- '..: ; r Friday. June 24. 1910 ) The Western North Carolina Times Church- Dedicated Editor Times: The Methodist church at Dana orrftssmn n 1 JOH N fi : HP A NT nf Hpn . i)n, nominated by acclamation. J i RESOLUTIONS The republicans of the Tenth district of North Carolina, in convention assembled, resolve as fol lows: ' tVe reaffirm our allegiance and devotion to the principles of the national republican party. That we congratulate the country on its prog ress and prosperity under republican rule, show ng that the policies of the republican party have brought prosperity to the nation. That We cordially commend the zeal and sin cerity of President Taft in his efforts to enact in to law the promises of our national platform. That we endorse the course of our repreeen fative in congress, Hon. John G. Grant, and re'cog nize in him an efficient public servant and we hereby pledge ourselves to do all in our power to secure his reelection. &e "Southern" GROCERY S TO RE maple STREET Opp. FREIGHT DEPOT Fresh Goods and Country Produce a Specialty PROMPT ATTENTION to LARGE and SMALL OR DERS ALIKE. PRICES RIGHT. COME and SEE US H. L. PACE, Manager Just Received A Car of Choice Alfalfa hay this is something fine $L50 per lOO lbs. We are Headquarters for good feed of all kinds Try a Sack of our CORNO HORSE AND MULE FEED Phone 205 5i3 N. Main Miller a Wetmur will be dedicated on the 4th Sun day in this month at 11 o'clock. There will be dinner on the ground, and the editor of The Times is re quested to be present on that day. Miss Nellie ISteppe is organist and Boosie Steppe is leader of the chpir. Committee on refreshments are Mesdames Martha Steppe, T. 8. Marshall, A. H. Blackwell, J. H. Merchant, M. 0. Huggins, J. M. Stepp, F. M. Blackwell, T. J. Waters,' J. Case, S. M. Byers, W. J. Case. J. F. Harri3, J. H. Brock, Hamilton Steppe, T. C. Garrett, Furman Jones, John Blackwell, Miss Ella Israel. The ushers 'ie James Pace, Ben Hawkins, Everet, Waters and Oscar Merchant. fist I! VI 1 l TVve. copies National Bank Capital $150;000 I, Tpne man with a dollar is just as important ipwll as the man with a million. Why? be USSS cause there are a great many more men " with a dollar than with a million, and millions must grow from dollars. The same courtesy and accommodations as we give the rich await your modest savings. J. H. Carter, Pres. U. G. Staton, Vice Pres. Charles French Toms, Vice Pres. C. S. Fullbright, Cashier NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the superior court of Henderson county, made in the special pro ceedings entitled B. Jackson, Ad ministrator of J. H. Tinley, deceas ed, vs. Mrs. Mary Tinley, French Freeman, Lula Solomons et al , the same being No. 314 upon the special proceeding dock of said court, the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday, the 18th day of July, 1910 at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door in Hendersonville, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the "highest and best bidder for cash in hand that certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying and be ing in: the county of Henderson, Hendersonville township, North Carolina, and more particularly de scribed as follows, viz: Beginning at a, stake on the Edneyville road and runs north 23 deg.. west 36 poles to a stake; thence north 64 deg east 18 poles tpa stake in V. E. Braswell's line: thence with his line south 23 deg east 86 poles to a stake on the Edneyville road; thence with said road south 65 deg west 18 poles to the beginning, con taining 4 acres more or less, and fully described in a deed from T. J Rickman, commissioner, to W. E. Shipman, recorded in deed book 28 at page? 44 and 45, of the re cords of deeds for Henderson county This 15th day of June, 1910. B. Jackson, Commissioner. Does this appeal to you 0 0 T H E PEOP LE 6 NAT IO NAL BANK -1 Chattel Mortgages For Sale TlmES PRINTING COMPANY NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a decree of the Superior Court of Henderson County, entered in the case, of Mary Garren, Hattie Garren, Rintha Garren and Clara xBelle Garren by their Guardian, C. b. .Lance, vs. Jid. Wilkie, wherein the undersigned was appointed commissioner, and ordered "to sell the lands hereinafter described, I will sell at the court house door in the town of Hendersonville, N. C, at 12 o'clock, noon, on the 9th day of July, 1910, at public auction, for cash in hand, all of the following described lands, to-wit : That piece, parcel or tract of land lying, and being in the state of North Carolina, county of Hender son, and township of Hooper's Creek, adjoining the lands of John Carter, W. J. Youngblood and oth ers, and bounded as follows: Be ginning at a stake, and pointers in A. H. Russell's line, and runs with his line North 7 deg. West 89 poles to a sourwood, his corner; then with his line East 20 poles to a stake and pointers;x then South 7 deg. East 86 poles to a stake and pointers on the kiorth side of Mills Gap road; then South 76 deg. West 21 poles to the beginning. Containing 11 acres more or less. The sale of said lands being made for partition among the tenants in common. Thjs June 8, 1910. R. H. Staton, Commissioner. NOTICE! ' Notice is hereby given to the pub lic that B. S. Smith, formerly in the employ of the Cherokee Marble Works, Inc., of Asheville, N. C, as traveling salesman, is no longer con nected with said company, and - all persons are hereby notified he is not authorized to accept or receipt for moneys due said company,' or to make any contract of binding force of whatsoever nature. V This, the 9th day of June, 1910. .v. CheTokeeIarble Works, Inc. Ladies white canvass shoes worth $1.00 for 50c Ladies button shoes worth $1.25 for 75c Ladies pat. tip blu. worth $1.50 for $1.00 7c Ginghams for 5c 7c Qalicoes for 5c 50c Panama for 35c 25c Cashmere for 20c taton $l Jones OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE Train Schedule Following are the times of de parture from Hendersonville of pas senger trains according to the sched schedule now in effect : No. 41, to Asheville, 6 a. m. No. 14, to Spartanburg, 8:05 a. m. No. 7, L. T., to Asheville 10:15 a. m. No. 9, to Asheville, 1 p. m. No. 8, Asheville, toIL. T. 4:30 p. m. No. 10, to Spartanburg, 5:15 p. m. No. 13. to Asheville. 8:15 p. ra No. 42, to Spartanburg,9:50 p. m. NOTICE State of North Carolina, Henderson County. J. H. Townsend has this day made application to enter one acre of land more or less, lying and be ing in Clear Creek township on the waters of Kyle's creek, adjoining the lands of Win. Sinclair and J. H. Townsend. This May 17, 1910- S.M. King, Entry Taker. You can always vet theBest Gcods for theLeaslwlpney at the Tarolina Vehicle V AttinQfiv Syndicate Building, MaiMStreet VUmpdny Hendersonville, NrC?X Studebaker Vehicles and Harness "None Better" North Carolina, Henderson County. In the Superior Court Before the Clerk B Jackson, Administrator, of J. H. Tinley, deceased. vs Mrs Marv Tinley, French Freeman and her husband, G. W. Freeman; Lula Solomons, and her husband, Joha Solomons. 'Notice of Service of Summons by by Publication The defendants. Lula Solomons, and her husband, John Solomons two of the defendants above named will take notice that an action en titled as above, has been commenc ed before the Clerk of the Superior court of Henderson county, the ob ject of said action being to sell real astate -belonging to the estate J. H. Tinley, deceased, for the pur pose of creating assets to pay debts; and said defendants. Lula Solomons and John Solomons, will further take notice that they ate required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Henderson coun ty, at his office in Hendersonville, North Carolina on the 20th day of June, 1910, arid answer or demur to the petition filed by the plaintiff in this action, or said plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said ; petition. This the 18th day ot May, lyiu. r C. M. race, Clerk Superior Court. rai JUL The SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST offers more and better premiums to club raisers than any southern paper. This year we are giving away a lot of new and valuable presents-some things you never saw before. Anybody can get up a clup for the SOUTHERN AQRICULTRIST, because it is the best paper published for southern farm res and the price is very reasonable.' Write for free sample copy containing at tractive premium offers. ' Southern Agriculturist ianviLLE TENNESSEE Our list of Pleased Customers i; rrr- Ack -i-i . r "wiAavt. i4tlcm about It quality and Fair Pt-i ice mem Bros toss Harness Hard - i A