Nursery Experiment. 'A writer in American Gardening ays that a nursery firm in Kalamazoo county, Mich., bought 80 cattle, most ly cows, which they -propose to feed and fatten. They expect to get some returns from' milk made and sold, and a margin of profit from the sale of cat tle when they are well .fattened, . but their chief object is to obtain a large amount of rich cow manure to ferti lize their land. They hope to get it for their labor, if not some: money be side, and that the labor will, not be any more than they have heretofore expended in drawing home . manure from where they bought it. Yet some agricultural writers say we should not try to fatten an old cow, as the price of cow beef is low, and it costs more to feed her than she could be sold for. ;We suspect that they never tried fat tening by grain feeding during the summer -when the animals were in pas ture, but that they tried to fatten too quickly with no succulent food, and did not continue . the process long enough to obtain even the best cow beef prices. We think farmers can make a better profit in this way from the cows which do not show well under the Babcock test, or do, not give milk enough to be profitable, than in any other way. DEERING AT PARIS IN 1900. The obituary poet usually attends tt the last and sad writes. Each package of Pctkam Fadeless Dye colors either Silk, Wool or Cotton perfectly . at one boiling. Sold by all druggists. Many persons are commended for skill in disguising their fceiing3 who have none to hide. No living thing is so lonesome as a friendless child. Hour's Tilts? " We offer One Hnndred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hail's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chekey & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Tbdax Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. W-iXDiNo,.: Kinnaw & Mabviw, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aet lng directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Testimonial sent free. Price, 75e. per bottle. Sold by all Druggist. Haft's Family Pills are the best. Pugilism seems to have a black eyo, S have a good many pugilists. If You Ilave Drspepiia Send no money, but write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., Box 148, for Bix bottles of Dr. Snoop's Restorative; express paid. If cured, pay $5.50; If not, it is free. There are some things that even the most absent-minded of us cannot forget. The Chicago girl manages to get there with both feet. So. 16. DO YOU FEEL LIKE THIS? " Pen Picture for Women. ' I am so nervous, there is not a "'we'll inch in my whole body. I am so weak at my stomach and have indi gestion horribly, and palpitation of the heart, and I am losing- flesh. This headache and backache nearly kills me, and yesterday I nearly had hyster ics ; there is a weight m the lower part of my bowels bearing- down all the timesr, and pains in ray groins and thighs; I cannot sleep, walk, or sit, and I believe I am diseased all over ; no one ever suffered as I do." THs is a description of thousands of cases which come to Mrs. Pinkham's attention daily; An inflamed and ul cerated condition of the neck of the womb can produce all of these symp- ffc? 0- Xlie Famous' Cliicayo Harvmter Company Received' More and Greater Ilonori Than Were Ever Before Accorded an American Exhibitor in the UUtorf of Ejc positions America may well feel proud of the inter est which her citizens took in the Paris Expo sition and the elaborate exhibits which were prepared with consummate skill and displayed in a manner not excelled by any other country. Those of Harvesting Machinery in particular were most complete and interesting. The Deering Harvester Company, of Chicago, America's foremost manufacturer of this line of goods, was accorded the position of honor, having contributed more to the advancement of the art of harvesting than any other manu facturer, living or dead, and with a greater array of important inventions to its credit than any other company in the world. Visitors to the Exposition were prompt to accord the Deering exhibits supreme honors, and it only remained for official mandate to ratify the popular verdict, which was done in a manner as substantial as it was well-merited. Each one of the seven Deering exhibits secured the highest award in its class. In addition to four high decorations, the Deering Harvester Company received twenty live awards, or twenty-nine in all, as follows: Decoration of Officer of the Legion of Honor, Decoration of Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, Two Decorations of Officer of Merite Agricole, a Special Certificate of Honor, The Grand Prize, Six Gold Medals, Sir Silver Medals and Elev.en Bronze Medals, including Deering Collaborator Medals. The Decoration of Legion of Honor was in stituted by Napoleon Bonaparte when First Consul in 1802, and is only conferred in recog nition of distinguished military or civil achieve ments. It is the highest distinction in the gift of the French Republic. The Decoration of Merite Agricole is an honor of but slightly less importance, which is conferred upon those who have contributed greatly to the advancement of agriculture. An Official Certificate of Honor was accord ed the Deering Retrospective Exhibit, which showed the improvements in harvesting ma chinery during the p&Bt century, and excited the highest praise of the French Government Officials who had entrusted to the Deering Harvester Company the preparation of this mot important exhibit. By special request this exhibit has been presented to the National Museum of Arts and Sciences at Paris, where it' has become a permanent future of that world-famed institution. The Deering Twine Exhibit and Corn Har vester Exhibit, both of which received the highest awards, have by request of the French Government been presented to the National Agricultural College of France. There was no field trial, either official or otherwise, in connection with the Taris Expo sition, but the most important foreign contest the past season was held under the auspices of the Kussian Expert Commission at tho Gov ernmental Farm of Tomsk, Siberia, August 14th to 18th. All the leading American and European machines participated and were subjected to the most difficult tests by tho Governmeat Agriculturist. Tho Expert Com mission awarded ths Deering Harvester Com pany tfca Grand Silver Medal of the Minister of Agriculture and Domain, which was the highest award. The Deering Harvester Works are the larg est of their kind in the world, covering eighty -live acres and employing 000 people. They are equipped with modern automatic ma chines, many of which perform the labor of from five to fifteen hands. This Company is also the largest manufac turer of Binder Twine in the world, having been first to produce single-strand binder twine, such as is in general use today, making over a third of the product of the entire world. The output of its factory for a single day would tie a band around the earth at the equator, with several thousand miles to spare. The annual production would fill a freight train twenty miles long. Made into a mat two feet wide, it would reach across the American Continent from ocean to ocean. Deering machines are known as Light Dkaft Deals, consisting of Binders, Mowers, Reapers, Corn Harvesters, Shredders and Bakes. This Company exhibited at the Paris) Expor i tion an Automobile Mower, which attracted much attention, and exhibitions wore gh en with one of these machines in the vicinity of Paris throughout the season. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Mas. Jonx Williams. toms, and no woman should allow herself to reach such a perfection of misery when there is absolutely no need of it. The subject of our por trait in this sketch, Mrs. "Williams of Englishtown, N. J., has been entirely cured of such . illness and misery by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and the guiding- advice of Mrs. Pinkham of Lynn, Ma " No other medicine Ias such a record for absolute cures, and no other medi cine is "just as good. Women who want a cure should insist upon getting Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound when they ask for it at a store. Anyway, write a letter to Mrs. Pink ham at Lynn, Mass., and tell her all your troubles. Her advice is free. v Every cotton planter shoulcl ) write tor our valuable illustrated pamphlet, "Cotton Culture." It is sent free. I Send nam and address to i GERMAN KAU WORKS, 93 Kama St, H. Y. Xlie Capital City Line Its Magnlfi cent Tli rough and Local Passenger Service Between the East and South and Southwest. The Seaboard Air Line Railway is called the ''Capital GUv- Line," because it eaters the Capitals of the six States whiub it tra verses, exclusive of the National Capital, through which its trains run sulkl from New York to Jacksonville and Tampa, Florida! It runs through Richmond, Va., Kaleigh. N. C. Columbia, 8. C, Atlauta. Ga., Montgomery, Ala., and Tallahassee. Fia, This will continue to run the famous Florida and Metropolitan Limited, and the Florida and Atlanta Fast Mail Trains, afford ing tho only through limited service daily, including Suuday. between New York and Florida, and is the shortest line between these points. The.e pleiiditl!y modern trains of the Sea board Air Line Itailway arrive at and depart from Pennsylvania Railway Stations at Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, carrying Pullman's) most im proved equipment, with unexcelled dining car service, compartmeut. drawing-room and observation cars. It has Pullman ser vice five time3 per week each way from Washington to that celebrated resort, Pine hurst. N. C. It has the short line to and from Richmond, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Raleigh, southern Pines. Columbia. tSavannab, Jacksonville. Tampa and Atlanta, and the principal cities between the bouth and East. It is also the direct route to Athe s, Augusta and Mae n. In Atlanta direct connections are made in the Union Station for 1 hattannoga, Nash ville and Memphis, also for New Orleans and all points in Texas, California and Mex ico In addition, it Is the only line operating through trains, and Pullman sleeping cars between Atlanta and Norfolk, where connec tions are made with the Old Dominion Steamship Company, from New York, theM. & M. T. Company, from Boston and Provi dence, the Norfolk & Wa-hington Steam be at Company, from Washington, the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, from Baltimore, and the N. Y. P. & N. Railway, from New York and Philadelphia, Through Pullman cars also operated on quick schedules between Jacksonville and St. Louis, via Monticello, and between Jack sonville and New Orleans, in addition to through trains with Buffet Chair Cars be tween Savannah and Montgomery, The local train service is first-class with most convenient schedules. In fact the Seaboard Air Line Rail way will ticket passengers for any poin t, affording the quickest schedules, floest trains and most comfortable service. Its 1000-mile books, sold at $25.00, are good from Washington, D. C, over the entire sys tem of 2,600 miles, including Florida. ' 1 Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 26cabottl Life 13 ' real to the one who pays the bilk, and "earnest" to hustlers. Pico's Cure is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of throat and lungs. Wit. O. .Espbuet, Vanb-aren, Ind., Feb. 10, 1300. An aphorism is good only when it is bad, according to many. If yon want "good "digestion to wait npon your appetite" you should always chevr a bar of Adams' pgpsin Tutti Frutti. Many ft soul has been lost looking too loaf ufioa UUterX j&aniond. Spring" Cleaning: IWade Much of the terror of spring cleaning may Ts" avoided by proper preparation. Settled weather should be selected for the work, and a supply ' of all needed articles in readiness. Ivory Soap will be found best for washing windows, paints and floors ; it is harmless, and very effective in making tho hcuse clean and frsh -iliiza R. Parker. Rental of Grazing Lands. Under the stimulus of competition among the cattlemen the rental of the grazing lands of Indian Territory has gone up. Fortunately these lands yield ed only ten cents per acre. Now there is a demand for them at SO and 40 cents per acre. Bids recently opened in Washington' for 70,000 acres of pas ture belonging to the Kaw Indians, for which only $6,000 a year was obtained under former contracts, aggregate now $26,000 per annum under the oners of the successful bidders. Stray Shots. It takes more than a dentist to kill some men's nerve. What noise annoys an oyster? Vr La Grippe and Headaclie. These disagreeable and dangerous dis eases may be relieved immediately by the t mely use of Hicks' Capudine Headache Cure. 15c, 25c and EOcat all drug r tores . If your druggist does not keep it send 6c for postage on trial bottle. Hicks Chemical Co., Raleigh, N, C. People are beginning to take things for that tired feeling. The American Peoyle Are the greatest sufferers fr m Constipation. Many ea,es nave been cured effectually wiUi small doses of Crab Orchard Water. The oftener a man gets married the mote mothers-in-law he has. 25 5U 14 Use CERTAIN TaFCUREJ f O -f"4 O O f NEW DISCOVERY; (fives " Wi ? quick relief and enres worst ees- Bo., of testimonials and lO days' treatment free. Br. H. H. GREEN'S SOWS. Box B. Atlanta. Ga. The Sance that made West Point famous." MclLHENNY'S TABASCO. jit unipjiiifimiMi FOR GOUT, TORPID LIVER AND CONSTIPATION. No medicine in the world can relieve yoa like the Natural Mineral Laxative "Water, provided by nature herself and dis covered more than 30 years ago and now used by every nation in the world. fAJf Recommended by over one thousand of the most famous physicians from whom we hive testimonials, as the safest and best Natural Laxative Water known ta medical science. Its Action is Speedy, Sure and Gentle. It never gripes. Every Druggist and General Wholesale Grocer Sells It. for the full name, I Dl IIET Label with " Hnnyadi Janos." J DLUC Red Centre Panel. Sole Importer. Firm of Andreas Saxlehner, 130 Fulton -St., N. Y. s 1 1 MiMMlESfWSSt WinchQstcjr I Oar 100 page - and shotgun sheila, illustrated cata-J FACTORY 'LOADED SfOTGUU SHELLS 9 -NEVVRIVAL," O the winning combination ia the field or at "LEADER," and g the trap. All dealers sell them. 2 REPEATER. A trial will prove superiority. . log-ue. 8 FREE 8 WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. 5 a tris ISO WINCHSSTZX AVX., NEW HAVEX, COUM. O i it- W. L. DOUGLAS S3 & $3.50 SHOES made' Tho real worth of my S3.00 and $3.50 shoes compared with other makes la 4.00 to fW.00. M y 84 .00 Gilt lge Line cannot be equalled at any price. Best in the world lor men. I inuke tl t-)l more -' flne ahoot, Goodvrnr Welt(Hjiid-Mwei1 Proeeu), than any otlier manufiM. tnrer in the vrld. X will pay 81,000 to any one who cuo wove ttuit my itotcinent i not true. (Hiarned) W. IV. Xong;la. Take no ubtlrnt ! Insist on having W. L. Dontfas shoes with name and price stamped on bottom. Your dealer should keep them ; I give one dealer exclusive sale In each town, lr be does not keep them and will not get them for you, order direct from factory, enclosinsr price ana 25c. extra for carriage. Over 1,000 J)M satisfied wearers. Nw Sprtnjr Catalog free. Fast Color ..Vets used exclusively. V. L DOUGLAS, BfOCktOfl, MaSS. mm Speaking of Style. Apropos of the matter of style a writer in the London Bookman a few months ago gave figures to illustrate chronologically the decline of sen tence length, his figures being obtained by finding the average words per sen tence for 500 periods. Beginning with Fabyan and ending with Emerson his list stood: Fabyan 68.28, Spenser 49.7S. Hooker 41.40, Macaulay 22.45, Emerson 20.58. The Chicago Daily News says: " this list continued by adding Kipling.and, say, Richard Harding Da vis, today it would be found that there would be a further decline in the unrn ber of words in a sentence." No. Maude, dear, the horse that doesn't get anything to eat is seldom a fast horse. FRAGRANT a perfect liquid dentifrice for ft? eeth and yioutlB New Size S0Z0D0NT LIQUID, 25c S0Z0D0NTT00TH POWDER, 25c 1 I innin a nAiirnnn , At all Stores, or by Mail for tho prioo. HALL& RUCK EL, New York. Ko tw 1 1 So. 10. S4 A B AY SURE a man with rig to Introduce .our troods in tb aomp- trj. hiniu FoodCo.,iept. 4l. Kn-a VT. A LUKURY WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL! Constipation Is easily cured and tho bowels restored f to a healthy condition by th aso of A Tablespoonful to a Cup. -IS THE RULE FOR MAKING COrrEE. BUT OF A TABLESPflDNFIll. OF will give you strong-er coffee than a tablespoonful of any other kind. Here is where you save money! Watch our next esdvertisorrient. Always insist upon getting: it. LiOS COFFEE is absolutely pure, and not a coffee which is glazed or coated with egg mixtures or chemicals in order to hide imperfections. In every paclcago of L!0H COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive list. No housekeeper, in fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article which will contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from tho wrappers of our ono pound ssaled packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is cold). WOOLSON SPICE CO., JOLEDO, OHIO. th natural remedy for all ("tomaeb. bowel, liver and kidney troubles. By our method of concentration each bottle is equivalent to thro gallons oa tne spring water. 5o!d bvall dru? elsts. Crab apple CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO.. Lou!svi:i. Kf. M mr I Li mm CATALOG OF FREE! SPORTING GOODS. naiiLinuo or un i iuu GOODS GOf.lPAHY,, 620 Loenkt St., ST. LOUIS. $3.00 PER 1000 Paid for distributing adTert'slnjc matter reiattr m Ai.I.IO Vl'OK LI.MMEiVT. th.s best ruboo for Rheumatism, Sfenrmitcia and U tdu. Ptl 33 5oc and $l.uo. 8umplo mailo-t for 15c. Adaroaa XII E ALLIGATOUL1NIMESX CO., CHARLESTON. 1. C. CURS WHEBrAlt ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. tu time. Moid toy drucrtrista. TJos 1 !nf!HHHH!!n!n!SH!!l!I!!!l1?!n!?i!!!!f!!H!!!!!!?f!Hl!nf!?!HI!?15!IIn!n!HIfflnnH!?!!5?!!!ll!!nm!f!!f!!!!l!lHHni!H You know very well how you feel when your liver don't act. Bile collects in the blood, bowels become constipated and your whole system is poisoned. A lazy liver is an invitation for a thousand pains and aches to. come and dwell with you. Your life becomes one long measure of irritability and despondency and bad feeling. CASCARETS act directly, and in a peculiarly happy manner on trie liver and bowels, cleansing, purifying, revitalizing every portion of the liver, driving all the bile from the blood, as is soon shown by increased appetite for food, power to digest it, and strength to throw off the waste. BoAaro of imitations! swimrain'." Washington & c. "I Slave been troubled a. great deal with a torpid liver, vbica produces constipa tion. I found CASCARETS to bo alt you claim for them, and secured such relief tho first trial that I purchased another supply and was completely cured, l shall only be too glad to recommend Cascarets whenever the opportunity i presented. " J. A Smith. 2920 Susquehanna Ave.. Philadelphia, Pa. at maa Tha hap. I ju thr hat clat r Vi V i'J -rimr I the opportunity l3presentea" J. A Smith. I " - XNk. : jf tely j 2920 Susquehanna Ave.. Philsderphia, Pa. j ci X I " ry , j "He did i uickly and -matically 8d I I I WM ' DEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVER. : ggS . - : li Hi ii, 1 i. ..K . y X. VJi''"-ikA fl fl iT -ujl i j iim)i vm m mil, i mii ,i"l.l . . " T1 I MM THIS IS m THE TABLET 22 OCARA?rrEEDTOCirRl!aniiwltrblc.aMeiidiclt1i, M!tniet, j- - - bad breath, lad 1tod. wind on the itsnacb. Monled kwcU, f inn(b. - bMdache. Indlirratlan. nlm.lfti. oalni aftei- eatlne. Ilep ti-oahlc, allw fom- 222 plestlon ud dlxxlnea. Whca your bowela dom'C It ta starter for tlie chronle ollntenta wad Ion yer ol" oflrinjc ' afterwardi. IVo matter what all yoa, trt tmUInc V.AMCJLXlErSH larlr Ta ura fimiiii miIIab bills mare Dronln tlif&ai mil other dlaeoaei toarether. todny. for yon will never set well and be w- ew B- a am aa. an oj i buw mtmwmwm wm 10c. 2Jc 50c NEVER SOLD IN BULK. DRUGGISTS GTJAItAHTSEV TO CYTRKt Frve years nro the Ormt box or CAS. CARETS wai sold. BTow It la mvr alx mini a boxca m year, (reattr thaa anr alaalla.r aBedlelmo In the world. Thlo Is abaolste arcaf of rrjat ntrit, avad nr best teittlBMBhu. We hare faith, aad will aelf CASCVAIC KTSJ tealut-ly rnaranteed to en re or money refnnded.- Go hay today( two &Oe boxes. stIto theat a fair, honest trial, as per slmole directions, Md Ifyoa are not antladeet after aahia; one ftOe box. retara the nnnaed &e box svnd the entnty box to na by an nil, or the drnnlat frosa whoaa yon purchased It, aad Set year money baelc for botai ban, Take oar advice no matter what alls you start today. em in win aaiemy follow ana yoaa win niess e any yon ani wma sno JBTS. Bsek frM ay osU. Adul maUia UWI ca,f ua In U 0 e well alt the time an All yon pat year bowels ; with n". gT" today. WMltr sa sbists faadod. ' .. ' ' S6S '

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