THE TIMES J IS THE OLDEST WEEK LY PAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA .PUBLISHED WEST OF THE BLUE - RJDGE. THE TIME5 ''I .''' HAS THE LARGEST CIR ''' : .. CULATION op - any; PUBLICATION IN ITS '. TERRITORY. 1 -." ."'".V; ' VOLUME XXI. HENDERSONVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1906. No 24 J0HETST0EPS GREAT - SPSCIAL - SALE OF 5 AND 10 CENT'GOODS. The specials we offer are neithei baits nor mysteries, but merely an evidence of our settled policy to provide :: :: :: :: :: s REAL BAR G A X fiT S v for our customers. The goods we offer on our FIVE AND TEN CENT COUNTERS will surprise and please you :: :: :: :: A. Great Success Hendersonville's first annual Chau tauqua has come aD'd gone, and the verdict has been rendered. The Chautauqua was a success. There were many adverse conditions : the date was set just too late to catch the big summer crowd ; the rain reduced the attendance at many of the meet ings 'T the new auditorium was not ready when the Chautauqua opened. But in spite of fchese ' and other 'diffi culties, the Chautauqua has been a success. The program included a number of entertainers of wide repu tation and afforded to our people op portunities which do not often come to a place the size of Hendersonville j The attendan-ce wa remarkably good. and the interest in the sueetiugs grew from day to day. S. JOHNSTON, 39 MAIN STREET S2S "Sir-. .-N SSSss' AND Insurance Want a irood investment? Here's one for a mail with small capital: Housh and lot for $240.00, that is now renting at $36.00 a year Call and see us. ECHOES W. A. Smith : In my judgment the Chautauqua gave the best results that could possibly have been obtained in return for the time, money and en terprise that were expended on it. It was a success from the standpoint of morals, education and enterprise F. V Hunter : Oh, it was fine, splendid. To say that I am heartily in favor of it is hot enough.; I need stronger words to express my ap proval. Rev. R. B. Grin nan : It was a great suoccess. Ocr people have had a taste of'it and now they will want it more than ever. Next year will be better Still and the date will be changed so as to have the sessions before the visitors leave. We had a great deal to contend with this year, but we did well. ' More will be published next week. STATON, RECTOR, CUNNINGHAM & CO., OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE A nice set of plates or cups and saucers atStaton Bros. Come m and let me explain how you get them. We have some of the best values ever offered in clothing etc. All wool English Meltons cheap at $10.00 our price while they last $6.50. - All Wool hard finish worsted will cost you $12.50 any where in town our price $850. Youths suits positively worth up to $12.50 your choice while they last $$6.50. 200 hats all styles and shapes positively worth up to $2.00 your choice while they last at 98c don't miss them. Cut prices on pants, see them and be convinced that we sell cheaper than any one. 15 Globe Cultivators to close at $3.19 100 hoes best steel rivi ted shanks while they last 30c A nice, line of ueat and nobby patterns in spiing and summer I dress goods cheaper than the cheapest. - Try a sack of our flour the best in town. A complete stock of nice fresh groceries. Our store is opposite the New Court Houee. You are cordially invited to visit'onr store and be convinced that this is the place to trade. TMcw (Soobs ' . Hrdvino "Baity at 5; Sewte S Son P Me invite ,our inspection P .'5 LETTER FROM COL. CRITTENDEN The following extracts from a letter bv Col. S. S. Crittenden to a Green ville newspaper will be of interest to our readers : Since I wrote you from this plaice a week ago, and incidentally alluded to' the importance to Greenville of secur ing a railroad to this growing town, I have received letters and verbal com munications from prominent citizens of both plaees approving the revival and speedy consummation of this long talked of enterprise. Let any one from Greenville visit this little town of 3,000 inhabitants' but thirty-eight miles from us, at this time and see the crowded trains of summer tourists coming and going in every direction, with 4,000 of them filling every hotel and boarding house in it, and promenading the one prin cipal street or traversing the well graded roads around it with many handsome turnouts and he will almost think our quiet city of 20,000 people is outside the hustling world. The exception to this is on Saturday afternoon when our mill population, joined to the city's crowd our thor oughfares. The road could easily be built if taken in hand by the business men'of both places, and on a line through Gap Creek, Gap and Butt Mountain Gap, (through the two ranges) of not ex ceeding 40 miles, as I was told by a well posted citizen of this town today. A word to the wise, etc. I have been to "Toxaway, the Beau tiful," since I wrote you. The con ductor on our taain told me, as I was of an inquiring mind, that the travel on his road was greater this season than ever before, and that two. ad ditional trains from Hendersonville had. been pat on, making three each way per day. . Mr. Gates tells me his hotel is en tirely filled, and that he has 250 guests It is called the best here. I came to stay a week and have re mained three! After a ran home of three or foar days, I shall return for a three weeks longer stay. The latter will be caused by a cir cumstance 'unexpected to me when I came. Minder, the auspices of the board of trade and several business men I have agreed to return and de vote three weeks to making necessary research and obtaining , data from which to write a history of Henderson ville and its historic old environ,' Flat Book. The latter will be -a labor of pve to me if I can obtain from some of these high spirited old South Caro linians still living, or their descend-; ants, the information necessary to do it creditably. - ''hope to have, a hand gome Bouvenir of it by next summer. . .. One of my greatest . pleasures here has been 'meeting my old friend, Dr Columbus Few, now 25 years a resi dent here and for about the same time a leading physician of both Hender sonville and Flat Rock. It was Green ville's loss when he moved away, - but he has prospered. . . S. S. Chittenden, THE STORM Hendersonville, as Usual, Suffers Very Little Damage A storm, which appears to have orig inated near Cuba, visited sorat- of the southern states this week aud did a good deal of damage in places. The North Carolina coast was hard hit. Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach and Carolina Beach were the chief sufferers other points in this state and also Norfolk, Va., and Charleston, S. C, felt the effects to a less degree. In New Hanover county the waves roll ed hig-h up on the mainland two miles inshore. The upper parts of tfce Carolinas were swept by high wincte and heavy rains. Hendersonville escaped light ly, as Hisual. The streets and roads in this neighborhood were pretty well soaked and the electric lights were put oit of commission for one night The railroad track near the depot spread Monday evening and several cars of No. 10 left the rails: but no body was hurt. beelator 9The Chautauqua is over and our peo pie are now in a position to form some opinion of the merits of such an institution. It is safe to say that it has now many more friends in this city than it had two weeks ago. There are a good many people here who had confidence in it from the start ; and they were delighted but not surprised at the outcome. There are a good many others who were doubtful ; and most of these are now heartily in fav or of the movement. The Chautau qua has been a success, and a still greater success is expected next year. the visitor to Snartaubunr who walks w ----- along North Church street does not have to depend upon his eyesight to discover that there is a laundry there. In Asheville one of the lauudries Is not only on Church street, but is ac tually in a building which was former ly a church. Other instances might be mentioned. JOHN T. STATON DECLINES Will Not Accent Nomination From "Citizens'" Meeting In reply to an inquiry with refer ence to bis nomination bv the "Citi zens' ""meeting, John T. Staton writes a 8 follows : I have told fifty men in this ccjunty that I would not have any office, and I meant just what I said. I told McD. Ray Saturday that I would not have if, I have had the last office that I ever expect to hold in Henderson county unless my mind changes, and I don't think that it will. That is just what I have to say about it. If I had wanted the county com- miss'oner's place, I could have gotten if from my own party just for the ask ing. I will not take an office from any party. I .haye all the business of my own that I can attend to at home. You can have this statement put in the paper and oblige me that much. Thank you for letting me know of the matter at once so I could stop the racket. John T. Staton. 9his is gratifying; bat it is still more V2 gratifying that Hendersonville men had the enterprise to handle a task which was beset with 60 many difficul ties. It took both faith and works, in generous proportions, and also some pretty good nerve. For Henderson ville is not yet a big city. There was no suitable auditorium here; the only available date was too late to catch the main body of the summer visitors, and the financial responsibility wa3 pretty big. But the thing was done and done well ; and the utmost credit is due to those who bore the burden and heat of the day. f3 LEAN.Lr.NEss is next to Godliness," U says the proverb. Is that the reason why in eo many southern towns there is a steam laundry on Church street? The Spectator is not sure about the explanation, but he has noticed the fact. Hendersonville's first laundry was on Church street ; Lame IlacK This is an ailment for which Cham berlain's Pain Balm has proven espec ially valuable. In almost every in stance it affords prompt and perma nent relief. Mr. Luke LaG range of Orange, Mich., says of it : "Afltr using a plaster and other remedies for three weeks for a bad lame backKI purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, aud two applications effected a cure." For sale by Hunt er's Pharmacv. Unless you have money to burn don't try to keep the pot boiling in a poker game. Good breeding bumps the bumps when somebody steps on your corn. It arouses energy, developes and stimulates nervous life, arouses the courage of youth. It makes yon young again. That's what Holieter's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35c. Tea or Tablets. Timedosen't seem to hang heavily on the hands of a clock. 6 f&V?SRZ&Xi&2 THE MAGNETIC POLE St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 18. The Globe. Democrat of this city publishes a special from Seattle, which is in part as follows : Capt. Donald Amundsen, discoverer of the northwest passage, arrived here last night on the Saratoga, from Nome. At midnight he left for Sitka, where he goes for further scientific observations and to adjust his deli cate instruments. In an interview he states he believes he has located the north magnetic pole on Boothia island, although un til all his data have bean calculated nothing definite can be determined. "My observations extend over a period of three years, and it will take three years to calculate them," said he. "Until that time it is utterly im possible to state positively what I have accomplished from a scientific view point. I believe, however, that I have located the north magnetic pole. I can not say as yet whether it is a shifting point or extends over a large area. This will be determined when my observations are calculated." Selecting' Your Toilet Soap The health ofjyour skin depends largely upon the selection of your toilet soap. Im j ure soap is often the unsuspected cause of many miner skin irritations Be sure cto use a good, pure soap for all toilet purposes. If you will psrmit us to be your guide we will help you to choose a toilet soap which will be just right in every way.- We have a collection of many good, pure toilet soaps at low prices. 1 IDunter's Hbbarmacy Near the Postoff ice. Welt Wertlt Tryinr. W. H. Brown, the popular pension attorney, of Pittsfield, Vt, says: "Next to a pension the best thing to get is Dr King's New Life Pills." He writes: they; .keep my family in splended health."- Quick care for Constipation Headache and Biliousness. 25c guar anteed at the Justus Pharmacy. I am requested to announce that there will be no Union meeting of the Baptist ' association ; of this county owing to the association so soon to follow. O. L. Orb. Starved to Death -Because her stomach was so weak ened by useless dragging that she could not eat, Mrs. Mary H. Walters, of St. Xlair St., . Colnmbus, O., was literally starving to death. She writes : 'my stoma ch was so ' weak from use less drags that I could not eat, and my nerves so wrecked that I could not 'sleep ; and not before I was given up to die was If Induced to try Electric Bitters? with the wonderful result that improvement began at once, and a complete cure followed." Best health Tonic on earth. 60c guaran teed by the Jastus Pharmacy. Justus qarrqaeu Always Have the Best of Everything in the DRUG LINE The Drug Store on the Corner Ask any "Jap" that you may see Why the Czar, with the Bear behind had to climb a tree. "The Yanks, God bless the Yanks," says be, "They gave us Rocky Mountain Tea Blue Ridge Inn Hendersonville, N. C. Open ttte Year JRonncl Wm. HEWITT, Prop. I beg to announce that my Semi-annua display of; patterns anb Bovcltfes Will take place on Wednesday, .September 26,1906 Yon are cordially invited to attend. ; HErjDiiRSorjviL le, rj. c. - . 1 . -.1 ,v N'. -. . -7 7 ;.. r

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