WAGE 2i THE HEIfDERSONVILLE NEWS, HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1922 Farm And County IS ews ARDEN The opening game of football sea son was played Saturday at Oates Park Asheville vs. the Bingham and Christ School teams. Christ school was defeated by the score of 13 to 0. Miss Avis Patton of Asheville is sisiting relatives here. Mrs. Jessie Solomon was a visitor fn Asheville Monday. Mrs. M. B. Rickman and daughter, Mary, left for Atlanta Wednesday for a. visit to relatives. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Pinner have re turned to their home at Columbia, S. after visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Pinner. Mrs. Patton and Mrs. Phillips of Asheville visited Mrs. M. J. Garren 3ast week. Miss Pauline Lance is reported as doing nicely at the French Broad hos pital after an operation for appendi citis. Mrs. Edmond Blake entertained with a tea Saturday in honor of Rev. and Mrs. T. M. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Prualeau left last week for their home in Charleston, t. C, after spending the summer here. Miss Louise Blanton is reported as doing nicely at the French Broad hospital. I I m 1 EDXEYVILLE the Deep Gap road and the people of this section certainly do appreci ate the good work they are doing on this road. Miss Maud Pace and brother, Har ris, of Union Hill, spent the week end with their sister, Mrs. Will Black well and enjoyed a chestnut hunt. Miss Ollie Blackwell and Miles Jones spent Sunday evening with Mrs. A. H. Blackwell. Mrs. Ida Blackwell spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. James Hyder. James Hyder has been very sick for the past week and is no better at this writing. Rev. W. G. Wadford will begin a revival meeting at Adam's Run school house October 15. WEST HEXDEItSOXVILLE D. A. Byers and son, Fj-ank, made a business trip to Hendersonville Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Gilliam motored to Recreation Sunday. Miss Eliza Davis and daughter, Bee, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Byers. W. P. Gilliam and son, Lola, are at tending court this week. Fred Stepp and Miss Emily Gilliam ef Union Hill attended preaching ser vices at Mt. Moriah Sunday and heard an excellent sermon preached by Sev. L. Brookshire. Mr. and Mrs. Z. V.' Kilpatrick and children of East Flat Rock were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Kilpatrick Sunday. Miss Myrtle McCall of Crab Creek has accepted a position with the Freeze-Bacon Hosiery Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Wilkie of Pleasant Hill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allie Corn. Rev. R. R. Mahaffey preached a most interesting sermon at Valley Hill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Newman and children, Ralph and Berton, were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Jackson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Wilkie of Pleasant Hill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Delno McCall. Elzie Floyd of Greenville, S. C, spent the week-end with Eugene Saltz. Mrs. J. L. Redden, who has been ill with pneumonia, is improving. ley Hill, Pleasant Hill, Beulah, Big day school man as superintendent. Willow, Hendersonville and other j Quite a number of people from this places have been attending the re- ection have been attending revival vival services which were conducted at this place. Joe Hollingsworth will preach at Jones Gap Sunday, October 8, at 11 o'clock. Everybody is cordially in vited. The people at this place are urged to meet at the church next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock to re-organize the Sunday school. The revival meeting which was be ing conducted at this place by Rev. R. R. Mahaffey and Rev. H. H. Mace closed Sunday night. All who at tended these services enjoyed good sermons which were preached by these two great and good men. The church was greatly revived nad much good done in the community, and the people showed their regret at seeing the meeting close so soon, but the call, "Come over and help us," comes across the mountains of' Buncombe and Haywood counties, so these men of God bid us good-bye. to go to other fields. Our prayers shall follow them, and we hope for them great success in the Master's work, as they go from church to church, carry ing the glad tidings to a lost and dying world. of Spartanburg were here on business f last week. Will Gaines and family, who have been on Davidson River at work for the past two years, have moved back to their farm here. Miss Stella Williams visited Misses Fairy and Lura Gaines Sunday. Mrs. W. F. Merrell and mother, Mrs. Jane Williams, visited the lat ter's daughter, Mrs. Sarce Melton of Cherokee, S. C, who is seriously ill. Mrs. J. H. Merrell and children services at Jones Gap, which have been going on some time with great spent the past week with her parents, success, ine revival closed Sundav ivr,. i.,.- - , mi , auu una. t . Qiuiiaii ui riuil OAK GROVE Mr. and' Mrs. Kelly Roper and fam ily are moving from their farm back to their home in West Hendersonville this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. M. Tabor and daughters, Misses Percha, Sybl and Kate visited the latter's brother-in-law, J. M. Camp field, recently. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Roper had as thefr dinner guests Sunday, Rev. G. B. Russell, James Pace and Mrs. Mary Tabor. Everette Pace and Hobert Hoots of Upward attended church at Oak Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Tabor and family spent Sunday with the latter's brother-in-law, Mr. Redden, of the Mud Creek section. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hill:- of Asheville spent Monday with the for mer's sister, Mrs. George Benlson. Misses Lizzie and Nora Capps of East Flat Rock spent Sunday with Miss Mary Stepp. Mrs. Winnie Stepp spent the week and with her sister, Mrs. Wade Young of Union Hill. BRIDGE CREEK FHUITLASI) Rev. G. W. Wadford is conducting a meeting at JjJtowan Metnoaist church this week. Miss Gladys Hubbard of Brevard spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Gash, on Boilston. Mr. and Mrs. George Moffitt of Can ton spent Sunday with relatives in this section. Mr. and Mrs. James and Henry Cantrell of Big Willow were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Morgan of Etowah, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Maroney of Pisgah Forest visited the former's mother, Mrs. Lula Orr of Etowah, recently. Miss Bernice Bridges had as her guests Sunday, Misses Francis Foster and Sallle Green Allison. Misses Lois Tally and Doxie Brew er, of Blantyre, attended the singing at Etowah Sunday. Allen Thomas of Pisgah Forest spent Sunday in Etowah. Miss Julia Morgan entertained quite a number of her friends with a sing ing last Wednesday night. J0ES GAP Rev. Carl Blythe of Blantyre preached an excellent sermon at Jones Gap Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Carter and fam- ilv of Fruitland attended the old-time Pink Holbert, formerly of this sec- singing at Etowan Sunday and on tion, is now in Forest City, where he way home vigited tne latter,g Has gone in the interest of his farm. ;brother and wif6f Mn and Mrs. B. F. Miss Nannie Brock or uastonia spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brock on Route 1. BIG HUNGRY The drought still continues in this section. We've had only two light showers in the past six weeks -and everything is suffering for lack of Tain. Thomas Case and sons have finish ed the timber of R. E. Ward and others of this section and will soon move their saw mill to Mrs. Larra Pace's, near Upward. The county chaingang is back dtk Orr. Mrs. Lila Revis is recovering from recent illness. S. M. Mace of Greenville, S. C, spent the week-end with friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Drake and sons, A. W., Jr., and DeWitt, of Pleasant Hill, spent the week-end with Mrs. Drake's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Orr. Mrs. R. F. Orr and son, M. N. Orr, of Hendersonville, attended services at Jones Gap church Sunday. Miss Eva Corn of Hendersonville was at Jones Gap Sunday night. Quite a number of people from Val- The faculty of Fuitland Institute chaperoned the students on a moun tain hike to Ball Top last Saturday. All reported a good time. Mrs. Belle Williams and children and John Henderson of Asheville spent Sunday with the latter's moth er, Mrs. Dora Henderson. ( Mrs. James Merrell and children of Point Lookout, who have been vis iting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sinclair, have returned home. L. P. Carter and family visited friends and relatives at Etowah Sunday, Miss Hattie Pittillo, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. L. Pittillo, has returned to her work at Grove Park Inn. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sinclair and children visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sinclair, Sunday. Miss Florence Gilliam of Gastonia is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Gilliam. Miss Cora Lee Pittillo left Monday to enter school at the Golden Indus trial Institute at Bostic. night. John Drake is very busy making sorghum. He says he has about 200 gallons to make. Frank Summey carried a load of apples to Greenville last week and says he found a very good' market. H. E. Drake and son, H. B. Drake, were at Pleasant Hill Sunday, attend ing Sunday school. Mr. Gillican and family who have their summer home here have return ed to their home in Louisiana. Misses Sallie Drake and Minnie Huggins of Laurel Park spent the week-end with Miss Charlotte Drake. Oss Orr and family, who have been living at Kanuga Lake for some time, have moved back to their home near Pleasant Hill. Toms Pace, who has been on the Draper place near here for about six years, has deckled to take his family and go to his home just recently built near Hendersonville. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Redden of Big Willow visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kirk McCrary Sunday. Franic McCrary is building a home that he says he will occupy as soon as it is completed. Robert A. Drake left last week for Tarrinjcton, Wyoming, where he went to visit his brother, P. M. Drake. Cordon Williams of this section vis ited on Big Willow Sunday. land. EBENEZER P. B. Gibbs visited Albert Williams of Penrose Saturday night. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jason Wil- lams, September 29, a daughter, Mary Ellen. BIG WILLOW Rev. Carl Blythe of Blantyre spent Saturday with J. W. Mintz and J. W Cantrell:. Rev. Carl Blythe preached an in teresting, sermon at Beulah Sunday. Mrs. W. M. Brown of Pleasant Hill spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs W. Cantrell. J. L. Huggins has purchased e Ford cac. Mr. ami Mrs. J. W. Cantrell have gone on a visit to their daughter, Miss Delia, who is in the state hospital at Morganton. S. C. Huggins is making some fine molasses for the public. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Cantrell have returned to their home at Pisgah For est after visiting their parents, Mr and Mrs. J. W. Cantrell. KYLES CREEK Little Erleen Hyder is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lyda visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wheeling of Liberty, Sunday. The teachers and students of Fruitland Institute enjoyed a moun tain trip through this part of the section Sunday. C. H. Lyda of Glendale, S. C, was in this section this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Rhodes and little daughters, Emma Jane and Bettie Lee, visited their daughter, Mrs. R. N. Paris at Dana, last week. Spurgeon Lyda and Carl Barnwell of this section are attending court this week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Billie Rogers, October 1, a son. The boys and girls of this section are enjoying chestnut hunting. J. J. iyder has been trucking loads of beans and apples from this section to lireenviiie and points south. ManMmrrM ifingnnanRDnnnaDDaBaanDDBDDDDDUHuuuuuyuuui a a a a-n-a. a a a a a a a a a a a m. w a a n b a a jj B a business SariEEers can 't see their way clear to pay high city rents. They know that when they trade on Main street they have got to pay more for the same goods they can buy for less money at Near the Depot They get no frills and funny doings at my store. They do get the same goods, groceries and notions that some un buiness like farmers are paying higher prices for on Hen dersonville 'a Gold Street Get: the habit of buying from the Thrift stor a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a DANA Mr. and Mrs. Lance Davis and little daughter, Gladys, of this place, spent the week-end with relatives at Bat Cave. Brownlow Revis, son of Mrs. Henry Revis, was thrown from a horse last Saturday and was very badly hurt." Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Ward and son, Ralph, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Cagle at Hender sonville. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Waters and fam ily and Mrs. Rife of this place spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harley Gibbs at Hendersonville. Mrs. H. K. Pace and children of the Mt. Vernon section "were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Hoots Sunday. Mrs. H. L. Ward spent Saturday night with her sister, Mrs. R. P. Corn at Uno. Mrs. Tobe Taber spent last week in Greenville, S. C. POINT LOOKOUT Mrs. C. D. Cole and daughter, Mrs Barzilla Nix, visited the former's daughter, Miss Eula Collins of Ffat Rock Monday, who is very ill. Pauline, the little daughter of Mr and Mrs. Mark Brown, has had a se vere attack of diphtheria, but is: re ported improving rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Williams of Pisgah Forest are visiting their mother, Mrs. Sue Williams. Barzilla Nix is building a bungalow Thomas Israel and Arlon Williams Dr.. George Seagle has returned to college at Chapel Hill. Bert Gillespie, who has been work ing at Rocky Mount, is expected home this week. Thomas Orr visited relatives in Etowah Sunday. Miss Millicent Collins is spending the week in Asheville with friends. Rev. John Seagle of Brevard visit ed relatives and friends in Ebenezer Wednesday.. Mrs. Mary A.. Love is improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Maxwell and daughter, Sue, of Maxwell Mountain, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. John Collins. Miss Bennie Mae Garren is teach ing this week at Ebenezer in the absence of Miss Milda Guice: Clyde Jackson of Asheville is spend nig the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jackson. BBBQBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBan a a B a FOR See mac J. V. HELSEL Anything in Sheetmetal a a a a a a a a a a BBBBBSBaBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Dr. S. H. STEPHENS Graduate Veterinary Surgeon Office with STAR DRAY GO. Phone 175 8-30-tfc PLEASANT HILL Sunday school at Pleasant Hill Is still progressing very nicely. Larger B attendance seems to be had most H every Sunday. We are very glad to iq have W. B. Sinclair, a very able Sun- wm $ fSEf ' ljs AAJLM AND HOKE WUUI & ' ; i ' I A Weekly, $1.00 a Year Farm Paper, devoted to Southern Farm Interests ONLY 50 CENTS a Full Year to Subscribers of The Hendersonville News eru SuppKesil ffice . Ome and I We would like you to come in and see our big line of stationery. You will find everything you need, whether for office, home or school and our prices are always low. For your personal stationery let us show you some of our superfine writing paper with envelopes to match. Use our good stationery it has the hallmark of re finement. See our elegant pocket books, card cases, and other leather goods. COME TO US FOR IT Wilsosi Drusr Co MINUTE SERVICE Phone 59 At the Depot BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ? B B a a a Are You .Interested? a 13 a a annnnnnnnnnnnnnnonnnnnnncnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn B B B n B B B B B Q B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 1 . An attractive 6-room bungalow on the Flat Rock road, about 2 miles from town; one acre of land, beautiful surroundings $4,500 2. Hyman Heights lot, 52 1-2x135, just off pavement $850 3. Well-built 2-story 8-room house, with 3 lots, centrally located- close in $7,000 4. Fifth Avenue bungalow, on large lot, at tractively furnished $4,500 5. Lot between Fourth Avenue and Fifth Avenue, West, not so far from Main St., 8QxI 70; in he heart of your best residen tial district $1,400 Call 624 for an appointment ersonville Heed Estate Co. The Live Wire Agency a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a n a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a annnnnanonDnnnEflannnnnnnnoannBnnnnnBnnDn