1 : I 83 .3D"VTESaTIS3EXa3 1 The People g 3 4ko DoamIa ivcawu nib r&ujjic Read The I . . . Through jj 1 THE TIMES. HENDERSONVILLfe. 0.i FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1901. No. 48. VOLUME XV. t : COPYRlQHTj WE ARE HEADQUARTERS Stoves. Farminar imDlements. We are sole agents for Masury's sassy -. -rows and Cultivators, Jones Chain Mowers and Lever Binders and Hav Rakes, Nisson Wagons. Full line of Single and Double Harness, Collars and Bridles, Check Lines, etc. Best line of Pocket Knives in the United States. To see our line of Mechanics' Tools is to buy. We carry the best assorted line of Table Cutlery, Carving Sets and spoons in the city. W. F. Eiwards,!Heiidersoii vtiler i. C. Our prices on these articles are right. " Satisfaction given or money refunded. Our Stock of TOOTH BRUSHES, PERFUMERY and such Toilet Articles is up-to-date, and prices are consistent with quality of goods. Hext door to Johnston's, Hendersonvile, H. C SOMETHING IN GLASS very different from the usual, is gener ally to be found in our stock of REAL AND IMITATION CUT CLASS. CRYSTAL AND PLAIN, and prices are sure to be less than the average. We make it a point to hunt up and secure things which the factories , have ijust produced, and which are of new design. Opposite Hotel Imperial. III f. Save money on lii selling below cost. . Full line BABY CARRIAGES. Se lect stock of New Goods. Call at the new store of J. M. STEPP, Cole Block, Hendersonville, N. C. 0 V. P. BLYTHE, Attorney at Law Office opposite Court-house, ; : Henderson ville, N. G. - Collections a Specialty. - JAMES G. , FUNERAL ' DIRECTOR and ; . . o EflBALflER. A Complete line of All Calls promptly ft 1 Organs FOE STABLE AND BARN. We have a fine and fall line of implements and "handy ' ar ticles ge n erally , whee 1 bar ro wp, shovels, hay and manure forks, pitchforks, brushes of many sorts, etc. In fact it would be hard to name a barn or stable accessory we can' t supply from our stock anything we haven't on hand at the moment we'll get for you on short notice. FOR HARDWARE, Paints. Oils. Varnishes, Glass, etc. Liquid Paints, and National Wall 3 J. F. Brooks & Co, Prescription work a Specialty, Our stock of Drugs and Chem icals the best to be had. I, J. F. Brooks, give personal attention to compounding. We call your attention to a few specialties : WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE BALSAM, WORM SYRUP, SARSAPARILLA, . VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS. YOU WISH TO GET THE HEW NEW BOOKS OR IF YOU WISH THE GOOD Found Paper, write to BAINBRIDGE'S BOOK SHOP, Artists' Hate rials. 47 Patton Ave., Ashe vi He. WANTED ! Reliable man for Manager of Branch Office we wish to open in this vicinity. If your record is O. K. here is an opportunity. Kindly ive ixood reference when writing. THE A. T. MOBBIS WHOLESALE HOUSE, CINCINNATI, OHiO. Illustrate! catalogue 4 cts. stamps. General Provision 5tc re One Door North of Bank I 1 t 1 I I HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. POSEY, Burial Cases and Robes. answered, day or night I p n 1 WASHINGTON LtntR. Mil in Porto Governor Allen Gives Very Fa vorable Report of Conditions in the Island. Good News Continue to Come Prom the Philippines Status of Agu inaldo. Washington, April Gov. Allen, of Porto Rico, will not resign. That was settled at a White Boose confer ence, a few hours after hit) arrival in Washi ugtou. He lias done so well in Porto Rico, that President IfcIDnley asked him to withhold his resignattoa for a.tiuie, and he consented to do so, and after a visit to his old home, in Massachusetts, he will return to the island. Speaking of the island, Gov. Allen said:' "Affairs are , moving smoothly in Porto Rico. -Tbe condi tion of the islaud is maeh improved and in my opinion is now better jfchajr it ever was before. A clvH govera meni has been established in all its branches and is operating smoothly The island has not ooj, the United States a cent, and wilt soon, be raUits$ its own revenue by internal xtio&. The revenues of the island, 8iape tjbte passage of the Forakec aot fclj tfcf United States congress, have been pro duced by the custom duties levied kf that act. Next Mar oh the law wiU ex pire, and the nioney will oome trota modes of taxatio be presoribed by the iocal.legilature. By that tine thai island will -be ready to aooept th ahol- ition of the custeias duties, and free trade between the United Stales and Porto Rico will probably follow1; THE NEW ATTOSHISY qSX9X Hon. Philander Qhaae Knox, the ne yr attorney geneil wJZwiUf at t once assume -w anMttMmiSEmvv$R eighth Pennsylvanian o hoidvldKt portfolio in the cabinelL cllftrEn and President McKintOr- ' are old friends. In fact, it wsji oJKlie' advice of Mr. McKinley that IXr.Viox he- came a lawyer. His stand!injr aihome is plainly told by his toing jpresidtfkt of the famous Duqesnevela . jPitts burg, and by his having serv& & iseitUx as president of the Penusylvaada , Bax association. Mr. Kdox id ia thioritt of life. He will ceiebfate his forty -eighth birthday next mplk. Hia ftfc ness to be attorney general is not questioned by any one. the PiCruiim. Secretary Root has jasfc received a personal letter from Gen. Thomas H Barry, dated at Manila, February 19. which shows the confidenoe feltby his brother officers in Gen. Fanstoh's abil ity to succeed in the dangerous task it was then known he had qadertaken. Following is an extract ticqnljie let ter: "The bottom has abost dropped out of the insurrection. The insmrreo tos seem to be falling over each other in surrendering themselves and arms. We have Aguinaldo definitely located with good prospects of running him down in the near fata re. He is now, in the town of Palanan, north-east coast of Luzon, abonfc one bandred miles north of Gasigaran. Funstoa is going to make a try 'or him in a few days. He is going to take desperate chances, but I believe he will bag him." Gen. MacArthur oontinves to send good news from the Philippines. The surrender of the armed Filipinos is practically a continuous performance, and no fighting at all iss going on. This is so gratifying to President Mo Kin I ey that he has decided "that the total strength of the regular army shall only be enlisted op to .three quarters of the one hundred thousand men authorized by congress, unless later advioes from Gen. MacArthur shall make it plain that a larger num ber will be necessary. It oan be stated on the highest authority that Aguinal do will not be allowed to oome to the United States as long as he is consid ered a prisoner, and how long he will be so regarded will depend upon how he conducts himself, and upon how those who have been his followers conduct themselves. In other wordf be and the other Filipinos who: have been in revolt against the .United 'lis sisaatsre is evy bex mt t& States must live up to the oath of al legiance they have taken to the Unit ed States before they are entirety freed from surveillance. Now that things are getting in a satisfactory Condition in the islands, this govern ment is fully determined that neither Aguinaldo or any one else shall be given an opportunity to undo the good work that has been done. r UNVEILING OF THE LOGAN STATUE. i Everything is in readiness for the nnveiling of the handsome equestrian itatue of Gen. John A. Logan, one of the most elaborate as well as most ar tistfe in Washington, which will take place tomorrow. The ceremonies con nected with the unveiling include the escorting of President McKinley and his cabinet from the White House to Iowa circle, where the statue is, by United States sohiiers and marines tinder command of Brigadier General Guenther; a major-general's salute of fifteen guns, by United States artillery; addresses by General G. M. Dodge, Rev. Dr. F. M. Bristol, Franklin Sim J toons, the artist who made 'he statue, and President McKinley, and a set oration by Senator Depew. Master George Tucker, son of Maj. Tucker, U. 8. A. and grandson of Gen. Logan, will unveil the statue. CONDITION OF THE JAIL. Praise for Sheriff Staton From the Secretary of the Prison Reform , Association. Editors Times: As secretary of the Prison Reform committee appointed by order of the last convention of the Protestant Episcopal church in this district, it gives me much pleasure t acknowledge ihe receipt from our rep resentative in your county, of a most satisfactory report of the condition of e jail and the discipline maintained among the prisioners. Many good people entirely mistake the purpose of prison reform workers, and charge them with wishing to "feed prisoners on fruit cake and to dress them in silks and satius." So please say that we have no such ambition; our delight is in hearing of strict tlis- ci!iue i being enforced; we know that It' is of the first importtnce. We also kirtow that to attain it requires con stant care and watchfulness on the parti of the sheriff and his deputies. In our letter of instructions to our agents are these words: "If no evil ex istsVit will delight this committee to know it, and to give publicly all praise to the Officers who have brought about that happy condition.'' Therefore in the name of the committee I extend to your sheriff, and to all who have aided him in his difficult duties, our sincere thanks, our hearty praise for the good work they have done, and promise to lay before the next convention, which ?rjll meet in Hendersonville, the re port that has reached us. : Very. Respectfully, T. W. Patton, Sec. Ashe vi lie, N. C, April 9, 1901. LITERARY NOTES "Stringtown on the Pike" has reach ed a sale of 50,000 copies, and the dramatic rights to it have been sold. Mrs. Henry "Wood's 'East Ly une" is among the English novels which have a Constaut sale. The MacMillians are just bringing out the five hundredth thousand of this book. The death is announced of the French author, Felix Gras, who was a judge at Avignon, where he wrote "The Reds of the Midi." At a recent sa le in Loudon a copy of the first edition of the "Ingoldsby Legends'' lately brought about 23. At the same sale a copy of the original edition of - Bradshaw's Guide fetched $125. "A Prayer of Old Age,'' a little poem Ijy Robert Bridges, assistant editor of Soribner's Magazine, was recently quo.ted py the London Academy, which attributed it to Robert Bridges, the English poet. Andrew Lang is writing a book on "The Mystery of Mary Stuart," espe cially as to her relations with Both well and the other murderers of her husband, Darnley. Collectors have long been aware that there were seven signatures of John Milton in existence, according to the New York Tribune." An eighth ha now, appeared in a black letter copy of.the Genevan Version of the Bible. . The Massachusetts senate favors a constitutional amendment to permit fchreefourths of a jury to render a ver dict in civil cases. i. . --t-. W'lf ft! i Stout Hw I bt mm in ttarc arrays tiipi HILLIARD HARDWARE HOUSE, S. H. HILLIARD, Proprietor. -SUCCESSOR TO M. T. JUSTUS. -DEALER IN- STOVES, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS AMD GENERAL HARDWARE. MMI TEMP TIIBKETb Everybody is invited !o the PURCHASERS' PICNIC at The Racket Store, which is "located far away lroni the High Price district. : ' The BARGAIN TRAIN conducted by J. B. Lyda will carry you over the road to Highest Ideals and Lowest Prices at greatly reduced rates, for he is moving prices downward at every turn in the road, and to buy of him means to round your dollars with a larger circle of value than you have ever done before. His endeavor, now as ever, is sell for small profits and serve satisfied customers. Everv one who attends this picnic is delighted with the trip, ad carries home with him trophies of the victory over. High Prices. His various lines are all satisfactory, for he keeps only Goods that sell And wear as well. And by coming to the Racket Store you dodge the Wedge ot Profit found at other places that cleaves your purse in twain and leaves you helpless. Bees that go earliest gather the most honey, Racket Store costomers save the most money, So ride around and stop around at J. B. Lyda's Racket Store, and examine prices for yourself. Opposite Court House. one to use it. Get it today. Made at the THE JUSTUS PHARMACY, I,ENDE,SrLLE' Learn Telegraphy at Asheville Business College. ASHEVIL1.E, N. C. No difficulty about getting a situation as soon as you are proficient. We have an old operator for this department who gives all his time and attention to the work. We Want 7 Students to Start at Once Our terms are reasonable. Good board at low rates. You pay your tuition by the month if that suits you best. If you are at all in clined to learn telegraphy, now is the best time of the year to begin. Write today. Address, H. S. SHOCKLEY, Asheville, ! N. C. An Up-to-Date Optical Parlor. Everything an optical store should have will be found here, and everything we have is the best the makers can make, and we won't ask you a cent too much. We give your eyes the most careful scientific test ; it is the only safe way ; and ex aminations costs you nothing. field tas, Heading Hisses, Hsgiifjiag tees, i ; i; j&alS S. Ii. H'KSS, 2o!ectifie Optician, 54 Patton Ave., opposite Postoffice, ASHEVIIjliE, N. C. Burnette &, Lambert, Carriage and Wagon Mfrs. REPAIRING, UPHOLSTERING AND PAINTING DONE IN FIRST-CLASS MANNER. A Big Jump In the thermometer, whether it's up or 'down, at this time of the year, is prolific of coughs and colds. And coughs and colds are frequently fore-runners of pneu monia and consumption. We have an excellent remedy for ar resting these ailments in their incipiency, and it's well to have it in the' house. Our WHITK PINE AND TAIt is very effec tive and i ts price permits every Electro Plating, Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc., H - Triple Silver. Watch Cases and Jewelry, Gold. DoctoreP and Dentists' Instrumets,etc. nickel plated. Send for price lisL ,' ; .. 0, S-22-4 . T.A.VINCENT1. Ne. SS2 S. Maiu St Asbeville, N. C. 85, 87 & 89 S. ilain St. - Ashevifle!N. C. kie TBjnedy that cnve v