.- f . - '.THIS TIMCC " a. x. : t -r .... JHE TIMES HAS THE LARGEST CIR- IS THE OLDEST WEEK LY PAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA PUBLISHED WEST.. OF THE BLUE ? 1 r r CULATION OF ANY PUBLICATION IN ITS P RIDGE.' - - . TERRITORY. Lv . V ' J' --4- i-i. am..- J2 VOLUME XVIII. L- HENDERSONVXLLE; mo., : FRIDAY, SETEilBEE 25. 1903. No. 20 i y-irn ' . t- 7 --' f . - f V IJ I A- JOHHSTOHr'S : GREAT iPEGIAL OFFERINGS ;' : . ' : :' Boys' Knee Pants 10c, 15c, and 25c. .. . . ' , v Boys' Two Piece Suits $1 00 Boys' Three Piece'Saits $1.00 Men's Laundried Colored Shirts 2oe -" Men's Lanndried Colored Shirts 50c , - ' . 1 Men's Summer Vests 15c and 25c ' . Men's White Jean Drawers 25c 7 Men's Seamless Half Hose 5c and 10c . Men'8 31ack Arcb Kid Shoes $1.25 Boys' Tan Arco Kid Shoes 75c . Fancy China Matting 12c . - -: - Curtain ; Poles complete 25c , ' 1 - " , . . Window "Shades 12Jc and 25c I ' ;t - Square and Arch Top Mirrors all sizes - 1 r : Masons Fruit Jars - Hammocks complete with Pillows 90c ' " " v ; Oil Lamps in variety , S; JOHNSTON,! 39 M AIN STREET , v ' " " " " " " ' : ' """" ' ' zi i v ' - . k . .... , - -1 1 ref d ,- ' J- - HARDWARE, FARMING iiPLEiENTS, 5 Plumbing: Supplies of all kinds, and Ajrent for Corn Planters, ' The Chattanooga, ;Plows, Cqtlaway Harrows and .Globe Cultivators. BLUE WARE AND GRAY WARE. , Grass Seeds, Fertilizers, Paints!, etc. D U H . Redwood & Co. , Asheville, N. C. Ladies' Tailor ! Made Suits and Skirts, Petticoats, Shirt Waists I in Jarge variety. . Wool ' Dress Goods and Silks, Vel vets, ; Wash Goods, both, white andt colored, a superb Stock, Staple Dry : Goods of all kinds, House-keeping Dry Goods, Laces, Ribbons, Embroideries,- Trimming Appliques, Fancy Goods, Trimmings, -and Smallwares of all kinds. A grand Stock of Clothing for menand boys, of special excellence as to fit, Famishing Good i, Hate, Caps, Shoes, Slippers, Bags, Trunks, Umbrellas, Parasols, Bogs, Art Squares, Mattiugs, etc . Orders Receive Immediate Attention. THE PRINCIPLE ON WHICH WE DO BUSINESS i - " - ' , 1 ' ' ' - : A- -.;., ,i c i i:i,:..:-kVi'..:'ii .J -,.J, -.f;;a .;!..;;:.':. ;;r ; ? '"r'"iv'f . i',:;'.',4'At..:Tv- '- Our aim is always to serve our customers in" the way which will in the long run r be most; satisfactory to them, and be to their V " greatest wellfare. 'Often to do this, we must direct their atten- ." - : : tion away from the things they want to buy, not knowing about them as well as we do. We have built up a large business, and have a long list of customers who have the utmost confidence in us, because we try to be thoroughly reliable family druggists. ' We Want Your Trade! J :l rhe Justus Pharmacy, ' D&hinth . i. ' - ,-'"' ' Hendcrsonville, N. C. ' LETTER FROr.1 THE. CAPITAL. - Washington, DC. Sept. 21, There fs some anxiety among tim orous : people in Washington be-, cause of the action of the Ameri can Federation of labor; taken in connection with the W. A. Miller caseiand the. Fresident's declared vopen door" policy with regard to union and non-union labor in the government service. The Central Labor Union of the District of Colombia has sent to every organ ization affiliated with the Federa tion; a: copy of. resolutions request ing the President to dismiss Mil ler and retract his avowed; policy . witn regara. to union: and non -nnioiv Isbor; v- It is seen, that this is the first sep in an organized opposition to President Koose- velt s nomination. There are. it is claimed-2,500,000 members of the" federated labor organizat;ons and; the results of an. organized oppositiom if it could throw this vntfi in . hlnnlr wnnld , Hnnht.l ! j f . . , rnnrpnTPr pcra nil cnoc -j prove formidable. nrecedent whftrfiIw h cnn Ha brought to Washinsrton on indict- The idea that1 the President mehts obtained here. It will also will for a moment consider the fapnlv in the cases of Maurice. possiDinty .ot receding irom tne Isaac S. McGriehan and Georse stand he has taken is not en- H' Huntington, all nf whnm ar lenaineu oy inose w.no Know mm in iew lork and all of whom and who can view ms actions, in have been indicted here. For the so far as they-relate to union la first time the close of the Post- bor, lrom a dispassionate stand- office investigation is definitely point, ivir. nooseveit is nrmiy predicted. It is stated that the convinced J hat he is in the right present grand jury which goes in nis "open-aoorv, declaration out of existence October 5. will and it would appear, that this, fact by that time have considered all snouJd have appealed to . the la- j the cases in hand and that after I bor organizations. It is pointed that date onlv the leeal orosecn- out that in working-lor the gov- tions. will remain. It is further ernment, laborers .are under no announced that Fourth Assistant i necessity of organizing to ' protect Postmaster General Bristow will themselves or to . secure shorter complete and hand to the Presi- hours or larger wafies, whatever dent his reDort on the investie-a- may oe ine conaiiions mat con- I ion, some time in October. iront them when working for in dividuals or ' corporations. The government always pays liberally and is ah easy task master. " It isi therefore, obvious that the unions would be .wiser to accept the next few months. y.- The District "of Columbia grand jury has returned three more in dictments against persons belie v-. ed to have defrauded the governj men t through "postal contracts. One of the persons indicted is George W. Beavers, former super- Complete Plan? and Drawings Prepared, and Blue Prints, Details and jntendant of the division of sal- Specifications furnished for buildings of all kinds. HENDERSONVILLE: BUILDING AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY - - . . , . . . .... , Capital Subscribed $5,000, Will do a General Building Business by Contract or on Commission. anes and allowances. In fact there are believed to be two indict ments against him, but the identi ity of the other person is con cealed "pending his arrest. A decision against the contention of Beavers attorneys by United States Comissioner Hitchcock in New York is the occasion of great satisfaction, to those officials charged with prosecuting the posta cases. In .effect.', this de cision, which obliges Beavers to return to the Brooklyn jurisdict ion without an exhibition by the goverment of its entire case against him, nullifies tho entire effect of his flight from Brooklyn. when he heard of his indictment moreover, establishes Office on West side of Main street threa Up stairs. Call and see us. W. F. EDWARDS Superintendent of Building S. H. HUDGIHS Architect in charge of office lilHl yy In order to raise a large amount of cash we will offer, for the next sixty days, all our Cloth- ; ing at a very low price: .. ' Men's All Wool $ 5.00 Suits for $3.98 ' 6.00 7.0o 10.00 6.00 .5.00 4.00 it k4 Youths' it tt tt tt . it . . tt 4.98 5.98 7.98 4.98 3.98 2.98 ft A remarkable record of effect - iml ! target shooting with large guns has justbee hlade by the crew of the Indiana, at a range of fmm 1 ifin In 1 AflO narc WWk dictum of the . President rather the 6 inch guns'an average of 75 than to antagonize him. ner cent nf hits was madp. whilp the rate of firing was unusuallv In the case of Miller, it is stat-1 fast Hiid the vessel from which' the ed on excellent authoritVi that I aruns were fired was kent. trnimr ut . . I t ' . i r I-, strong recommendations have full SDeed. With the 8 inch ?nn gone to the President that he has a record score of 87.5 Der cent of i oeen expeilea from the dook- hits was made, the firino- bein binders', unton, and that patience at a ra Did rate. The last fnnr on the part of the- unions would! shots fired with the S inch guns probably be rewarded with the all made a bull's-eve. notwith- discharge of their old enemy. In standing the fact that the bulPs- view of the action of the Central eve is onlv 50 inches sunare. Labor Union, however, the dis- When the last bulls -eve was mane charge of Miller might 'now be the men became sn enthnsiastir. Children's suits, all wool, for 74 and up to $5.00 " The best line of Men's, Boys' and Children's pants ever shown in Hendersonville for the least money: ' Men's $3 and $4 oants for $2.00 and $2.50 "- Men's $2 and $3 pants for $1.50 and $2.00 : " ' Men's $1 and $2 pants Jor 75 :&U.'.$i;50 Youths' Pants from .50 up. Children's pants from 25 up Shoes, ail styles, kinds and prices, from 25 up . Just received a large stock of Straw Hats. Hats for big and little folks. For Men, Ladies, Girls and Boys, from 15c to $1. Fur Hats, all styles and shape, for Men and Bbys, at a very low price. Children's and small Boys' Caps a large .variety. Trunks and Bags, Overalls of all kinds. - The very best work and fancy dress Shirts. Dry Goods and Notions cheaper than ever before. We have a complete stock of Groceries, just what you need, at a small cost. Feed Stuff for your cattle: Cotton Seed Meal $1.25 per sack, Hulls 3 bales for $1.00. Bran . and .Shorts cheap as can be had in town. Please give us an order.. All goods delivered in town. Phone No. 103. Opposite court house. " ' ' ; Staton 13 t-o tlaers. i A Blood j Liver and. Kidney dis vrniUi eases. At all druggists 10, 25 and 50 per box. Write for free sampled. - i Manufactured by The Dr. Chas. T. 8isk Cheni. Co:; Asheville, N. C. ascribed to fear on the part of the that when the gun pointer emer President and there is nothing ged from the turret he was that would prove more repugnant seized bv the men and despite his io mm man to De cauea upon loi struggles to get awav, was carried Leads in Fire and Life Insurance, At the Real Estate Office of SMITH & WALDR0P; take action which uiight be so interpreted. It is olrfimed that already ten states have been heard from endorsing the resolu tions of disapproval of the Presi dent's course. : J. i ' " 1 I up io me onage wnere ne was presented to the captain, and all the officers and umpires shook hands with him. Col. Charles J.J Bonaparte, to whom has been intrusted investi- ine fresident will return to Washington September 29, and the newspaper , correspondents, at least, ire reioiced that for gation of the Indian Territory another long period Washington land scandals, has been - in las l.news center will nnt. hvA tr. LWashington : and has : discussed, divide honors with Ovster Bav. . -1 IB .. J . . . .. I . . wjwi uuuge: xiyan, acung- aecre- with the return of the President, tar.v oi i ne interior, me worK ne is members of congress and politi- aoout to undertake. When een cians generally will flock to this by your correspondent. Colonel city and affairs will resume their .Bonaparte said that he had ; as customary liveliness. yei iormuiatea no plans and i.uuiu iiuu uieiBiore U1SCU8S uie AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY comiug investigation intelligent- ly. He could plainly see how- - ORGANIZED eyerthat it. would be' necessary The farmers of Henderson coun- iui uiiu w spenu some ume m ty met Monday morning at the x territory notwitnstanaing COurt house to organize an agri- iu mat ne wo urn can io : nis cultural society for the countv. assistance several aoie netenants Capt. J. W. WofTord in conuucting tne investigation. lh is expectea that ucioner $on New Crop Turnip Seed true to name Pratt's Poultry. Food and Stock Powder W....A. P -ML.- H n I 1 1 I I II If II B f 1 II M I 1 I 1 wmum PREPARES YOUNG MEN kND YOUNG WOMEN. FOR COL LEGE OR OR. ACTIVE LIFE - . H ; , ' ' 4 ' . j . . . ' . . - . " Thorough instruction jn ihe following courses- . ' LITERARY, NORMAL, BIBLE and HOMILETICS, MUSIC Experienced -Teachers, Excellent Literary Societies ; , i-' ard per month . Y" ; -V V "J," ' -'O ' "'$30 to 1 8,00 AdvahCages unexcelled 3?or Catalogue,1 addLress? ! '-VVV:' w Lowell, a; Principal Sri ' t'.r ""i" " J7 S'-'v, -'T J - : -.i?;'VFruitIand;N,C TP ATT fPI7,T?Hf T31?T.TVrC! A TT"! TTOT in J - ' arparte will plead the cases in the prosecutions growing out- of the postoffice investigations and it seems likely that he will be- an exceedingly busy man for the .,- .. .... -, '.- -1 Owes Ills lilfe to a NeifflibarS : Kindness, - Mr. D. P. Daugherty, well known throughout Mercer and Sumner coun ties, WiVa.; most, likely owes his: life to thekindness of a neighbor. ; He:was mbstlhopele88ly' "afflicted 'with diar- r hoea.; was attended - by Vt wo physi cs . . 1- . 1 ..! ' ' ft" ' vinui5-rwi7--jg7tYtTitaj iitiie, 11 any re presided. Addresses were made bv W. A. Smith, J. Williams, D. S. Pace, A. Cannon and otherp. I he society organized with the following officers : President A Cannon. 1st yice-President P. F. Patton. ; 2nd Vice-President W. J. Baldwin. 3rd Vice-President J. B. FreemanJ Secretary J. S. Rhodes. Assistant Secretary B. Jackson. Treasurer Frank Pace. i is r - Fresh Flour All the Time. ..The; celebrated Clifton" ? flour sold only to the retail mfirchants,. and, as they'- buy a in smaU-quantities. i the lief, when a neiglibor learning oft his flour1 Is always fresh, i 4 Bransford's t for i rfi",0"3'- v.ron5PF inxaot- "UlUXqiiiS strlCWy - the J floor 1 tie tt ChamberlairiPi nntt: TThnlofa rfamiW iibo,on r'imrii i,kj i 4.? med;yV:which cared . aaj;a9tr aienota'dXofltioy are himrinsles ljajb tjweftty-fjur. hours certainly .dosenvWeireepV'itln For sale by W. H. Justus. . stock Tegularly. , - Sta.ton BeosT t . . . .. ,. ... .... Agency for. IMunnallvs jffne Cbocolates anb Bon Bons Received Weekly Hendersonville, N. C. i! S'i