- I - A 5: r- t5?t?T'5i j4-1"- - V?' ajr .f, , - ? NDIONVILLENrc FRIDAY, JUNE 11,1909. H , r , NO. 10 '1 Hioto by Baker THIS ISSUE OF THE TIMES IS DEVOTED MAINLY Eff BE Real Estate v Opportunities i Real estate men are doing more business and there is a - greater de cand from the outside fer our prop sty than ever before in -the history of our city. This is not a boom, but a substantial growth and develop ment that inevitably i follows 1 great natural advantages. - i Hecderson rile is proud of the natural , advan tages which will "make Hender sonvule a great city. , Business Jo cations have enhanced 25 per cent in the last twelve or fteen months. Lots on Main street that" could be hougkt for $75 a front foot twelve ffld fifteen months ago, now sell for $100 a front foot- Residence prop erty has also increased 20 per cent &ring the above mentioned period Choice lots that sold for $500 twelve months ago are now selling for $600; are going still higher. Who I eys that Hendersonville property fill not double 'its present; price in ifew years? In this city many mod ffli improvements have made a big fenand for central property. This city is bound to expand, and subur 5 property is accordingly of value Restate investments at prevail H prices are: safe investments ether to the horaeseeker rorto the capitalist Esmeral&a Mrs. L L. Bates from San Anto M Texas, has" taken! this: popular f0Q8e for the summer, " which yuerly run 3 by " Mrs. E. - M Mrs. Bates will cater to first: patronage only. 1 "The , table receive special attentfon.Tbe Jouse is commodious and the jrecep-, hall, parlor: and dining room well arranged. ' All modern con- Snces- -Situated on West Broad treet. Rates furnished on applica tion. " .ff i tt'sfBdpIiSire vMen who are liberal minded, men who are ever ready and willing Jo lend a helping hand Jo an v cause at is for the welfare of the city; and who are not close-fisted or Te- junous, deserve the 'patronage of tbe pubUc. fiuch a man isWil fn Lott, who has just lately estab shed himself in the i stationery, bmess in this citvM. Mr. r Lott recently bought the Pj less Book Store and has moved - into the Holmes building on Main , street, formerly occupied by Slayden & Fakes ,Gro ery Co. While this -is the ontf wok store in the city,-it is larger ; and more upto-date than can be found in much larger cities. .. Here can be found all the latest books; magazines arid newspapers. 'Also, a : full line of fine stationery, "sporting goods, hammocksr etc. - This gen tleman , has : been designated " the official repository for school books. Mr. Lottig also a representative for secuonal book cases. , ' V- Boarding-house coffee - is - one ef the things that are well roasted. - J Henderson County Court House Contractor and Builder The beauty of this city in an arch itectural way has always been re marked on by the visitors to this community, and we can thank the character of the work which our contractor, J, H. Jordan, has been doing r for: this ' result He is one of the ; very best we have in the city, and the class of work which he does is well shown in the Ewbank building which was a $15,000 con tract and other'buildings to numer ous tot mention in this review of our city. Mr. Jordan has had many years experience jn theline in which he is engaged, in addition to having had theoretical trainings, and the practical and theoretical combined' in his work is What nas made him such a success. He is always ready ready to "furnish estimates oh all classes of buildings, trom the small est cottage up to tne largest dusi ness or dwelling house . ' Mr, Jordan has been with us for eight years, and i naturally takes.a great interest in the city as a whole, and the contracting and- architect ural work as a specialty. GAINING ..The receipts, at, the Henderson ville postoffice' for May show an increase of 36 per cent over the reipti for" May 1908. -According to the volume of busi ness; tranacted Hendersonville is now entitled to free city delivery. A very pleasant entertainment was given on Saturday evening last by Miss G. R, Pardue at her residence, 34 East College Street.. . ..- . , , ,- . . . The dining .hall was turned into a tem porary theatre, which did admirable credit to thos who arranged it : 4 The affair went off beautifully and was much enjoyed by all present. The program was as follows : ' ; WdooSeT..:.'! ti Miss L. G. Allen PlaV "Jelusky Davis' FarnUy' Album," : v Miss Pardue and Company Recitation,;"Naming the ' Baby So, ."The Pet Squirrel" " ' , : .'. Misses A. and E. Belle singThe ButYerfly."...:iss Esther BeUe Song. "Those Songs My Mother.Used to - : Sing"--1 ..Misspardue Eedtajion. l of' Jhe to g Sonk The Owr. Ita L.' On? 4 Son. -Two UtUe Blue Little Sboe, Recitation, The Brown Pie, " " " Miss Alice Pace Good-night Song. .Miss U Chorus. - . ,f-V av Allen and Notice There will be a meeting of uoronn winntv' Stock' and the Im- provement Company. Tuesday, June 15, at z P- m- ai U1C ""t AH members are - requested to De present. Business of importance. - . . . A , G. W. Brooks, v Secretary and Treasurer. I 5 TO AN ACCOUNT OF THE BUSINESS GROWTH OF ILIILflEg LOCAL ITEMS H. G. Justus has been appointed janitor of the court house. Hendersonville is expecting a large crowd of visitors this summer. The RigbyMorrow company is among our advertisers this week. J. B. Norris ol North been in town this week. Wilkesboro has tlarvey Drake has accepted a position with M. M. Shephard. n. ratterson tne tailor is among our advertisers in this edition. R. F. Hamilton and Manson Hamilton were among our callers Monday. - Miss May. Baldwin of Fletcher, is the guest of Miss Florence Freeman this week. Miss Ludith Ledbetter, visited her parents and friends at Edneyville Saturday and Sunday. ' H. D. King died Monday afternoon at his home two miles northwest of town. A fur ther notice will be published next week We are requested to call attention to the town ordinance requiring owners of resi dences within 150 feet of sewer line to connect with that line. CE. Brooks is busy making a list of personal property and will seize same for taxes next week; He says his time is out and he must have the taxes. There will be a box supper at The Oak Forest School, at Fletcher, Thursday eve ning, June .18, given for the benefit of .the school. It is hoped that friends and patrons of the school will give their sup port to this good cause. Everybody cordially invited. The new 'town council held its first meeting Thursday night, June J, Mayor Staton presiding. J.D. Davis was unani mously elected secretary;1 Mr. Davis in troduced a resolution proposing a reduc tion in salaries of. the mayor and other officials and employes. The resolution was defeated by a vote of 4 to 2. Ob motion, election of officers was held by ballot.' : J. Wv. McXJarson was elected chief of. pohce, receiving 4 votes, , while Hilliard Maxwell received 2. Z.B. Arledge was elected poiiceman ; No. 1 by a vote of 4 to 2. S. Y. ; Bryson was - elected - tar collector, receiving 4 votes. J. M. Rhodes was unanimously : elected treasurer and M. Schenck, attorney. Other elections were: C. W. , English,, street overseen G. W. Guice, superintend ent water and sewerage; J. C Morrow, mayor pro tem.; James Price, keeper of reservoir. " WEATHER REPORT Mas : . - ; Min Mean Max, 84 Mean Mm 58 55 80 Meaa 5 69 Precip'n 3.45 9 .-B $ ft- si Jane 2 . 83 67 70 63 00 b pc . 3 67 .60 64 61 2.25 e cdy i 4 82 57 70 75 0.90. nw , clr . 5 76 . B8 67 69 . nw clr 6 82 , 68. 70 , 78 , . nw, clr : ' 7 ' 84' 5670 1 761 v clr 5 8" 83 59 . 71'73V sw cdy ; a." jr.'VJ.r :r ; !.? v A ' -'..v - K.-r-n, iSi Xi v-?.1 Hendersonville Graded MX. J. B. Ensley of Sylva was in town this week. J. M. Lance of Fletcher was in town this week. Kev. m. a. Matneson ot uia r ort was m town Monday and called at this office. Allard Case left Wednesday for Mem phis and Little Rock, Ark., ior a week. Miss Annie Crowder, wJbo has been teaching near Wilmington, returned last week. The Gates orchestra has arrived, and is adding to the attractiveness of that hotel , About forty five local members of the W. O. W. left Sunday for Inman to at tend a double unveiling. G. W. Malpass of Wilmington, who has accepted a position in Dr. T. A. Allen's store, expects his family this week. M. J. White of Norfolk, Va.- representing the Hollister Drug- Company of Madison, Wis., was in town this week and called at this office. John D. Merchbanks of Greenville, S. C. one of the lessees of the Blue Ridge Inn was, in town Monday and called at this office. The Citizens Bank has a special adver tisement in this issue. This bank is not quite a year old but is doing a good business. It is said by competent observers that more building has been done in Hender sonville this year than in any other town in western norm uarouna. Lake Osceola is a popular resort these days. The boats (whose arrival was chronicled by this paper a few weeks ago) have added greatly to the beauty of the lake. J. M. Davis from Jump Off was in town Monday and called at this office to bring a sample of his cherry crop. His whole crop, tnis year amounted to arjout ouu quarts. , T. B. Abernathy leaves this week for Chicago. He says he will miss Hender sonville, as he has become greatly attach ed to our city. His many Hendersonville friends' will be glad to bear that he has j decided to return her in the fall. Among our ad vertisers this week is. J. G Collins who has recently assumed charge of the barber shop at the Blue Ridge Inn Mr Collins is an expert in his business and will doubtless make a success. He has, for some time past been working at the Model barber shop with T. J. Strange. Rev. William Black will preach at the Presbyterian church next week, beginning Sunday, June 3. Preparatory services are being held this week, WednesdayThursday arid Friday nights. The hours of services will be as follows: Sunday, 11 A. M. and 8: 30" P. M. The public is cordially en vited to attend. : The annual parish meeting of St. James church for the election of a vestry and other purposes was held Monday afternoon at four o'clock, the rector presiding. The treasurer's report showed a large balance on hand; '.other interesting reports were read." A plan for increasing the diocesan endowment fund was suggested and dis cussed and the meeting requested hat the delegates of the parish to this year's con vention recommend the plan for adoption by the District. The retiring vestry' was e-elected. .. J" Photo by Baker School I? i rrhvr- VI n rmwr C c KJg uy-iikvi l u w WU. Wholesale and Retail Lumber One of the leading and progress ive firms of Hendersonville is Rigby- Morrow Co., dealers in lumber of all kinds. J. C. Morrow, owner and manager, makes a specialty of build m mat mm ine material oi all Kinds and is as well or better equipped for hand ling the consumer's business than any other firm in the city. Mr. Morrow has in stock at all times framing and finished lumber, floor ing, ceiling, siding, dimention lum ber, sash doors and blinds, screen doors, mouldings of all kinds, ,bal uster?, newels, columns, laths and shingles, window and door glass of all descriptions, mantles, brick, ce ment and plaster, Congo roofing, etc. eta Mr. Morrow has recently commenced the construction of a large and commodious warehouse and sheds on East Anderson avenue which will give 6500 square feet floor space and which will be ready for occupancy this coming fall. Mr. Morrow is one of our best known and capable men, he has always shown himself a man of decidedly modern taste and methods, and of sterling business integrity under all conditions. He will always be found behind any movement which tena to mane tnis a more aavancea 1 . . .1. J - 3 community and can be depended upon for his support in all ways. Dr. Wallace W. T. Wallace, D. D. S. Hender- sonville's new dentist arrived here from Spartanburg, S. C, with his family four years ago last April. He received his qualifications and degrees from the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, Ohio Dental College, Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, the Uni- irarciHi rf Now Wwrlr on1 aftmr Y L Dill Ui 41sn A. Ui A, bUlU practicing for several years he took Mooiroii'o po a oycwai wuioc liasAw a i wwioa s,iiwi Af . n I mPhrX finrhflsRoldlnlavand Por- ti Aii;n, rirvM onA Por. I n : a T-iAi Mir I r- xiriu, ; irn;Hht TAmniof iyi. TTOiiac a iuuruw ii,miui i t n n x? a yiKoi. f the South Carolina State Dental As-1 sociation. Office over the postoffice A. F. Baker Ttia art nf nhnfndrnnhv is one of thft most difficult of, attainments I K I aUU vilic wiixLii icn ywjiv vuu ouv i ceed well in. One gentleman in 1 this citv who has always kept ctrirtlv mvtn-dflte in all his work and who has shown himself a well trained and ahle nhotoranher is i A F. Baker, who is located at the comer of Main street , and far 1 avenue where he has recently erect-1 ed an elegant four story brick build-1 marhfts the lnsmnns total or twenty five years: Mr. Baker has the latest and most modem accessories fnr work of this land, including sev-1 eral kinds of machines for the tak- intf of various photos. Mr. Baker carries a niee line oi kodaks and supplies, post cards, souvenirs and is well equipped for framing pictures of 'all descriptions. The remarkable success he has had here, is due solely to his experience and ability in this line of work. - Soil of Hender son County The" soil of .' Henderson county is varied. Lands lying on the rivers and streams . (of . which there are many) consist of black Joam, some of which is mixed with sand. On these lands . abundant crops of hay corn and oats are 'raised. The uplands : consist largely of what might be considered level, table and mountain lands. ? These have a good stiff subsoil in most instances and are susceptible of very high improvement, and when properly cultivated yield ample harvest of all product Corn in many instances amounts to from seventy-five to one hundred bushels per acre and wheat rye and oats produce excellent crops These lands properly prepared are specially adapted to clover and grass-. es stands of which are easily secured. Much money is realized from these crops but not so much as from the crops of potatoes and cabbage, for these two crops row on these lands to perfection and are not surpassed by any sectionin the whole country. Hundreds of bushels of potatoes and tons upon tong of are ly raised per acre and find a ready market m the near-by southland. This county easily stands at the head of any county in the shipment of these two. products. Potatoes and corn could and would be raised to meet the demands of any ordinary starch factory. No more invitng field can be found anywhere for the truck far. mer and gardener, and large profits 1 can be realized from canneries and pickling establishments, as our soil and climate an especially adapted to the crops suitable for such pur- poke (such as cucumbers, beans, squash, cauliflower, tomatoes, rhu barb peppers, corn, onions, eta) All small fruit do well here. It is estimated that $800 worth of rasp berries per acre can be grown here and almost the same of strawberries; but it is not done because the mar ket during the fruiting season is not sufficient ? Hence the : necessity of j more outfits for the perservation of these crops. Our cool nights during the grow ing season are very beneficial to all crops, such as beets, turnips, mangel . ' wurzl, carrots and other of a late . nature Some of these crops are not raised . in very large quanities but on short notice the supply could be made to equal any demand. gi u xi vJd ICS llUlwl During the four years this house has been in the city it has come to be known as the leading hotel . of Henderson villlT and the accommo dations which this hotel have . fur- nished our resident and traveling public have been such as to win for them the entire esteem and respect of the public and to extend -their t name and reputation throughout the entire southern country; ? The Hotel Gates is conceded by all who have visited it to be One or the , - , best equipped and most modem re- sort hotels to De rouna m tne oouin. . . l . At electric uasseiiKer eievuiui. ucvutv - lights. tIeDhones. 148 well furnisn- ed. and any rooms, many. of . them connected with pnvate bath. and all handsomely furnished, i The wide verandas are especially attrac- - . - tI. r-, uve ieatures oi me uvm uaico. iae amiug ruuui. 'w covers a noor ffT largest of any . hotel in the South, . r !i, 1 .U. t IPPt. lUc LUUJLU iuuuy 13 WHO W Vl ana, opening . irum hh, uic icu. ball room, the owning room, the lladies parlor ana guests wnung - - . . . . , . . . 11 nHmirflhlv ' annointfid. J wm j -- The house is located on Main street near the court house, wnere tney are always ready to welcome guests for any length of time from a day ' to a Dermanent home. There .are; no less than 40 clerks ana servants employed; aiso one oi - me nnest i orchestras in the South. There are daily concerts, and lnlormai dances. malona tnis notei a center oi social life in Hendersonville.. A. A. Gates the proprietor and man- aHer is a man who has been in the hotel business nearly, all his life and is known as being one of our genial and public spirited 'gentlemen ana has made a host of friends among the resident and traveling . public who think very highly of him and his house jand. it has come to be known as being one of the most : home-like hotels in the community.'