hp limn U if -J VOLUME XV. HENDERSON VILLE,N. C .. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1901 No. 39. rifl FTT.I !E3Ie3nLd-eso2n.rIlle, 1STVO, f So Xx 71 I w vr SOME PEOPLE THINK r thai when January 2d arrives it's all over for jackets and wraps that the Winner is half over and so our prices go down. But:Some ; people make mistakes and you - can profit t hereby. Lot s of cold "; weather yet--and then, there's an other Winter coming. Stylish, well fitting jackets of broad cloth from $5.00 up, well worth $8.00. . Wise people will appreciate this opportunity hint for you. iff ;fM pllTf : We call your attention to a few specialties : HHP '. WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE BALSAM, M WORM Oar prices on these articles are right. Satisfaction given or money refunded. Our Stock of TOOTH BRUSHES, PERFUMERY and such Toilet Articles is up-to-date, and prices are consistent with quality of goods. Next door to Johnston's, HendersonYile, C ....... : i ' " - - - The Woodlawn Cafe, "if - No. 36 South iflain street. Is still the leading restauranttof Asheville. ) . meals served at all hours. . open; day and night. NOAH MUXtROTTOH, RALSTON PHYSICAL. CULTURE; 78 Brealest Physical Education of wbich tho Human Body is Capable, Strength, Health, Good Form, Chest Development The latter being the seat of life, the great fountain head of vitality and the power to resist the encroachments of disease. Ralston Culture- will overcome many chronic ' ; maladies by its system of Specific Exercises. This is new departure and is one of the features of the new method just established by Ralston University of Washington, D. C., and taught by the professional graduates of that institution! A course in Ralston Physical Culture will pay a larger j ;j dividend than any other investment. v , ; For further particnlars'address niSS CORNELISON, 3rd. Floor, Paragon Building Ashsville. N. C. PROTECTION FOR COLD WEATHER you ill lint in. our warm, com fort-able and stylish .men's ulsters and overcoats We ha" all sizes, and cut on the latest lines, broad shoulders, loose backs and wide shapely sieves, and in all the new colors and materials-. Friezes, meltons, velours and beaver in Oxford grays and blaHv. This i. a splendid opportunity to get sl fine coat at one thi.rd oil the regu- lar price. A BLAZE OF RADIANCE doesn't al way mean a plentitude of heat. There's the Aurora Bore alis, for instance. But when the light emanates from the combus tion of coal from our yard, there's certainty of an abundance of heat back of the brightness. Our coal, has a way of burning that means business, and our wagons wil drive up to yiur doo. in response to a mail, telephone or personal order. J. F. Brooks & Go. : Prescription wotIi a Specialty. Oar stock of Drags and Chem icals the best to be had. I, J. F. Brooks, give personal attention to compounding. SYRUP, SARSAPARILLA, . ' VRtTRTABLE LIVER PILLS. ' Proprietor. J Hiali CTrlDuie 10 Pieiii & - :i Ira o Oewol. :j General Tracy's Views on the De- j velopment of the Navy. The Fight on the Ship Snbsidy Biil The Army Reorganization ' Act Passed, and its Provisions now Be ing Carried out -Two Notable Events. Washington, Feb. 4, 1901. Probably not within the present century will a president of the United State3 and his cabinet be called upon to take part in two such notable events so close to gether as the funeral of Queen Victo ria, which President McKinley and his cabinet attended Saturday, and the joint congressional celebration of the centennial anniversary of the appoint ment of John Marshall, of Virginia, to be chief justice of the supreme court of the United State', which thoy atted ed in the hall of the house today. Time is precious just now, both with the president aild with congress, but .time can never fee so precious that some of it cannot be spared to do hon or to the memory of so distinguished an American as John Marshall was. The real fight in the senate over the ship subsidy bill is now on in earnest. The republican program, arranged by the steering committee, is to keep the subsidy bill before the senate until it is voted upon, or it i demonstrated that the opposition is determined enough to prevent a vote. Already the Senate is meeting an hour earlier and this week night sessions are to be forcedi The friends of the bill are con fident that the result will be the pass age of the bill. : I v The lone-delayed army reorganiza tion act became a' law on e Saturday and the president and secretary of war are now Engaged in carrying out its provisions. It is expected that the nominations of the high-grade officers provided for will be sent to the senate this week by the president. That Gen. Miles will be made lieutenant general is regarded as certain. Senator Stewart, in a speech support ing the ship subsidy bill, said he was on principle opposed to any monopoly of the sea, but if there must be a monp oly of the sea he desired it to be Amer ican. A TBIBUTE TO THE PRESIDENT. Col. William Brown, of New York, a life-long democrat, who is now visit iDg Washington, paid this high tribute to President McKinley : I became well acquainted with McKinley in school, and we have always been good friends. Although we have differed in our polit ical beliefs, I have always admired the man. He is honest and straightfor ward and from earliest youth has led an exceptionally clean and upright life. Whatever McKinley undertook, he did well, and the, same trait has characterized his work . through life. When he started into champion a cause, he did" it with his whole soul, and I believe ho never does or says a thing that is not prompted by the highest motives of conscience." EFFICIENCY OF THE NAVY. Gen. B. F. Tracy, whose good work as secretary 'of the navy, under the Harrison administration, has no little to do with the present efficiency of our navy, is in Washington on legal bus iness. He said: " We have the best ships and the best guns and the best fighting men of any navy in the worid, and in the future development of our navy should be centered the patriotic pride of every American. I have noted with pleasure the great progress that has been made toward even a greater navy, and I hope the government will continue the good work? America can afford to have nothing less than theJbest.,Vj - V! v Senator, Chandler raised a laugh by saying, in reply to the claim of Sena tor Jones that the opponents of the ship subsidy bill wanted time enough to expose its iniquity : ' The oppo nents of the bill have been allowed to expose the iniquity of the bill and their own iniquity along with it." ; y Senator ; Spooner, who will retire March 4, makes a positive denial of the story that he will succeed Attorney General Griggs in Pressdent McKin ley 'scabinent. He says he expects to practice law. He ought to know. -: Senator - Hanna is inclined to joke about his rheumatism, which is again giving him trouble. As Senator Mor gan stepped aside to allow Mr. Hanna to pass through a door, he said, nod ding at the lame foot: "Same old trouble. I suppose?" "Yes," replied j t Senator Hanna: "Same o'd rheuma- tism. It seems to be getting a little! worse every day. I guess it is politics ; struck in." -j i INCONSISTENT CRITICISMS i j I I The difficulty of pleasing those who ! ; refuse to be pleased is once more ex-! emplified by thf present attitude of j those who have all along been criticiz- ! ing tne president for usurping the power properly belonging to congress, j in his insular policy, toward the presi dent's desire that congress shall pass ..upon the satisfactoriness of the Cuban government that will be provided for by the constitution now being formu lated by the convention sitting in Ha vana. President McKinley holds, and very properly, that congress should pas upon this matter before our milita ry authority is withdrawn from Cuba, and his critics, seemingly just to be contrary, are contending that he should assume the responsibility of deciding the matter ; but their contention will make no difference in the determina tion of President McKinley to submit the matter to congress, and to ask con gress to act upon it. It is not likely that the Cuban constitution will be ready in time to be submitted to the present session of congress, and that is one . of the reasons why the opinion that an extra session of congress will be absolutely necessary regardless of what this session may do or leave un done, is increasing every day in Wash ington. BUSINESS BRIEFS. i Application will be made next ses sion at Ottowa, Ont., for a charter for a railroad from Kitemat harbor, on the Pacific coast, to Teslin lake, and from thence along the shore of the lake and the Hootelingua .river to Dstwson city. :At Beaumont, Tex., a contract has been signed by which Guffey & Daly, owners of the big oil well recently struck, will build a pipe from the well q.dep 'water at Port Arthur and erec a large refinery and the necessary res. ervoirs. The Lake Shore railroad is about to establish immense car and locomotive repair shops, equipped with all the re quirements of modern railroading, at Collinwood, the suburban frieght yards near Cleveland, at a cost of $1,000,000, Tne American steel ana iron com pany has acquired the lease of the Chisholm Iron company to its lands on the Mesaba range, in Northern Minnesota. The property has shown up more than 7,000,000 tons of ore, mostly high grade Bessemer. At a special meeting of the stock holders of the Illinois Central railroad recently the capital stock of that sys tem was increased $6,000,000. The to tal capitalization is now $66,000,000. The new issue, which is to be sold at par to present stockholders, will be used for the purchase of new equip ment and other improvements. A petition, signed by 5000 firms and individuals engaged in various kinds of work, plumbing, ventilating, etc.,' was presented to the house in Wash ington recently protesting against the letting of general contracts for interi or work on public buildings. The pe titioners desire direct contracts made for each class of work. A. McVittie, of Detroit, has given to the American Shipbuilding company orders for two steel, side wheel passen ger steamers, each to be 320 feet long, and each to cost $650,000. They are to be delivered by the opening of naviga tion in 1902. The boats must be capa ble of regular speed of twenty miles an hour. Mr. McVittie has organized a company, and will operate the boats solely between Buffalo and Detroit. NAVAL ITEnS. - The transport Meade has sailed from Manila ,, with the Eleventh United States "Volunteer Cavalry, consisting of twenty-four officers and 563 enlisted men. v 7 The battle-ship Wisconsin has gone into commission and joined the North Pacific squadron. Captain Bitter takes command of the vessel. Lieuten ant Commander Milton will be execu tive officer and lieutenant Command er Mace navigator. Owing to the excessive price de manded at Hong Kong for the refit ting of the big freight steamer Samoa, recently purchased by the United States, it has been deemed advisable to send the vessels to San Francisoo to be overhauled. ; E. H. Clears has arrived at Dawson with an automobile, which has been placed on the route between Dawson and Grand Forks. HILLiARD S. H. HILLIARD, Proprietor. SUCCESSOR TO M. T. JUSTUS. DEALER IN STOVES, SASH, BLINDS DOORS AND GEftEKAfj H A K I W A RE. Is being overflowed with new goods. A constant stream of goods coming irr and high prices are ; completely swept away! Customers have no time for delay, for Xmas is fast approaching and the only way to escape1 the destruction of high prices is through the leadership of J. B. LYDA, who will guide you safely to his BAR GAIN BANQUET at the Racket Store where' you will express yonr gratitude for deliverance from the ravages of High Prices by spend ing your money with him. Don't wait with gloomy forebodings until the last minute. Come early, for seeing is free and believing easy here. We give you the cream of CANDIES at skim milk prices. There is nothing lacking in our line of DELF, GLASS, TIN, STEEL AND WOOD " We are poor at bragging but rich in bargains. If you want anything in the line of : IDIES-ST QOOIDS. you can find it here from a handkerchief to a suit of clothes. A thousand soldiers may fight, but only one can lead, and J. B. Lyda is leading Santa Claus' army, as usual, with all that his majesty could want for Holidays. Where the bees are, there's the honey, Where the bargains are. spend your money 1 , At aYDA'tt IUCKET STORE. --A.-: --ci'vr.JPpPi Court House. r . THE JUSTUS PHARMACY, "povi M FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE. O 0 0 0 0 "O Packard Piano, $350. Mai vo!ir Love Piano, $300. Alexander Piano, 250 FAIR AND & VOTEY ORGANS from $50 lo $125. BANJOES, GUITARS, MANDOLINS, VIOLINS AND STRINGS. You buy as cheap by mail as by person. 55 South JUain, Ishcvilfc, JV. C. More Good Situations Secured ! Did you read last week's issue of The Times ? " If you did you saw that v SHQCKLBY'S AGENCY c! COMMERCIAL .EMPLOYMENT is constantly locating and filling situations. The best ones go to those who have completed a thorough course at some good business college. Situations secured within the past few days are : S. Burton Reece, of Atlanta, Ga., with A. A. Adams & Co., Birmingham, Ala f J. P. Stein michael Evansville, Ind., with Ronnie & McClure, Galveston, Texas; Miss Dana Mclntire, of Simms, N. C, with University Press Co., Sewanee, Tennessee. .y: ; vv;'vv Other Situations, some at clerking, telegraphy, freight depot men, some sales men, one or two traveling men and quite a number of ' teachers. We also have two good men with $3000.00 and $6000.00 respectively to invest. Address Shockley's Agcy Com'I Emp't, Asheville, N. C. The New Store. a. G. SR0. & Go, Just across Railroad from the .Depot, ' HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. , Give as your orders for ' GOOD DRY STOVE and OAK WOOD. Also for GROCERIES, TINWARE and PRODUCE. Free Delivery. 1 ' J WARE HOUSE, Every Day Finds us busy opening up New and Fresh Drugs, to keep abreast of the times. As we go along we will remind you of the fact tliat the JUSTUS HORSE AND CATTLE POWDER Is the very best made We keep it fresh and use the very best ingredi ents in its composition known to be good for stock. Now is the time to feed it to koep your stock in good, healthy condition. It's money in your pocKet to use it freely. O0 0 0 "O o o s V

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