DEDICATION OP HIGH SCHOOL EUILDINCr State Superintendent of PuhHc In struetJon Accepts Invitation to he Present at Exercise on Dec. 19. FINE SHOWING FOR SCHOOLS' Dr. E. C. Brooks, State Superin tendent of Public Instruction, has ac cepted the invitation of the Henderson ville School Board to deliver an ad dress on the occasion of the dedica tion of the new High School building on the evening of December 19, at 8:15 at the opera house. A musical program under the di rection of Mrs. Honeycutt and th Hendersonville quartet will introduce the evening's address. The rapid progress which has been made in educational circles in Hen dersonville recently , has attracted the attention of the State Department and recognition will doubtless be made of the following accomplishments in con nection with the Hendersonville , City Schools. ...'.,.. Voting of $30,000 jBond Issue for High School building, with seven acre campus. . 2. Modern equipment of Higta School building. ' 3 . Introduction of Vocatiqnal Agriculture and Installation of equip ment as required by. Smith-Hughes Act. 4. Domestic Science Department doubled in capacity and enrollment . 5. Domestic Science Department for colored schools. 6 . Public School Music and Ameri canization studies introduced. 7. Supervised study and supervised athletics. Two basket ball courts; two tennis courts; general athletic field for foot ball, -baseball and outdoor gymasium. In addition to this, ample ground is offered for an agricultural demonstra tion garden. The enrollment for the city schools has , gone far beyond the 900 mart, this being about 200 more than ever before enrolled. These improvements and additional departments are requiring a teaching force of some 26 teachers. Ueccption to Dr. Brooks The trustees and their wives will act as host and hostess at the new High School building from 4 to 6 p. m., on Friday ; afternqon. After the visitors inspect the building they will be served hot drinks by the members of the classes in Home Economics un der the direction of Miss Louise Evans. Each visitor will have an opportun ity to meet the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Dr. E. C. Brooks, the honor guest of the trus tees and their wives. The latter are as follows: Judge and Mrs. O. V. F. Blythe: Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bland; Mr. and Mrs. It. P. Freeze; Mr. ana" Mrs. Sam T. Hodges ; Mr. and Mrs. Avery Justus; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Keith; Mr. and Mrs. King Morris; and Mr. and Mrs; A. L: Gurley. It Is hoped by the trustees .that the citizens of the town who are most interested In. the schools will be on hand to assist the trustees and their wives in wel coming the visitors. The faculty members will assist in showing th visitors through the building an-1 errounds. The evening program will consist of a short concert given by the Hender- C. Tebeau, J. G. McAdam3, Victor J. Garvin and A. W. Honeycutt. Miss. Clela Bryant and Mrs. Honeycutt wiU render piano numbers. CITY SCHOOLS AIIE PREPARING FOR ATCOCK O1TR0VEMEX F BAT V . ..Every grade in the city school:? Is making preparation for a program ot Friday,' which has been set apart by state school officials asAycock Im provement r Day." Each, grade is alsc raising . a contribution - to the Aycock: memorial fund,' and is planning som improvement, for the school to whicfc it belongs. BUYS 50-ACRE FARM W. B. Lamb, who recently returned to" this county from Idaho, has bought , a, fifty-acre farm, from -V. C. V. Shep herd, situated about live miles west or the city on the Brevard road; Mr. Lamb and family moved to this placa last Thursday. LAST NUMBER BEFORE XMAS The News will be published next week on Tuesday in stead of Wednesday in or der to give advertisers, read ers and The News the bene fit of holiday advertising". Those' wishing to insert either news or ads must have copy in this shop not later than Monday and much bet ter the latter part of . this week! . i ' ' -