. , . ... -a,z ... -. :-r .v-:-vcfv.vs:;i I i-SV.--' '' ' i-' V'-" . -r'v".;"1 '.i .-r'.-' ( '' . ; - I IE TIMES ; st widely cir i Weekly Pa- THE.TIME i Headquarters fbi " Job Printing VThat 4 its Territory J Attracts" V HENDERSONVILLE, N.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1910. jLUME XXV No. 10 aleijgh Letter Gottoii Mill Men :i own 3ta temen' 25 dMins issued by the town of Hen- rsonville from June 3, 1909, to iV 31; 1910: nry'Justus, burying dead at. ' Ar Israel, street hands 4 salary street overseer 0. 50 3 days 4.00 encb Broad Hustler, pub lishing annual report 25.00 iV Guice, water and sewer I hands H.G5 (C Duffy, plumbing material 21.44 fcD Ray, city atty balance 29. 00 j W English, street hands 3o 10 fWUGuice, water and sewer n$sds Pvme- L. & P. Co, Lights for 4 May 206.50 ; AM Black well shff, serving notices of election etc 8.40 I G Vf Guice, water and sewer ? hands 7-70 fCW English, street hands 30.28 'FA Bly. release bank siock h ' tax G W English, street hands G VV Guice, water anewer : hands Jas Priced keener reservoir1 Z B AtledgeT policeman JNo. 1 oo.uu Corrr.& Buckner, blacksmith - 14. VU 1.00 5.50 38.70 4.80 24.C0 80 41 24. o 24. 5- 5 4 30 55 00 16. .30 50 ,00 50 00 20 70 00 67 .00 00 45 57 23 40 listing town Henry Justice, burying cats S ,;. and doers l7j$ss& Reese, chief police 3 h-days 6.00 J H Hines, harness 22 CO JWMcCarson, chief police .60.00 v G W Guice, 'water and sewer I hands f 4.10 , G VV Guice salary Sept.. 40.00 O W English, street hands 82.05 ' - -salary street overseer 40.00 ! P M McOulloch, bridge sills 6.00 i G W Guice, "Water and sewer ' hands 7.45 ! C W English, street hands 21.85 , H'ville'L. &. P. co, lights for June', ' 154.00 c W EngJi; street hancls . 35. 95 , G YcGee, water and sewer nanc . : 15.15 C V English, street hands G W Guice, water and sewer hands G W . Guice, paid fit on sewer pipe Walker Moore, sfreet work James Carlisle tC '4 Jus Price, keeper reservoir O G Orr, water and sewer hands O G Orr, street hands Bail us Guice, street work C W English, salary street overseer Z B Arledge, policeman No. 1 J W McCarson,, chief police R M Oates, stamps etc. water dept F V Hunter, gasoline etc H'vill L & P Co, lights col lecting water etc 10-00 W J Davis, error town tax 16.50 Frederick Disinfectant Co. disinfectants J A Laughter, property Henry Justus, burying 3 cats J H Hines, one whip O G Orr, guarding Hill's store aainst firer Cement Block co, 50 meter boxes The Hustler, 500 blanks B r Brown, burvmff dog W E Jackson, judge of elec. tion O.G Orr, water and sewer hands O G Orr, street hands G W Guice, water and sewer hands G VV Guice, supt water and sewer . T M Israel, street hands R L Sexton, contra sewer line - Cv,. G W ' Guice, waiter and sewer hands ( Clarke Hdw ccL terra cotta pipe ' 160 GW Guice, fght paidon meters 5 (Continued on page 5) 25 1 00 75 .00 50 2. 50 00 00 25 2. CO -4. 9 00 50 13.45 34 15. 20. 22. 66 40 00 50 .82 17 Johnstoii's new Goods Just Rec'd. OFFERED AT SPECIAL BARGAINS Ladies &Misses White and col. Linon skirts latest style 75 to $125 Lddies ahd Misses Middy waists and Blouses latest styles75c to $1 Ladies Linen and Lawn shirt-waists of latest styles 50c to $1.25 "Ladies long and short Commonas great variety latest style 35c to $1.25. , r ' . Ladies Embroideried Skirts 50c to$ 1.25 . - Fancy Waist and dress silks 15c & 20c ; v Shantung Waist and dress silks 30c ? ; Infants Shoes and Slippers 15c to 50c ' . Misses strap slippers Black and Tan 55c to $1.00 Ladies strap Slippers Black and Tan 75c $100 , . Ladies soft comfort shoes $1 and $1.25 ' , Ladies and Mens Bedroom slippers 25c to 50c ' - . . Infants and childrens Barefoot sandles 15c to 50c ' Ladies and Mens Barefoot sandles $1 - R & G. Corsets, new Styles 50c & 75c. S. JOHNSTON r 321 Main St. rrrri MMu i i Saturday 1 and Monday -i The South Carolina cotton mill men. have come and gone. They had an enjoyable time here, and Hendersonville enjoyed having them. Rain Friday morning interfered with the plans of a good many who had expected to come through the country in automobiles; but the 1 o'clock train brought nearly fifty and a large number came later. The weather cleared up. beauti fully about noon, and the visitors had a busy time while they were here; there was something doing almost every hour of their stay. They were met at the station and escorted to the Gates hotel, Short ly after dinner they were taken to the roof of the court house to get a view of Henderson county. Then the Merchants association and W. A. Smith took charge of them, took them to Laurel Park and entertain ed, them at the Retreat. A busi ness session Friday night was fol lowed by a cake walk at the Gates. Another business session was neld Saturday morning, and a de lightful reception was given by Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Curtis in honor of the visiting ladies. Saturday after noon was taken up with an excur sion to tire two Lakes, Osceola and Kanuga. The visitors made a very favor able impression upon our people andHvere outspoken in their ex pressions of appreciation of the courtesies extended to them. It was a pleasant occasion for every body. Hendersonville will be very glad to see the mill men any time they feel like coming here. New oar ets to Work The town council held a long ses sion Monday night and transacted a large amount of business. Every member was present. A large part of the session was devoted to a revision of the revenue laws of the town. Among the changes made was ths imposition of a tax of $200 on near-beer estab lishments. . - On motion of W. C. Rector, a committee was appointed to ex amine the bonds of town officers and report back to the council. The secretary and treasurer were iastructed to employ a competent auditor to audit the town books for the five years from June 1, 1905, to June 1, 1910. The report of the committee on settlement with tax collector and traasurer was received and approv ed. There was a somewhat detailed discussion of street problems. No formal action was taken, but we understand that excavating is to be discontinued for the present in order that the work, of smoothing and cementing may have a chance to, catch up with the excavating. Kedron Lodge The regular communication of Kedron Lodge A. A. and A. M. for the election of officers will be held Fri day night at the usual hour. Re freshments will be served. All mem bers are urged to attend the meeting and visiting Masons are cordially in vited to be present. A special col lection will be taken for our orphan age at Oxford where we ow have near on to four hundred orpnan children, Bro. Hicks, superintendent, of the orphanage, urges us to rfiake our St John's day contribution as largeas possible. In this connec tion, I would suggest that all brothers who cannot attend the meeting Fri day night call on any of the follow ing brothers, who constitute our or phanage committee, and leave con tributions for the orphanage with them, towit: W. C. McClain, J. P. Fm bler and F. V Hunter. But let us have a full attendance Friday night. O. V. F. Blythe W. M. Do not fail to take advantage of the, bargains I we are offering for SATURDAY and MONDAY I 10 yards Calico all colors for 89c. 10 yards figured lawn for 39c r 1 n ircsWIo flantnn flannel fnr 5?Qr ' ' (ZrnA ornrin riinrrttrtmo -.! A t ., P Yard wide percales for. , 9c . 41 inch white lawn' at 10c. ' 28 inch Weals in good colors for . 5c. ; - Pillow cases 42x36 at 10c "Sheeteijwl size 72x90 at 48c Lace curtains 2 1-2 yds. long 39c. r-oodJ -vj bed spreads for 69c; "-".Ladies shirtwaists from 25c up. A offering numerous .other bargains for VT U RD A; Y; and "MO ND AY f lis OUt and&ing with..you , Good for 10c with one dollar,,; U , n - - - ? purchase or over . , x . ;"The Unde'sellin Store" - . -Agents for Standard Fashions Rev. Q. S. Jones Wilmington Star. The funeral of the late Rev. Griffith S. Jones, whose death occur red Monday afternoon at his home in Hendersonville, N. C, the remains having been brought to Wilmington on the late , Irain -Tuesday night, was conducted at 10.30 o'clock yes terday morning fronVthe First Bap tist church of tjii city in the pres ence of a large assemblage of friends of the deceased and the . family. A The services were by . the, pastor, Rev. Dr. J. H." Foster, pastor of the congregation, and he paid a high tribute to the life and" work of the minister. The funeral hymns - were by the regular choir of the church arid the floral offerings were numer ous and very pretty.- After . the services at, the ' church the remains were laid to rest in Oakdale- ceme tery, the pall-bearers having been U H.' Burnett, W. C. " Smith, N. M. McEachem, H. P. Munson,' W. " G. Herring and Dr. A. Mi Baldwin.. : The remains of Rev. - Mr. Jones Hvere - accompanied , . to 1 Wilmington ljy his nephew, Hon.' Charles French Toms, of Hendersonville, with whom the 'minister had 'made v his home for some time.. " v Mrs. Nannie Williams, one of the field workers for the North Carolina Children's Home Society, is in the city stoping at the Gables for a few days. The object of v the Society which Mrs. Williams represents, and of which W. B. Streeter is super intendent, is to gather up, train, care for and find good homes for orphan and destitute children. It costs a whole lot of money to carry on the work which is being carried on by the Children's Home Society, and Mrs. Williams is engage in solicit ing contributions for the society, and everybody who can, without injury to themselves, should contribute something to aid Mrs. Williams and her associates m carrying on the noble work in which they are engaged. Raleigh, June 13.- After a desper- the democratic primary, ate struggle and earnest appeals ' Sykes of Wake Fnrt Governor Kitchin's democratic ad ministration has succeeded in plac ing the 83,400,000 bond issue and the call for an extra session of the legislature has been withdrawn. The cup of humiliation of this democrat ic regeme must overflow when that trust the American Tobacco com pany, cursed by Governor Kitchin on every stump, ftad to step m and save the administration of Governor Kit chin by subscribing $1,000,000 of the bonds, nearly one-third of the entire issue, ine bankers oi the state up on appeal came to the rescue with out regard to politics in order to save North Carolina from democratic blunder of her last legislature and it is worthy of comment that the bank of which Republican National Com mitteeman E. C. Duncan is presi dent helped rescue the state by tak ing $200,000 of these bonds. So des perate was the crisis that for once democrats were forced to lay aside politics and beseech patriotic North Carolina Republicans to prevent the destruction of the State's credit due to democratic folly. J. Elwocd Cox, E. C. Duncan and many other Repub licans either personally or through the financial institutions they repre sent subscribed liberally for the bonds to help the poor old North State, while it might be cited that neither of the two banks in Governor Kitchin's home town, Scotland Neck. in that banner Democratic County of j Halifax, with its ten thousand ma jority of negro population, subscrib ed a single dollor. The caiidates of Josephus Daniels and J. Wm. Bailey faction of the democratic party are now canvass ing Wake county in their campaign before the democratic primaries June 25. The Armistead Jones faction, representing the present county officers, claims that Daniels is running republicans for office in Dr. E. W. Daniels- Bailey candidate for senator, spole here Tuesday night and a J" that he voted for McKinley in 1826 and did not vote the democratic county ticket last election. R. H. Battle Canidate for the House, stated that he did not vote for the suffrage amendment to the state constitution because he believed -it un-constitu-tional and other candidates admit party irregularity. Daniels and Bailey know their only change is to get the independent vote in the dem ocratic primary and are resorting to this appeal to near-republicans. w eather eport for week ending 6 p. m June 14 So p H B c B D i' a 3 in 2. ' r-l P 3 eQ D o r June 8 9 II 12 13 14 67 76 78 78 70 76 p 40 48 52 56 62 60 52 62 58 61 67 70 65 64 68 6o 70 70 62 66 70 63 T 0.70 T 0.77 1.35 8 8 B ' 8 B6 86 86 cdy PC pc pc cdy cdy cdy Max 78 Min 48 Mean Max. 74 Mean Min 50 Mean 65 Precip'n 2 87 For Sheriff I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Sheriff of Henderson county, subject to the Republican convention. T. LEE DRAKE. NOTICE We have been requested by the Southern Pension B,oard, to state, that the 4th day of July being a legal holiday, the Board will not mee until Tuesday the day following. For iSale! For sale, 50 acres on Boil-? stone creek, i mile from Hors e S hoe s ta t io h . Le ve 1 upland, 3O acres in timber balance cleared. Address, R. B. Sitton, " T Horse Shoe, IC. When you make your priB g Cleaning Don't Forget That we carry all kinds of purifying, cleaning, and disinfecting articles. Formaldehyde Fumigators 25c Bed Bug Poisod 15 & 25c Bon Ami 10c Sal Soda, per lb 05c Box Potosh 05c Household Ammonia 10c Furniture Folish 25c International Lice Killer 2f c -Hunter's Pharmacy Near P0ST0FFICE : w Jll tiii's i i Pays $5:po;f0r'La?g Grown in Henderson vCountVitlXl910--Decided by eight to te weigniq on scales .seiectea Dy . jj n V! J -' 1 ' 1 , - " ... 1 r.i ' - ' r.. - ; ' jvv.ys,;. ; .-.- - ; 1'-- . t . , v - .. ',' ... , -. . . ..;) ' ,.- v. -

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