!. -1 's. ..-' . ' Si? i r 7 1 a i T's .-." -JMi I . THE TII1ES, - Jf sr -I - a--the n:r 4 .i - V is most vidcly cir- datcdl Jrfeldy Pi :r .in", its Territory "Job. Printing That: I rA.- f 0LU1IE XXIV ' : HERITVILLE. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1 1, 1910. V.' ' i lllllllllllllllllll iii - ' . , . - j " ''' ? hed is offering "specialJ ibar- n shoes.-. " for Carrie Burckmyer left -yal, S. C, last Friday. ' r- - Egerton and Miss Estelle left Iday ;Mr a Visit'to Conway, 3ayaige; and son from .. Wil i are spending some time in onville.; They are at fhe I Mr.s McMinn. :amination fotthe position 3 fenumferator was held Sat : the Graded school by Post Jacksoh. There .were 41 Is.-A,l Mr, Jackson," in the of i the applicants, opened 3d 'package containing the rs;,and at the close of the rhe collected the" papers, 3m and forwarded them to er authorities. Seveisal of icants Jmve emphatically it. the questions were un !y difficult ayne-Wooley tangle con- pile up more lawsuits, civil ' and criminal. The -Itement has been caused lporary restraining order, by the party of the first the appointment of a tem eceiver. Judge - Ewart ley's , attorney i ; promptly; before Judge Vustice and at the action . had , been i E. R Black is erecting an attract ive residence oh his. Broad street property. ' " If you are interested in lumber or brick, you will be interested in J. R Willson's announcement on out 4th page. The People's National Bank, al though a very young institution, is already doing a gratifying amount of business, as shown by the state ment we publish this week. The Bridge club and some friends were entertained by Mrs. W. R. Kirk at her home last Thursday afternoon. There were three taoles. After a pleasant game delightful re freshments were served. The Wilson Mercantile company offefif prize of $15 for the best half-acre of beans raised in this county this year. Go to the store and get the particulars.. You can't lose on such a proposition. The town council have made an ! appropriation for piping the water from the springs to the reservoir. A chart, explaining the plan, has been sent to the , state board of health; and work will begin as soon : as that body has signified its approv al. -Jt is a plan which meets ap proval as soon as it is explained. JLO- it tt -n . The town council met last week and appropriated $1,000 for advertising Hendefsonville. The matter was placed in; the hands of the follow ing committee : Mayor, Staton, M. Schenck, C. F. Toms, E. W. Ewbant, T.J3odges jr. This commktee has held several meetings and has awarded contaacts for the fol lowing matter: 5,000 copies " (which will probably have to be increased to 10,000 copies) of a pamphlet, on Hen dersonville's climatic advantages ; 10,000 circular letters with envelopes and postal cards ; 10,000 illustrated book lets. t The hope has been expressed that the committee will devote part of the appropriation to sending the may or or sone other suitable person to several southern cities to carry in person the good news of Hendersonville's many advantagesand attractions. s torms - New York, Feb. 6 Intense cold, i driven jo the bone of man and beast by a cutting wind, gripped the East tonight The temperature here at midnight is one degree above zero. A forty-mile wind swept New York and vicinity throughout the day andlnight As will be seen frop the local weather report published elsewhere in our columns, the lowest temper ature in Hendersonville for the week ending February 8 was 15, which was 14 degrees warmer than New York. The absence of any heavy wind here was easily worth another 14 degrees in our favor. Boston, Feb. 7. All New ' Eng land is shivering in a cold wave. The rrHnimum temperature here is 3 degrees below zero. This shows a difference of 18 degrees in favor of Hendersonville. for week-endin,6p.'m.'';' Feb 2 58 29 4o ti0f . var clr - rV1, ;J 3 58 30 44 if C9nw po '' 1'--it''ipi 4 47 25 36 82 1 nw clr " '-t '.y'"U 5 48 24 36 S3' n clr ' ' Wl -1 " 6 4a 19 30 28 n clr ' 4i Ai 7 49 15 32 - 89'vi:.-. .var.'clr..-' r.v' -'-V.f.A 8 46 27 36 41 . (D 0386 cly ; ; f3 l 1 1 QDieiB Editor Times: Will you please give me a little j fktirfi' f svf 1 rf 1 lout noticeto the defend made returnable in the :nty. Judge Justice order laintiff to appear before ay and show why the re rder should not be Vacat i case either dismissed or iniable before! the courts 3on county. r and 10c Embroidery Safe, Tuesday, February 15th, sale-all day. We will have iri the 10cy4ot 15 and'25c values. In the 5c Jot 10 and 15c values. Glazener cuts j the price. ' Ladies Belts 25-50-75 and $1 valnes while they last lSctwo for 25c. ft Glazener cuts- the !pricevf n; ..v., ...... 7 A )J!ieSTOntS in ! ANNIVERSARY SALE r Greatest ' Price ducing Event r 3C Childs all wool Hoods 10c V !- 5c Ladies Tall wool Fascinators lO 5c Misses .Canton Flannel Drawers iOc 3c Ladies and Mens Gloves jOc 5c Lad les and M sses woo I Vests iOc ic Red ?wool FJannel 10c , . ,c Yard wide Cannon Cloth 10c c Fancy colored China Matting iOc " Dc Embroidery Edging 10C , fer oiir Goods which are new and season it Great Bargains f S. JOHNSTON 321 Main St t - L?Iff) G 7 .Ll: E. Lew i s earam ale! Entire Stock xf : Lad ies, mens and child -rens Shoes, sellifig at great reduction. ; Agents for StaadarbV fashions & Son ;vThe Uni'esellfng Store' V space, in your paper on the subject of. ROADS. Some say we have the law if enforced; others say. we have no law J: I think it very uncertain if the law is sufficient if ifwere car ried out to the letter, and honestly I can't see that the road tax ; and labor is ? rightly applied: I am in favor of doing as little temporary work as possible and begin" to show ourselves with' as much permanent work as , possible, and, as I " have stated heretofore, macadamize eight feet of road in the worst places first Put the chain gang at , it: put as much of the tax1 on. it as possible: let the people donate as liberally as they will We can patch with the six dys and if there, is any. time! to spare piit it on the macad amizing. Then, twelve mpnt frbni now, see what we' can do, with the legislature .in sessicta, towards enacting a short, simple oad law that will, accumulate: money, and jjipply it in the right place, v ' 1 'This free labor on the public foads is a thing of the past It has aireaay gone aown m msiory as a means to open up a new country by traveling up and down stream over hills and . mountains; but our. coun try has been too old for such , weak tricks for many years, if the people could only see-it ' How about a law that would em power the commissionersHorlevy a special tax on shoes, work-steers; norses, muies, jacits, -jenmes, cans, wagons, buggies, bicycles, motor cycles, automobiles, saw; mills-and everything that travels oVerChe road;7-say 3 cents on : the z dollar. That wc-uld give abopt 1Q cents on every pair of shoe$ soldiritfce coun ty; 75 cents on a5: wagon; $1.5U ona $50 buggy; 33 on a $100 horse; $30 on a $1000 saw mill: $150 on .; a $5,000jautomobaeand-so on. . . Another item I was about to for- get,-rdogs.1 $25 on each dog would be 'good for; the working ? class and help raise money to build roads. The law should be changed L o as placethe roads in the hands of the county commissioners with power to hire a . general superintendent by the month, also a chain gang super intendent. In case Either failed .to do" his r duty or became- neglectful. he could ; be discharged and. some one eise- nirea io nihius piace. ; These superintendents-ihould report every month to th commissioners: : Awaiting comments : aM criti cisms, I remain as ever ; - : ' V1 V. Fraternally 'yours V f" sit c yy, r. jonesr: Pittsburg, Feb. 7-West "Virginia is experiencing the coldest weather of the winter. The temperature ranges from 2 degrees above zero !to 10 below. This shows a difference- of 25 degrees in favor of Henderson ville. February 20 A meeting of the local executive Even a mart with sense can, prove he hasn't - any' when he - makes a Commended Editor Times: There are many ways to do things, but there is only one way that is best way. Our city fathers have committee of the Laymen's Mission- giormed tnemselves by snowing tnat ary movement was held Wednesday they have hit on the best way to afternoon at the People's National put acknowledged merits of our Bank. The following program was growing city betore tna people wno arranged for the next public meet nave not seen nenaersonvme. mis mg to be held at the court house is to arrange for those who , dance to Sunday, February 20, at 3:30 p. m pay for the music. Heretofore to a "The Layman and Reflex Mission large extent a few -individuals, after ary Influenc?," Dr. A. H. Morey. paying their taxes, went into meir "Christ's Call to Men," George pockets and paid tor advertising tne W. Justice. town. In this way many people Three-minntfts tlks Max 58 Min 15 Mean Max. 49 Congress who get the greatest benefit paid nothing for the music. The mocfe adopted by the commissioners is the wise and; righteous way.- -Everj- body knows and everybody will I e forced taconcede the fact that Hen dersonville without advertising could not have grown and without advertising can hot grow. No'cne will; contend thatv tfie town; ought not to be wisely and judiciously ad vertised; but few, if any, will con tend that the committee appointed by the? board of . commissioners has not been wisely chosen and th&t they will act with wisdom and in terest in. discharging- their duties. If j therefore good is to come; from the advertising, the burden will fall ufjust proportions upon those who are to be benefitted If a citizen pays much taxes he will get much enhancement If le gets but Httle benefit, he will contribute but . little to the burden. Is this therefore not the best way, because it is the just way?' Wkq will . object?. Will any one object? ' " ' . ,v' : The personnel of the committee isecurityf or the fact that the right kind of literature will be gotten up and priperly printed, but this is only' one-half the work- The most important thing is to send it out to the right readers. The best and only "proper way to- ao tms is through a well organized bureau in an" office in -tbe town hall with a competent person in charge, " capa ble Of placing things where they be long,' and at the same time compe tent to write spicy r- reports to the daily newspapers, keeping the.world thoVoughly informed as to all hap-' penings in Hendersonville worthy of a place, : if i possible, in'the Asso; . X . . l FPL X ciated , rress repons. iue , uwu has an Appropriate " office; it will cost no rent' -and the 'town has amongits.own natives a 5 lady with Uiusuai accuiupusuuicuLo, uucu iHterestexl : and identified with . cu r Music. EVERYBODY is invited. Washington, eb, 7, The federal ' incorporation bill - which was intro-r duced in congress today is not to be pressed for passage at this session. If the bill should be passed, Presi dent Taf t has stated his willingness to stand as its sponsor and to take the responsibility for having recom mended it " Judge Shepherd Raleigh, Feb. 7 James E. Shep herd, former chief justice of the supreme court of Nortli CaroUna, died at 1 o'clock tlis. morning at the Presbyterian hospital in Balti more while undergoing an opera tion for bronchial trouble. He was in his 63rd year. Funeral services will be held to morrow afternoon at the church of the Good Shepherd in this city. Many a man has made a fortune by norwriting poetry. When a man lacks nerve he is apt to think he is discreet jEome aiiE see QUii new soda immsm -I M. u UNTER'S m HARA1ACY A' USUJS arnxaeu Always HaYe the Best of fiycrything in the BRU& ;3jJ3snai '1 OTle JDruir Store on tlxe 4 Corner n precipe .aw.. I Aff:; - . - i if- 4 i. ' 1 ! .1 -. j ' -1 X ' 1 1 1 I '. 1. .1 It, r (I mi V. r r -V spee. . " 1- , . s (Continued on page a; ' in .