if THE TIIIES : jWk-i 'iertjt 'j'" 3t v fr M THE TIIIES is mcst y74Iy cir-; : Hcsaquartcrr' fcr lated XT eekly Pa- rTn its Tito; -fUlyr " , .4 J -. -. -.-.s.' U-:i "t?-4,t J y.rALii'j. , -r;78r' Printini :s H ... Attracts UME XXIV HENDERSONVILLE, 1. C,' FlilD A Y, EEPUARY 4, 1910. NO 41 1 ft. I dcal Notes tton or Whittier, R P. D. as ,v in town Tuesday and k, this oflBce to renew his tioa vIfe says he likes The cause of the large amount zting fnews which it con- 3Uthem Railway is now j to issue 'its 'Summer folder for i 1910. All rpro of bbarding - houses who iave: their places mentioned Ider are ' requested to ' tiall ielay at the depot and get :essary blanks from1 the As the copy will have to be February 6, you can read hat there is no time to lose. :eting was ?held Friday of mittee appointed the pre Sunday by J the ; Laymen's ary meeting The commit ommerided that each of the churches form an organiza its own to further the work Laymen's i Missioniry move and that a . general public ig of all persons interested be ,ne Sunday afternoon in each l ; The next public meeting is lied ts for Sunday afternoon, ary 20. .A. list of. speakers 3 announced-later. representative , of the Globe ;ing company of Cincinnati 3e!at Station's jCash SJioe, Store 3day, -Friday and Saturday. 61 week, February 10, 1 1- and 12, ike orders .and measure ! for igarid summevr.suits. A beau- line of samples wijl.be exhibi't nd iatfstj&jjdn ?iutonteed in. 7 case,-r-T- r7 rer Williams of Fletcher, R. F. vimonoiir callers last week; hltSfa:&:,,-' ..:--v i Fire broke out in the Rose Phar macy last Friday, but was exting uished after a strenuous effort. , Mr. fand Mrs.' ' .. Arthur')J. ' Perry;-; from Chicago,- arrived here last week. They are .staying at " Mrs'R. L. Hunt's on 3rd avenue, 4 s .... X Mrs. J. E Wilkinson of Wilming ton, mother bf Mrs. G. W. Malpass of this city, arrived here last week accompanied by her son, J. E. Wil kinson, and her daughter, - Miss Margaret. They have decided to make their home here and have rented the Waldrop house on South Washington street They moved into their new home this week, and Mr. and Mrsi Malpass and daughter are with them: 4 Mrs. Wilkinson was here for a time last year, and a year or two before that she spent a summer in Hendersonville, She has a number of friends in this city who are glad to learn that she ex pects to stay here. ( v 6 As our readers know, we have recently installed some additional equipment 1 including a folding, trimming and pasting niachine. This machine when crated weighed 1400 lbs and was so large that our front doors had to be taken down in or der to admit it. The Star Dray com pany, who took the job of hauling it, brought- it - from the depot to The Times building, then up a long flight of stairs, then along a hall, then through a narrow door-way mid -then twisted - afid skewed it along to its proper ? Ideation m the of5ck"'and did' all'1 this without damaging or jarring the machine in anyway. ? It was a fine f piece of 'ft'4 or Staton 5peaks of Our Town's Bright Prosp ESSSSsBSZSZ LPMil. Great i-AN'isIlVERSARY: SALE )ur Greatest : Price Re ducing Evexit ) 25c Childs all wqoI Hoods iI0c S t T-ft ' 1 25c'Ladies all wool Fascinators iO - 25c Misses Canton Flannel Drawers iOc 7 25c Ladies ind?iVlensQ!oveiOc 25c Ladies arid Misses .wobrys'ts iOc l5CYard wicle Cannon Clotltlbc , . -15c Fancy colored China Matting iOc 2OC Enibroidery Edging; 0Cf l fe offer our Goods which are new and reason -jle;t Great Bargains S; JOHNSTON 4? 821 Main St. ywor rat s ' ?f ! Sale' : v I JHoe Lewis Entire Stock of Lad- , Sies, mens and child rens Shoes. i selling at V '.great reductions S' - - . -, ' Vtn b ."Thc'Uncs8llini'-Storc"vV -: . " b Last week in a conversation with;' the editor of The Times, I stated that we had a splendid, healthy growing town with the purest of water and . unsurpassed climatic conditions, and this week I desire to quote what some of the leading newspapers of the state have had to say, within the past few months, about Hendersonville. The followiLg is from the Shelby Aurora: "Hendersonville has well been caHed the 'Lake City of the Moun tains,' as numerous beautiful artifi cial lakes nestle among the foot hills of this flourishing young city on all sides. With its spacious macadamized streets, modern builds ings, its numerous thoroughly equip ped and up-to-date hotels, its excel lent waterworks and sewerage sys tem, its freedom from frogs which so often prevail ' in mountain sec tions, the hospitality of its citizen ship all these tend to make Hen- dersdnville an ideal resort -for those seeking health and pleasure. ; f f TeMlowing is quoted "from' the editorial Jcommhs ??of 4 The5 Lenoir v endersonvilieis justly jregarded as oieL of .theJ progressive and pros perdus towns of the statR" Ithal numerous t hotels . ; and ' bbardin hosies tjano! ;riai deuces i . Its broai" well graded streets, -twenty-foot- cement side walks and ; beautiful shady . lawns, make it " easUy. one of the most at tractive places in the state. ' It has good ; school and church facilities, electric lights, water and seerage systems, the latter being a gravity system which the town owns. Hendersonville has pure water, pure air and a larger .percentage of sun shine than almost any town in the United States." ' f The following is from the North Wilkesboro Hustler: "People who travel the globe Cj5rry Hendersonville in their hearts. Among the delightful drives, is one of five miles around Osceola lake and to Mount Hebron on a graded roadway to the'summit; over; four thousand feet above sea level, and capped with a high tower for sight seejng. Other sights of wonder and beauty are Laurel Park, Hickory Kut Gap and Chimney RocfcFlat Rock, Jump Off, Green and French Broad Rivers. - The . mountains are dotted with costly summer homes presenting granite walls, lawns and lakes." V . - - , f The following paragraph is from an.editorial in the Concord Times: " Hendersonville has ; just pent $18,000 on cement; sidewalks. It has three banks (four now), several large hotels ,and twd : railroads. Nearly 100 residences are now" un- der construction or have just: been finished. The altifude is 2250 feet Its climate is as delightful and Healthful as can be found anywhere." The Christian Sun of Greensboro says ; "Hendersonville used to ,. be a struggling mountain village land that not many years ago. It is now a city of all : modern proportions, comforts' and t conveniences, wide spreading streets," miles of paved sidewalks water and ' electric light systems, some magnificent residen ces, hundreds of handsome cottages for summer dwellers . and hotels- ample, well equipped and sufiicierit fy supplied. -y. Hie atmosphere .is certainly wholesome; healthful and invigorating in this cit that1 nestles on a wide spreading ;; plateau, v sur rounded on all sides by unnumber ed,., blue-domed, towering moun tains. The people are a kindly and cordial sort" I will hot quote further now from what the press of the state has had to say complimentary to Hender sonville, but will say just here that the contract having already been letihe task of grading and , putting dwji cement sidewalks on our' side streets, to the . amount of , twenty thousand dollars will be begun at once. Work preparatory to the construction of the new People's National Bank building, is now, go ing on. This bank building, I , un derstand, is to be of, reinforced con crete, and is to cost ut the neighbor hood of thirty thousand dollars utner ousiness nouses ana a con siderable number of residences will be erected in Hendersonville .within the next few months, and prospects for the building of an electric street railroad within the near future, are said to be good. Considerable im provements, I am told, will be made this spring at Kanuga Lakeland a number of new residences will, I am informed, be erected in the country surrounding our City, all of which will mean the expenditure of con siderable sums of money. And with the farm products of the south bringing fancy prices Henderson ville is expecting, and no doubt will have, her usual number of "summer tourists this year, who will spend considerable money among us., Up on the ; whbte the i outlook for; the iuture growin ana aeveiopmeni oi our city is exceedingly bright. R. H. Staton, Mayor. The : Hendersonville Mercantile company tffer a prize of $15 in r gold for the best half-acre of Irish potatoes grown in Henderson coun ty this year. The winner gets the moheV and the potatoes too. If ypiiwant; to enter this u contest, go to the Hendersonville Mercan tile-company's store and register. That .is the only, condition. v , .... A committee of three will be 'ap pointed in each township to measure the laud and the potatoes. "Brethren,, now is, your chance If you don't get the prize, you get the potatoes anyhow. And if you do get the prize, you. get the . pota toes as well. You can't lose out on this proposition " . i't m Another County Heard From Western North Carolina Times," Hendersonville. North Carohna. Mrv Editor . -y r Enclosed find $1 for which you will please give me credit on my subscription- to The Times. I think The Times is a grand paper I like the principles for which it stands. 'Yours truly J. AI, Robbins R. a Forest City, N. C. ; Siiperior Court ; Henderson county superior court for he trial of criminal cases will convene1 Monday, "March 7. It 'is reported that Judge Webb will pre side, but, no official information has yet been received. ' phioh' sets and ; garden : "seeds' at Hunter's Pharmacy; -v '- v Shepherd is offering ; special bar gains in shoes. C . ' Should Be Wrapped Up Did you ever hear of a time or place when money would not be ac cepted? Aarding to an order re cently , issued by P. V. .DeGraw, fourth assistant postmaster general t money placed loose in rural mail boxes will not be accepted for stamps.' You must wrap up the money. The order is as follows: "In view of the extent to which the practice of placing loose coins in boxes by rural patrons has grown and the delay in the delivery and collection of mail and the hardship imposed on rural carriers incident thereto, you are informed that com mencing February' 15 rural letter carriers will not be required to col lect loose coins from rural boxes. Patrons should enclose coins in envelope or wrap in paper, or de posit in coin receptacle, so they can be easily taken from boxes. Car riers will be required to lift such coins and when accompanied by mail for dispatch attach the required stamp." .-- , Sapling Slain Squire J. Manley Lyda of Edney ville. R. F. D. No. 1, was in town Wednesday and called at this office. He brought with him a news item which was truly remarkable. He has been doing some clearing lately, aad one of the trees which he had cut down last week was a white oak EIGHT HUNDRED years old. We greatly regret the unto ard fate which cut eff this vigorous young free in its prime. , Among our callers last week, was G. W- Merrell who has recently re turned from Oklahoma City. Mr. Menell spoke very enthusiastically of his western home and said that Oklahoma is "the best poor manSs country in the world." r A-Change Indicated ', Following is an extract from re- , cant Washington correspondence of th 3 Charlotte Observec b - , . Tt has' developed hem witbin the past week that the republican lead ers are determined "Jto hold what congressional districts . they now have in North Carolina and add two, three or four more.; Special efforts will be made ; to carry the ninth, thirl; seventh- i'and sixth. The election Representative More head to the congressional 'commit tee was the beginning , of this cam paign. It is understood here . that , the republicans believe' that .by making the tight nominations they can certainly win the ninth and the third districts. Up rto this , time candidates have not been discussed but it is a fact that; the districts' have been canvassed by counties and those interested have conclud ed to make desperate fights in . the ones mentioned irt tlw. foregoing sentences. PRESIDENT TAFTS DESIRE "President Taft has begun to realize the true situation in the South and will help in this move ment to increase the number of. republican congressmen from , Vir ginia, North Carolina,, Tennessee and Kentucky. Therpris a hitch betweed Mr. Taft and Postmaster I Hitchcock. Men on the inside., in j Washington say that Mr. Hitchcock does not care especially, about elect , ing congressmen in tfye $outh but is more concerned about . delegations to presidential, contentions,. Mr, Taft, on the other -.hand, is very anxious to have a congress that will carry out his policies la Recently the President has said that he wou.Id rather be defeated for renomina tion than to fail to do what he thinks the republican platform, on which ne was elected, promised , that he would do." . Come new and - see out soda fotantairi UNTER'S 1 HARMACY .1 arrqaeu Always Have the : Best of Every thin g : in the lLac Tlie Tirds: Store on - the Corn or ' J i t f V ; . r:y v - i 1 v . ' .1. I '. y . r 7 f- t v.-

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