The Western North Carolina limes Ell LOVE TRAGEDIES. if! For Congressman. JOHN G. GRANT of Hen derson, nominated by acclamation. 1 i RESOLUTIONS The republicans of the Tenth district of North Carolina, in convention assembled, resolve as fol lows: We reaffirm our allegiance and devotion to the principles of the national republican party. That we congratulate the country on its prog- ij ress and prosperity under republican rule, show- I ng that the policies of the republican party have 1 brought prosperity to the nation. g That we cordially commend the zeal and sin- i cerity of President Tail in his efforts to enact in- I to law the promises of our national platform. That we endorse the course of our reprecen- tative in congress, Hon. John G. Grant, and recog nize in him an ' efficient public servant and we hereby pledge ourselves to do all in our power to secure his reelection. M ade in St Louis!" Hamilton Brown says, We Keep the Quality Up." 44' Roberts, Johnson & Rand says "Star Brand Shoes Are Better." Burrow, Jones & Dyer says, "Full Vamp Shoes are Right," Selz, Schwab & Company says, . "Selz Shoes Make Your Feet Glad", M, M, Shepherd says, "Buy them from me at the Monument" A Series of Unfortunate Engagements and Queer Coincidences. No less than eight times was Fraulein .Marie During, a Viennese beauty, engaged to be married, and, although her lovers escaped with "life, some accident or misfortune rendered each ineligible in ibe eyes of the capricious fair one, who did not hesitate promptly to elect a successor, in turn as promptly dis carded when misfortune overtook him. Her first fiance was utterly ruined at cards, her second lost his hand through a gun explosion, her third lost his money in a business speculation, her fourth had his good looks irrevocably marred by the kick of a horse, her fifth suffered imprisonment for forgery, her sixth was stricken down with paralysis, her seventh had his leg amputated, while her eighth escaped all mis hap and eventually led her to the altar. Another series of strange coin cidences attended the lovers of Jeanne Loroy, a native of Mar seilles. Her first fiance was found drowned, her second was killed in a tavern brawl, her third vanished, as it were, into space, and her, fourth was found lying dead in circum stances that pointed to foul play. Her fifth, too, whom she married, almost lost his life at the hands of a Snaniard. who. however, received - f 7 ' - ' such injuries during the struggle that his death occurred a few days later. Although the Spaniard made no confession, the fact of his hav ing for years cherished a fierce though hopeless passion for the girl, on whose lover he made such a dastardly attack, seemed to sug gest to ma"nv people that the death of one or more of the other suitors might be placed to his account. There js no explanation of the fate that overtook the aspirants to the hand of another young lady, the daughter of a Parisian jeweler. Although seemingly possessed of every quality to make a man happy, no sooner had she accepted the offer of some ardent suitor than on the latter fell disaster of his own seek ing. Thrice was she engaged, and each engagement ended with the suicide of her lover in a foreign land, whither apparently he had fled in a vain attempt to break free once more and for all from the bonds that held him. London Telegraph. 1 E IE ! To the one buying for cash the most goods between now and January 1st, 191 1 we will give absolutely free , . . .s.-jonTBros. silver knives, forks, spoons, sugar 1st one 26 piece set i847 $25.00 shell and Butter knife value 2nd 1 Ladies gold Watch 20 yr. case 5-" 3rd , set 1847 Roger Bros, silver kn.ves and forks 10.0. x. e KTin$r shoes for men 4 5U 4th 1 pair of Society King 5th i Fountain pen i4k goa 6th 1 pr. Right Dress shoes for Women 3-00 7th 1 pr. Fidelity Shoes for men 3.00 8th 1 pr. Runaway shoes for Ladies 9th 1 pr. shoes for Misses 10th 1 pr. Shoes for Boys 150 The above Jewelery can be seen at Cagle's Jewelery department in our store, j Dont think because we are giving away the above prizes that we are over charg-1 inc-vou for any goods. But compare our prices and see for yourself. We will not be under sold. Our prices are always the cheapest. And we want your business on the merits of our goods 1 1 ,1 SHOES ALL LASTS MAKES Mens $3.50 and H Arbuckles coffee 14c Karo Corn Svnm 18c can Karo Corn syrup in gallon 35c White canvass slippers 25c Mens $3.00 Compound lard 13c Anv 10c can goods 3 for 25c 3 plugs tobacco 25c Good Lace shoes Button shoes 74C Calicoes best 98c Apron Gingham $2.23 2.73 51-4c 4 1-2 Every day is a bargain day with us If you fail to see us before buying your goods, It means a loss to you JVv Look for the RED STRIPED Awning in front of the Court House. i taton c Jones 2 o i o 70 TO O n d2 2 S8' B C w3 O S- I SB . rrg- 9 r H Cj CP go o TEL P c p a 3 B 8 g r O 8 o (A kQ 3 g.,&d5 v ft 13 II iff Fought Under an Umbrella. Sainte-Beuve was scarcely more famous for his writings than for his appearance on a certain occasion on the field of honor. The cause of the rupture was ridiculous, and the quarrel had been forced upon him bj' the "other party with murderous intent. On the morning of the meeting it rained heavily, but the gloom which overcast everything was in a measure turned to mirth by Sainte-Beuve taking his place armed with a pistol of the period of Francis I. and a large umbrella, which ho proceeded to raise and hold over himself. The seconds begged him not to turn so serious a matter into jest. 4Gentlemen," he answered, "M. Dubois has under taken to kill me today. Very well. I am willing to be killed, but not to get wet." Four shots were exchang ed without effect, so that the au thor was not obliged to submit to either discomfort. New York P.ost. We have pretty nearly 31 w m and are selling -at slaughter prices because we haven't room for the goods, and MUST close them out. Come and inspect our Great Bargains in Dry Goods, Clothing, Furniture, Gro ceries, Farming Tools, Etc, Etc., Etc. Wilsons Department Store Fr est Meats Fisfo arwi Dressed Foul RUSHER SAYS: , ; " ? ixjf uui utiuc au up-iu-uaLc marKei' wnere you can get what you want, and when you want it. Every sanitary device has been installed and adopted. The filtures are as nttmnHvA na will ho fnnnrl in anvmorW nt C TOtni lino n nnnDnk. A ii. 1.1 .l.u.'i.. N m m a v.oasny tous vi iuc auu siurage room ior 10 nead' ol cattle We handle the first grades of meats also fish and dressed foul which is kept in a special sanitary device. : You are invited to come and inspect a thKJijhly clen and sanitary market. " : Prompt Delivery Special attention to Phone orpers. Highest Prices paid for stock. R. L RUSHER PHOriE14l Fresh Meats, Fish and Dressed Foul Th Infant Terrible. A dashing young fellow was very attentive to a young lady who did not favor his attentions and who was blessed with an observing lit tle brother. One day the lady's ad mirer was visiting her when the lit tle chap broke into their presence and, mounting the dashing young man's knee, said, "Haven't you got a fine room ?" "Oh, yes,' replied the dashing young fellow, his vanity evidently touched by the remark ''yes, a very fine room." "1 thought so," said the young hopeful musingly. "But what made vou think so?" asked the young man. "Because." was the crushing re ply, "Sister Maggie said she liked your room better than your com pany." - Singing Kettles. The Japanese manufacture in a gTeat variety of forms iron teaket tles which break into song when the water boils. The song may not be a perfect melody, but jt is per haps as'agreeable as the notes dto- duced by some of the insects that ' tne Japanese also treasure for their music.: The harmonious sounds of the 1 teakettles : are produced by steam 'I bubbles escaping from be neath thin ?heets of iron fastened closely together nearly at the hot-; torn. . To get the best effects some skill is -required -in regulating the fire. The character of the sounds varies with the form of the kettle. These singing kettles : h used for many centuries. Harper's NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the superior court of Henderson county, made in the special pro-' ceedings entitled B. Jackson, Ad ministrator of'J. H. Tinlev, deceas ed, vs. Mrs. Mary Tinley, French Freeman, Lula Solomons et al , the same being No. 314 upon the special proceeding dock of said court, the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday, the 18th day of July, 1910 at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door in Hendersonville, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to. the highest and best bidder for cash in hand that certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying and be ing in the county of Henderson, Hendersonville township, North Carolina, and more particularly de scribed as follows, viz: Beginning at a stake on the Edneyville road and runs north 23 deg. west 36 poles to a stake; thenco north 64 deg east 18 poles to a stake in P. E Braswell's line; thence with his line south 23 deg east 36 poles to a stake on the Edneyville road; thence with said road south 65 deg west 18 poles to the beginning, con taining 4 acres more or less, and fully described in a deed from T. J. Rickman, commissioner, to W. E. Shipman, recorded in deed book 28 at pages 44 and 45, of the re cords of deeds for Henderson county This 15th day of June, 1910. B. Jackson, Commissioner. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Four regular Courses leading to Degrees, Special Courses for i eacners. r au fcession begins September 14, 1910. Those desiring to enter should apply as early as possible. For catalogue and other information address JULIUS I. FOUST, President, Greensboro, N. C. - You can always get the Best Gcods for the Least Money at the arolina Vehicle Y, i nmnotiir Syndicate Building, Main Street I Ompdliy Hendersonville, N. C. f Studebaker Vehicles and Harness "None Better" Fill ImI jut The SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST offers more and better premiums to club raisers than any southern paper. This year we are giving away a lot of new and valuable presents some things you never saw before. Anybody can get up a clup for the SOUTHERN AGRICULTRIST, because it is the best paper published for southern farm res and the price is very reasonable. Write for free sample copy containing at tractive premium offers. I. Southern Agriculturist NASHVILLE TENNESSEE 0 Hi (LI.THE COUGH AMPCURETHSLOrZggl ran m .v ypwun M AUTKRQATAL1!) Lu::r. tpmipi k nes. Harper's I . "twut,tM' - C(APANTTD SATSFACrORV The Old Reliable s Store THE STORE WHERE YOU GET QUALITY AND , FAIR PRICES FEW BROS. AND CO. Successors to M. T. JUSTUS . , 'Main St.