HENDERSONVILLE, N. CTODAY, JANUARY 2F; 1910. N0. 43 o ..layof K IT. .Staton. speaking -ii rcrcseuiauve oi i ne limes, itive to the'estlmates of Hentier-. .ville's i population published in t week's issue of this paper, said: I ti)ph$ftate;'tat he: ifehennai are conservatiya 1 in thb VnnTOtibn" I will ' say uioatteinpt should be made at timeo mislead the public as to size of our town, by sending out derated reports concerning its llation," or -as for 'that i matted exaggerated reports about the i in any wayr We have a clean y and fast growing town, "which been built along conservative and bur future growth should j along in the same. way. Our : and cHmateare unsurpassed, he grandeur and. beauty of our tain scenery is admired by all :hance to come to our gates, ivith the splendid field we have !orLprofitable investment, both . 1 estate and business enter there is no reason why the h of Hendersonville, for the ew years should not exceed, he wonderful growth of the within the past five years. Prospects for ' the continued i of our city are indeed very and Intrust that all our peo 1 put their shoulder toXHen- ting and pasting of the paper makes every page practically an outside page. I am sure the readers of the paper will appreciate this improve ment." - COMET A strange comet has recently come within the range of vision. Its position is northwest of Venus and east ' of the sun ; and o wing to its nearness to the sun it can be seen for only a short time after sundown. The big telescopes of the world have been trained on it ; but cloudy weather has interfered with observations, and the comet has not been identified. A fairly good view of it was obtained in Hendersonville one or two evenings this week. POSTAL i - The postal telegraph company is here. It appeared in our midst quite suddenly and began erecting poles and stringing wires without the formality of asking permission. The town council has iiot yet de cided what action to take. , ville'swheel of progress ; .and pbllshelg were raised in one acre This State Leads . .North Carolina holds the corn ehamnionsbm More than 22b a strong push all together. j , newspapers of the town oner and are now doing their i pushing along andencourg- iro wth of iur tgwn f or which 3uld have the thanks of all le. In this connection I Sat' I am glad to note the lent being made in the Of the Times. The cut- in this state. Among our callers Thursday were j; Manning Case of Flat Rock, Route 1,-ahd J. A. Rhodes - of Henderson ville Route 4. m Revi W. A. Morris will supply the pulpit at Macedonia next Sunday, January 30. - v Sfflstoris ANNIVERSARY ur Great SALE Price Re ducing Evexit 1 25c Chi Ids all wool Hoods 10c 25c Ladies all wool Fascinators iO 25c Misses Canton Flannel Drawers iOc 25c Ladles and Mens Gloves iOc - i5c Ladies and Misses wool Vests iOc 15c Red wool Flannel 10c I5C Yard wide Cannon Cloth 10c - 15c Fancy colored China Matting iOc 20c Embroidery Edging 10c e of fer our Goods which are new and season bleat Great Bargains S. JOHNSTON 321 MamlSt. 40 FC US Cieafiig Sale! Entire Stock of Lad ies, mens and child rens Shoes, selling-at great reduction, - Agents for Standard .fashions : :wis & The UndeselHn Store Son "ood Water" No Nitrites and No Colon Ba-cUli---Aiiilyst,s Report The January analysis of the Hendersonville water has been received and, the result is indicated by the analyst's comment, "GOOD WATER." The detailed report is as follows : C. A. Shore, M.D Director y( Raleigh, N. C. State Laboratory of Hygiene (North Carolina Board of Health) Analysis of Water No '.. B524 . Sent by Sutft. Water Works Location - Hendersonville Source Tap Marked , Jan. Received 1-20-10 Reported 1-22-10 Sediment . . Slight Color (Platinum-Cobalt Standard) .25 Turbidity (silica standard) '. Slight Odor, cold 0 Odor, hot Slightly musty Alkalinity (in terms of Calcium carbonate) 7.5 Chlorine. ..." .3 Nitrogen as nitrates 0.10 Nitrogen as nitrites 0 Free ammonia . . 012 Albuminoid ammonia 024 Temporary hardness 7.5 v Total hardness. , 25.0 Colon bacilli in 1 c. c 0 Colon bacilli in 10 c.c- . . . . . . ....... . . . ; 0 Total number of bacteria per c. c 175 GOOD WATER C. A. Shdiet Director. Anti-Tuberculosis Association The joint meeting of the Anti- Tuberculosis association and the county teachers, held Saturday morning in the court house, was very interesting and instructive. . After some brief announcements to the teachers by Superintendent Shitle. the meeting was turned over to the Anti-Tuberculosis association, Rev. R. N. Willcox -presiding. A change in the proposed by-laws was adopted adding five more di rectors. Rev. R. B. Grinnan, Rev. John G. Hughes Superintend'ent W.c S. Shitle, Superindent R M. Ivins and Prof. D. H. Klein were unanimously elected to that posi tion. f'i't-.5 Dr. W. R Kirk gave a short state ment of the objects of the associa tion and was followed by Dr. A. R Guerard who read' an exceedingly instructive paper giving in plain words a clear-cut summary of the causey history - and treatment of tuberculosis and the means to be adopted to prevent infection. ; The next meeting of the associa tion will be held at the court house Saturday, February 26, at 11 a. m. Everybody is cordially invited to attend- The objects of the associa tion ate of vital - interest to the whole community. . men s Honor Roll .iFollowing is the honor roll of the Fletcher graded school for the week ending January;21: - Advanced f grades: Callie Smith, LehoraS Larming, Edwin Burge; Charley Lance, : Rebecca Cushing, Helen Seals. J . j Intermediate grades:rWilUc Lance, Arthur and Walter Lanning, Har ver Lance and Nadine Souther. , -Primary grades Mae, ; Doris and Meta Lance, Lila t and Charlotte Cunningham, Clifford Souther v and Rdy McMinnV T . -' ' 1 - H. M. Ainsley Meetin; The Laymen's Missionary move ment is taking hold of this town. The meeting held Sunday after- noon at tne court nouse was very well attended, the large hall being nearly filled. A number of ladies attended, but the majority of those present were men; and the interest which was ; manifested indicates that Hendersonville will contribute more than ever before to the cause of missions. v r . V. Hunter presided, lne pro gram included braver by Dr. Few and D. S. Pace, .vocal solos by Mrs. J. F. Brooks, Mrs. Michael Schenck and S. T. Hodges, jr. several hymns, and addresses Dy r. v. nunier, kj. o. Fullbright, S. E. McNeeley, Dr. J. S. Brown and Michael Schenck. Dr. Brown (in consequence of a profes sional call to Big Hungary) was un able to attend: but his address was read by Dr.; A, H. Morey. - Mr. Hunt er's remarks dealt chiefly with the Greensboro convention to which he was a delegate; the other speakers discused various phases of mission- ary work and tne duty 01 laymen. The effect of missions as promoters of unity was recognized. The following committee was ap pointed to ; urge upon the various j churches in Hendersonville the im-1 portance of v increased ; missionary activity. C. & Fullbright, D. S. Pace, Rev. G. S. Jones, J. F. Brooks, Dr. Few, 5. T. Hodges, Dr. Brown, .S. E. McNeely, ;Michael' Schick, T. W. Valentine: ' y: . ' wmmm too ,The farmers of Blue Ridge town ship are organizing a corn club: The object is to' encourage better and tnoe thorough methods ' of farming. A meeting was hejd Saturday night at the Dana school house. J. Case was elected president; R E. Ward vice-president; and 0. L. Merchant secretary. A set of rules were adopted and nearly all present joined the club. Each member is to pay a fee and it is expected that a purse of $50 will be made iip to be given as a prize to the member raising the most corn on one acre. The money is to be deposited in the bank on May 1, and the prize awarded November 15. Anotner meeting was called for Saturday night, January 29, to perfect the organization, etc. All farmers who are interested are cordially invited to be present. w earner eport for week ending 6 p. m. Jan. 25. ' rrr s SB H B c B B c B a CO CD et- s M ? -3 eg i: & SI Gen SUES ran 19 54 2G 40 34 20 oo 24 37 44 21 43 25 34 26 22 30 15 22 26 23 4j 15 29 35 24 48 30 39 36 25 54 26 40 36 w clr s cdy 0.2o i vay cdy s w pc bw cdy T w po w clr Max 54 Min 15 Mean Max. 43 Mean Min 23 Mean ' 35 Preclp'n I.2o White goods sale Monday Jan uary 31st. Attend this saleand see our new spring goods. Glazener. Rv TIIF WATPnWAW. ' The blanks sent to applicants for the position of enumexator, toeh able them to prepare jfr thexaniT- ' nation which takes place on the 5th ' day of April, tJhis year; , contain the ; large number o questions that will ' be asked by the enumerators wnen the work of taking (tb'e , census is . commenced on Apriri5,' 1910. And ' in families where the question as to who the head of the family is, has not been settled, If is important that the question be settled at bncje, as one of the very first" questions that will be asked by the enumera- . tor will be: "Who is the head of the family?" This is one of the leading questions which will be put to who ever may come to the "door when, the enumerator calls. It is important that . the govern ment keep close track of the head of every family, and theanwser to the above question, though it may often create considerable wrangling in the household afterward, will be recorded promptly from the person addressed. That is where the wo men of the family will get the best of the controversy, as it is likely that the men, especially, in this county, will be at work when the enumerator puts in ah appearance. - The enumerator will also inquire if you are married, and how many children you havej and if your moth er is living with you. He will fur ther inquire how many, times you have been marriedand how long it has been since you "were married the last time. ' The foregoing are only a few' of the many questions, which, begin ning April 15 of this year, will be asked every house-wifein this coun try by Uncle Sam's army of enume rators. From house to 'house all (Continued on page 4) Come and see otar. new soda fountain UNTER'S HARMACV ;.Mr. and Mrs. Hilary R Bnmot and Miss Bettie Brunot; of Brevard, were in town Sunday. . . ...v::' Always Have the Best of OEyeihing Tlie DriiK Store on th.e Gornor. - -y y I; n, ... t f ' ', 4 ; T i- 'V ft i si 1. n ' .1) J - ; ; h i . i . v it ' - , S ' tf . , rf ; ..- v w ' - ' , - ' - - - - V " " f - ' ' S . ' i . ' , " . -