. ' -' - frtlT 1 y '"'V'-1 Sss4SL5T-SSSSst-- 7. rflTi -CpfKYCYrrf&fr? Headquarters for . : . UZT J - ' HENDERSONVILLE, "N. C.f FRIDAY AUGUST 5 1910. . No. 17 s xxy l - - - - : . - . ; zir . - , - m m v m ' . ... . - - - - ' i . 4 (nibfe Mm j Store EofweilljIdM Formal Ooeniri was Robbed July 30. The Bun- nty republican conven Cere today, was largely pthusiastic and harmo- j perfect order which pre a refreshing contrast to I proceedings of a demo ;ention held in the same few weeks ago. t Was made permanent 'and presided with his ty. The ticket nomina Jvery strong one. There that a good day's work jpublican cause was ac 1 today. tw.. Wakefield, a well d very popular railroad nominated for state sen Uoenine uesaav was Enjoyable Qccasion Friday and Saturday. August . 5 and 6, there will be a sacrifice sale of some valuable lots at Hyman The formal opening of Wayside Inn, the new family hotel on Butte mountain at East Flat Rock, was held Tuesday night, August 2, with banquet and a dance. There was a large and representative attendance from Hendersonville and Flat Rock and other points. The evening Was greatly enjoyed by all who were present. The prize for barn dancing was awarded to Miss oi some vaiuauie iuus : ai . xiyuiau T .... XT. . j -AEl , titjuaaw "' tt.... Cr.u .Jii Lillian Hmht and Alex WiUson. , neignis. uu our mm iagc vyiii- uc , ; - ."r r . found an exceedingly interesting an- . . Throughout the day a. number of visitors from various nouncement with reference to this points came to inspect the hotel . and its beautiful sur- sale and the special inducements roundings and .they "were' yetyayprably; impressed with offered. Further particulars may te an that they saw. The hotel is inodern and up-to-date in obtained from W. A. Garland, G. C aU respect and will meet a want which has long been felt TutU W. It Gaffney .ordm Graham , . tna6mmunity. The lOcatiSnis ataiirahly chosehas The property is very advantageously A." 1 au- .7. :, . v .&wj&t . - . . , . f. : ;f 5c oqo hr Qfppooih p and commands a view of extraor- ;ilUi" , " located, ana any one wno is tnmKing pi- yj " 7 Vfw&'KZf rMvy vvfa;c'' , of investing in desirable real estate, dinary beauty and attractiveness. Tuesday night some persons or persons unknown broke into the Hawkins jewelry store on Main street and stole "six diamond rings, some watches and other property, the aggregate loss being more than S1.000. No clue to the thieves has yet been found. beveral months ago the same store -and several others on' Main street were robbed; but perpetrators of thatjset of crimes were discovered and arrested and a large part of the t.olen property was recovered. Syery effort will be made to locate the last gang of culprits. 4rlmen,V'were nominated JslaX&re; John A Nichols, 5man of high reputation, iated for clerk of the su irt; C. A Rice for register Clyde Reed for tax collec 3arrett for auditor; Frank y- for sheriff. 'publican in Buncombe is jo wing. . , will do well to attend the sale. Anions the guests Tuesday night ' were a party frdm Hehdersonville chaperoned by 'Mrs. Lila Ripley BarnWell. - . ' r ' . WEATHER REPORT t: lisle Dead rork, Aug. l;T-JohnG. Carl was secretary of the treas leveland's second admimic died last night. Hejj had c-f a --. B a B a B a B. a to ts ZD CD 3 g 2. -"2. ts Wednesday afternoon a little : smoke was discovered from a burning' brush pile on th mountain, and some sen sational person started the report that the hotel was on eg fire. We are glad to say 'that ,he report was absolutely without toundation: - 4 5 M .Iiilv 27 82 63 72 75 1 v W dr , - 0.28 r w pc w v clr 0.43 w pc 31 84 61 72 - 75 w lcr Aue. I 83 57 70 75 0 20 sw pc 2 85 66 76 70 0. 70 sw cdy 27 28 29 3Q 82 63 - 72 75 80 62 71 ,73 86 ,. 6a 73 73 85 67 76 80 Max . 86 JMIn :. . 57 Mean Max. 84 Mean Min f 2 Ir;c'p'n; I.l Statue rl). 4. ' - -r5 Beverly, July .31. I'residen&Taft has approved without comnient;an WurumfU'OjmimmimiifumBWum opinion by Attorney GeherWiclr- ersnam to tne euect uiat xuere is no THE BANK s ACCOUNT Is the first step 'towards success and fortuce. Protect your family in emerger.cies. vTEducates'. your, children. ! Makes you independent. Gives you a standing in the community. IV' In you do not not have a BANK account, let us '' :-. suggest that you start one with us at once. -v?- J Either a checking or : savings 'account will be help fultoyou. .. provision of th$ lay' by which the Ifi" V1. . .. uisequal battle, was not sufficient to oyecome the complication of dis eases, am oii which was. pneumonia 1 : 4 . TION ."..A Gonventfori "of the Republicans -pf . Heiidersbn County is hereby calledsfa meet in the Court House E statue Of General, Robert E.Lee, in in the town of. Hendersonville, at Confederate uniform can be removed 11 o'clock in the -forenoon, Satnr- from Statuary' tl all in tne Uapitoi . uuy, Augusi iytw. iUl at Washington. " : - t , Asleep bcal Items plain when the temperature oes as highas86. The ladies of Fruitland will give a box supper and sell some delicious cakes Friday night, August 5, for the benefit of the new Methodist church. Everybody is cordialy in vited ; girls, bring boxes ; boys, come and btrythem, the church is badly, in need of help. Kate Goodwin, daughter of Jake Goodwin, died Thursday morning atT; her home near Flat Rock, aged eigh-v teen years. The funeral will 'take place Friday at the hurying ground of the Society of Necessity, a well known organizaien of the colored people at Flat Rock. . M. M. Shepherd, tjbe enterprising merchant who keeps r up with the timesand acjvertisesin The Times has a heat and attractive little ad vertisement in this week's - , paper. It will pay our readers to read what he savs and act accordinjily. He has been selling shoes for about a quarter of a century and he tan give mighty good values. , ! "Flat Rock, a Sketch 6f the PasC is the title of a booklet ' which' was G. W. Conner from Bearwallow j nrst published two or three years ago ana wnicn is now uu saie av &co Art Gallery. The booklet- hasatv tracted wide-spread attention asi it ; deals with an interesting subject a another meeting Saturday, August lis written by one who has exptinn-' .Was in town this week attending the good roads meeting. At the- good roads meetmg held this week it was decided to hold c. 'F. E. Durfee, President E. W. Ewbank, V. President C. E. Brooks, Cashier . CLEARANCE SALE OF SUMMER GOODS V$150 wash Skirtsfull width -at 88c '$2.00 Wash Skjfts, neatly trimmed selling now for 98c ,- $4.00 Wash Suits in-all the leading colors selling now for $2.89 White Shirtwaist goods and figured Lawns 4dc whishirtwaist goods in different patterns selling now at- 7F (415c white Batiste,-suitable for dresses selling now at 10c Full line of dress goods, suitable for skirts, such as Panamas, Mo . hairs, Serges etci selling now at greatly reduced prices; "Ve will sell; all our Millinery at about ene half-price. This is' ' I . Here are aiw extra specials for Saturday.and Mdnday. t 10 vds Calico '39c - ' - 10 vds fidnrfid TaWi :29f v 10 yds Camton Flannel 39c " v " . y "lO ys Apron5inem Beverly, ' Mass., Aug. 2 --New York state politics brought Vice President Sherman and William T. Ward, republican national comrnit ternan for that state, to Beverly late yesterday, and they were in confer ence with the president for an hour cr more. The visit had to do al most wholly with the situation in New York. General politics was was also discus and the president enjoyed his visitors.' y'rt) As to the mfluence ' of Xnel Theodore Roosevelt. in 'New York, there is every reason to believe that etflfA Ipnders fullv reconeize its potency. This phase entered into ; CleatCreekTownship yesterday's conference at Burgess Point and President Taft was told that it was the hope of New York politicians that a candidate might be seclected upon which all factions cari unite: - ".The." vice president and Mr. AYard been no crystalization of sentimet in favor of any one man as yet.The stjite convention is not to pe neia until " the" later part of September, and the leaderMe) there is plenty r - , . . . , of time to work out the situation. 1(T E. Lewis pose of nominating a candidate to represent the county in the nex General Assembly of . North Caro lina, and the candidates for the various comity, offices, to-wit: Clerk of the, Superior Court, -Register o Peeds, Sheriff, Coroner, Surveyor and three county commissioners, and -for transacting such other business as mav properly come be- .for the convention, me commit tees of the various townships and voting precincts of said county are resnecttullv requested to call a meeting of the Republicans of their said" townships or voimg precincts on Saturday August iy, at z o cJocr T). m..' for the - T)unose oi eJectin delegates to the county convention, and selecting: " township or yotins precinct committees to serve for thti ensuing two years v, The number of delegates to which the various townships or voting pre cincts will be entitled to is as fol lows: Bat Cave Precinct 3Delegates Blue Ridsre Township, 10 Bowman's Bluff Precirict 3 2 Crab Creek Precinct 4 Kdney ville Precinct 4 Etowah Precinct - 2 E. Hendersonville Prect. 6 Flat Rock Precinct 3 Green River Precinct 5 Hooper's Creek Township 6 Horse Shoe Precinct 2 Mills River frecinct 4 Raven Rock Precinct 3 W: Henderson ville Prect S We earnestly reauest the republi cans to attend the meeting to be held in their townships or voting nrecincts.and send good-men to me q county convention to nominate the In candidates and transact tne ousiness of the convention. Done by order of the Republican Executiye Cam- mittee of paid county. .-This Jul v 28th. liilU. . - R. H; Staton , Ohmln. Bep.- Ex. Com. Henderson " ,Uounty; . - . J. D. Davis, Sec ' - Rep- Ex. Com. Henderson .County. 13, for the purpose of effecting an organization. ' , Hillside Park, on the west side, is being opened up as a South Caroli na colony." A number of lots have already been sold to prospective colonists. The concert Tuesday night at the -WheeWWlhT an Catholic church was a great suc cess. The net profits amounted to about 4 100. . 3 v; . Washington, D: C.lk experiencing what the ost calls "a refreshing cool wave." . For one whole day the thermometer did not rise' above 96. Here in' Hendersonville we corn- ally good opportunities for collecting information. JUST PRINTED On good Bond Paper , Warranty Deeds Approved torjrn - Times Office MATER'S Ml.lfilftllS S'o pA: M AXfii ho lXv At te'for?Stbrdard Eashloris . ) W determine, fight, Wthe ii ii il tl a t a n u ( k 4( ( Our big Soda Season is now on us and we are well prepared to take care of the great crowds who want GO O D SOD A, Our magnificent Iceless fountain is serving many fine tempting drinks to our many patrons. WE INVITE YOU TO MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS H UNTER'S TP Near P0ST0FFICE '"When lowly pecpU risein; the world tbey ire'apt to feel uppish; Pays $5.00 for Largest Grown in Henderson . County in l910-Decided -by wei2ht--tci be weighed Jon scales selected by- q him. " . ' 1. . V . W. H. IiistiiJiij WATERMELON i 2C 3 '.I. - I I l .:.. l v s 1 " , - . .1 .- 1. r-. ?1 ... v-ADv t "... v'-f 1 1 ' J 't .'