3 ' i . .-i IT-- - 4 - - - : - rnE.TiiiES Hcidquiirt era f cr Job Printing Jixat MA' i i i i ii i.i I -y' i in its 'Territory LUME XXIV HENDERSONVILLE, N. ;FRE5AYr MARCH 25, 1910. NO 51 - - , - .;..., . ! - , , t ' . - - , 4 I ' . ;V J ;,V:-'::i: - .1 ' I foJ Grant i,. ' Report r Henderson county republi Vention, held in the court st Saturday, was well at larmbnious and enthusias a unanimous vote resolu- e adopted heartily endors- ressman Grant and severe rig the little politicians who 5n carrying on an incessant ind war against him. n county has declared it nmistakable terms. Wting was called to order ty Chairman Staton. On ir. Staton was made per- and after the conven- eeded to call the roll of : There were no contests. )tion, the following were I deledates to the judicial i Ji: rt,0VF Blythe, WC Rector, IH S Anderson, J S Rhodes, WCStradley. Howing were elected as to the senatorial conven- bhairman, )f secretaries, the n. J S Rhodes, J L Brookshire, iVF Gibbs, J G Steppe, J N C Stradley, T W Valentine, yd Nicholson, A W Russell, Joseph Hamilton, G W Con- Rhodes, H 6 Ewart, JM Vhitaker, J H Hines, J W Mclntyre R Lockabey," RP Freeman, J B Patterson, George WalL Delegates and alternates ; were elected as follows to the state con vention: DELEGATES. H GEwart, W C Rector, U G btaton, J D Wafdrop, T W Valentine, O V F Blythe J T Staton, J M Lyda, H S Ander son, R H Staton, R P Freeman. H M Roberts, E M Merrell, W C Stradley, AM Blackwell - ' - " 5 ' ALTERNATES J D Davis, C M Pace, J H Merchant, J J Bajdwin, ; A H i Daniel, T J Williams, R J Brown, B F Staton, John A Houston, W F Gibbs, J P Capps, ;L C Patterson J S Rhodes, J A Rhodes, Z A" Shipman. A resolution was passed that, in case only - part of the delegation should be present at any of these conventions, the delegates present should be authorized and instruct ed to cast the whole vote of the county. . 4- A resolutions committee was ap painted and introducexl enthusias tic resolutions which were unani mously adopted. ; The full text of the resolutions will be found on page 3. , SWAIN FOR GRANT ;s and alternates were follows to the district i and were instructed for -DELEGATES kR J Brown, S A Mac?, J T 'Vaughn, GC Lance, Jule J Patterson, J W Rickmah, y, J L Brookshire, T C Reeves, 'JL L WiUiams, W Corn. ALTERNATES fell, B F Pace, TAW Lyda. A W Russell, W F Pace, J S Swain county has held its con: vention and elected a Grant dele- ... i gation. VOTED FOR CANNON Washington, D. C, March 21.- In last week's bi figntT the three republican representatives from North Carolina stood squarely l5y that eminent North Carolinian, Joseph G. Cannon, and voted-"for him in every division.' T OH NSTON'S Special WKite 1 Goods Sale Now On tde soft-finish Bleach ;de fine white Cambric !.de Curtain Swiss ored Percales de whife Cannon Cloth ide fine Percale ite shirt-waist goods iiish Chambray ure Linen dress goods er white Lawn t colored Prints ie Embroidery jte mercerised waist goods ite Damask Napkins ite Table Damask lade '"Pillow Cases lade large Sheets lade Aprons ' ', - rset Covers Corsets all sizes S. JOHNSTON 321 Main St. 7 1-2 7 1-2 7 1-2 71-2 10c 10c 10o. 10c 10c 10c 5 and 6c 5 and 10c 15c 10c' 25c and 50c 10c , 5Qc 10,15,25c 25c 50 and 75c md VJ Special offerings for.the last Saturday was advantage by many of our customers ' Saturday we offer the follow-i ss low cut Shoes, nice leather bluchier style ) es Patent Leather Pumps broad ribbon low e strap, latest style at $1.23: ,0VV . eMSl:48- . Lad,es Tan ankle straos nUfn.U -.Udies Ox Blood Pumps the very lateststyle best make ' also carry a complete Jine of Mens Wfow . which wiU be sold at rednowi c....T m,10? - - ivo xjcituruayrs 18 38. i -4 , ers, i: Lew is & I & ; - "?eins More" : Sob " The republican convention of the Tenth district of North Carolina will be held at Asheville Saturday, April 2. All loyal 'republicans who can possibly attend are urged to do so. The occasion will be one of much more than ' ordin af y interest. Those who attend will have the pleasure of hearing addresses by the following eminent republicans: Hon; Duncan E. McKinley, representative from the Second district of Calif ornia; r Hon. Adna Johnson, representative from the Tenth district! of Ohio; ;Hon. John G. , Grant, representative from the Tenth district of North Carolina. Next ..... ... i TUT -a : lies day Good Roads "Gorivention to " Meet ii TKis City Everybody Avho is interested in the progress of this county and section is urged to attend the good roads meet ing to be held here Wednesday, March 30. There will be morning and afternoon sessions. State Geologist Pratt will preside. As we have already stated, a project is under way to construct a mighty triangle of hard-surfaced roads connect ing Charlotte, Knoxville and Atlanta. The Charlotte-Knox- ville road is to go by way of Asheville, and the Atlanta- Charlotte road jby vay of Greenville and Spartanburg. It is proposed also to construct connecting links from Green ville and Spartanburg, by way of Hendersonville, to Ashe ville. This is a matter of vital importance to this section. Opportunity is knocking at' bur doors. ' Don't miss this chance. Died in Hotel r Bus William C. Roberts, southern rer resentative of M P. Gould company, an advertising concern, died sud denly here Monday afternoon, in the lobby of the. Hotel Majestic. Mr. Roberts arrived in' Henderson ville on the afternoon train from Asheville and while on the way from the station to the hotel, was stricken just as the bus was passing the - brick block on ....Main ; street, where the Clarke Hardware Com pany's store is located, rid about three minutes later died in the lobby of the above mentioned hotel. Dr. Kirk was summoned immediate ly and responded, promptly; but when he reached the hotel 'Mr. Roberts was dead, the cause of death, Being in the opinion "of the physician, heart failure. - Mr. Roberts never spoke a; word from the time he was 1 striken until he diedf ; - r -VAmong the papers found in the pockets of the deceased was a card showing that tie jvas a' member 6f Ancient Lodge No. 724, Free and Accepted Masons, New York City. A letter from his daughter was also found among the papers of r the de ceased; from z which it was ' ascer tained" - that Mr. - Roberts ' family were -now . residing ' in x Key West, Florida. :r, A telegram was., sent by Hotel Majestic to -Missel Roberts, and Jthe local Masonic lodge, wired the lodge to which Mr. Roberts belonged - in New York In replyto the message sent by the hotel to Miss Roberts, a message was received ; from Mrs. Roberts, instructing that the body of the deceased be turned I aver to (Continued oh page 5) y Town Election The annual town election will take place Tuesday, May 3. There will be three commissioners to be elected, as the mayor and the other three commissioners hold over for another year. The commissioners whose terms expire are J. C. Mor row, J. O. Williams and E. C. Ross. The town council, at its meeting last Monday night, selected the fol lowing registrar and judges to hold trie election: Registrar, W. G. Gul lick; judges, W. C. Stradley and J. A. Fletcher. This selection gives very general satisfciion. ; Messrs Stradley and Fletcher will make very capable election judges. They areiof opposite political parties, and if they should be unable to agree on any point, the casting vote will have to be given by the registrar. As we have stated above, Mr. Gul lick has been appointed to this re: sponsible position, .and we take this opportunity of commending the town council for f appointing him. He is alife-long democrat; but he has the esteem and confidence of his fellow-citizens of all parties, and we voice the general sentiment of the town in saying that, with "Judge" Gullick as registrar, every body expects a square deal. for week ending 6 p. m. Mar 22 to 9 P H B s B 5 5 a B v a 9 trr- 3 1 Mar 16 60 27 44 49 uw clr 17 GH 29 48 55 nw clr 18 63 27 45 53 nw clr 19 62 29 46 43 sQT23 8 cdy 20 63 37 50 b9 0.42 8 cdy 21 GO 46 53 53 8 cdy 22 68 33 53 59 8 pc ( Blin 27 Mean Max. 63 Mean Min 33 48 Precip'n 0 70 Mean rJ i lonei Last week Judge Palmer made the following among other state ments: that he was advised that the installation of an up-to-date common battery telephone system in Hendersonville would cost his company $25,000; and that his company "could not undertake this work without raising the rates to $3.50 per month for business phones and $2 for residence phones. A subscriber, who has made a careful investigation of the matter, has written us a letter showing how a first-class service may be had at very much less cost. This letter contains four full legal cap pages of typewriting and is too long for pub lication this week, but we publish the following summary of it for the information of our readers: A modern up-to-date switch board having all modern devices (with capacity for 600 phones and drops for 400); 400 common bat tery phones; all necessary equip ment for operating the system; all this .can . . be procured, installed ready, for operating, for $5,000. The cost of line construction will average $25 per phone, which comes to Jess than $9,000. This makes a total of le3s than $14,000. " There are now 150 business phones and 200 residence phones in town.' Our subscriber proposes that a local company be formed, ' with stock' at $50 per share. Some users of phones might not find it convenient to subscribe, but there should be no difficulty in placing 300 shares, thus insuring a capital of $15,000. He suggests tjiat the charges for phones be $2!50 (busi ness) and $1.50 (residence) ! per month, thus securing a revenue of $8,100 per annum; that' dividends of 12 per annum be paid in monthly instalments, thus reduc ing the cost to stockholders to- $2 (business) and $1 (residence). ,, This will leave a revenue of $6,300.' Set aside $1,000 per annum for de preciation of plant and extension of ; service; this will leave $5,300. The cost oi operating tne present sys tem is about $3,600 per annum; the new system could be "more economically operated, but to be on the safe side, call it $4,000; this would leave $1,300 per annum which could be used for further dividends or any other purpose the stockholders might wish. The above is an outline of the letter. We are informed that the figures quoted are entirely trustworthy. Last Gall for Taxes All parties not paid will be adver tised April 7, 1910, if not paid this means you, V. C. V. Shepherd, Tax Collector. Fees or Salary? ' In a letter, published .Wednesday in an: Asheville ;paper.jTT. ,J. Rick man discusses the question" of sal aries or fees for county officers.' Mr.' Rickman, who was for many years a resident of Henderson county, is now a resident of J3un combe, and his discussion , of- the question is based on conditions as he finds them in his present home. j?resh Mew garden Seeds Our new seeds have been Received We haue almost any variety you wish and will guarantee the quality of every kind to be true to name and to germinate. DON'T SEND OFF, FOR YOUR SEED We can sell them to you in any quantity and often, Save You Money on them. ' ' , ONION-Sets CABBAGE Plants CLOVER and Grass SEEDS IRISH POTATOES. I UNTER'S HARMACY 3 4- USIUS arrqaey Always Have the Best . of JEvcrything in the The JDvwz Store on ilie Corner "'I ., I'- , V .1 1 :'1T j' T 1 '-' : It l 1 1- I . if -hi T. !4 S i 1 . 4 m i . -1 1 . i' ::' .'"!.v; 4 i . , ; f ; 7 J (continue J on'page 4) . - - . yi.n I -j -v ' " - c . - -r v - ;nr- ri'''', ; . ''." j