1 f - 3 , THE TIME5 IS THE OLDEST WEEK LET PAPEIt INy NORTH CAROLINA PUBLISHED WEST. OP THE BLUE EJDGE. - - v : . HAS THE LARGEST CIR , CULATION ,' OP r ANY i publication in rrs . TERRITORY. ; ! '. - 370LUME HENDERSON VILLE, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 8V 1906. No 9 ., . . -i.T '-,'..;. 't ' " .T ' t.'.v-'. '- " i r r I, - - . --a :1 r 4 - , ' ' . 'I to J rade.. JOBtHSTOMfS i I i GREAT. SPECIAL OFFERING ' 200 One Dallar read y -to-wear Ladies' Wash Skirts, white . ; - and colored for 4oc ; - 100 PeiceB of fast colored Lawns 3c and 4c Yard wide fast colored Percales 6c Pine Sheer White Lawn 6ct 8c, 10c- " Yard wide Ecru Scrim for curtains 5c Yard wide white figured Swiss for curtains 8c v .' - Melusine .Mercerised colored Lawns 16c 50 inch Black and colored Brillintine 60c 54 inch Ladies' Black and colored Repellent.45c - 45 inch all wool Suiting Black and. colored 60c 200 Misses' Trimed Sailor Hats 25c 200 Ladies Trimed ready- to-wear Hats 50c Mattings, Carpets and Oil Cloth 12c to 25o . Rugs and Art Squares,' great variety 25c up Crockery, Tinware and Agateware line of May Man ton's paper Patterns in stock one price 10c each Infants' Misses' and Boy s Shoes and Slippers -iR. & G. Corsets all sizes 56 c Ball S. JOHNSTON, 39 5 'XV i .If you want to buy or pell STATON, RECTOR, OFFICE IN feOURt HOUSE- ; 4 t-rv if v A nice set of platen or cups and saucers at Staton Bros. Come in and let me explain bow you get them. We have some of the best values ever offered in clothing etc - . All wool English Meltons cheap at $10.00 our price wjiile they last f6 5Q. All Wool ham finish worsts will cost you ?ia.5v. tre ia iowft our brke IS.&O, r, - 51 xotit hs suits positively worth they last $$6 50. - - it 200 hats" all styles and shapes positively worth up to $2.00 Jy iT your choice while they last at 98c don't miss tbem. - f J , Cot prices on pants, see them and be convinced that we sell cheaper than any one. 15 Globo Cultivators to close at $3.19 , 100 hoes best steel rivited shanks while they last 30cv A nice line of n eat and nobby drest jioods cheaper than the cheapest. Trv h sack of onr flour the best in town. A complete stock of .nice fresh groceries. it t Our.slore is'opposite the Kw ' t .4 nn1 . - ' ' ft IllVllrU;. Ill VINV UIU IHUIC f yrr rvriL-'-'cF-C - nr72. VTSTV TUCST- TT T75T yYSTV-fTSTV - IY U f v . if ii 1 iuau I -I'.- - " nrn n r7 - nn :' ', , i p.:'m.,'.. and ' 3.: p. . '; .'to . o p. . .sin; -' . . IS. lEYflB & ;BQSr MAIN STREET RENTS AND FIRE Insurance property, doa't fail to see CUNNINGHAM CO., 'l ' " " : lip lo i2.S0 your choice while 4 f patterns in spring and summer Court Houe. You are cordially nnnninnn that this ?o- ntafXk luuIIIVCU wiov vuio io iuu f.aww J i.fi- , - -r- ! a a Edison's Visit "The Wizard" Sees Our :" City and Calls on The Times--Ic Looking for Cobalt , . Thomas Alya Edison, the world's greatest inventor,, arrived in Hender sonville at noon Monday; and after dinner paid a visit to The Times office. To a representative of this paper he spoke freely of the purposes of his trip. He said he was traveling through this part of the South looking for cobalt. He has already spent some time in the Piedmont section and is graduaily moving westward with his party in two large automobiles.. In reply to our inquiry what he want ed cobalt for, Mr. Edison said : " "For my storage battery. I can make it lighter, reduce the weight from sixty pounds to forty or forty five pounds. I already have a few in use and they are satisfactory ; if we find cobalt in sufficient quantities to reduce the expense, the traction prob lem will be solved." -"Do you find any indications around here ?" The Times man asked. 'I don't think there is any between here and Columbus," said Mr. Edi son; but mymen who are making a preliminary investigation west of here send in good reports." "How does cobalt occur? Associat ed with manganese?" we asked. "Yes, manganese is a good indi cation. It often leads up to cobalt." - 'Then you ought to bare good luck in Jackson county," said The Times man; "I went through there a num ber of years ago with a German min eralogist who said he found a good deal of manganese." , The inventor promptly sat up and took notice. He asked the. German mineralogists' s name and particulars. He went on to say that he was hoping for good results not only in "Jackson county but. also at a place in Tenn essee where he had men at work prot- pecting. v;;; I , , .. . ' Mr. Edison is a f man of . noticeable appeeance, wito bright t)lue eyes, a strong face and abundant white hair. His , picture has adorned oor ' office walTfor nearly , five years, and he ex amined it and smilingly acknowledged the likeness, : which is very striking. He told us that he used to work in a print shop, and laughed as he recalled bis experience , with : the old time Washington hand press. Ha was in terested in our office plant. He ex amined our Campbell newspaper press, and when he found the maker's mm b f aid, OftEapbn t Yes, I know him." His idh'nsed U work: for me." He weni to the case to see. if he could remember the boxes, saying. ;It m see I used to know. Tea, this Is V ; is this h ? Yes, now wnere is 'v v' um. the 4t" was too much for him and he .k.ii4Ana4 41 Ok UMimh ' Th ItHMf. 1 1 Dmn next attracted his alert atten ' tion. I where vou take ealley-prooft." he I said : adding, with his ready smile. Ag he left the ofice he stopped to give us an .advertisement for' mineral sneci - mens. The ad, appears on our local PW. - . u By his approachableness and bis simple,; genial manners, xur. jomhsou made many meuas in uenaersonvHie aaction. ; Before he . left Our omce he looked across the street at tne court house and praised it highly. He said ! that ft was t&e nnesc court nouse no hud seen in . his travels and that t would do credit to New York city DEATH OF SCOTT BROWN Scott Brown, lessee and manager of the Pine Grove Lodge, died suddenly at 7 o'cUck last Friday evening. His loaf.h ? ream i n&nafld hv umte flrastriua and 0her trouble?. He had been feel- in nnH frtf MVMul davs. bnt no serious result was anticipated until "-;..-",.' T . ... Friday afternoon when he became un n. nr o xri.irv . nf. for; but his efforts 1 were unavailing nf . t). u.a, oai. UU uiuwu iistn iswietvu w sciousness. ' . - - ' Mr. BroWn came to Hendersonville last summer. He was an experienced hotel man, having engaged In that business In Salisbury and Greensboro as v ell as several places In South Carolina. ' He was a kind-hearted man and very popular He leaves a wid- ow, twosbnsv mother andnrotherf His'raother lives In Statesville and bis hmthpp In nnenibom: One of his ecus Is in the express business at Rock 1111, a C, and the other U Hender- ccavSllx Mrs; rdwn wIU tale the t--cic3t of its Pise Gtove Lode tsr tla crcstat tttson. - , . Tie finUy bsTO th eyepatiy c: r-.T.:"y la their Izzx f - -, !0 HELP THE .. . HOSPITAL Concert to be given at the Opera House To-night . All persons who wish to help a good cause and at the same time hear some good music will have an opportunity tonight. A concert will be given at the opera house for the benefit of the Hendereonville hospital. The hour is 9 p. m. sharp. Everybody is asked to help the cause by attending. The following program has been ar ranged : Asleep in the deep Petrie S. T. Hodges jr. Cavatina Bohm Mrs. F. W. Ewbank How "Ruby" Played G. W. Bagby Miss Hobards Kathleen Mavourneen Crouch Miss B. C rouse Apart Vandewater Mrs. J. F. Brooks Reading Selected Mists Edwards Madrienne Stultz C. E. Pless Reading ' Selected Miss Helen Reid. m EPISCOPAL The eighth annual convention of the Episcopal church in the district of Asheyille willjmeet in the St. James' church Henderson ville at 10:30 o'clock next Wednesday morning. The ses sion will continue until Friday. Ev erybody will be welcome at all the meetings and services. The special convention sermon will be preached at the 11 o'clock -service Wednesday morning., Rt. Rev. Junius M. Horner, bishop of the Dis trict of Asbeville, wilLdeliver hla an nual address Wednesday. , The hour of that address and the honrs of other meetingi and services will be publish- ed later. The annual convention of the Wo man's Auxiliary ,will meet Tneaday. The first session will be at .5 p.m. There will be a public service, with special missionary address in St. James church the same evening at 8 o'clock. TMe Terr Bit Bemeir 'r Bwel Tremble Mr. M. P. Borroughs, an old and well-known resident of Bluffton, Ind., says: "I regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as the very best remedy for bowel trouble. , I make this statement after having used the remedy in my family for several years. I am never without it." This remedy is almost sure to be needed be fore the summer is over. Why not buy It now and be prepared for such an emergency? ; For sale by Hunter's ru,tf' m j . twEAl HER REPORT Pollowing to the weather report of Hendersonville for the week ending 6 . ;, ,. CONVENTION DATBT.. MAX. MIK. MBAJC. May 31 83 66 70 June ' 1 82 60 71 . ., 2 79 r 60 70 0.73 ,. 3 77 - 56 ;69 i.04 4 79 62 70 , 6 79 ' 64 72 0.69 - 6 ' 85 ' 60 72 - a09 I Maximum 86 I Minimum. 66 81 Mean min. ...... ......... 60 70 I Mean ............................ . jftotoUon,r;;..r...... 1.55 i . . : . . . . uyonr sromacn wouoies you uo nob conciuae xnai inere is no cure, ior greas many nave Bwu ucuvy , ..t-. - J 0ea oy unamneriain-s oromacn anu Liver Tablets. Try them. they, are certain to prove beneficial. - They only loose a auaner. com oy nuuwrn - f . - . ....... (.' ; - Pharmacy. I Crowded street cars are places in I which to - stud v the other side of humanity. " ,v . . -' j gnt the man who pays his debts I tuaally " has more xmoney than the wno doesn't. ' .. W.:- ... , ; a Aiarmisia; suti Ifreonentlv' results from neglect -o I cloed bowels 'and" torpid liver, unti constipation becomes chronic. This condition Is usksown to those who u Dr. Hiss's New LiSaTPllIe i the I fcect tsa ctst;r;t rcuiatcra of otora oftd tr1 G?xrastsed by Jus- 1 13' drzj Ltcra Pries 5c. More Improveiiaeiiits Brownlow Jackson's new house on West Academy street, half a block from the postoffice, is practically com pleted. It is a handsome pebble-dash structure, two and a half stories, and contains twenty rooms. It is well built and conveniently arranged. The dining room will accommodate ninety persons. Each of the upper stories contains a bath room and toilec room. The building cost about $4,500. It has been rented for a term of three years to Mrs. Gover who already has a lease on Mr. Jackson's other house on the same lot. Like most other Henderson ville residences, the new building commands beautiful and ex tensive views. Dock Hyder does not believe in ex posing his large stock of goods to un necessary danger of fire ; and, he de cided some time ago to replace his wooden store by a modern brick build ing. The work on this is now being pushed and word has gon forth that it will be completed by July 15. The cost will be $3,000. xuo magmncence 01 tne mountain Bwuerjr an arouna ttenaersonvuie is everybody who steps onto the upper balcony of the Blue Ridge Inn. On the north and south are delightful vistas of forest-clad hills, with Main street (the finest street in the state) in in the foreground. Towards the northeast, east and southeast is a wonderful long-distance view, with Sugar Loaf as the center of attraction ; Tryon and numerous other mountains add to the beauty of the ; scene. On the northwest is a glimpse of the Transylvania Balsams. The Blue Ridge Inn has added a hundred per cent, to its attractiveness by the con struction of the piazza and balcony, to say nothing of the interior improve ments which are now being rapidly pushed to completion. It is a hotel of which many much larger cities might we 11 be proud. .Ten weeks ago Tax Tikusl annoon. ced that every room in , the Gates hotel would be equipped with a tele phone. Even in cities ten times the size of Hendersonville it is unusual to find a hotel with such accommoda tions, and some of our readers were skeptical abot the accuracy of the announcement. But the work of in stalling one hundred telephones In the Gates hotel has already begun ; Youiir '-'-MM Toilet tSoap ; 3li The health of your skin depends largely upon the? selection of your toilet soap. Impure soap is often, the unsuspected cause of many minor skin irritations Be sure to use a goodi pure soap for all toilet" purposes.' - " ' 'r:'.'-'.' If you will permit us to be your guide we wUl -help you to choose a toilet soap which will be just right in every way. We good, pure toilet soaps at low TDunter'6 Near the r Justus ariaeii " 'Always. Have the Best of : Evcnihinj in tho : drug'-. tErs The- Dru Stro on - tho Ccmcr and Charles W. Hunt, manager of the-.' local telephone plant, v tells us that the task will be completed next week. This is a big thing for the Gates, and forHendersonville. Contractor McCrary announces that the seven-room pebble-dash cottager which he is putting up on West Col-1 lege street for H. 8. Anderson will be - , completed by the beginning of July; VI The campaign of improvment in no;; f confined to Hendersonyille itself,: bat ) extends throughout the county. A number of instances may be cited f The Times has already called ; atten- tion to the Scheppegrell place, Just beyond the city limits; and somefurth er particulars will be of interest. - Con tractor McCrary says that the dwell ing house will ." be ready by July 15, and that there will also be a servants' house, a stable and' a carriage house, the total cost of the buildings being about $7,500. Work on the ' lake ' will be begun this summer;, the depth of the water at the dam will be about, 20 feet In addition to the buildings and t.ha la.tr a. t,hrA will hft noma extflnaltrA and costlv imorovementa - on the grounds. From var,ons Part8 of dt7 one ets llmP80 of 8ome Gilding oper- auons among me. trees on a musiae , south of Laurel Park. This is " the re modeling and enlargement of the H. :"r '. 8. Anderson. cottage which Miss'Ati . kinson now owns. The cottage being ; converted Into a three-story . house; ; Contractor McCrary tells us that the : ' , V cost will be about $5,000 and that the Vy l V work is to be completed by June 15. s; V Going further afield , we' find evi-V "'Lr dences of improvement in the eas tern : -and western parts of the county. The -new graded school building at Da - ; , is about completed and the citizens , of that section are Justly proud of the f, accomplishment. They ; propose to ; take another step forward by creating .v a twenty-seven room dormitory for girls, and plans are - being discussed t r for forming a Joint stock v company fpr -v.', this purpose. -'. ' '. . x : In the Mills Ri ver section - a new v 1 Presbyterian church Is being erected. ". ; l The location is between King's bridge; . , ; ; and the Mills River bridge. Work WSJ began Monday; The building !a to be ; " pebble-dash and the cost about t3,C0O The contractor inform us that be ex pects to complete the church by the' ' . beginning of September. - . - ' . have a collection of many prices. v ' Postoffice. ,- - . -. - t ; ' ;. .... ., t - c. T A

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