VOLUME XV. . ' I1ENDERSONVILLE. N. C FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1901 No. 43. C. E. WILSON, The Leader. - fey lEareanexsoiD-Trllle, 1ST. O, lUIIMI LETTER., o a Y PROTECTION FOR COLD WEATHER you will find in our warm, com fortable and st vlish men's ulsters and overcoats. We ha" e all sizes, and cut on the latest lines, broad shoulders, loose backs and wide shapely sieves, and in all the new colors and materials. Friezes, meltons, velours and beaver in Oxford grays and black. This i? a splendid opportunity to net a fine coat at one third off the regu lar price. SOME PEOPLE THINK that wren January 2d arrives it's alt over tor jackets and wraps that the Winner is half over and so our prices go down. But some people make mistakes and you can profit thereby. Lots of cold weather yet and then, there's an other Winter coming. Stylish, well titling jackets of broad cloth from $5 00 up, well worth $8.00. Wise people will appreciate this opportunity hint for you. A BLAZE OF RADIANCE doesn't alway mean a plentitude bf heat. There's? the Aurora Bore alis, for instance. But when the light emanates from the combus tion of coal from our yard, i here's certainty of an abundance of heat back of the brightness. Our coal has a way of burning that means business, and our wagons will ilrive up to your doo in response to" a mail, telephone or personal order. . J; F. Brooks & Co, Prescription work a Specialty, Oar stock of Drags and Chem icals the best to be had. I, J. F. Brooks, give personal attention to compounding. We call your attention to a few specialties : WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE BALSAM, WORM SYRUP, SARSAPARILLA, . VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS. Oar prices on these articles are right. Satisfaction given or money refunded. Our Stock of TOOTH BRUSHES. PERFUMERY and such Toilet Articles is up-to-date, and prices are consistent with quality of goods. Hext door to Johnston's, Hendersonyile, H. CL 1 )Q). The Wbodlawn Cafe, No. 36 South Main street Is still the leading-restaurant of Asheville. MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS. : OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Proprietor. Mnl II "fills rllll ? HlMllIill gl 1 adrift S.. :. McKinley s inGUDoroiion o The Arrangements Unusually Well Carried Out in Every Respect. The Entire Cabinet to be Renomi nated -Representative Hull Defines his Position. Washington, March 4. President McKinley 's second inauguration is now history, a very brilliant chapter in his tory it was. Like ev-ry thing connec ted with the public life of Hon. Will iam McKinley, it was strikingly wuc cessful. Arrangements were unusually well carried out in every respect, the parade, both in military and civic features, was interesting from start to finish and the street dec rations wer more tasteful and artistic than ever before, especially those in the Court of Honor, as two squares of Pennsylva nia avenue irom Fifteenth to Seven teenth, were called for this occasion The great court of the Pension build ing, where the inaugural ball was held tonight, could not possibly have look ed better. If ic be fait to judge frm the success of his inauguration. Presi dent McKin ley's second admin'stra tion wilf be even more successful than his rirst, if such a thing be possible His inaugural address will take rank among his best siaie papers. It was open, straightforward and patriotic, like all bis public utterances and acts Vice-Presideut Koosev It received the ovation of his life from the thou- sends who thronged historic Pennsyl vania avenue, as he rode to the : Capi tol to be sworn in. His first official. duty, after taking the oath, which was administered by Senator Frye, presi dent pro tem. of the senate, was . t swear in, thirteen new senators The congressional legislative day of Saturday was extended through Sun day and until nearly noon today, and with it died the fifty-sixth congress, which, whatever its tailings may have been, has h heavy balance to its credit on the right side of the public ledger. THE CABINE T. President McKin ey wi;l follow the example of General Grant at the be ginning of the second term, and send the nominat ous of his entire cabinet to the senate, including th it of attor ney General Griggs, who has promis ed to remain at the head ot the depart men t of justice for a few weeks. At the last meeting of the cabinet, all the members tendered their resignation so as to open their way for their re-nomination. MB. HUIX'S STATEMENT. Just before the house passed tin- army appropriation bill with the sen ate, Cuban and Philippine amend mente, Representative Hull, of Iowa, made a manly statement of his con nection with the Philippine Lumber aud Development company, which he said, caused him to be made a target of ever since William J. Bryan had at tacked him during tne campaign. Mr. Hull said: "I will say that I am the same man whose name has been used in connection with that lumber company. I have something invested in it. It is a legitimate enterprise. It has never asked a favor of the govern ment. I will say that when I caunot invest my money in a legitimate en terpnse, i wilt quit politics. I do not care to be a drone, depending only upon my politics for my living." THE UNITED STATES AND CUBA. The idea that the conditions laid 4 down by congress for the withdrawal of American authority from Cuba, II ' a jm a a m m win cause iron Die in uuba, wnicn is heard in some quarters, is not shared by President McKinley or any mem ber of the cabinet. On the contrary, the President and his advisers believe that the conditions will be complied with by the Cubans. One thing is very certain, they must comply with 9very condition named before Ameri can authority is withdrawn. If they wish us to retain, indefinite control over the island, they have only to leave the conditions alone. Mr. Bryan's latest attempt to boss the democratic senators was farcical. He kept the wires hot with telegrams trying to get the democrats to hold up the army appropriation bill, by a nil buster and force an extra session of congress, ana tne democratic senators A Pertinent Question. Editors Times: If the legislative branch of our state government im peaches the supreme court because the former thinks that the ruling of the latter in the shell fish controversy was unconstitutional, will not the leg islature be thereby setting itself up as a still higher supreme court? And in that case will not the legislature be acting unconstitutionally in view of the declaration in the constitution of North Carolina that " the legislative, executive and supreme judicial pow ers of the government ought to be for ever separate and distinct from each other?" Law and Order. Joe Jarvis Arrested. Through the efforts of Chief W. H. Deavt r of the North State Detective Agency, Joseph F Jarvis of this city was arrested yesterday at Covington, Ga. He is charged with "forging the name of Joe Chambers and embezzling the money of George W. Purefoy to the amount of $100." Forgeries and embezzlements to the amount of $6000 or $7000 will, it is expected, be reveal ed. Jarvis is a native of Madison county, and has lived in Asheville a number of years. Asheville Gazette. HILLIARD HARDWARE HOUSE, S. H. HILLIARD, Proprietor. -SUCCESSOR TO- M. T. JUSTUS. DEALER IN- STOVES, SASH, BL.INDS, DOOKS ANP GENEKAL.HARDWARE. THE SPOONER BILL. Its Similarity to the fleas ure Passed In Jefferson's Time. The Times has already alluded to th6 similaritj' between the Spooner bil! and the measure adopted ninty- eight years ago, under a democratic president, for the government of the then new territory of Louisiana The Louisville Courier-Journal has also noticed the similarity, and thus comments: The Soooner bill is very similar to the bill which wa passed by congress in 1803 for the government of our new ly acquired Louisiana territory. In deed. Senator Spooner seems to have had that act before him when he drew his own measure, as a comparison of the two bills indicates: LOUISIANA BILL OP 1803. "Until the expiration of the present session of congress, or unless provision oe sooner, made for the tem porary gov eroinent of the said Territories, all the military, civil and judicial powers ex ercised by the officers of the existing Government of th- same shall be vest ed in such person and persons, aud shall be exercised in such manner as the President of the United States shall direct, for maintaining and pro tecting the inhabitants of Louisiana in the full enjoyment of their liberty, property and reliaion." PHILIPPINJi BILL OP 1901. "When a'l insurrection " shall have been completely - surpressed by the military and naval forces of the United States, all military, civil and judicial powers necessary to govern the said islands shall, until otherwise provided by Congress, be vested in such person and persons, and shall be exercised in such manner as the Pres- dent of the United States shall direct, for maintaining and protecting the in habitants of said islands in the free enjoyment of their liberty, property and religion " WOHAN'S INTERESTS. If only the beauty hunters could be induced to turn themselves into health hunters, says a conte i : porary, there would be fewer cosmetics sold by the com plexion specialists. There is much truth in this. Bad complexions are often caused or aggravated by bad di gestion, and the cure is to be found in improved health. Among the most effective means for obtaining this are a reasonable amount of sleep, the use of sufficiently cooked food and plenty of outdoor exercise. "r A CUBE FOB SLEEPLESSNESS. The Philadelphia Ledger recom mends a pillow filled with hops instead of feathers aa a nice present for ' per sons troubled with sleeplessness, pro vided they do not object to the scent of hops, as the aroma helps to induce sleep. Put the hops into a plain, white bag and then make two pillow cases of linen, with hemstitched frilled borders, working, if you like, a design in flourishing thread above the hem stitched border, but no work on the part where the head will come, and you have a charming gift complete. There is still in existence an unre pealed law in Switzerland which for bids the wearing 6f hats more than eighteen inches in diameter, artificial flowers and foreign feathers under a heavy penalty. Lumberton Argus: Saturday during the snow storm a dog was heard yel ping near here and kept up the yelp at intervals until Sunday about 10 o'clock, when a crowd of boys went oat to see if the dog was mad. They found a strange dog which had hanged laughed at him and allowed the bill to I himself by bis collar and had weath- bf Toted upon. 1 ered the snow storm 24 hours. Everybody is invited to the PURCHASERS' PICNIC at Tha Racket Store, whicli is Jocated far away from the High Price district. The BARGAIN TRAIN conducted by J. B. Lyda will carry you ove the road to Highest Ideals and Lowest Prices at greatly reduced rates, for he is moving prices downward at every turn in the road, and to buy of him means to round your dollars with a larger circle of value than you have ever done before. His endeavor, now as ever, is sell for small profits and serve satisfied customer. Every one who attends this picnic is delighted with the trip, a d carries home with him trophies of the victory over High Prices His various lines are all satisfactory, for he keeps only Goods that sell And wear as well. And by coming to the Racket Store you dodge the Wedge of Profit found at other places that cleaves your purse in twain and leaves you helpless. Bees that go earliest gather the most honey,v Racket Store costomers save the most money, So ride around and stop around at J. B. Lyda?s Racket Store and examine prices for yourself. Opposite Court House. Day eoPyRiCK-r Finds us bnsv opening up New and Fresh Drugs, to keep abreast of the times. As we go along we will remind you of the fact that the '-: JUSTUS HORSE AND CATTLE POWDER Is the very best made We keeo it fresh and use the very best ingredi ents in its composition known to b good for stock. Now is the time, t feed it to keep your stock in goCd, healthy condition. It's monev in your pocket to use it freely. THE JUSTUS PHARMACY, "eville. Will Enter Asheville Business College, The following persons have purchased full-course scholarships in Asheville Bnsine.ss Colleirn and will enter in a few daysi Miss Edna Walker, 'Bald Creek, N. C. ; Mr. D. T. Farmer, Sandy. N. U. ; Miss Helen L. Smith, Tampa, Fla. Only five more can be received. If it is your purpose to enter enter NOW, you'll be too late if you wa:t much longer. We give the most thorough, complete, up-to-date conrse of 'business shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy and penmanship to be found any where in the South. ASH ENILLE. BUSINESS COLLEGE, Asheville, N. C. on EXAMINATION mi i ..." - An Up-to-Date Optical Parlor. Everything an optical store should have will be found here, and everything we have is the best the makers can make, and we won't ask you a cent too much. We give your eyes the most careful scientific test ; it is the only safe way ; and ex aminations costs you nothing. Fisld Glasses, Reading Glasses, Hapifjiag Glasses. o?icer alpeay! S.;L. M'KEE, Scientific Optician, 34 Patton. Ave., opposite Postoffice, ASHEVILLE, N. C. 1 1 " 4 Burnette & Lambert, Carriage and Wagon Mfrs. REPAIRING, UPHOLSTERING AND PAINTING DONE IN FIRST-CLASS MANNER. f3b trbe TOUuDsor O- Mrs. L. E. FREEMAN. PPOPRlKTOR. Main, m m Asheyille 85, 87 & 89 S. flain St. Asheville, N. C. CEHTMLLlf lOCATED ON STREET CAR IISL High Class Service and Reasonable Bates. Special Rates by Week or Month.