v . THE TIMES IS THE OLDEST WEEK LY; PAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA PUBLISHED WEST OF THE BLUE RIDGE. . HAS THE LARGEST CIR CULATION OF ANY PUBLICATION IN ITS TERRITORY. I! I III -j VOLUME XVII. HENDERSONVILLE, N. o:, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1902. No. 11 f v. JOHEISTOEFS -: GREAT SPECIAL BARGAINS. -. v . ! ' " . : i ' ' " ' 7 v , Prices named are the best values ever offered. :' Ladies' Heavy Walking Skirts...-......;...... .....7......... ...... ..$1.00 and $1.50 Ladies' Heavy Cloth Jackets......................;...................$1.50 and $2.00 Mens Heavy Overcoats..........--.:........... ...... .$2.00 and $3.00 Mens1 Heavy Winter Pants - .60 and .75 Boys' Heavy Winter Pants.: 25 and .35 Boys' Heavy Winter Suits $1.00 and $1.50 Ladies Heavy Ribbed Undervests ...... . v ' .25 Ladies Heavy Ribbed Pants ........... .25 Men's Heavy Fleeced Vests L. .20 Men's Heavy Drawers to match....:......... . .20 Children's Heavy Undervests....:..;.................'..........:..... .10 and .25 Children's Wool Hoods........... .....I........ ....... .A.. ....... .10 and .25 Ladies Wool Fascinators 1 15 and .25 Ladies Underskirts: I " .25 White and Colored Blankets 60 and $1.50 Heavy Bed Comforts ..i.. ............... .$1.00 and $1.25 Canton Flannel : .' .05 and .08 Outing Flannel...........:..:.. ...... .04 and - 08 Men's Best Wool Hats..;... .....;...:..;..Jl..........M... .50 Men's Best Fur Hats $1.00 S. JOHNSTON, 39 MAIN STREET STOVES Less Fuel More Heat. It's time you were thinking about -: . your heating, cook: stoves; you will . -,:.vs--. need j a new one this year and "you will want, one that does not take -. . much coal . since -coaL is so Inch. . : y?fr VRi at y o ix W arnFis- arWi 1 rt H ea 'let: -; and Buck's stove. J,' Drop in and see us. ' 1 Plumbing fixtures, need any? Get them here. - . . IldwasnL 0D The Luxury of Our Perfumes Is open to all. Excellent ez- tracts are sold in bottle and bnlk at moderate prices. One ef the newest odors is an L' exquisite addition to the long -' list of those ' already at my la dy's service. . . " . Perfumes, Toilet Soaps t and , N Toilet Waters v Form an important ' part of our stock. Customers who have a special favorite in any . of these lines will find it here at the lowest price. Some prices to at may prove interesting. . . : J F. BROOKS & CO., Druggists, ' nenaersonvnie, n. j. FOR AUTUMN AND WINTER. - Full lines of Dry Goods, Underwear, Cloaks, Suits, Small-tz-''yr,: wares, Fancy Gooda, Clothing and Overcoats, Hats, Shoes, f . Hugs, Trunks, Bags, and Butterick Patterns. Many handsome novelties will be found in the stock quite a number of them confined to us in the city and value, value everywhere. ; "-,-. v:' ; A number of items are below prevailing prices, the result of , . ' hard work on our part, backed up by hard cash. - H. Redwood & Co., Asheville, N. C. For Tan, Sunburn, Freckles and other Complexion annoyances. ' Knowing that the ladies have occasion each fall to battle with the ? r ravages of summer sun and drying dust in 'their complexion,; in I their efforts to restore the skin to its natural beauty we wish at this time to call attention to the gratifying assistance that our ' Benzionated Cream will render in this work. It softens, clears. ' "and beautifies. Will be pleased to tell you more about it at the store. -' ' :- - .l - t . - , , - The Justus Pliarmacy, Dt2Zy? . THANKSGIVING DAY. , IN HEN DERSON VI LLE. A Deer Hunt, A Flurry of Snow, and Other Things. ' Thanksgiving Day passed off quietly in Hendersdnville. The weather play ed a practical j oke on Uncle Sam's bureau, as ; the latter had . predicted fair" weather whereas what we acfc ually had was an assortment of cli mates including snow. Services . were held at the Baptist, Presbyterian and Episcopal churches and collections were taken up'for or phanages. Rev. W. M. Curtis with some members of his church ' visited the poor house and endeavored to give the inmates some cause of thanksgiv1 ing. - - President Roosevelt missed the op portunity of his life by not being here yesterday. A six snag buck, weighing 136 J pounds, made a rapid transit through the western aud northwestern parts of the town in the raorui ug, and was pursued by a number of Nimrods and finally slain by Frank Drake near Brittain's creek, north of town J A. Bryson brought the animal in triumph through town followed by a large, pro! -cession. A COMPARISON. Measuring Corn in Bulk. It is often a great v advantage to measure corn in ear in wagon boxes or cr ibs without trouble of handling The old rule of 2 cubic feet to the bush el is .Yiot correct; neither is the rule given -by "Ropp's Calculator," towit: "Two and one. half cubic feet" for corn in the crib. I have weighed and meas ured wagon loads,' first making a box of suitable dimensions and tlfen shell ing the grain and weighing to ascer tain the number of cubic inches requir ed. It was found that there was no exact rule. If a wagon box or crib is filled with very large corn, and of it, it will take more cubic inches to shell out 56 pounds of grain than, it will of very small corn, because the latter packs : closer, together. Measure the length, breadth and depth of the wag on box in inches, multiply them, di vide the product by 4000 ; the quotent will be in bushels. 1 Example; A wagon boxls 1ft feet long. 3 feet wide and 24 inches deep; 120x36 equals .4320x24 equals 103,680. divided by 4000 equals 25 J bushel. Neither the buyer nor the seller can afford to pay the weigh master for all he will gain or lose if measy red accurately b v this rule. Corn in a crib is nob exactly . the same Ht a wagou uoj, ueuauso id is hod com monly packed so closely together. In the crib get the dimensions in inches as above and divide the product by 4250, ana you will get it almost exact ly, remembering what l nave said about big and little corn. James D. Porter. "Observer" Asks a Question and Gives the Answer to It. ; Editors Times: The question is some times asked, What is there to make Hendersohville grow more rapidly than some of its neighboring resorts? Why is it that Asheville, with all its wealth and the advertising it gets in connection with George W. Vander bilt' cannot show the same rate of growih as our own modest town? We have not used as much diligence as we should in publishing abroad all of our natural advantages, and therefore I think it is important to give the widest possible publicity to the answer to the above .inquiry. , Apart from a slight difference in climate and our freedom from the danger of tuberculous infection, the chief advantage that Hendersonville has "over its ambitious neighbor on the nortn is the comparatively level sur fa ce of our town. We have mountains, plenty of them, withiu reach of us, but we keep them, off Main street; Asheville has" many miles of streets, some of them paved, ' but they are mostly standing on end. A few days ao1 a ; man .was quietly walking in that hamlet, when he suddenly fell off the street and had to be taken to the hospital for repairs. In Henderson ville there is no danger of such un pleasant occurrences. Any one can walk our streets without a step ladder. When these facts become better known the number of our visitors will be greatly increased. There is no town in this section which is better suppled . by nature with facilities for good streets than Hendersonville, and if the town commissioners will get a move on thsm and do the macadam izing - for which the bonds have al ready been voted and sold, then the attractiveness of this place will be still further increased. Observer. 3C 3C G ASn Sin PXdMS The only place in town to get fine and up-to-date Stationery, School and Office Supplies, all the latest Books of Fibtion Magazines and papers. . 1 am now prepared to take orders for Fine En graued Visiting Cards, Wedding and Recep tion Invitations, Embossed Note Paper, Letter Heads and Envelopes. Anytheing and every thing in this'line. ' ii , '4 Call and see samples and get prices.-' . Postoffice Building. ij - mm Jl 3C ROBBERS IN POLK COUNTY. Asleep Amid Flames. .Breaking into a mazing home, some firemen lately dragged the sleeping in mates from death. Fancied security and death near. It's that way - when you neglect coughs and colds. Don' do it. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption gives perfect protection again st all Throat, Chest and Lung irouoies. J&.eep it near, and avoid suffering, death and doctor's bills. A teaspoonful stops a late cough, persis tent use the most stubborn. Harmless and nice tasting, it's guaranteed to satisfy by W. H. Justus. Price 60c and $1.00 Trial bottles free. ' Topics in Brief. The fate of General Uribe-Uri be has not yet been decided, in all probabil ity, he will at least be tried for repeat ing. , . So far as heard from, no member of the coal-strike commission has yet de clared that he would like the life of a miner aa a permanent job. . -Those who have figured out to their own sa tiEfaction that David B. Hill can not be elected to the presidency neglect to mention tne name or some democrat who can. Mr. Coler now will not be under the painful necessity of going over into Pennsylvania and taking the coal mines away from Mr. Baer, as he was pledged to do if elected. -mere is something about the name of that boy burglar Pa wpawlicki just taken in charge by the police, which suggests a paternal duty that may have been neglected at home.- ' ' 1 s f ; ' ':. " .'. 7 x-'J- ; JUST WHAT YOU NEED. . Cbaniberlain's Stomach ana JLiver Tablets. . When you feel dull after eating, i 'When you have no appetite. . When you have a bad. taste in the mouth. ;When your liver is torpid. When your bowels are constipated. Whan you have a headache. When you feel bilious. t t They will improve your appetite. cleanse and invigorate your stomach. and regulate your liver aud bowels. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv W. H. Justus Druggist. . The National Conventions. Wilmington Star. ' -- - Senator Scott, of West Virginia, ex presses the opinion that both the re publican and democratic national con ventions will be Jbeld in St. Louis in 1904. That's Louisiana Purchase Ex position year, and the President mak ers will take advantage of the oppor tunity to see the big show. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY i Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. ' AU druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.: E. W. Grove's sig Fire-Proof Vaults ' Opened With Dynamite. -Polk County News. - - . - The iron doors of the fire-proof yault in ; Kegistrar of Deeds omce in the court house at Columbus were blown open by professional safe blow ers last Thursday night. , h The story of the affair as revealed b v several circumstances connected with. fit is as 'follower -'r - v. v -r-- Jaet Thursday evening Mr. Cannon, ot Lynn. sawtour strange men pass ing through Lynn. They -did not speak but hurried on in the direction of Columbus. That night Jno. Hutch ison's todls were stolen irom his black smith 8 bop near lynn and the same tools were found in the vault where the burglars left them. The same night suspicious sounds were heard in the Coiumbus hotel by three different parties in 'different parts of the house, though nothing was taken. Friday night a man was held up by three men a few miles below here. The robbery was executed in true professional style, as a neat hole was drilled near, the combination and a charge of nitro-glyeerine or dynamite did the rest. ' Bits of fuse and matches were found on the floor and the small lockers u the vault were burst open and their contents, consisting of deeds and other legal documents, were scat tered over the floor. Only $1.50 ul postage stamps was secured by the robbers as no funds were in the vault. The vault in the Clerk's office was al so entered but' nothing was secured. as Mr. HamDton had removed $500 the previous night. Certain -newspapers in the state have been circulating a rumor to the effect that the republican officials of this county were responsible for the deed in the effort to cover up their tracks and hide certain matters, but this we deny most emphatically as the circumstances connected with the outrage indicate that the deed was done by professional sate blowers in search of booty. Does it Pay To complete a course at Asheville Business College ? Let's see: Albert Marshal earned only $20 per month before entering here; his scholarship cost him $43.10; he completed in four, months; we immediately placed him with the Southern Prudential .Investment Co., Atlanta, Ga., at $45 per month He is making more than that now. Miss Maud Gilchrist had worked two years with the same house for $15 per month; we got her to take a course here; her tuition was $38.10, V7o pJacediierimmediaterr.ftfter. ahM3anpt3iljrtth.tVray,AI.Ictcr:n, - - ---- neys, Charlotte at $45 per month. She makes more than that now. Will Wright told ns when he came here to complete a course that $10. was the largest salary he had ever earned; his scholarship with us was $85; he completed in six months; we placed him with the Southern Lum ber company, Birmingham, Ala., at $& to begin in He is earniug more 'now. And what shall we say of Ellis Miller, with the Southern Express company? Dudley Chapman, same company? Miss Cruser Roberts, with the Law Cnina company, Asheville? And scores of others at Ashe ville and elsewhere who have succeeded as well or better. For be it re membered that All Full Course Graduates of This College are Placed in Positions. ' - ' Fall term in session now. If you are thinking of attending a Business College, the Asheville Business College is the place for you if you want a position when you complete. Yoii should enter now. - H. S. SHOCKLEY, Principal, Asheville, N. C. 0 n o A Startlingr Surprise. Very few could believe in looking at i A. T. Hoadley, a healthy, robust black smith of Tilden, ind , that for ten years - he suflerea such tortures irom Rheumatism as few could endure and live. But a wonderful change follow ed his taking Electric Bitters. Twan bottles wholly cured me," he writes, "and l have not ieit a twinge in over a year.7 They regulate tne moneys, purify the blood and cure Kheuma- tism, .Neuralgia, Nervousness improve digestion and give perlect health. Try them. Only 50 cts. at W. H. Justus' drug store. TAX PAYER TAKE WARNING. I desire to call the attention of the taxpayers of Henderson county to the ace tnac mey muse come in anu sei- tle their taxes -at onca Under the existing law I can not carry any one over: then why will you delay ana pay cost. As l am goin e out ot omce i must have every one's tax in order to settle n full with the county commissioners: so those wnc wish to escape oem advertised and having their: property sold must come in and pay at once. Kespectluiiy, . j .H R. H. Staton" sheriff. Startling, But Ttne. If every one knew what a grand, medicine Dr. King's New Life Fills is," writes D. H. Turner, IDempsey- town, Pa., "you'd sell all ydu have in a dav. Two weeks' use his made a new man of me." InfallibJp for con stipation, stomach and liver troubles. To exchangre dry groods shoes, hats, caps in fact, everything- in that line for corn, peas, beans, dried apples, etc. We guarantee our prices to be way down. Two Hundred Men's and Boys' Suits to sell at your own price. . ' ; The biggest reduction in pants ever offered in Hendersonville. ! A full line of Men's and Boys' Caps at 25c each. ' Shoes and Rdbber Goods cheap. Every pair of shoes warranted all leather. We have a nice line of heavy dress goods to offer at a bargain. Tinware cheap as you want it. We also carry a -complete line of Groceries. ' Our brands of Flour can not be excelled. rf ' f Salt, 10O pounds, cotton haors, 60 cents, bacon' and shorts, : cotton seed meal and hulls. Don't fail to see us before you buy. , Respectsully, Staton Br,otiie2?s. Leads in' Fire "and Life Snsuranco, At the Real Estate Office of . SIIITH 6 7ALDR0R f 25c at W. H. Justus' drug s pre. it:- ' . - .' . . nature is on each box..-25c.

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