t i V II THE TIME? THE TIMES i Themost widely cir;-- culated Weekly ,P.k-' ' Headquarters for "Job Printini Thaf: Attracts" ' -A i. perin- its Territory V : T" VOLUME XXV 1 v HENDERSONVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1910. "vt, N02 WE FARMER v tV 'I V 1 fMfs- Atfo ' " - Nominated! I April 21 and 22, 1888, ex- 'forty-two years ago a very tant election was pulled off in bounty, lne people were vot- the question of whether the h should go back into the Union were also voting for a govern Y state legislature and county ers. The state voted to go into the Union; W. WHolden Iected governor. This county Wesley M. Justus to repre in the legislature. Mr. For was elected sherift; but. he I qualified, and T. W. Taylor Appointed to serve for the term, .he position of clerk of the there was a three-cornered the democrats nominated -Farmer's father; Col. Living h ran as an independent repub i; and the regular nominee ol republicans was a boy only iy-two years old. This boy ! elected. He made a good i andgave universal satisfac and at the next election he gain a candidate and received vote cast in the county ex teen. He was the first clerk ourt elected after the civil Te was also the last, for he ed continuously since his btion forty-two years ago. Vis CM. Pace, m reaper has been busy in -ty-two years. Governor 3 long been dead. Of all - elected in this county jge Pace is the sole sur s.f all the defeated can le county, there is only ill Miller, who ran against W M. Justus for the legislature. Countless charges have occurred with ihe passing of the years. The i town and county nave euaiigeu uc- yond recognition; railroads have come; old landmarks have disap peared; the forest has been cleared and buildicgs have taken its place; lakes have been constructed; Hen dersonville's fame has been spread far and wide; people have come here from the four corners of the earth, and as soon as they come roll fid in the number of Judge Pace's friends. For the years have dealt lightly with the judge. If his age has nearly trebled, his wisdom and experience have in creased tenfold; if his weight is a hundred pounds more than it was, his influence has increased beyond computation; if his head is cooler, his heart is as warm as it ever was. Vigorous, alert, active, he has served the people with the utmost faithfulness, and has made a record, of which any one might well be proud. On the forty-second anniversary of his election to the office which he has filled so well, The Times takes pleasure in congratulating both the judge and the people whom he has served. Here's to the health of Judge Pace! May he long be with us, and may his shadow never grow! less! FROM BEAR WALLOW"' At the good roads convention held here three weeks ago, a r.ura b2r of instinctive addivssfs wp.tr Irnade. Some of thp snep. Vers were For Sale 1 pair Horses, 8 and 9 years old past, in good condition. Weight 2500 lbs. Apply to . Thompson & Brock Stables, City. W. C. Rector, J. M. Stepp, F. Z. Morris The Platform MORE WATER FOR LESS MONEY BETTER LIGHTS FOR THE SAME OR LESS MONEY BETTER TELEPHONE SERVICE FOR THE SAME OR LESS MONEY men of wide reputation, and A very large attendance, great enthusiasm and re markably plain speaking, characterized the republican meeting held here Friday night in the court house to nom inate a town ticket. The democratic administration was severely criticized for extravagance, for piling up a huge floating debt, and for not ascertaining the amount of that debt. -From the best estimates, available, it was charged that the town had for years been getting in a hole to the tune of about $3,000 a year, without counting bond issues. The "entangling alliance" between the water and the electric lights was severely condemned, and W. C. Rector's emphatic statement, 41 We will stop that," was enthusias tically applauded. 0 1 peciai A JOHffl ETON'S Just Received 25c 10c 10c 15c 10c 50c 10c & 15c 10c 10c & 20c 35e to $2.00 8c Z 10c 'A i Best Cloth Window Shades complete ; Best Figured Curtain Swiss f Brass Curtain Rods complete j Best Table Oil cloth colored I Ready made Pillow Cases t Rea v mae Bleach Sheets Reaavknade Aprons Wall Paper, all one price 8 yard roll Chinese and Jap Fancy Mattin? Tap Fancy colored Rugs and Art-Squares 3est yard wide Bleach and Cambric rieadquarters for 5c, 10c 15c and 25c goods jswai-e, Tinware, Agateware and Crockery Sample Garments for Ladies and Misses ,h suits $3.00 Wash Skirts $1.00. Bays and Misses Wash -s 50c. Boys Bloomer Pant 25c. 3 S. JOHNSTON 321 Waiti St. r him; do you like him? Then I sug gest Jerry tepp. fte nas served before; do you like him? Then I suggest F. Z. Morris. You ki ow him; do you like him? I place the naffies of the&e three men before the meeting." The chairman called for further nominations. None were made; and, on motion, W. C. Rector, J. M. Stepp and F. Z. Morris were nomi nated by a rising vote. , The nominees were called on for speeches. W. C. Rector responded, saying that he appreciated the ex pression of confidence manifested by the unanimous vote, but that he hardly felt like thanking the meet ing for the nomination; for a man who is fit for the position of com missioner could not be very anxious for the position under present cir cumstances. He then said: "From the number and enthus iasm of those present tonight, it be- good men, men who are in favcr : gins to iook as u tne nominees oi of a wisely economical government, this meeting will have something to The town is sick unto death from say about the town aflairs alter tne the standpoint of administration, first Tuesday in next month. Iun- ri will ninirp aersiana mat no creai cnort was M 1 III WW . I rt lltf Y Xll AMMUV I ' The meeting was called to order byR.H. Staton. On motion C. F. Toms was elected permanent chair man. In a brief speech Mr. Toms explained the object of the meeting. He said thet the republicans of Hen derson county have good roason to feel proud. Their party has brought order out of democratic chaos and has resurrected this country into prosperity. We have at Washing ton one of the greatest adminis trations this country has ever had, and this district is represented by one of the greatest congressmen North Carolina has ever had. We have a beautiful county, and the majority of the good people are re publicans. We -have a beautiful city, with pure water (though we have to pay too much for it) and pure air. The object of the meet ing was to nominate three commis sioners to serve for the next two years, we need conservative men, i5C Specials 25c Ladies Percale shirtwaists in good light colors for , Ladies Corset covers, the 50c value for Ladies Muslin Drawers, neatly trimmed 4 pair 10c stockings 4 pair 10c socks : 8 lowels 25c. 6 yards light figured lawn 6 yards Canton flannel ' Good white table linen 56 inches wfdft a d()n voi ' 7 five cent handkerchiefs 25c. 3 Ladies Belts J ladies collars 25a Ladies mushroom saUors aU colors for Misses and childrens straw: streamer sailors for Mens and Boys cloth hate 25d : Bovs Rnm ci; ; we havemanv more 25o. RTwrial hnt w i.4 it IjSCrCut this out and bring with yoti '?oodior 10,c cnedouar iurcnase or overt - 7 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25p. 25c 25c 25c, 25c 25c E .LEWIS Rr Som - "The Undeselli g Stcr 2' Agents for Standard Fashions the needed reforms. Nominations for three commis sioners were declared in order. J. Williams rose and said that, before making any nomination, he wished to submit a fewlremarks. He call ed attention '' to the; heavy floating debt of the town, and said that it was very remarkable that the town did not know, within several thou sands of dollar?, what its floating debt was. He alStf. called attention to the increased water rates, show ing the increase fell most heavily on the smaller consumers. He quoted figures to show ' that the receipts from water rents, before they were increased, were sufficient to pay the interest on the bonds for water works, sewerage and town hall, and still leave a balance of several hun dred, dollars. )Mr. Williams then said: 1, ; . - "Let me suggest the names of three men. You know' them; you kribw whether they are good men; don't take my word for it. Don t - - 1 - . . - nominate inem umess you mte them; I merely suggest them, y But I can tell you.that if they are nomi- l hated and elected, they, will find out, and they, Will tell you,, what 'the floating debt of this town is: I sug- 13 x gest Wiley C. - Rector! ? You -knew made io get up a erowd, and I did not expect to see more than a third as many people present. If elected, we will use every effort to give the people of this town a square deaj administration. I am sure I can speak for the other two nominees as well as for myself in announcing this as our platform: 'More water for less money; better lights for the same or less money; better tele phone service for the same or less money.' - "We need an economical adminis tration. We need to know the town's indebtedness. If you elect us, we will proceed forthwith to ascertain that indebtedness, and if we don't .keep this promise, we will never allow our names to come be fore any convention in this town or county. We will use' every effort to build up this town, beautify, the streets, makethis a prettier town, and develop the community; rand, if at the end of our term we hdve not made good, we will step down and "out" V " . - -g In a brief speeclC X M. Stepp ex pressed his appreciation of the ex p ission of ; confidence, and J mentioned- thelfact that'he had ieived on the board in the past, and at v:;:;;;;-s (continued - on page 5) they and But the the i in- had given careful thought preparation to their speeches, the speech which has attracted most attention and elicited most praise was a very brief promptu talk by a man who was not on the program, G. W. Connor of Bear Wallow. The fame of Mr. Connor's remarks is not confined to this county or even to this state. It has spread far and wide and has been re-echoed from distant Kentucky. Hereis what Henry Watterson's paper, the Louisville Courier-Journal, has to say about it: There was a good roads conven tion in Hendersonville, N. C, a few days ago. One rof those who attend ed was "a farmer from Bear Wal low." This farmer made a brief speech to the convention, but he said a good deal in a few words. The delegate from Bear Wallow declared that the people of his com munity were yearning for a good road; that it the county commis sioners would send engineers to survey it he and his neighboring farmers would leave their plows and bdld it themselves. "Genera tion after generation," he said, amid th chee-s of the convention, "has waited in vain to be taken out of the mud, We are tired of waiting and we are going to act. Too long have we been raising dogs and buy ing hogs." Good for, the farmer from Bear Wallow. May his tribe increase. With such determination on the part of the farmers they may be de pended upon to put Bear Wallow on the' good roads map. Let the urban commimites of -North Carolinn look to their road-building laurels, Bear Wallow is coming arM she's coming strong. , After all, the construction of good roads in this country depends large ly upon the action of , farrners like the North Carolina delejatewho is tired of "raising dogs and v paying hogs" and tired of "waiting to be taken out of the mud." A Western congressman the other day paid, a handsome tribute to "the mahat, the forks of the creek." A patient individual who expects little ands- not often agreeably disappointed in; expectation, "the man. at the forks of the creek" is a twin brother of the farmer from Bear Wallow T&z gether and with their kind they make up the bone"and sinew of the country. Patient under adverse conditions, they are given lo loq waiting in vain. When the limit of patience is reached look out for squalls. Bear Wallow is aroused. It has waited long enough. Something's got to be done and, by .goshBbar Wallow will do it. If the Hender-::, sonville fellows keep their ' eyes " skinned they'll see some dust rising v . from across the mountain. Death of , R. Z. Linney Romulus Z, Linney, a prominent republican, died suddenly last Fri day in his law office at Taylprsville. He was a man of great ability and force of character and was known far and wide as a brilliant public speaker. He represented his dis trict in congress with credit and distinction. resii New Garden Seeds Our new seeds have been Received We haue " almost any variety you wish and will guarantee the quality of every kind to be true to-name and to germinate. DON'T SEND OFF FOR YOUR SEED We can sell them-to you in any quantity and often Save You Money on them. ONION Sets CABBAGE Plants CLOVER and Grass SEEDS IRISH POTATOES. UNTER'S HARM AC Y w IT EL OTSIMS Pays S5.00 lor Largest TK&MfeLOaf Grown in Hendersian County - V - iiVJ91 1910 Decided ; bv weight to. be'weighed.on - scales selected by him. 1. 1 : j- 1 U7 3 7U' .. . ' , 7 ' -H ;" A . IA- 1 J