' - ; - - r ' , " 't ' ' -, . . - n. '1 v THE TIMES .Headquarters ! for I 'Job Printing ThaV; '( Attracts"; t , VOLUME XXV " HENDERSONVEiE, N.'ciS nODAY, RIAY -13. llOr No, 5 . - . ii J. 1- t k- . -. ; '4. Well Kif own Democrat Censures the Bosses" of his Party f or Sacrif i cing Prinpi r Times- J ie undersigned is not X candi- their wisdom and experience and were supported by thei z ? virtue? tOr any puilUt;ai umuc, iic io j uiuyqicu, miucu uuu ciiuujcu uy I Has-Been, a Me-Too or a Hope-1 self-reliance and the love of God, office-holder, but has always , naa matured m tne exiacllent wxs is now, and always will be a dom of their counsels a neV system ctent democrat! - ! lot government,-which, embraced rn, reared and , matured in the j every security for their liberties and bnment and atmosphere of equal rights and privileges to all in (fundamental and basic prin- the pursuit of happiness." An which constitute' the indes-; honest and impartial student, he le foundation of democratic '! subjected 0117 government and, the nment, and coming from a Constitution of the United States to where the atmosphere of re--anism is so tenuous as to per lonly about half a dozen de of that faith toj exist within rders by means ' of "artificial tion" furnished through the 'can machine a Washington, Y be successfully fixed with ne of treason because of what : ; i :j' 10 say nere anu nave . . Editor Tirnes: r p - : i elsewhere. , 0a i B:30 r) m:f in the than 80 years ago Alexis auditorium 0f. the AsheviUe hih ueville came to this country schoolf Migs Iner M0tz 0f the Hen onarchical France to study, dersonville high school, will contest benefit of;. his. own people 1. riittvhvhfer Ashfti f rv that i svstpm of govern i ; . ? i&i1: jlkj.&A-r-? for week ending 6 p. ni May 10 b " r" ct sr. -h! "gl5 ; : - May .4 67 .56 62 -06' o.5 ,w pc fUJf 4?l r.fi vtr ; 6 Gl 35 48 69 w" pc 7 ,59 51 55 (A 0 81 s cdy -' 8- 61 4 58 59 2'2o s cdy 9 65 47 "56 62 0.12 w. clr .10 78 42 6 i 70 'w clr the test of reason, and on his re turn to monarchical Europe he pub: (Continued on page 2) Declamation Contest 4 ch' in its splendid opera- ne&lcetfiw results had-v fee - rf, judges is our. o: Id, irom the remotest an- the present day. -and f that the American rough their chosen - repre s who were instructed by schoolxfor theP iscjiobl representative ., delivers .'the I best - declamation. ; Among - . the on:J mmtt A-u."1- Zhiim$' Those who vish to attend this contest, and we hope a' number : will go over, will either see or wrie- me for seat reservations, admission 25c. R. M..Ivins. ri - irjUMa-t.-.Tmrcai EWBANK & anu OFFER FOR ALE tfewPeabble Dash Nine room house, Furnished, Modern mprovemeiits 4 -k "' i ?i L u 1 . : A'Baram for $4000.00 Or will Ren forlO a year Furnished Very desirable ouilding' lots for sale cheap Ewbank ; REALESTATE BROKERS 3U -Mam at. - Ewbank ,,vV. Racket at ';''Raleijgh i Max -78 - Mln 35 Mean Max. 66 Mean Mia, 47 Mean 56 Prein'n . 3.38 Death of Edward VII London, May 6. King Edward VII, who returned to Iglahd from a vacation ten days ago in the best of health, died at 11:45 o'clock to night in the presence of his family; after an,illness of less than a week, which was serious hardly more than three days. v The Prince of Wales succeeded to the crown immediately, according to the laws of the kingdom, without official ceremony. His -first official ct Was tc; dispatch to the lord may or the announcement of his father's Ithe; sake of harmony in the party. -Raleigh. N. C, May 9.-The demo cratic rowjn Wake has attracted a s'ate-wide attention, not simply be cause it is one of many county rows in which democracy is now in volved but largely because of the fact that prominent state ofilcisls claim Wake county as their home, anu because the News & Observes, the democratic Bible, and Josephus Daniels, its editor and democratic national committeeman, are involv ed. x t .Heretofore, Editor Daniels has not had the 'actual control of the Wake county machine, though he has helped to make it what it is to day J. M Holding, Bart Gatling and Armistead Jones have controll ed the actual running of .the ma chine, and while Editor Daniels played the right tune on' his tom toms, he was allowed "a voice in party councils." Now the machine refuses to run according to his lik ing, and it is said that part ' of the trouble lies' in the fact that Frank Daniels of Goldsboro is a candidate 3deth in pursuance of custoinlf ; the cause! of death, butjhe doctors thus far have refused to make a statement Some of the king's friends are convinced that worry oyer the critical political situation which confronted him, with the sleepless nights, aggravated, if it did not cause, the fatal illness. Prince George Frederick of Wales, who now becomes King of England as George V, will be 45 years old next month. He is the second son of King Edward, and succeecfed as heir apparent his elder brother, Prince Albert Victor, who lied in January, 1892. Specials 25c 3S Percale.shift waists in good light colors for bs Corset jbqvers,;the, 50c value, for , bs Myslin?Draers,Jneatlyfttimmed r 10c stockings r 10c socks - . . jr Nc (s Ji'S: fels 25c.f? 6 yards lightlfigurea lawn dr:. ds Canton flannel , ' - iwhite table linen 56 inches. wide a 40c value for ds white shirtwaist goods assorted designs for 3 cent handkerchiefs 25c. ,3 Ladies Belts liescollajs Ladies mushroom jailors all colors for and Boys cloth hate 25a Boys? Romper suits i f Ae haveCmany nlore 25cTspeci61s;r)ut haye? not the, space.- to ion all. 6riQg ybur 25cpiece hefeandt see thewonders it lccomplish, . 'itlVj iV&f?y,.;7p JV, -r , r ' it ji. -i .tr ' p " Good for lQc with one dollar cftts out tod taj$ r.-mn- isit w.t. 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c -25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 5c -25c -.25c Soke ay The.UnJeselltnV Store" V;V CJ - Agents for Standard Fashions ; 'l As Special Ambassador ; Passaic, N. J., May 9. President Taft in all probability will designate Theodore Roosevelt as a special am bassador to represent the United States government at the funeral of King Edward. He said tonight that he would take the matter, up with Secretary -'Knox soon after he returns to Washington. - President Taft is not conversant with the precedents as to such oc casions, but if a special representa tive is called for by the proprieties and Mr. Roosevelt will accept the designation he will be named by the President. 5 -Secretary Knox will be consulted in the matter. - . - Thanks! k 'A friend; who, though a Louis- jahian - by birth, has spent some years m this state, writes "us as loK lows: . : - "I have just read your issue of lay 6, in which . the v republican victory ; is announced. : Many ' con gratulations.' "You deserve a monu ment, if not. in; granite "or rbrass, then in the hearts 'of the best of your fellow citizens. - .: v - "Yoiirlong, persistent-fight; your unflagging energy, ybur.fair-mMed, judicious methods have had tfieii reward'' Vy-' ' . , forjudge of the Sixth judicial dis trict, that the machine refused to support Frank Daniels, who is a brother of Josephus, preferring to support J. C. 'Clifford of Harnett county An open letter appears in jState Democrat, demanding the withdrawal of Frank Daniels for Methodist Conference At a meeting of the committee on revisals, the question of equal rights of-the women with that of the laity was thoroughly debated, and after a lon discussion, by a vote of 16 to 6, the committee de cided against the memorial present ed by the women, in which they asked for equal representation with the men, and will report to the con ference nonconcurrence. A minority report will also be presented by the six who voted in favor of the women. The Vanderbilt University ques tion, which involves the principle of church control of church schools, continues to be the most absorbing matter before the conference, and second only in interest to the elec tion of bishops. The most able among the leaders are divided on this question, even the present members of the college of bishops not being united on it. Bishop Hen drix, in addressing the committee on education on the matter, strong ly favors leaving'jthe university as it now stands with the bishops of the church as advisory members of the board of trust, thus maintain ing, he claims, the institution's char acter both as a church and a na tional college at the same time. Bishop Hoss is leading the conten tion that there should be a change and that the institution should be placed under the .full and absolute control of the church. Loc&i Items' Hy Last Monday was a busy day fo; T-'i-i,l"ii A. ,.r ,u lieottatifens for, aWm promise , o. f settlement were kept up way into fthe night, but nothing could be agreed upon. However, it is be lieved that Daniels, Bailey &. Co., are showing signs of weakness, for after the sensational demand to 4 Smash the Machine; the machine is rotten, the party is all right," the New3 and Observer has changed horses in the middle of the stream and now cries, "Don't smash the Machine; get another engineer, smash the ring that bosses Wake county." It is apparent to all that Daniels, Bailey & Co., while de manding that the "Ring" be smash ed are busy trying to make a little ringlet for themselves. An. Anti-Ring Mass meeting has b3?n called for May 14, and will m33t in Metropolitan hall (over the city market and police station) where police protection can be had. jt is said that only those to whom passes will be issued can gain ad mittance. It is said on the streets that the machine democrats have already formulated a plan to take charge of this meeting ; that part of the plan is to turn in three fire alarmr, thereby calling off the police and leaving the meeting open to "all the democracy." ' . List Your Taxes! W,C. Lyda, list taker fofHender: sonville township will be at the fol lowing places at the times named: At Henderson,ville, June 7-11. At Horse Shoe, June 13. At Flat Rock, June 14. At Henderson vi)le, June 15-30. v List your taxes and give in your poll, as required bv Jaw. Mrs. Tregellas of London is visit ing her sister, Mrs. Frank Evans. It now begins to seem highly probable that those sidewalks will i e ally begin to materialize SOON. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Drake went to Asheville Thursday to see their son who is at the Carroll sanitarium. The Retail Merchants association meets Thursday night of this week; when a frank discussion of the acute telephone problem is expected, ' B. F. Hood has torn Dieted his work as census enumerator for this town. He is not permitted to di vulge the interesting information which he has Obtained. But if you think you can guess the population of Hendersonville, tell M. M. Shep herd, and you may get a pair of shoes. News has been received here of the death of D. R. Hunt which oc curred last week at Roanoke, -Va. Mr. Hunt was the father of Rev. F D. Hunt, a former pastor of , the Hendersonville Presbyterian church. At the time of his death Mr. Hunt was about 82 years of age. He was formerly a resident of this county, having lived for thirteen years at J. S. Rhodes' home on Mills River. . A number of our readers will be interested in the following extract from a letter just received by us from F. M. Huggins who is now at Wake Forest; "I have had a delightful year's -work, and am now upon the verge of that much-dreaded ordeal, ex aminations. ' Pleasant -as the years work has been, I have felt' keenly the sense of separation from ; my old friends in Henderson, and would ...like. . to- send greetings ; to them through your valuable papVr Knitting Mill Wanted, a Knitting mill at Zii conia. The scheme is practicable and ought to be carried into effectAThe proposed capital; is $25,000. It is suggested that the stock be sut scribed in $50 shares. ZircOnia has ample water power and ' good railroad facilities. Get together brethren, and establish that knitting mill, ? Call on nr write to Lee Jones- at Zircbnia for further particulars. . Miss Sue Farmer is - no w. occupy ing the attractiyefeottage which she has recently built on Oakland street. Her new home is pleasantly located, and the completeness of itsappoiht- f merits reflectsgreat credit npon the skill of the architect "P. F. Patton. Fresh ' New Qarden Seeds Our new seeds have been Received We haue almost any variety you wish and will guarantee the quality of every kind to be Jfue to name and to germinate. DON'T SEND OFF FOR TOUR SEED We can sell them to you in airy quantity and often Save You Money on them. ONION Sets CABBAGE Plants CLOVER and Grass SEEDS IRISH POTATOES. 1 :'--" UNTER'S V.- HARMACY It Jt I! MBHMiMMMM ... "Lk r----.- - e-A I I 'T , . ' j ! Pays $S;00 fbf Lar; KM f.T.rl lf MVAU 5i Grown in Hengersorj by wight--tdb by him. V'' " ' ' ft . . t 1 1 h I. 1 . f i 11 -J 1 K K ! .1 v- -r I '- ! - - v. t." 11 T