3 " ' VOLUME XVII. HENDERSON VILLE, C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1902. No. 31 JOHETStOBT BIWiliilfHlHl Ladies Taiior Made Garments made to order and delivered one week from date of order promptly. Made of the very prettiest and most fashsonable ma terial for walking and dress purposes, all new, thorough up-to-date styles, Call and examine sam ple garments and prices. Ladies ready to wear skirts in great variety 40c to $5.00; Ladies ready-to-wear Cloth Jackets $1-50 to $5.00; ladies ready-to-wear Cloth Capes 75c to $2 50 ; ladies ready-to-wear shirt waists 25c to $2.00; just received and ready for sale Fine solid Black dress goods 10c to 50c; fancy colored dress goods 10c to 50c; all wool shirt-waist flannels 25c; yard wide fine heavy "FJanneletts 8c; Colored outing flannels in great variety 4c to 10c; Heavy canton flannels 6c to 10c; all wool Red and White flannels 15c to 25c; white and colored blank ets per pair 60c to $1.50; we offer the greatest bar gains and best values in seasonable dry goods. S. JOHNSTON, 39 MAIN STREET ...... . TTZSr pin? Paints For All IPur poses..- . SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT. . JOHN W MASURYS PAINT. PERMANERE FLOOR FINISH. SATSUMA INTERIOR ENAMEL. DECORINE WALL FINISH. You'Ve no idea how a few dollars invested n this department will improve the looks of your home. Leads in Fixe; and At the Real Estate Office 2 r Some prices that may prove interesting. J. F. BROOKS & CO , Druggists, Henderson ville, -N. C. We've made a specialty of footwear for many years. You will find the best for the price here. And the price is low quality . considered. v Widths from A A to EE. That's why we fit all sorts of feet. Mail orders a specialty. J. Spangenberg, ; Asheville, - . . - - . N. C. Court Square. . Trunks. s 9 ' 3 Life Insurance, of SMITH & WALDR0P. THE BATH IS COMPLETE Only when a dash of toilet water is added. Select this f r o m o u r fine assortment. T h e quality will please. Any of these are delightfully refreshing and give just the right touch of per- fume. OTHER TOILET ARTICLES Such as Brushes, Soaps, Sponges, Powders, etc., are here at the smallest prices consistent with' good quality. Hsbevtlle Seminary 3f or Ibigber Education of Invigorating cli- "51110111611. i; ' mate; refined associates; full col lege faculty, graduates of Ameri can and European colleges and universities; scientific and classi cal courses; music, art and - ex pression; individual instruction. Elegant appointments.! Summer boarders received. For catalogue addsess 36. D. IBurfee, XX. 2)., ftresioent 110 Cumberland avenue, BsbevHIe, .e IMG PONG at. F. V TCATTCTTRTnrrRVQ U Patton Ave. Asheville, N. C. P ROOSEVELT IN SERIOUS ACCIDENT. President Bruised and Secret Service Officer killed. Pittsfield, Mass., Sept. 3. The life of the president was puc in imminent danger on the road between Pittsfield and Lenox today and his escape from death is regarded as miraculous. So far tonight the evidence that has been gathered points to the conclus ion that the accident was due to the desire of the motorman to get the pass engers to the country club before the president should pass the club. The president's injuries were not very severe.- Secretary Cortelyou was badly hurt, Governor Crane was con siderably bruised, and William Craig, secret service man, was instantly kill ed The driver was very seriously injured but will probably recover. CALL FOR COUNTY CONVENTION. By order of the executive commit -t ee a convention of the republican par ty of Henderson county is hereby call ed to meet at the court house in Hen dersonville on Saturday, September 27, 1902, for the purpose of nominating one candidate for representative, and candidates for the following county offices, to wit: clerk superior :court, register of deeds, sheriff, surveyor, coronor and three county commission ers ail of whom are to be elected at the general election on the 4th of No vember, and lor the transaction -of such other business as may be proper ly brought before the convention- The voting precincts of said county will be entitled to the strength given below, in the said county convention, the same being based upon the vote cast for governor in the last state elec tion: Bowman's Bluff 2 Blue Ridge 8 Clear Creek 2 Crab Creek 3 East Hendersonville , ...... 5 West Hendersonville 7 Edneyville 8 Flat Rock 3 French Broad '2 Green River 4 Hooper's Creek . 5 Mills River 4 River Bend . 2 Raven Rock . 2 It is also ordered by the committee that the various voting precincts hold their meetings on Friday, Sept. 26, at two o'clock p. m. for the purpose of selecting delegates to represent them in the county convention, and it is earnestly hoped that each and every precinct will be fully represented in the nominating convention. Each precinct will, at its meeting on Fri day, Sept 26, elect a precinct executive committee consisting or three mem bers, the chairman of which will be recommended to the county conven tion as a member of the county execu tive committee to serve for the ensu ing two years. It is urged that every precinct will nse special care in the selection of a precinct executive com mittee, and select as members good, active working republicans. Done by order of the reoublican ex: ecutive committee of Henderson coun ty at its meeting in Hendersonville on Saturday, August 9th 1902. Very respectfully, Beownlow Jackson, Cb'm'n Co. Rep Ex. Com. A. B. Freeman, Secretary, J. M. Lyda, Sec. pro tern. m Perfection Attained. "Clifton'7 fancy patent is a perfect flour. It is not possible to put more quality and purity into a flour than our ' Clifton" brand contains. "Clifton" is a soft wheat fancy patent. It is made from select wheat, every grain of which was grown on kesduct, soil the best wheat in the wide world. Only the plumpest and choicest berries are selected. These are thoroughly cleaned, and then by a special process of graded reduction are converted into flour, The cream of. the flour is separated and sifted throttgh the finest silk bolting cloth, giving it a velvety softness seldom found in ordinary flour. That's "Clifton" and that's why it is a per fect flour the finest product expert milling and mod em mill can make from the best wheat grown. :-: "Clifton" is a flour of quality at a reasonable price. You can pay as much and get an inferior flour, but you cannot get a better flour, what ever you pay; Beansford.Miuls. Owensboro,, Ky. THE DIFFERENCE. Graham Tribune The national gov ernment is in control of the republi cans and the nation is prosperous and there is a surplus in the treasury. The state is in control of the democrats and there is a deficit in the treasury. AGcutle Hiut. In our style of climate, with its sud den changes of temperture, rain, wind and sunshine often intermingled in a single day, it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neg-. lected colds, half the deaths resulting directly from this cause. A. bottle" of Boschee's German Syrup kept about your home for immediate use will pre vent serious sickness, a large doctor's bill, and prehaps death, by the use of three or four doses. For curing Consumption, - Hemorrhages, Pneu monia, Severe Coughs, Group, ;or any disease of the Throat or Lungs, its success is simply wonderful, as your druggist will tell you. Get a sample bottle free from J. F. Brooks & Co. Regular size, 75 cts. Get Green's Special Almanac. CHINESE LAUNDRY CHECKS. Ingenious Celestial Method of Iden tifying Customers. Tbe ingenuity of the Mongolian mind is well displayed in the system of accounts and checks in the laundry business. If their written language were as scientific and accurate as our own, it would be an excellent crea tion, but they labor under many dis advantages which are unknown to the civilized World. There are no charac ters in Chinese for letters of any such simple variations as Roman and Ara bic numerals. It is therefore impos sible to translate or transliterate into Chinese such common marks as (A. 1) or (IV. G). In place of this the China man uses the ideographs for the com moner facts of life, such as "house," "moon,'? Mdog," "lion," "bear," "table," "chair" and "street." In addition to these he employs the numeral characters from 1 up to 100. A customer comes to a laundry un able to speak Chinese and delivers his wash to a man unable to speak Eng lish. He receives in return a check containing two characters. One repre sents the day of the week or month and the second one of the facts men tioned, such as "moon" or "lion." The slip is torn through the middle, upon the principle of the legal indenture. It is impossible to imitate the torn piece so that it will fit the half retained by the laundry. Then upon the daybook of the laundry the proprietor enters under the day of the week or the month the ideograph moon or lion as signed to the customer and beneath this the articles left to be laundered. He then takes down from a hook a lot of muslin tags On which are written in indelible ink "moon" or "lion," 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on. One of these tags is affixed to each article, excepting the cuffs and collars. To these one tag is affixed, which is fastened by a strong thread or cord tied through the button hole in each article. In addition to this they often put a private mark up on the article to be cleaned, although this is not very common. When the goods are washed and ironed, they are done up in a package and the day and special character written on the out side. In addition to this the half ticket is fastened to it with a pin. When the customer enters, he gives his- half ticket up, and if he is known by sight the package is handed over to him. If he is not known or is suspect ed of being a confidence operator, his half ticket is fitted to the laundry half ticket before the package is handed over. The daybook is often amusing read ing. It is difficult to write western names in Chinese characters and in most cases impossible. The laundry man therefore writes down some sali ent feature of the customer. In do ing this he manifests quick percep tion and considerable humor. "Two Gold Tooth" appears on the same page with "Redhead Scar Cheek," "Red Nose Man," follows "Old Woman With -White Hair." "Man Who Looks Like Horse," "Man With Much Long Hair," "Very Tall Thin" and "Man Very Fat Jolly" are familiar entries. Often the customer is described by his calling grocer, butcher, policeman, carriage man or expressman. Doctor and den tist are frequent titles. Upon this sys tem the little, laundrymt.n transacts his business with great smoothness and satisfaction. It may be asked if an American would do us well in the Flowery Kingdom. New York Post. -A Matter of Excuses. On one occasion when Embassador Choate was defending a client charged with a serious offense the attorney for the plaintiff in his speech had recount ed the alleged misconduct of the de fendant and impressively said: "There is no possible excuse for such action. No one could offer any excuse." "Why, just imagine the many ex cuses you could devise if you were counsel for the defendant," interrupted Mr, Choate. JUDGE FURCHES. Statesville Landmark, Dem. It should be said in passing that the name of Chief Justice Furches was not considered by the republican state convention in connection with the plac6 he now holds for the reason that more than a year ago Judge Furches announced that he would not be a candidate, for re-election. Judge Furches has served on the Supreme court bench with honor and credit, administering the law without fear or favor, and he will retire from the bench with the respect and estpem of those who know the man, as an honor able, upright and just judge. Contributions to the monument since last receipt. J. A. Maddrey $J.OO J. W. Posey 1.00 Joseph Leach 1.00 Clinton Redin 25 Lee Smith..... 1.00 S.V.Pickens.... 1.00 M, L. Byers 50 Men and women of Henderson county will you longer delay? Or will- you now act and let the committees know the resultr. ' ' This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets the remedy that cures a cold In one day There's a steady roll of bargains here. It's a restless current of popular trading that carries all things with it. We Supply the Goods As You Want Them. No Risk of Inferiority, No Chance of Disappointment, No Useless Waste of Kash, When you do your trading with The Wilson Mercantile HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. No Excuse for Idleness. Every young person who wants employment can secure it through a thorough course at the Asheville Business College, Asheville, N. C. The following applications were selected at ranaom irom our corresponaence nie ana are a iair average oi. the number received every week in the entire year: From G. P. Stevens & Co., Atlanta, Ga: "We want a young man (ship ping clerk), one who writes a good hand, is fast at figures and don'fc make mistakes One not under 26 years is preferred. Can you se cure us a man ? "Yours truly, "G. P. Stevens." From Southern Express Co., Charlotte, N. C.: "I want to secure a stenographer. The writer will be in Asheville in a few days. Try to have a man onlhand for me as soon as I get there. "Very Respectfully, " By Long Distance 'Phone, from Atlanta, Ga.: "Have you a young man or lady who is well up in book keepie and stenography, is quick and don't make mistakes. Will pay $G0 a month for a good stenog rapher. Please write us by today's mail r wire. "Southern Manufacturing Company." Teleeram.'from Chattanooera. Tenn.: "Confirming vour favor of ves terday.JQSend us a s anographer or a book keeper at once. "h . G. Willingham." OUR A. B. SCHOLARSIP. Embraces withaut doubt the'most complete business and short hand course in the south. Positions on this scholarship are an Vnl n f-A pprtninfw Wp issnp thic fiolinln rah ir pvptv vpq r if fViia j . v tj - time. If you complete it and want a position we can get it for you. . V';'.-yvV-;v: '':v'---: Asheville Business College. Asheville. N. C. Wide-Awake arid JHJw That keeps our stock fresher Drugs never get old Newest and latest varieties Tbe most perfect equipment Experi enced liscensed pharmacists for prescription work Wide awke progressive methods to improve every feature. We are not the "Biggest thing on earth" but thoso who trade here seem satisfied to keep on trading here year after year. We invite you. The Justus Pharmacy, Thc DfP on the Hendersonville, N. C. 1 I1S1I11 fiee; LIFE. The Northwestern Mutual Life's new policy contracts cover every contingency of life. I have spent years in the study of Life Insurance, so am prepared to write suit your own case. as.. KVit Fire Insurance I write as well as Accident and Health, also Plate Glass. - . V.,''; ; : ;v- No companies in my office except those which have stood the test of time and rigid'State inspection. ERWEST Li EWBARIK, Toms'Stone Building, North Side Main Street, Hendersonville, N. C. MEET MEAT . . . STATON BROS', Opposite court house, where you will find your friends. Also a complete line of Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, tlats and Shoes. . x 1 I ACCIDENT, f)& HEALTH. for you just what you need to v n 4

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